The Result of Being Reincarnated is Having a Master-Servant Relationship with the Yandere Love Interest

The Result of Being Reincarnated is Having a Master-Servant Relationship with the Yandere Love Interest

Girl dies and get isekai'd in a yandere otome game as a villainess and is currently grooming one of the capture targets aka her servant to not kill her in the future

Ch 2.1

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taberu dake de level up damegami to issho ni isekai musou chapter 3 is also out.

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>All these otome game isekai now

It was time to end isekai a long time ago

>eating the enemies lets you steal their skills
this has been done to death

Bertia-sama's story has finally ended

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i'm a bit worried about her son becoming a yandare for the poor girl

and why is he wearing high thighs

Bertia a cute! CUTE!

Also dem drills

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>from wanting to fuck his mom to wanting to fuck his imouto

I see no problem with that

>and why is he wearing high thighs
Why aren't you?

>I see no problem with that
problem is he is not going for oyakodon

>Bertia gets a happy ending while Bakarina fucking dies

How is this even fair?

New Villainess and the Prince of the Neighboring Country.

Is it even possible to get through this chapter without blushing along with Tiara?

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Bertia actually put some effort into developing the story as to not deviate from the script, that all failed but that's not the issue

Bakarina while putting no effort at all derailed the plot in such a way that shitty author was unable to cut it when it should and kept writing

but i was getting a raging boner from akari being denied her harem ending

I doubt you will be saying that once the NTR attempts starts piling up

>Finne's mom is just as much of a meathead as her daughter

Based old man does it again

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Generic otome rapey male love interest #365274

What kind of otome love interest does Yea Forums even like.

Usually when the series is told from the guy's perspective it comes off as less rapey

>choosing between a loli waifu or an onee-san waifu

Why not both?

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Okay nevermind

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i'm looking forward to this

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Would they work if they weren't MCs though?
Such as?

To the user from the purged thread who asked if TNE was good or just a meme:
At one point of time it was kinda decent, now it's below average since the author is in a huge slump. I personally stopped giving a shit about all characters except one a few dozens chapters ago and just follow the story because I want to know what happens to her.

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Ryu got isekai'd?

just admit you just want to see poor Sahyuk being bullied

Quite the contrary. I want to see her find her own place in this world and live happily. [spoiler[The bullying is just a delicious side dish.[/spoiler] Not quite impossible since she's getting teased now just like Bathory from The Monster Who Levels Up.

god I love otomeshit

Also I need to just use ctrl+s already

The love interest in Orphan Queen isn't rapey, he is just a boring Gary Stu.

Liselotte is going to adopt Finnemama as well, I can feel it.

Only you can write more homebrew!

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>Hot Glue the anime
>Isekai arc

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Cute Maryjun

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Forever stuck in writers block.

>I Swear I Won't Bother You Ever Again
>Wants to fuck off and become a nun
>Unable to fuck off because she becomes Heroine's BFF

>Albert Kei
>Wants to fuck off and open a shop in a Northern Country
>Unable to fuck off because she becomes Heroine's BFF

Shit it's meant for

>people want her to die for being stupid
Why are novel readers so bloodthirsty

No idea. Maryjun is for headpats and onee-sama befriending.

Chinkshit readers I guess?

Cultivation garbage addles peoples brains.

What do you guys think of service girl?

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Well I agree with what you say. I'm don't look forward to reading it as much these days due to the story's obvious drop in quality. The difference is I only read it to see how Boss and Evandel will end up.

iris is also a shitty weak damsel in distress now
bad character why can't she just steamroll through everything

that's them wuxia addled niggas, menace.

I think the root of all problem with the story right now (according to spoilers up to 310) is forced non-drama. Author has a lot of chances to improve characters, advance relationships, start and finish conflicts, throw an emotional piece here and there but he just keeps ignoring all of them. He just writes about X and Y stuff happening.

This is stupid. The king was right there when the prince was making a fool of himself so why didn't the king say anything?

In other words, the author is literally Hajin and he will soon be isekai'd once I contact him and ask to be his co-author.

I mean the king was dumbfounded until the prince stepped in and after that the heroine got dragged away by guards for causing an even worse political incident. The banishment was never gonna happen.

dat ass

>getting ass juice spray all over your party
gwen are you ok?

t'is a blessing

Having read ahead of the novel, Maryjun's problem is that she's ignorant to a retarded degree, she doesn't really pay attention to what's going on around her. And her father and mother coddled her. This comes to a head when we find out that
[Spoiler] the prince was only interested in her because he thought that she was a victim but the prince's brother in this timeline tells off the prince for standing up for Maryjun. Pointing out that if he keeps standing up for them she'll never learn how to fit in. The prince also finds out about Violet's home situation so he truly loses all interest in Maryjun and instead focuses on Violet who the prince realizes is having a shitty time. By not lashing out at Maryjun, Violet ironically makes it so that Maryjun isn't being accepted by the other nobles. Because Maryjun is naturally ignorant.

How do I write people talking to each other?
Do I do a nattartor style were he explains everything while having characters talk in between or have the mc be the narrator himself like he's talking to himself throughout the entire novel.

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Having read ahead of the novel, Maryjun's problem is that she's ignorant to a retarded degree, she doesn't really pay attention to what's going on around her. And her father and mother coddled her. This comes to a head when we find out that

[Spoiler] the prince was only interested in her because he thought that she was a victim but the prince's brother in this timeline tells off the prince for standing up for Maryjun. Pointing out that if he keeps standing up for them she'll never learn how to fit in. The prince also finds out about Violet's home situation so he truly loses all interest in Maryjun and instead focuses on Violet who the prince realizes is having a shitty time. By not lashing out at Maryjun, Violet ironically makes it so that Maryjun isn't being accepted by the other nobles. Because Maryjun is naturally ignorant. Violet doesn't notice people's lack of interest in Maryjun[/spoiler]

Any details on Maryjun's mother and how she interacts with Violette? There's like...absolutely no detail about her.

you might as well give up

literally just use ctrl+s.

You're telling me that there's a conversation that long and all the while, the king was too shocked to react until a foreign power intervened? No wonder the prince turned out to be a stupid ass. His dad's mind blanks out whenever his son does something stupid.

ctrl s my dyde

>men write isekais about action, adventure, country building, world saving
>women write isekais about otome games
Why is it like this?

My isekai is a otome.

And you're a woman/faggot, so what?

I'm a man, there are no women in the internet newfag.

>women write isekais about otome games
>men write isekais about rpg adventures
I wonder why.

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You realize I said you're either a woman or a faggot, right?

How many (good) RPGs let you build and manage a town/city?

Nope it seems like she's just uber focused on her happiness with her stolen husband and their bastard child it's part of the reason why people hate Maryjun. The situation is obviously bad one and Maryjun's mother is a concubine, and Violet is just one year older. Common sense should have made her question the situation a long time ago.

Not many, they usually break the in game economy and are tacked on
why do you ask?

How many (good) isekai novels have that?

What kind of otome are you reading today?

Fluffy nonsense? Sleep inducing politics? Forced drama?

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Hey, gotta keep the franchise alive.

So does Yulan really turn out to be another shitty rapey yandere character?

Make a roll game from that list

Someone post the chink chad man vs isekai virgin pic please.

Not normally a slavefag, but had a simple idea I wanted to play with.
>MC reincarnated as a slave in the demon continent
>only cheat is immune to curses (or magic in general?)
>gets picked up by qt gorgan because he can actually look her in the eye without getting petrified
Not sure where else this can go beyond fluff and slice-of-life.

Because it's a relatively common theme in power fantasy isekai.

At least 2.

It's on the house user.

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Just checked Syltina from the new row.
>Status in COO
>63 Chapters (Complete)
>09/07/18 Asian Hobbyist c20
Looks like it's another one we won't read.

Amelia translation just started too, only 1 chapter from last week.

wait Bakarina dies?

what happens?

They deployed a neutronium golem to take her out user, in a desperate fight that lasted 3 days and 3 nights, she finally collapsed.

>Tiararose the Dote

More like Tiararose The NTR Bait


Died for being too stupid

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She looks so smart and elegant when she's not awake

>Girl's name is Cecil
>Guy's name is Ashley

The only otome I read today was about a girl who turned into a kaiju.

Nope, he does tell the prince that he'll basically kill him if his actions cause Violet any grief but he's not rapey or possessive. He even lets his buddies flirt with Violet. He wants Violet to feel genuinely wanted and loved. He really does love her. His yandere side just comes in whenever he thinks about his brother being interested in Violet or there's a chance someone might take her away.

Violet doesn't know that Yulan is a yandere or that he loves her. In fact she may actually love him back. Though I feel that Maryjun and her stupid father is going to get the brunt of Yulan's wrath soon.

>why is he wearing high thighs
He's a programmer

Is it really NTR bait when the girls that try it get BTFO'd so completely?

Oh I remembered that thread. Too bad it's not otome isekai and it's licensed

Godzilla isekai when?

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Someone translated chapter 3 today user.

>user's not wearing thigh highs

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Not sure if they will continue translating or drop out like a bunch of pussies

I still think that the best end would be Violet running away somewhere else with her maid Marin and just living a carefree life or going with her to a convent like the manga said.

I wish it was that easy. Writing alone drains fuel fast. Especially for longer stories.

Oh thank god you're back Minotaurposter. I'll get back to writing my thing on RR so I can post it in the thread but I'm a bit busy running something on /qst/ at the moment.

If you're not asleep yet, what are you reading now, anonymous? Also, are you listening to anything?

Novel Violet wants to run away to a nunnery as well, but its just that she's not in her same timeline and the the one that she cam from is changing due to her actions or lack thereof. If she tries to run then her father will ironically be under a lot of pressure, since the people around her will take it as a cry for help

are you trying to trick me into blogposting?

MGR:R ost


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Nah, just literally what it says. I'm clearing my non-isekai backlog (currently Asimov) while listening to idolshit.

Code Breaker
Caligula Effect Overdose ost

>get isekai'd
>wears slutty outfit soon after

Is she expecting to get raped?

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what series?

not enough belts

Isaac is pretty good.
I'm glad that i still checked it out despite cringy description.

Well, yeah. She completely changed everything and turned herself into a real tragic heroine.

More like an Ilya wannabe imo

Don't they have something original other than copy pasting that premise? Aside of changing the characters design?

weird long limbs

i'd lost almost all interest in jp novels, so now i mostly read otome manga
and a lot of RR novels
don't judge me

>RR novels
Which ones?

i'm trying to read OPM vol 16, but my internet is slow and it's taking forever to DL. Might just go to bed.

Dude there's a comfy isekai about a dude reincarnated as a fucking dispenser, go ahead I believe In you

Tell that to clamp tho

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here's my fav list

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>the best worst isekai is back from hiatus
They were all cuter as goblins.

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You do know why she became vampire right? I'll call you low iq if you don't know this.

I'll call you a low iq for reading that shit in the first place.

based and isekaipilled

Hello low iq, the cuck series are that way >

>Goblins are an evolutionary step to being a vampire.
user pls. It doesn't even make sense.

>Gods did it/Gods set it up that way
How to explain anything in Re:Monster. His gun toting daughter is fucking hilarious though.


Hack author loves deus-ex-machina so much, he writes everything around it.

When will some h-isekai be serialized? At least pochi got her h-stuff serialized.

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Hobgoblins were the best appearances.

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Now this is interesting and not something I was expecting for GATE when the relevant chapter has been completed awhile ago. I think it's meant to be Hardy possessing Lelei.

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The older gentle type is coming into vogue, lately.
The bratty, asshole rapist honestly doesn't appear that often as a main love interest in otome isekai to be honest. It's more of a shoujo thing.

I want Shedy to drain me dry.

We finally found out what the 'spear' is used for

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Give the girl a break, she spent her whole life bedridden with only her imagination keeping her company, now that she's finally free she's living out her fantasies, like dressing as a slut and engaging in imoutoplay with a stranger.

I want to be Shedy's pet.

>Notice: There are no chapters in your selected language(s).
Fuck you

>This desolate beast wolf had been violently subdued by him through flicking its penis.
Oh right, Fang Yuan did do that.

>The older gentle type is coming into vogue, lately.
I can think of few rapey ones (as Yea Forums defines them), but none of such come to mind.

At least those types will have fun when Shedy fucking murders them.

>NTR attempts
Can you elaborate?

She deserves to be in a better manga/LN, and where she can get the spear she needs too.

Oh man,another one.

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It's only fun when the girl yandere for you.

Yeah, I can't take him seriously.

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I would have been more interested if the girl was pegged.

So the FeMC get isekai'd as a poorfag commoner (?) girl living a poorfag life and she dreams that in the future she gets fucked by an rapey af dude and have a baby together?

goddamn this has a trippy ending

Unless she was raised by the dude.

>Royal Cinderella Mama

Pretty sure she'll get fucked and have his kid

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Anyone read the one where a woman gets isekai'd and immediately raped by the ML? He apologizes after so its totally cool though. It's actually not hentai believe it or not.

I thought that was consensual.

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Yeah, after he finished and apologized she actually saw how hot he was and said "this is fine".

Mizukami Sakura, 20 years old. This time, I ended up having a trip to the another world! But, my trip destination was on top of a bed while I was dressed with only a bath towel wrapped around me, and I ended up being “eaten” by the owner of that room, Captain Grace-san. Well, I’ll forgive him since he’s an ikemen who’s completely my type. Rather, how about doing it one more time?
Sounds interesting.

She was fine with it before he really started.

Well he's hot so it's okay.

You sure about that?

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Think so.

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>Girl was saved before she gets raped

Disappointed. I was expecting this to be about 'My Wife's Child' The Otome Isekai Manga

>nation not in war and have been in peace for a very long time
>somehow someone stupid enough to form a bandit group operating very near the town
>not only stealing and mugging people, they also do killing and raping
how am I supposed to believe this kind of stupid setting?

She said yes because of the implication though. Anyway they went full CN novel with it.

Welp wrong quote

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>It may be good to be swept away like this
>he's my type~
Sorry, I can't see it as rape.

Slut, it's not rape because she literally was asking for it

Calm down Dennis.

>read feMC isekai
>MC literally can't stop meeting hunks and cute little boys
Fuck me
I just want another female character that isn't an over the top bad guy or NPC tier

There are plenty otome isekai where the villainess and heroine become bffs.

Murder bunny update.

did someone order introductory mobs?

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It's kinda amazing how the first thing people do once they see a lone attractive girl is try and get into her pants asap, they don't even bother hiding it really.

It's always satisfying to see 'evil' Heroines getting BTFO'd

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She's not really evil, if anything she's just retarded.

Read Liz from that otome pic

This is just the beginning.
The isekai fad is here to stay, and will probably last as much as the harem one did.

>women write isekais about otome games

you forgot that it's also about avoid dying prematurely again

Is Dead Man's Questions an isekai?

>a bunch of JRPG looking motherfuckers
>and a dude with a rucksack

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Those are the ones you worry about.

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That's a man who's prepared for any situation.

Shame basically all of these people get wiped out at some point, or was it just the A team that got fucked? Not sure.

A true hero and real human bean.

Going from the otome image (and only off what I remember

Series where the villainess and 'heroine' reconcile their differences:

Series where the villainess and heroine become friends:

Series where the villainess and the heroine seem like a little more than 'just friends', to some extent or another:

I might be forgetting some

Some more friends:
Reika, Lycoris, Liz, Lilia
And more than friends:

Eliza was simply too handsome.

Anyone ever read this? Is it good? Otome thread never seem to discuss Cross Infinite World release.

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Bertia's kids is pretty fluffy.

Man, never realise Bertia's bertia is pretty big.

Manly girl.

Doesn't look like it has any rips.

what's this?


Does Rachel ever convince Margaret to be her personal punching bag?

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would do the same

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And generally the problem with their novels (aside from Yea Forums hardly talking about non-villainesses shoujo novels in general) is they all only have 1-2 volumes coupled with glacial release pace.

>Series where the villainess and 'heroine' reconcile their differences:
That’s a shame. I just started reading the manga and I loved seeing the heroine get BTFO’d

There's still more BTFO to come. Later she becomes a good wingman though.

Heroine did get BTFO'd
And the Heroine for the sequel game also got BTFO'd even though she's friendly and not antagonistic

#1000 is back and the instructor is bailing.

Based. Also what are the NTR attempts everyone is talking about?
>sequel heroine is friendly and not antagonistic
I hope she gets a handsome guy of her own.

The whole second arc you're left wondering whether the second heroine is in love with the prince and if she'll try stealing him.

She eventually realizes she does during their wedding, only to be stopped from doing anything by Akari.

OG Heroine attacked Tiararose to get Aquasteed

Forest Fairy King finds Tiararose interesting and kidnapped her at some point

second heroine realized her loved for Aquasteed during Tiararose and Aquasteed but was stopped before she can ruin the wedding

Sea Fairy Queen tried to drug Aquasteed to make him fall in love with the second heroine because the Sea Fairy Queen hates Tiararose

Even after these attempts were thwarted, Tairarose still can't catch a break because she lost her memory

That’s very nice of Akari. Also I’m glad Tia and Aquasteed get officially married.
>Fairy kings/queens
Jesus christ. I was expecting pathetic attempts from Akari when people were talking about NTR, not characters that are introduced for the sake of “NTR” drama. I don’t think this is what I signed up for but it sounds hilarious and I’ll still continue to read it.

This just sounds like a full blown drama now like the Mexican and Korean ones.

Sounds like your standard Titania and Oberon shit to me except this time they're not pedos.

When do you realize "it" was impossible?

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I was born with that knowledge.

What the fuck? Is Aquasteed an isekai MC or something? Everyone's trying to get his dick.

Aquasteed was an extremely popular NPC in the first game that the second game was made with him being the capture target and the game sold like hotcakes so girls lusting for his dick is justified

Good. Fuck her father, I hope that spineless little shit suffer.

>Series where the villainess and the heroine seem like a little more than 'just friends', to some extent or another:
Wow, really now.

What, it's normal for friends to confess their love to each other, raise children together and fight for the right to get married.

>That hair
Oh no no no

Are there homo/yuri isekai?

Is that from LN illustrations? Any sauce?
Still waiting for manga end.

I rather KOF isekai.

>And more than friends:
Is it from raws? Emilia doesn't seem to be Stockholmed yet.

Wow is the writer mexican?

There ain't no raw bro. The author's motivation is probably rock bottom. And you really don't see Emilia getting interested with Eliza? She's lucky Eliza doesn't pat her head, otherwise she'll be drenched 24/7.

Yes they are from LN

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Do you have the character sheet for volume 2?

>No illustration of adult kuro

Such a shame

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Kuro is so fucking small holy shit

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Did Bertia's lady friends not get any illustrations in the novel?

Nope, other girls get no love

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Remaining pics @

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She was too retarded to realize everything had gone off the rails from the very start and never adjusted, she could have easily avoided what happened.

>making someone into traitor of a nation just from defending yourself of the crime you didn't commit
when will japan have this kind of great twist?

The King makes Rachel her "teacher" on how matters regarding nobility, territory management, ect at the very end when he blows the fuck out of Elliott. Needless to say, she is very very scared/unhappy while Rachel just laughs.

Oh god you're right, it's the cursed hairdo.

There are quite a few, yes.

Every genderbender is gay no matter who the protag ends up with, besides those you have stuff like Rei.


>Go to a restaurant with your harem of jade-like beauties to eat
>Suddenly, a wild young master appears!
>"Hey you, the most beautiful out of this flowerfield with skin fair enough to cause nations to fall! Come to my mansion so I can fuck you, as for the rest, you can have them, my followers!"
>Young master tries to grab main waifu but murder hobo protag interferes, young master gets irritated as fuck and shouts like a retard
>Onlookers gossip about "there is no way this weak-looking dude could possibly beat the young master, the match is already decided! No need to even look!"
>Murder hobo protag kills young master in one punch, all the onlookers go "HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!? He beat the young master! That can't possibly be! Who is that guy?"
>Old man, seemingly a beggar, but actually one of the strongest daoists in the world, who watches at the scene amused, scoffs at the now dead young master
>"He had eyes but couldn't see mount Tai."
>Suddenly the voice of the young master's father, who is the Sectmaster of Sect X resounds through the entire city
>Murder hobo protag goes on to wipe out the entire Sect X because of "MUH by the roots!"
>As murder hobo is about to strike down the sect master, the sect master cries
>"Fool! Our X sect is just small fry in comparison to the sect we are subordinate to, which is the the Y sect, who are in turn subordinate to the Z clan! You'll never have a peaceful life again!"
>Murder hobo protag shrugs
>"Just more targets to KILL!"
>And so murder hobo protag finishes off the sectmaster and gets into conflict with Y sect (and later Z clan, becaue MUH progressive powerlevels)
t. 90% of chink cultivation novels

>No pregnant Kuro

you can wait for the manga, hopefully

Can you imagine?

Isn't that just a perspective issue? She can't be that small, can she?

Zeno doesn't have to

Which series?

No she is literally imagine tier.

And at what point does it ends?

Once the writer can't milk more money from their readers.

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MC bought his son a nice young slave boy to be his friend and to be someone he can dominate to prove his masculinity in front of other people.

That sounds gay

New chapter of My mom's a spirit is out. Fuck Alberto.

Make the boy secretly a reverse trap.

I remember this one being pretty unique for a chink otome thing because the protag was just a dead inside chick and not a super doctor soldier spy in her previous life like every other feMC seems to be in china.

So how much faith do people here put in Novel update scores? Are they an actually good indicator of quality or should they just be ignored?

Also What's the score of your fav isekai/otome

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Like zero, I just look at tags, read a chapter or two and decide for myself.

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If the spread makes sense and it has a score under 4, I'll typically pass unless the idea really appeals to me.

If there's a highly uneven distribution of high or low votes, I'll judge for myself.


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I completely ignore them. If you've read even one NU review you understand that people are retarded. And most are low because the TL is garbage. But I can read the raws so I'm an outlier in that regard.

I actually wish that NU had a way to rate translation quality, it would help a lot.

Jesus Christ, being forced to fuck a troll sure ages you rapidly.

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those little glasses look retarded

He's such a nice guy, all the suffering he gets going forward is pretty fucked up. He divorces pig girl, only to marry a woman who is even worse, the daughter ends up being played by pig girls daughter and develops a terrible personality(she actually learns and becomes second best girl though), the royal family fucks with him constantly for a time, its awful.

It's one of the flaws in that design for her current form.

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How can a woman be worse than satan's ham?

Remember it'd be the same retards who are writing reviews that'd be rating the translation.

She blew through money like pig girl, raised her daughter to be a little shit(pig's daughter twisted this and made it worse, and tried to have him assassinated. When people get married they make a vow that activates a curse if you are harboring unfaithful thoughts during the ceremony. She wants Rovel, which triggers the curse. He's then told by Origin she has to be removed from any workings of the family or the house will collapse. It gets pretty dark, especially when the curse on the royal family is explained in the next manga chapter.

All the things she does is after the ceremony, if it wasn't clear.

He better be raping the boipussy


At least Ellen will be there to heal my soul, god she's a treasure.

That she is.

Try this
>So if you meet something that endangers your lives, don’t care about your dad and I, just look after yourselves and live on well. This is what we would like to see most. Remember, you’re from Zhang family, and you are Chinese. We Chinese is one most honorable human race, and the reincarnation of the Heaven’s Dao.

This shit ain't isekai but man that fucking title, sometimes I wonder whetever people just bash their heads on a fucking thesaurus and use whatever comes out as the title of the vomit they're writing.

Knew it the moment I saw the title.

Well yeah, chink things have a certain pattern to their titles, it's pretty easy to spot them, I was just going through the latest novels tab on NU and saw that.

>A Chinese-style Cinderella story between an emperor and a girl!
>Language: Japanese
Oy, you're not supposed to cross the streams like that.

When they have successfully defied the heavens.

Does Elliot ever get to suffer? There's a lot of villainess stories where the """"heroine""" get to suffer, but rarely does the prince get fucked.

I'm looking at you Violeta and pic fucking related of course.

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What is that? Is that even chinese? I see Kadokawa on the cover.

Zero especially for new or unpopular shit. Them chinaman review bomb any new nip shit.

He gets his status as Crown Prince stripped from him and he gets cast off to a shit territory. The best part is when during the King btfo of him he's reminded of the trauma Rachel caused him and he breaks down and admits he'll never be able to best her in anything.

>Prince suddenly at risk of getting ntr'd by Finne
Uh oh

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Yeah I wonder why? Is it just because CN translator are awful at translating titles or is it because most nip shit title don't get translated?

That kind of shit is the best of both world really. See: Maomao, Kingdom, Yokoyama Mitsuteru.

Chink titles are weird to the point where they need proper localization to not sound weird to westerners.

What about the heroine?

Good fucking riddance. I hope we won't have to wait long.

Just join her harem nigga. Not that Finne seems to held any romantic thought toward the Soon d'Rey.

They seem to use very specific words. Like martial, peerless, CEO, poisonous, and plenty diminutives.

She is essentially stuck with the former Crown Prince, after Rachel is done "teaching" her though so she's essentially Rachel's toy until she gets bored of her.

It won't be too bad for her once Stockholm syndrome sets in

Stockholm syndrome can be great.

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>We Chinese is one most honorable human race

The gooks are worse when it comes to nationalistic fervor in their fiction.

You speak badly of glorious Chinese?! Kowtow to this daddy or I won't let you off easy.

The title also seem to be picking a fight with the reader, eg: "Who dare to...", over use of exclamation mark, and just seemingly broken English.

>reading genderbent narcisstic swordswoman that wants a chick with bigger jugs to overpower and admire her
>setting is pseudo historical Japan except there's youkai all over the damn place and samurai are fucking supermen
>there's still "you insult me, you insult my clan and you insult the clan that's backing my clan" nonsense
Doesn't matter what setting it is, the chinaman says you WILL kowtow to this daddy.

Athy soon

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>>there's still "you insult me, you insult my clan and you insult the clan that's backing my clan" nonsense
Ehh pretty sure this is a thing in medieval Japan too. At least from what I read in Shigurui. Its just that modern Japan are too westernised now.


Fallout 4 Hilariously.

>“Me? Lady Liselotte’s… Sister…?”

>Finne blushed as she looked up at Liselotte to ask that.

>Why does this feel like it might lead to a misunderstanding!?』

>I don’t think she’s talking about becoming sisters in that sense… Well, then again, there was a yuri route between these two, so who knows?』
>“Finne, this isn’t about Baldur, I want you to think about this for yourself… Or, the thought of becoming my sister… Do you really hate it that much?”

>“That’s not true at all! Lady Liselotte, you’re kind, beautiful, graceful, hard working and strong! And when you’re together with His Highness, sometimes you’re very tsun, but lately, the way you’ve been acting is really cute! It’s so cute I think it’s unfair! Um, to put it simply, I really love you!!”

>When Liselotte posed that final question with a sad look on her face, Finne desperately shook her head as she yelled that out.

>『What a dastardly ambush! As Finne pours praise on her, Liselotte is trembliiiiiiiiiiing!』

>『This might be a dangerous situation. If His Highness isn’t careful, Liselotte really might be stolen away.』

Niceeee. Real nice. How we'll get to see something sweet going between them.

Why do boys seem to get erased from CGDCT manga and anime and if there are any men at all it's usually men old enough to be the MCs dad so they can't even work as romance options

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i want to get isekai'd as a villainous duke's daughter and rape the heroine

I want to read an isekai where the heroine seduce the heroine (among other male love interest)

They aren't cute girls.

>They were all cuter as goblins.

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write it user
you know you want it

Well in Kuma's case she doesn't seem to have any bias against shotas but yet somehow not a single noble, merchant or notable family has a young son only daughters for her to make her little sisters. None of the orphan boys get to stand out like the orphan girls

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Why this hasn't been done yet, I'll never know.
>Reincarnated as the Villainess, I broke my desruction flags by breaking the Heroine into my pet/lover!

>La Goblina is canon.
Now where did El Goblino get off to?

Call me a fag, but I rather get seduced by the heroine than seducing her.

We know, Claire.

You are such a homo, Claire.

Last case of chapterposting from me. Turns out waking up at 3am to post the chapter then spending 30-60 min trying to go back to sleep and then waking up at 7am isn't that healthy. Feek free to take over.

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>invite man to love room
>he brings another woman
cuckoldry goes both ways

Also, things are getting slightly more interesting again.

>Tigris’s [Formless Tiger Punch] flew at me.
>But I didn’t need to avoid it. Jin Sahyuk’s Reality Manipulation neutralized the punch.
>“Snap out of it.” Jin Sahyuk muttered.

>girl gets isekai'd to become a mom of maou's 10 kids

'My Husband's Children' the manga?

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What's the deal here?

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Some groups have a delay, a period of time after translating that chapter where it's only available on their own website, and not yet available on mangadex.

what qualifications does she have to look after 10 kids

MD should have capped it at most a week. Fucking two week delay, are you kidding me?

She had a really loving mother, that's about it really

not going to be much use when some of those kids look older than her

I've got an interesting idea for how the main characters die to get isekai'd, but I've not got much of an idea of what it'd be about afterwards.

That doesn't seem to stop any other isekai.

Is it finally time for Hajin to get exposed?
Don't actually answer that, spoilerfags.

>*Jaws theme in background*

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Poor Prince realising that his biggest competition for Liselotte is also Liselotte's biggest competition for him.
They should just bang, it would be great.

I've got an idea of what I want the main character to be like, and I've figured out a few antagonists I'd like them to fight too, but have 0 clue what kind of world or plot I'd want it to have. The setting currently feels like it'd a knock off Academy City or Toy Dream 35.

>The food used in the experiments till now were all, “high quality meat”, “high class cuisine made by chiefs”, or “sweets made from sugar” and such food that some people don’t even get the chance to taste…
Why the fuck would a goddamned bugbear care about any of those things? Goddamit people. And you're wondering why your attempts at taming random monsters failed.