I wish awaki would molest me
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to molest Komoe.
>shes canonically shorter than Kuroko
I want Komoe to molest awaki while wearing boy clothes
Reminder that To~ma is a chad and preggo user is predicting the future
Could you shuffle it around so that it's no longer in alphabetic order? It's really autistic as is.
Ayu will return very soon.
>I wish awaki would molest me
>I wish I was a shota accepting awaki onee-san's offer for candy at her place
Now we talking
>I wish I was a shota accepting Awaki onee-san's & Shirai onee-san's offer for candy at their place
Patrician taste
>I wish I was a shota accepting busty highschool Awaki onee-san's & busty highschool Shirai onee-san's offer for candy at their place
I wish my boyfriend Kakine could molest me more often
How does a volleyball molest a person?
>preggo user is predicting the future
Yeah, I cant believe Touma was pregnant with Fish Eggs all along
I wish I could have sex on the beach with oriana while misaka imouto watches
Sorry, but that Misaka has already impregnated Oriana, they took the example from the original molesting another busty blonde, the water gun being up is symbolism for her penis
God I love bandages
post Frenda
I want to taste Touma's salty eggs
do we ever see the boy?
she should use the water gun to fill her up with so much water that it looks like she's pregnant then
When is the stream you fucks? What was the news? Was it the game????
I haven't heard anything about a stream. But it's only 9 AM in Japan so I would assume any news wouldnt need to be immediately.
>He got rused into thinking any news was coming
There was supposed to be some really important Toaru Project news after the anime supposedly this April. No one has been talking about it, no countdowns have been done, this entire thing is just entirely obscure.
Oh that, no that was never said to be in April. I assumed you were talking about the anniversary.
where are the leaks raildexbros?
Railgun and Astral Buddy soon, right?
For the millionth time, the announcement was already the soft confirmation that Index NT is on the table as long as Railgun and Accel dont bomb, which they wont.
>the announcement was
Miki never prefaced that statement as if it was an announcement. It was an offhand comment.
Probably because of the poor reception with Season 3.
Seconded. Its not really juicy like Miki was describing it.
Yeah normally announcements aren't prompted by people just answering questions fielded to them by the crowd.
Season 3 was met with poor reception out of disappointment. Not with the source though, but with production and the people behind it. Nishikiori should never direct an action series after this though
Huh, is Biribiri a southpaw?
I never noticed.
Downplayed because Season 3 was subpar. The fact is, literally nothing else fits the criteria.
>Raildex related
>something that would surprise hardcore fans
What else could it possibly be? AB is too early, Accel was already announced. Theres nothing else.
>nothing else fits the criteria
So the immediate assumption is to jump on any random statement and go "This is it! This is the announcement!" when Miki was literally just answering a question someone in the crowd asked?
>What else could it be?
It could, you know, not have been announced yet? All he EVER said was "after Index 3", he never said "exactly one week, two weeks, etc, after Index 3"
Or maybe she isn't and just doesn't know how to hold swords.
If anything, I would read Miki's comment as less of a "this is my big announcement" and more as a "I'm putting off the announcement until Railgun and Accel now too" than anything.
But it literally cant be anything else. Go ahead, try to think of something that fits. You cant.
Nope. She's right handed.
>sword in right
>railgun is right
>railgun is right
Only reason she's left in that picture is because she's justing the sword and intends to use railgun too. OFC you should save your best weapon for your dominant hand.
But there are a number of instances where Mikoto uses both so I think she's ambidex or at least able to fire with either hand.
The announcement can't be anything but "we will think of NT after these other two anime"???? Really? Is that what you're going with?
Name an alternative. It got downplayed because the anime was received poorly. The actual full announcement will probably be after Accel and Railgun does well.
>Name an alternative.
An actual announcement? Mate, this isn't fucking hard.
I mean, he has a point. Miki probably just put it off till after Railgun since announcing another season of Index right after the shitshow of season 3 wouldnt have done any favors
Sorry she only molests boys under the age of 11.
An announcement of WHAT? What fits the criteria? What could he possibly be referring to that would remotely surprise hardcore Indexfags?
>card game
already announced
>AB anime
too early
There is literally nothing else it could be.
Miki putting it off isn't the same as "this IS the announcement"
Raildex Eroge VN
Literally anything. Like, quite literally anything. "We're thinking about it" is NOT an announcement. And is not "shocking" anyone. Literally even just a proper fucking announcement of NT, of a spinoff, of literally anything at all would be more fitting than;
>Hey Miki when is NT coming?
>Pls support the series
In terms of what counts as an announcement
Trips confirm
Eroge VN 1 girls: Misaka, Index, Kanzaki, Himegami, Hyouka, and Komoe. Hidden route: Innocentius
not a single appealing route, sasuga
>no blondes
No thank you.
Hidden route is aogami
Hidden route would be Kuroko for the fabled kamikuro end
>can't even touch her with your right hand
Unless we're not playing as Touma, then I'll have to question
>hitting on a girl that literally lives on the house of a dude your age
Kuroko will get her route in the second VN, along with Fukiyose, Orsola, Vento, and Agnese.
>lusting after this abomination
I knew sciencefags were degenerates but being attracted to this Frankenstein's monster takes it to a whole new level
t. homosexual
Looks too fat
Dumb haircut
Completely hollow, she probably has no vagene
Could she fuck up Kakine?
Rereading NT12 because why not, and it really feels like some people downplay how bad the concept of Magic Gods fucks with Touma's head. He was damn near useless the first half of the volume but the second he learns that Saint G was full of shit he Sun Tzu waltzed his ass to the finish line with 0 damage. Mini rant aside, was Saint Germaine really just a crazy ass magician that pulled off an Aleister level trick or was he created by someone/something?
i came
If Accelerator could harm her, most likely Kakine could as well. Might be an equal or close fight which could favor either depending on the circumstances, mainly knowing how Kakine's ability manipulates nature into attacking. If she can interpret that type of shit with his AIM, she might be able to do it but the signal might be too faint considering Dark Matter is repeatedly stated to have Kakine as the sole manufacturer of it. It really comes down to this fact
Pre-Yuiitsu I would say there is probably more to it and he is some sort of infohazard entity. like the magic side version Agitate halation. Post Yuiitsu making her own pill, it is probably just a trick.
>Himegami, Hyouka and Komoe
Unless this was released days after S1 I would have to seriously question who the hell thought this was a decent selection
>some people downplay how bad the concept of Magic Gods fucks with Touma's head
To be fair, most people who do so specifically mention that it seems to largely only affect Touma in NT12 and a bit of 13.
Frenda only please, not her whore "friend"
He did fall apart again when he thought Yuiitsu had a bunch of them and didn't even consider casualties before Mikoto reminded him about civilians. I'd say it hit him pretty hard.
>teleporter-chan is so poor she has to cover herself with bandages
What a shit design
I don't really remember that scene much, did he "fall apart" or just book it?
>what is a sarashi
NT15 when Mikoto showed up and he just plopped on the ground telling her that everyone's fucked. He didn't even try to fight back until he realized her attacks weren't even mulching the building he was standing in.
Psychotic expressions aside, Awaki is pretty fine
Her brain is a supercomputer I think she can handle using her left hand
Depends. Aiwass said she was >Black Wing Accel in OT19 who was >>>Kakine, so presumably she could stomp Kakine.
Hypothetical what-if: What if Mikoto had to fight SCHOOL during Sisters arc instead of ITEM? Does she have enough luck and plot armor to BS a win, or at least accomplish her mission of destroying the labs?
It depends on who she is fighting. Kakine would murder her, Youbou might murder her too. MH and Rakko wouldn't be effective.
She has enough plot armor to do it, but it would be magnitudes more bullshit.
School would murder her.
Kakine alone would suffice.
Measure Heart + any of the other 3 is guaranteed.
>MH wouldnt be effective
Mikoto is one of the last people who would hurt her friends. MH would take her out instantly.
I'm assuming MH's ability wouldn't work on her like Mental Out.
>MH sets the distance as Best Friends
>Its Kuroko
>Gets Zapped
>best friend
>Every mental ability works the same way mental out does
Thats a tall assumption
Mikoto has no friends
So when is HE going to punch me?
So if I have got this down right, Accelerator cross the Abyss of the Tree of Life to gain his new wings. This makes me believe Touma will go down the Tree of Death (Qphliphot path).
This fit the whole Dragons,IT, fish eggs, demon zoo he has going on with his hand.
No Accelerator used a third tree. How could you miss that? Even speedreading has its limits
>MH sets the distance as best friends
>It's Touma
SCHOOL would succeed in the hit job. They would only need Kakine
Greetings!! Followers of All/a/h!
These girls just got caught for showing too much skin. May Allah punish these infidels and guide them to the true way of living and as an example to dishearten future infidels. Which punishment to carry on each girl?
>gang rape
>force marry
A Touma she knows doesnt have IB.
He couldn't cross the abyss using that tree because Coronzon wouldn't let anyone, so he had to circumnavigate it by using the third tree. With how concerned Aleister is about Touma/IT he's probably going some direction worse than any tree.
Jokes are usually funny once or twice, maybe three times if they're good. Know your limit and play within it.
I condemn you to death by stoning for repeatedly reposting this post.
I'll stone Mii, flog Saten, imprison Wannai, rape Kongou, gang rape Mitsuko, behead Mikoto, release Uiharu and and force marry Kuroko.
that didn't stop cuckine poster from running his meme into the ground and generally reducing the character's reputation
Oh that's right, stupid me.
misaka is a dork who doesn't have any other friends. the only reason she hangs out with saten and uiharu is because of kuroko.
>reducing the character's reputation
Can't reduce something that was already at rock bottom.
She probably beats OT15 Kaky if the ability he mentioned before getting floored isn't much more powerful than what he had shown in that book, sort of like Accelerators plasma energy.
NT6 I'm pretty fucks her day up tho.
>Posts a perfect example of something that was funny once or twice and then became shit
I'm not sure what you intended by this.
>Reduced his reputation
Lmao. Imagine giving so much of a shit about what other people do you allow it to affect your own opinion on a character.
It's an established thing in Yea Forums and elsewhere that if you spam a character enough and people will begin to dislike seeing them.
Thankfully Kakinefag chose a character who was already shit to spam so no one is upset in this case.
>It's an established thing that many people are faggots
I know, I am simply laughing at one who is presenting himself before me without even trying to hide it.
Think you messed up there buddy. Kakine is now more popular here than he was 3 years ago, as expected of the TRUE NUMBER 1
defenseless, unconscious girls are the sexiest
MP and Kakinefags have truly traumatized people. Their severe retardation has morphed into something very scary.
>Aiwass said she was >Black Wing Accel
he did?
Nah, you just have a rape fetish
The only thing that suffers from braindead autists like MP is the reputation of their shared fanbases. Anyone who likes Saten will get lumped in with her, not the actual character. Also, Kakinefag isn't half the problem MP is and shame on you for pretending he is.
We really could've used more smut based off of that time she got caught in the slums
To be fair people link everything railgun related to MP too, obviously kakinefags only meme him around for the most part but I'm actually not even sure if MP comes here as often as new niggers think she does. Earlier today we literally had some samefagging cancer get confused for an actual argument for example.
But there is no shota for Awaki to rape
I don't see how that changes what I said.
good MAD, shame it's based on the worst arc in the series
The anime really did bump up the size of Saten's tits, huh?
Pretty sure they havent made any MADs of the sports festival arc
>finished Index 3 today
Why was it so disjointed?
9 volumes in one season
stone Wannai's friend
flog Kuroko
imprison Mikoto
rape Wannai
gang rape Saten
behead Glasses
release Kongo
force marry Uiharu
Yes, that's why it's shit. Look at that image, Saten is the designated milkcow which is wrong
>Smiling Kamisato
cursed image
Seriously? I'll admit I've only ever read the manga before and dropped them sometime shortly after Railgun S finished airing.
They really wanted to get to part 2 of the series presumably, so they sacrificed season 3. Not happy about it, but it could have honestly been much worse and at least we are possibly getting to Othinus, Mathers, and MISTER CROWLEY in my lifetime.
I would've thought Mii & Kongou were ahead of her in that category
Literally right here mate
Animefag here, just started reading the LN. Is Fiamma the only Raildex aside from Aleister who came very close in becoming The One Above God? Was the reason of his failure is him trying to achieve it within Aeon of Osiris which is through Christianity? Then if one were to achieve it through SYSTEM which is by becoming Level 6, would it mean that it is within Aeon of Horus?? So Fiamma (if not thwarted by IT) = Level 6 Esper?
>post ended in zero
Horus is more so magick than it is esper powers.
The one above god is an Osirian thing. There's also the Isis Magic God, and I guess Horus abyss crosser/Magister Templi/whatever. It's not known where level 6 lies but we at least know and esper generally lies in Osiris according to Aiwass but can move off that path somewhat.
Espers don't lie in Osiris, he was commenting on Accel's wings, which were directly inspired by Osiran magic
shut the fuck up
Ah I see. Thanks for the explanation.
I got my university rejection letter today post cute Last Order's the cheer me up pls.
He smiles more in the text than any illustrations, but it is still unexpected when you see it.
I probably shouldn't have written "know" , but I still say it's generally an Osiris thing. The focus on the "relying on the adults" point Aleister was hammering in is representative of the aeon, but they probably also have the potential to move around or maybe link aeons like Aleister. It is based off his shit after all.
>Ayu returns
>just to get btfo by Misaki again
Bring it on, it might be funny.
It's okay, user. Pick a high paying career and go to technical school instead. Of all the people I know the one making the most money dropped out of college in his sophomore year.
Hnnng. Based Nogi.
>MH sets the distance as loved one
>Mikoto immediately grabs her tits and starts bullying her
We've already seen that the swarm can invade Touma's body, but can they fuck with his mind? I kind of how they can so we can at least get some idea of why the fuck they are so pissed.
hope they can*
good pic, where did ya get it?
[DBM N°67] Kamachi Kazuma Contents Information
I better see at least 2 smug Fiammas.
>but can they fuck with his mind?
No. How can they fuck up his mind instantly when he dragged and break a Magic god through a hundred billion of phases and tens of thousands of deaths?
That is completely wrong.
Mangas with perverted shotacon girls? Doesn't matter if they are side characters
Accel crossed the abyss of the Sephiroth and reached keter and then surpassed it but the wings don't come from that but him being the controller of the Clonoth and changing the laws of the world by planting the Clonoth.
Sinister and divine magic nigga. Also Othinus and being a normal human are his last bastions of sanity. One has been destroyed immaculately and the other cannot be sniffed out of fear of facing a similar fate. He's probably not in a good spot after all the mental damage he's taken.
Credit: Railgun Weibo
That's an interview with Abe, Okamoto, and Satoshi Hino, someone should see if there's anything fun or interesting in these.
>Sajou no Hana
Interesting choice.
Kamachi hated Index Season III
That's a fat Estelle
Ah, they interview Arata too
But user I don't want a high paying career I wanted to be an interior designer.
Cute fairy
Would really love to see what Abe had to say.
The English version of Dengeki Bunko - Crossing Void will be released tomorrow!
No Touma wouldn't be crossing the Abyss of the Qliphoth, to cross it would be doing the opposite of what 545 said that the Abyss of the Tree of Life mean"The stepping stone of wickedness that supports good deeds"
The opposite of that would be needed to cross the Qliphoth's Abyss which would be " The stepping stones of goodness that supports evil deeds." That the further thing from, what Touma does, maybe sometime he would do it by accident because someone else use him. The type of person that would do that of his own free will, you would basely be the Anti-Christ from the Bible Revelation a Ultimate Evil that show up when it the end of the world
right, forget about this shet
"The stepping stones of wickedness that supports good deeds." refers to the Clonoth.
What was this again?
Toaru IF holding a popularity poll with the first batch of characters. You need a twitter to vote.
He's too smug in that.
I vote Misaka Mikoto
This is pretty good. I actually laughed.
You can use three votes a day, you can use them all for one character or split them amongst three characters.
Put all three of my votes to Touma.
>Put all three of my votes to myself.
Based. Toumacucks shown as self-inserters once again.
Gave 2 votes to Kakine, accidentally spent a vote on Oriana thinking the vote button was the exit button. Least it felt pretty good
If I can pitch a vote again, I'd out another 2 for Kakine and 1 for Touma/Hamazura/Itsuwa/Orsola/Othinus
So it's 25. Is IF all the news we get?
Thank god.
>no Aleister votes
Plebs the lot of you. Though I did put two on the fairy
yup, enjoy your kusoge
Gee, thanks.
They didnt particularly advertise that they were going to do anything for the anniversary, so probably.
Weird how their character icons have regular/smug expressions but when you click a certain character they change to a sad or disappointed expression.
>Uiharu in google translate is the "GodKeeper"
Damn right she is.
I assume its because you've already used up your votes?
You can vote daily.
I liked LO being "Stop. Last Order"
For how long though
>Stiyl Magnus, aka Stale = Magnus
>"A weak, 14-year-old genius sorceress who belongs to the British Qing religion "The Church of Necessary Evil (Nese Salius)".
Now THIS is funny.
>You will never spend a perfect 5 minutes with Othinus
This might be the chance for Kakine to truly show he is superior to Accelerator by winning the #1 spot in the popularity poll!
Why didn't you vote for her?
Because she's trash.
I'm surprised there's no Acqua actually now that I think about it.
I dont vote for mindless beasts of gluttony.
It doesn't seem to say anywhere.
It's because your votes are used up, they smile after you vote for them, too.
Because she's shit. The 11s will probably vote for her anyways though.
I'll vote for her tomorrow! Promise!
Delusional, Accelerator always places high on these things. It'll be something akin to;
In the top five, the best use of polls like these is trying to meme a lesser known character into getting some attention.
Why don't we all work together and keep voting on the same character?
But who would we all vote for?
>no Iruka
Maybe next time.
>the best use of polls like these is trying to meme a lesser known character into getting some attention
Exactly. Exactly why Kakine will surpass fake #1.
Meming them into being noticed =! Them actually winning, just placing better than you would expect.
The gachashitfags out there might want to keep in mind that the winner of this poll is getting a rate-up right after the game comes out. So it would make sense to push the ones you want to roll the most.
I doubt we could agree on any of the girls. Aleister might be worth the shot though. Maybe we could get the golden dawn outfit that way or some goofy holiday themed aleister.
I doubt we really have the numbers to make a noticeable shift even if we all agreed to meme on a character, it was mostly just an idle comment
You underestimate the power of memeing.
I mean, any lesser known character that made it into the IF starting lineup is already getting some attention. This isn't like that 10th anniversary poll where every literal who was an option.
Yeah, at most this would have the potential to bump a support only character into getting an actual model, or maybe one who has one already into getting some seasonal outfit or the like if it happens. Most likely though its a rate up thing.
>After recording final episode
>Abe: good work guise
>Okamoto says it didn't really feel like a last episode
>Abe agrees with him (laughs)
>Satoshi is moved that Hamazura became relevant in Raildex and he's happy that he could see Hamazura doing stuff like Accel and Kamijou-sensei
>Favorite episodes?
>Abe: Touma vs Accel
>Okamoto says Accel vs Kakine since just to not repeat Touma vs Accel like Abe, also liked Misaka Worst's episode, and in general scenes where he could see new sides to Accelerator
>Satoshi liked all the fights vs Mugino because he just can't get enough of hearing Ami Koshimizu going "HAMAZURAAAA"
>Something something character development
>Abe says he tried to make Touma sound angrier than usual at scenes like the plane hijacking and when Fiamma messed with Index
>Okamoto says a bunch of things I can't read about Accel's story arc and muh villainy aesthetics
>Satoshi talks about Hamazura's change after meeting Kamijou-sensei at the end of S2 how he likes how Hamazura changes into a person who tries to protect what's important to him even as a level 0 (or something like that)
>Then what about each other's characters?
>Abe jokes about Accel being Touma's #1 fanboy but would never admit
>Satoshi likes how Accel calls Touma a hero
>Okamoto: He totally admits it (laughs)
>Satoshi: It's Touma's fault he started with "muh villainy aesthetics" (laughs)
>Abe: Definitely (laughs)
>Okamoto: "If you're justice then I'm evil", that kind of thinking
>Satoshi makes a joke about Hamazura being influenced by Touma too and how each of them "imitate" Touma in their own ways
>Some more jokes about Touma's influence on Hamazura
>Okamoto talks about how he likes Hamazura's rise from mob to hero, and is jealous of his love comedy scenes
>Abe mentions how Hamazura and Takitsubo have the first (only?) kiss scene in the series
>Everyone jokes about how Takitsubo is surprisingly aggressive
Satoshi is based
>Abe mentions how Hamazura and Takitsubo have the first (only?) kiss scene in the series
So Index's kiss in season 2 is not counted? Kek
It was more of a bite on the cheek
They obviously mean a kiss on the lips.
Touma got a kiss from Misaki in NT11 on the forehead, which he forgot. Accel needs a kissu already, and not just an indirect kiss.
We can skip all that and get Accelerator his first penetration straight through his abdomen, tearing his insides along the way before exiting out of the spine
>Satoshi talks about how often after he finished dubbing Hamazura's comedy scenes, there were serious scenes, and he felt like he was dubbing for a different series than everyone else
>Satoshi and Okamoto then talk about the scenes where Accel and Hamazura meet each other but I can't make out the specifics of this stuff
>So what about Index herself?
>Abe goes on an autistically long answer that talks about Touma's complex feelings of having to lie to Index about his memory loss and other stuff that basically boils down to "Yeah she's childish and feels like a pet but I think she's important to Touma."
>What about Mikoto?
>Abe: She finally realized her feelings! Even went to Russia at the end.
>Satoshi and Okamoto joke about something
>Abe acts smug about that something
>Okamoto jokingly threatens to make a Kakine out of him
>Abe talks about how Mikoto also found out about Touma's memory loss and will continue to be interested in him, but Touma will just treat her as Biribiri as usual
>And Last Order?
>Okamoto wishes she had more lines, was happy about that one time where they called up Hidaka Rina to voice a single word that they could've simply cut
>Also talked a bit about WORST but as you can tell japanese isn't my strong point and I can't make out this shit
>And Hamazura's side?
>Satoshi goes on a long answer about ITEM's girls and how he likes their interesting balance (?)
>Interviewer wonders how did Hamazura fall for Takitsubo
>Satoshi starts going on another long answer
>Okamoto: She was just a little bit nicer to him than the rest lol
>Abe: Hamazura is liked by all of ITEM, in a way
>Satoshi: Personally I'm more interested in Kinuhata, but the 4 of them are charming
Soon, the tables will be turned and the punchline for those types of remarks will be Accelerator. I fucking promise that
Could be as soon as NT23, even.
>Abe trying hard to justify Index's existence in the series
>Satoshi: Personally I'm more interested in Kinuhata,
Absolutely fucking based, holyshit.
He's truly Touma.
Skirt Flirt really is the best.
>Satoshi liked all the fights vs Mugino because he just can't get enough of hearing Ami Koshimizu going "HAMAZURAAAA"
Hey, Hamazura, I heard you liked me best.
>What character left the biggest impact on you?
>Abe fucking loves Acqua
>Okamoto really liked Terra, Terra's voice, and Terra's powers, that he thinks could've been better used
>Abe says the spell was incomplete
>Satoshi liked Itsuwa
>Abe says her heroine powerlevel is high and she'd make a good wife
>Okamoto: She'd probably be scary if you made her angry
>Satoshi: What you'll do? Who are you going to chose, Kamijou-san?
>Abe: Who, I wonder? That kind of question is the most troubling, I'm not the one who choses!
>Okamoto: Besides, Abe-san has got Orsola, after all
>Abe: Yeah, I love her
>Okamoto: I'm a Misakifag myself
>Satoshi: If I had to pick a favorite one, then it'd be Kinuhata. I like how she's a bit boyish, and she makes me want to tease her (laughs). It'd be a bit scary if she fell for Hamazura too though
>The 3 of them then joke about Hamazura's harem and how Takitsubo might be scarier than Mugino (I bet Abe was dying to talk about Aneri now)
>I can't quite read this section well but it's basically about how they love the characters they voice the most, Abe talked a lot in this section in particular and he seems to like being Touma as much as you'd expect
>Lastly, any words for the fans?
>[Abe shilling the series intensifies]
>Okamoto wants to meet again in S4, "If we already came this far, why not make more?"
>Abe: It did end like it would continue...
>Satoshi: A lot of new characters showed up too. See you in 8 years? (lol)
>Okamoto: That'd be pretty troubling for me (age-wise) (laughter)
>Satoshi then thanks everyone for watching it all the way, and hopes you can enjoy S3 in a different way from the novels, and enjoy both in a package. "Let's meet again in S4! If there's a fourth season, Hamazura will finally meet Kamijou-sensei!"
That's it.
Where's Stiyl when we need him, he would've properly translated all the interview.
Would they notice if I dumb 600 accounts worth of votes for Himegami?
>Abe fucking loves Acqua
>Satoshi still picking Saiai
>See you in 8 years? (lol)
That's not funny Satoshi.
Abe, Okamoto and Satoshi sure do have good taste.
Miki practicing his new dance moves as we speak
Hamazura's VA started to read the LNs? That is 4 so far.
Darn. Abe, Okamoto and Satoshi have got god tier taste. Orsola, Misaki, and Kinuhata are great choices. Fucking Nishikiori with his shit taste though, who the hell still likes Index the nun in this day and age?
>See you in 8 years? (lol)
>yfw Okamoto probably read that doujin where Accel rapes Misaki
Satoshi knows the score.
>>Okamoto: I'm a Misakifag myself
Nice to see a man with patrician taste
I can't wait for Astral Buddy to get animated.
>can't vote for Acqua
>can vote for Knight Leader
You'll be gifted whoever wins this poll at the start of the game by the way
Nice of them to give out a free Mikoto
Come on we need to give them the #1 character in the game, Kakine.
I trust in the user spamming Himegami
I'd rather they give something different. How about we to make Kakine win, and make the nips rage if he wins.
Make me a twitter account
That also means Othinus should be in the game from the start with the rest of OT characters, for whoever was complaining they were shilling her but wouldn't have any NT characters from the start.
I've made my choice
And what a shit choice indeed.
Might reconsider if Fiamma is present
If digits, you guys need to pitch 2 votes for Kakine tomorrow.
Very close
>yfw he commissioned it
I wish I had a Frenda friend~
A friend of Frenda I would be~
Which Raildex girl has the tastiest milk? I vote for Lessar, she seems like a girl who is confident with her body, I bet her milk tastes sweet and heavenly
Junko, Misaki, pretty much everyone in Tokiwadai Middle School except Misaka, Kuroko, and Komaki because they are flaaaaaattt
WORST. Her genetically engineered milkbags are sure to contain the sweetest nectar you could imagine.
A clone of a poor product is still a poor product.
Good thing she's a clone of Mikoto, the finest esper in all Academy City
Misakifags need not reply
God imagine watching that tight petite little body suffer through a quadruplet pregnancy and slowly deform into a hyper fertile milf.
>the finest esper in all Academy City
That isn't Accelerator.
>finest esper
She's surprisingly plain. Nothing remarkable, maybe within her own world but there are bigger things than a little girl's delusions.
Who said it was Accelerator? Albino twink isn't fit to lick the grime off of Kakine's dress shoes.
Volleyballs don't wear shoes.
Sorry to break it to you but Kakine tries too hard. He's also a fridge now.
Mikoto on the other hand, is the most stylish, cutest and coolest level 5 without even trying.
>the most stylish, cutest and coolest
But that is wrong. The most stylish is Accelerator, the cutest is Misaki and the coolest is Gunha.
>I'm going to quit this whole TRUE NUMBER ONE avatarfag business. I'm no longer fulfilled by it anymore. I want this to be the actual last post.
Reminder that some people actually believe Kekinefag isn't as bad as MP.
Im going to piss inside Komoe's anus and she's going to like it!
I think Kakinefag is cool desu
Really tho say what you will but he doesn't spam threads for hours on end with nonsensical shit.
As far as I remember, there were two Kakinefags. But still Kakinefag "spam" isn't on the level of MP and it isn't malicious at all.
i hope Koyyasu does his autismo voice when KL gets molested
Let me tell you why Carissa is the best princess!
>cares about other people and her country, prepared to die for them
>straightforward, not like the third princess with muh virtues but secretly a slut
>straightforward, not like the first princess with muh keikaku dori always ready to sacrifice your life for her keikakus
>physically active, wears outfit that exposes her armpits which in turn releases lots of pheromones. Whether you like her or not you'll be aroused. As long as you don't have micropenis, you will be able to satisfy her since her pheromone bombardment will make you horny beyond measure and whether you like it or not thrust your dick with the force of a thousand curtana into her princess pussy
It's not even fair for the other princesses. Really Kamachi?
Was young Elizard cute?
She's blond like her children.
dumb crown
dumb dress
dumb useless sword
ugly haircut
Imagine a blond girl with with messyuntamed hair like Carissa's, and a smug face and a little tiny crown on her head that defies gravity and a black and white dress. Basically, imagine this girl in this image with Elizard's outfit and that's how you close you can get to a young Elizard.
cumming inside 3 times daily
I bet she lets knights anally fuck her (so that she's technically a virgin).
Now that Touma is gona and Mikoto failed, will Misaki take over England out of rage?
No, she will find them because she believes in miracles.
Why don't Haimura put the designs for this series in his blog?
He probably might have at one point but it’s impossible now. Think about what you’re forgetting.
I wish Mikoto choke me between her delicious thighs
I can't imagine that going very well for her. Bongland is fucking nuts.
That I’m attracted to Saten Ruiko? How does that come into play with anything?
>comparing Kakinefag to MP
Kakinefag is a lovable dork, he just fails a lot and rambles about his character. He isnt trying to kill threads or anything. MP on the other hand goes out of their way to be contrarian to piss people off, spams/samefags their bullshit for 12+ hours, tries to impersonate other anons in a reply chain to pick fights, and even dons other personas when they arent getting enough (You)s. They've self admitted multiple times that they just want to fuck with people and ruin the threads. It's not even comparable to Kakinefag just from the stand point of intent.
I wouldn’t worry about it because most people are.
I somewhat want to see Oriana getting Fre/nda'd
And Lessar too!
Is there an updated version of this already?
I think I missed it.
And Index too!
Kanzaki? Might as well add her into the mix of people getting destoryed by Mugino. That would prove that she could beat saints.
Unlucky is working on it
>I’m working on it
Mugino can beat Saints but certainly not Misaka.
Why wouldn’t her electricity work?
And Misaki too!
All votes for Aleister.
She forgot.
Actually, now that you mention it, she probably can. Unless of course Saints are immune to being mind controlled.
I got a question? Why hasn’t anybody shipped Accel and ssj1 Kazakiri yet? Kakine just hit Uiharu once and they’re shipped but nobody ships Accel with the cutie blonde angel sunshine girl.
Because nobody remembers Kazakiri, not even her so called "best friend". And people were too busy shipping Accel with Worst for anyone to care about Kazakiri. If anything Gabriel and Aiwass should be shipped with her.
Kazakiri is more relevant that Uiharu in Index though. You’ve got to admit that get nobody shipped her with Accel still! What the heck!
You're Unlucky?
and nobody*
Are you?
Misaki a pile of shit
No? What are you trying to say here. Im confused
It's probably just MP trying to start something again
I’m unlucky.
>top side of the chart is all blue
Seems like MagicCHADs win again.
>Okamoto really liked Terra, Terra's voice, and Terra's powers
Me too Okamoto, me too.
Then why were you being obtuse?
The science side characters have better personalities and development.
Because I’m a magic side fanboy. Pretty simple.
Right, it was MP. As expected
It reflects your diet, so either someone who's really into being a mom and changes it for that, or someone who naturally eats lots of natural and sweet things would be the answer. So probably Orsola naturally, or Birdway/Lessar when they hear about it since they seem into the idea.
Based Crowlola
MP isn’t a magic side fan so that’s impossible.
It just keeps happening.
As expected of lola
>Reminder that some people actually believe Kekinefag isn't as bad as MP.
So like, anyone with a brain? Kakinefag actually listens to logic and bases his autism off the series and Thelema, that alone puts him above MP, even if he went on 12 hour samefagging sprees, which he doesnt.
lola is so pretty!!
I expect big things.
Is that your new autistic catch phrase or are you just watching too much letterkenny?
>highest science-side character on the list is a fucking dog
Like my cock up your ass? Sorry, but I don't do crazy.
>engaging MP
Why are you wasting your time on a retard?
Are you me? That's a surprisingly 100% accurate description.
She’s a girl.
I forgot.
And yet nobody gives a shit about Kazakiri despite her "relevancy". Nobody but a rare few maybe ship her even in an ironic basis like the Kakine x Uiharu one. On the other hand Uiharu as a whole is much more relevant and well-known and on the mind of more people thanks to Railgun. I don't know when this Kakine x Uiharu crack ship happened but I'm sure it exploded into popularity thanks to Railgun.
Is the new Railgun going to be the best anime in the world?
>I don't know when this Kakine x Uiharu crack ship happened
Let me pinpoint that exact moment for you.
Kakine X Uiharu was a crack ship before the railgun anime even aired, MP
I don’t like that. I’d rather have the Haruue x Uiharu ship. Uiharu is definitely that kind of person. You could tell by the way she reacted and interacted with Haruue that she cared for her as more than a friend. Watch the anime again and pay attention this time.
You were bashing Uiharu hardcore the other day you silly twat, keep your opinions straight.
I bet cracking Uiharu's delicate bones under your sole feels so good.
>I don’t like that
That’s how we know it’s good
I still don’t like her that much.
Okamoto says you're a faggot with shit taste, and I agree.
>uhhhhhhh Im not contradicting myself I swear
Whatever you say, retard
Why are you mad?
Based Okamoto
>when only one of the VAs like big-titted blondes
Guess Satoshi is an assman.
I'm not, I just called you out on your flawed memory and laughed at your backpedal. I'm busy playing a game at the moment and I'm hardly even paying attention to you MP, get over yourself. Youre just not that special.
I mean "only one of the VAs doesn't like"
What game are you playing?
Because due to the age we live in, we used to never have to put up with this type of autism, people like you would just get bullied endlessly or locked up in basements and we'd never have to hear it, but because its the age of the internet we have to put up with your snivelling and dont even get to punch you in the face for being a stupid twit. You've clearly never been hit for being a dumbfuck like you should and it shows.
Is Kongou a babe or is she just attractive because she’s super rich?
She’s a babe.
I want to MARRY this unathletic dork
She’s a BABE!!
Only retards engage in MP, sometimes people even mistake different opinions as being from MP and as a result eggs people to behave like MP for shits and giggles, making the people who reply to the "MP's" as retarded too.
You can’t marry her because she’s a girl.
What if I'm a girl too?
But not as retarded as constantly making new threads when no new content is being posted.
I'm glad we're out of the archives so we are constantly on the index/catalog and a clear and constant target for shitposting. It is good to know that Raildexcucks never adopt the most obvious solution to their problems.
Why? Because she's a girl?
I wonder if Abe is waiting impatiently to say he likes a NT character that the audience wouldnt know about yet
Remember when early scanlations of Railgun made it seem like Saten was saying she loved Uiharu in the scene where she was apologizing for using the Level Upper after the AIM Burst was defeated right before Uiharu sneezed all over Saten's face? Good time good times.
>Not making threads because you're worried about the big bad shitposters
Yeah, because that's how you "win", by giving up. I wonder who could be behind this post.
Kongou is fine. In fact, more than just fine she's pretty much the third most attractive Tokiwadai girl behind Misaki and Junko.
Maybe if you werent so fucking new youd know that we were on the archive for fucking years and the instability led to us coming here permanently again. Even now the search function is fucked up, retard. Furthermore, even when we tried to go back, people will just keep flocking to the new thread. So thanks SO much for your amazing nugget of wisdom, you're definitely the first person who EVER thought of such a thing.
Then you can marry her.
>Shitposters definitely wouldnt just make their own threads to circle jerk their hate and bile if you just stopped making them, trust me
I'd be much more interesting if he said he doesn't like a particular NT character. Like, imagine the shit-flinging if he said he hates/dislikes Othinus.
>nugget of wisdom
Is nugget also food in englis language?
VAs dont generally voice negative opinions for obvious reasons
Look it up dumb ESL, rather than waste people's time.
Reminde that Will IS Mikoto and was created during Daihaisei
I mean, sure? Chicken nuggets.
Abe loved NT9 so I rather doubt that
You don't have to hate NT9 to dislike Othinus. Of course he'd like it, it unraveled Touma's entire character and put it back together. And it is a really good volume.
Pardon my ignorance, but what about the archives? I have no clue what you guys are talking about
NT9 is about two characters. If he liked it, its rather unlikely he disliked half the characters in it.
When you're stuck voicing the male lead roles for heroines with flat chests and that one VA for years your tastes tend to warp.
We used to hang out in the Yea Forums archives when we didnt have content. The thing is, the archives have changed like 5+ times since and they always have some fucky shit with them going on now.
That said, we now have quite a few monthly manga, an anime that aired, and more anime to continue airing, so that guy can go suck a cock anyway.
Speaking of archives, do you have the code?
Looks like someone got mad and asked the jannies for help because she's a girl!
Sure, though no one uses it any more really
Nice, these are good shit, though I once ate them at a kfc and got sick as hell, kinda disgusted me of the food and the restaurant.
I could see why, KFC is really greasy
Well, being OP fits the terrible magic side stories.
But Accel is the most OP character right now thanks to Clonoth bullshittery, doesn't that mean science side stories are terrible by nature since he can freely use his power without fucking the world up like the magic gods?
I don't have the 103,000 grimoires. But if I have SICP, how far can I go power level wise in the magic side of things?
> how bad the concept of Magic Gods fucks with Touma's head.
Why? How?
It didn't. It's a meme that barely affects me even during that volume.
The concept of facing magic gods. He's good with them as people more or less as long as they aren't after them.
Touma gets scared of St. Germaine because he thinks they're a magic god and people were anticipating some kind of PTSD thing but then he just kind of gets over it after HP in NT13.
I want to BREED Niang Niang (un-weakened form).
He did give up just about instantly when he though Yuiitsu had several under her control in NT15. He really didn't have any more face offs with them specifically after that. Hell, he thought facing BR Aiwass would be worse and still took it better than dealing with the MGs themselves.
>he thought aiwass was stronger and took it better
Because he's less worried about power levels and more about autistic mating rituals
What’s weakened magic gods? They can do whatever they want with infinite power except it’s one second slower to use magic?
In a very basic way yea.
Based on what we've seen, they seem to use their specialised form of magic rather than the full on reality warping bullshit we saw from 100% Othinus. HP uses some hardcore earth/rock manipulation, Niang uses weapon spam and Neph can buff other magic users among other things.
Basically. Every time he dealt with MGs his first thought was going back to that dark hell. The dying he can deal with, the billion years of torture is a whole different ballgame.
>In a few more years when Last Order reaches Mikoto's current age, Last Order is gonna take Accelerator's virginity.
The magic gods do not have infinite power.
Infinitely nerfed.
>implying she didn't do it already
At least one person in this entire fan base admits it.
The magic gods have (had) infinite power. But they nerfed themselves in order to make it not infinite anymore.
>as if people have a vested interest in saying magic gods are stronger than they are
Fuck off MP. Go cry somewhere else.
No. They used a spell to divide their powers by infinite, which was barely enough to make it small enough for the world to withstand their existences.
fucking dammit Kamachi
I have some news for you, Touma! I, Lessar, am not wearing spats under my skirt, just my panties!
>the exact moment Last Order became pregnant
They do
Please post Qliphah I’m suffering from squid-deficiency from lack of squidposting
>He's also a fridge now
Actually he's a volleyball now
No. Accel sees her and sisters as daughterus. Even Worst.
Ship Accel with Misaki or Mikoto.
LO took Accel's handhold virginity. Incelerator actually managed to live his entire life without holding hands with another human bean. Not sure if based or just pathetic.
I-it's pretty patethic ahah imagine being someone who has never even held hands with another human bean
>Ship Accel with Misaki
>Okamoto's favourite character is Shokuhou Misaki
Might not be that far fetched actually
Is she actually elastic like that? Look at how her thighs are squished into nothingness in this picture
It's a cute ship but I've always secretly rooted for Kuroko x Accel since Kuroko's VA thinks highly of him and calls him Ippo-san
>Magisterus Bad Trip
>Not even a trip
Yeah okay Kamachi.
Why Index tho?
Could Misaki fix Accelerator's brain damage? I mean hers didn't work on Touma, but there's nothing saying it can't work on Accel.
I suspect the only reason it doesn't is because that would add nothing to the story. It would make Accel OP again (as if he ain't OP enough) while taking away his link and reliance on the Misakas.
Also, if 1x5 happens would it be NTR? Touma technically doesn't even know/remember Misaki. Also, Accel is #1 Touma's fan so it might be Misaki doing the NTR.
>Can misaki fix Accelerator's brain damage
If she can somehow regrow brain tissue yes, but she can't to my knowledge.
>Why index?
They're in Touma's apartment. Dunno why.
Misaki can't repair destroyed brain cells.
Her ability only fucks with neurons by wobbling brain fluid. It couldn't be used to regrow missing chunks of flesh
This entire picture has some fucked up scale
>Qliphah is a giantess, bigger than Accel
>Last order is the size of a 3 year old toddler
In fairness Qliphah could probably grow as big as she wants if she collected more trash.
>giant squid demon gf
She has a small head that's what's up with Last Order.
>In fairness Qliphah could probably grow as big as she wants if she collected more trash.
Giant trash demon 545 when? Mikoto will probably railgun her (#3 has a habit of railgunning kaijus-like things), but it will be fun when trash flies all over AC too.
Accel grabbing LO's booty too. Such a lolicon
I haven't enjoyed a female character in Index as much as I have Othinus in a long time. Thank you based squid-wife.
Even when 545 made that tornado she was the same size though
Could she fuck with his braincells so that their functions are different?
That way a part of his brain that used to do something else can be used for calculations instead.
No, read the books.
Why does LO get to be happy but Mikoto doesn't?
How is that fair?
She isnt made of trash, its just used to summon her
>She was the same size
...No? She was large enough to pull up chunks of ice from the river. If she was as small as she was she wouldn't have had nearly as big of an effect on the ship as she did. Are you high user?
There's nothing stopping her from creating a bigger body or doing whatever the hell she wants with her body honestly.
Depends if you count aleistan or not, but otherwise I'd have to agree
...Yes? She came out the same size as always, she just delayed her summoning to create a bigger effect, when she finished the tornado she was the same size as always. Are you a dumbfuck user?
I didn't count Aleis-tan because it's still Aleister to me.
>Why does LO get to be happy but Mikoto doesn't?
LO isn't happy since she doesn't get to marry her hero either. Only difference is Mikoto is held back by her stubbornness in admitting she likes Touma. LO is too young and seen as a daughter by Accel.
tl;dr Daughteruzone VS Friendzone
Are we talking about the Tornado size or her user? Be clear on your context retard because I was never saying 'she could make things bigger'. It was 'she could alter her body while summoning herself if she wanted too'.
According to what exactly? Do you have anything implying that at all?
Her obviously retard. You're the dumbass who thinks she can grow or shrink her body at will so obviously I'm pointing out why saying that is fucking retarded.
It's logic where if she can use materials to summon herself in the world, she could summon herself in whatever physical look she'd want by using more or not. She's a non-corporeal demon that doesn't have a body until she uses the materials to bind one.
So headcanon then.
Can you tell me why she can't?
Vento is actually quite cute without her piercings
>Religious church people wearing piercings
I'll be happy when mikoto gives LO a motherly hug
It helps that LO isn't a fucking cunt.
You tell me why she can first. Burden of proof is on you dumbass. I dont get to ask you to prove me wrong on why Mikoto cant change her size at will, I have to provide the evidence for my wild claim.
Jesus wore piercings, why the fuck not?
He’s a boy.
Haha. You funny guy.
And Stiyl too!
The proof is in the pudding.
If Touma poked the squid would she just be banished or straight up die?
She’d probably just be disgusted.
Not well-versed enough in biology to know whether there's any basis in that idea, but I bet Kamachi could pseudoscience his way through it. The fact that he hasn't already means it's probably impossible though. Misaki is driven and intelligent; she wouldn't have missed such a simple opportunity to fix her crush
That’s true.
It would be extremely painful.
What would happen if Accel poked her?
She'd get turned on
It would be extremely pleasurable.
For her
So what's the next step of her master plan?
Crashing his virginity.
Didn't she not do that plotwise because that would be going against this his free will and she had a set of moral codes about permanently re-writing people?
I liked NT9 but don't like Othinus. It's not unbelievable.
>its rather unlikely
Why didn't Accel rape her before he left?
Hrs a gentleman’s boy.
He's just like her, he's only attracted to little kids.
Qliphah isn't a little kid.
She's like 130cm or less, pretty close
Last order sloppy french kids hentai
Restoring him to his original state being entirely unrelated to matters of free will aside, I have no idea what you're referring to.
Why didn’t they just name the Accel spinoff Accel World?
But they did?