Dragon Ball Super

Is goku unironically the worst character in DB?

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best character
Great character, takes backseat often to secondary characters
Best character
Basically a gag character

You don't understand, it is a shit show for shit Spics and fags. If you enjoy this, you might as well end yourself and your lineage.

>Best character
Aren't you forgetting someone?

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How was goku the best character in pre timeskip db, i found yamcha and ten to be way better characters

I never understood why Yamcha was sidelined. He had arrogance, but with none of the sadism and drama that makes Vegeta a hassle. He seems like the kind of guy who would become Super Saiyan and start showboating in a funny way.

Did you actually like yamcha?
You might be a one in a billion my friend.
The start of DB is arguably goku at his best, cause it focuses around him and his improvement and journey. He's based as fuck and his struggles are fun to watch and to see him overcome them is fun.

Yamcha, Tien and Krillin are so much better than fucking Tardku. It makes me so fucking upset how they were sidelined.

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What are you talking about? Goku is a pretty good character when he's interacting with Tien, Yamcha, and Krillin.

They got sidelined because manlet rage was taking and power levels got more focus due to editorial mandate


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Gohan was always consistently strong enough to hold his own in battle, but not outright powerful enough to kill the villain. Krillin's arguably more impressive with his crafty tricks and ability to stall.

Yeah, I guess thats true. Goku was pretty solid in OG DB an early Z, it was during the Cell arc when he became a retard.
So, I guess it's Manleta's fault then.

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>every single fucking image is non-canon


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Cringe but canon
Cringe and non-canon garbage.

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can we just admit super saiyan ruined everything

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During the Cell and Buu Arcs, Goku was aware of his mortality and just wanted to enjoy his last days on earth before he dies.

It's just that Manlet Rage really ruins both arcs.

If Super Saiyan is supposed to poison the user's heart with malice, then what does that make Broly? Pure Evil, or forced to become evil?

the new movie made broly's form canon demonic not that I give a shit about anything after z

Post jobbers who have never won a single fight.

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The original Super Saiyan Transformation unlocked by Goku is supposed to make him more evil. That's why he speaks with angular speech bubbles in the manga, something that's reserved for villains like Cell, Frieza, and Demon King Piccolo.

True. Goku couldn't live the spirit bomb as a super saiyan either.

He beat Hitler.

Goten and present Trunks are such useless characters.

Wouldn't that make SS2 2x evil?

>Cringe and non-canon garbage.
Explain why it's garbage?

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Most people who actually watched/read pre timeskip Db like yamcha, he was a fun character and had relatable goals

Zeno > Grand priest > Angels > MUI Goku > Jiren Limit Breaker = Gogeta Blue > Vegito Blue = Beerus > Kefla full power > Broly full power > Golden Frieza > Goku ssb > Vegeta ssb

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Wha'bout Goku SSB + KK and Vegeta SSBE?

Factually shit, cope.

the ones where he attacks second form frieza are canon


Vegeta will never be the main protagonist, just let it go

Post a cleaner and more aesthetic character. I FUCKING DARE you to do it

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>Z anime
Cope and concede.

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Both are above Golden Frieza

But he's the prince of all saiyans.

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>Vegito Blue (Merged Zamasu arc) ahead of Kefla

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Can we agree that Yamcha is boring as fuck? Ever since he stopped being a bandit and joined the main crew his character became bland and uninteresting, becoming a good guy ruined him.


Zeno > EGP > Angels > Gogeta Blue > Broly >= MUI Goku >= Beerus > Jiren Limit Breaker > Velmod + all other Hakaishins > Vegeta SSB Evolution >= Goku SSBKKx20 > Toppo Hakaishin Mode > Kefla Full Power > Golden Frieza

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Vegito blue is stronger than Kefla, period.

Nah, they were great together, from rivals to brothers, then that cunt vegeta came and ruined everything.

>not liking SOUL: the character
Shit taste.

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The brightest candles burn out the quickest.

>Broly is stronger than MUI
>Goku: Woah Broly you might even be stronger than Beerus
Meanwhile MUI Goku beats Jiren who was stated many times to be far above the GoDs

>m-muh Broly boogeyman everytime
No surprise on who's behind these retarded tier lists with the strongest characters on the bottom

>MUI is a powerboost
As much as I'd like to believe this, it isn't by definition.

I wanna caress him

>no arguments



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>increases users speed, precision and reaction time to the maximum
>not a power boost

big milkies

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Why do they put yamcha and tien in the games if theyre not gonna use them in the anime or manga? They were decent characters in db why fucking waste them.

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For me, it's Freezer. Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.

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Goku is actually humorous in DB

He was alright
He wasn't as much of a joke as later, but he wasn't something incredibly special. He was bulma's love interest and the second fighter more than anything.


Same reason they put in characters like Cell and Nappa, gives them some time to shine despite being dead characters in the main story.

You answered yourself. They put them in the games to not waste them like the manga or the anime do.

Except that they were good characters who had development. Vegeta and goku have had no development and every arc in super has gone the same fucking way

Yeah. That's why it turned an innocent child like gohan into a school shooter.

That would be Caulifla.


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Not an argument.

I accept your concession.


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>DB characters
>any development

>Factually shit, cope.
That's not what I wanted to hear, user.

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>Both wrong. Behold
Zeno > Grand Priest > Angels > Gogeta Blue = Vegito Blue > MUI Goku >= Broly Full Power = Jiren Limit Breaker > Beerus = Quitela > Other Hakaishins > Vegeta Blue Evolution >= Goku SSBKKx20 > Toppo Hakaishin Mode > Kefla Full Power > Goku SSB > Vegeta SSB > Golden Frieza

Jiren is a staminalet and Broly needs time to get to full power so it can go both ways.

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The wiles of filthy dogs are as nothing to the ears of the superior masters.

Wonder why Brolyfags insist he's the strongest when he can't even knockout Golden Freeza within an hour that they fought?
Jiren and Toppo kicked Golden Freeza's ass several times within the 48 minutes timeframe while needing to hold back to prevent killing him, but Broly, who's supposed to be stronger than Jiren, who's fully enraged and doesn't have any rules for him to hold anything back from killing Freeza, can't even do it? Not even once? We even saw him still in Golden after getting beaten up by Broly too, while Jiren brought Freeza to the point of incapability of going golden.

Here. Have a Pan.

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>speed = power
>precision = power
>reaction time = power

MUI Son Goku > Jiren LB > Broly FP

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ToyoCHAD implies otherwise.

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God I wish that were me


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It's shitty writing. It's the same reason Jiren could have won the tournament in a couple of seconds, instead he sat around wasting time.

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>MUI isn't a power boost
>Omen did fuckall to Jiren during the second time around his blows did fucking nothing
>he gets MUI and suddenly matches in power with Jiren
It's a powerboost dumbass

Maybe some day

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No (you)s for jobrentrannies
When jobren actually fights against someone not exhausted and wins, then you can talk.

Jobrentrannies still so desperate for acknowledgement that they have to pretend characters have static powerlevels kek

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>Toppo stronger than Broly

Brolyfags are fucking retarded

After ALL the crazy shit that happened during the fucking ToP they still like to insist Broly is stronger.

ToP is the fucking pinnacle of DB powercreep there's literally no way we can have an antagonist stronger than Jiren unless you want the series to turn into DB Heros

Saiyan Saga to Frieza saga was the prime Goku where all his possible characteristics are shown. And his story ended there basically.
He just had to stay linear for the story to continue from Cell to Buu saga as a mastered fighter.

GT gave him the SHAZAM style SS4 form where he often comes back to that Cell to Buu saga personality. Kind of creative but no development.

Super on the other hand REBOOTS Goku where he has his saiyan saga personality. Only thinks about fighting and training but in a very cliche way. Gets new form every often as a reward and franchise milking. There really is no story for him here either.

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Jobren could block Omen, he couldn't block UI.
Where's the power up dumbass?
Jobren has no skill or speed, that's why he kept on getting tagged and blitzed during the entirety of the ToP.

>The wiles of filthy dogs are as nothing to the ears of the superior masters.
Say what now?

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Those two barely interacted in GT, fuck, Bra barely interacted with her own brother.

>powercreep stopped at top even though we have official material that clearly states the opposite
JirenTrannies are literally homosexuals

>e-e-everyone was exhausted But Jiren! Says so in my headcanon!

>everyone was exhausted But Jiren

>admitting being retarded

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>Jobren could block Omen, he couldn't block UI.
Because MUI is the stronger form dumbfuck.

>no argument
Concession naturally accepted

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>we have official material that clearly states the opposite
>he says without posting said material
Nice headcanon, as of now ToP is peak powercreep. The moment we go past ToP levels of power we'd be in Heros territory.

Is weird how Goku personality bounced between acting like an adult in a kid body and acting outright like a kid at times.
The Pilaf gang have the same issue in Super btw, is like writers can't make their mind.

>jobs to a shock collar
Post characters that could kill Broly in seconds.

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>Gets new form every often as a reward and franchise milking
Is the same amount of forms that Z has (3 forms). This complaint is fucking idiotic

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Broppo would hakai Shitly no problem

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>auto-dodge got stronger
Imagine being a retard that thinks that jobren is tough enough to take no damage from openings.
It's like you didn't watch the show or the read the fucking manga at all.

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>Jire FP struggles with Keku kahemahehaemaha before overpowering
>He stops Omen's kameha nonchalantly with one hand

>Jiren barely took any damage from Omen on both occasions where they've fought
>Jiren was literally suppressed in the times he fought omen
>MUI is the only thing that made Jiren use his FULL power
>implying that Omen was not strong enough to push Jiren into his full power while MUI was
>this also implies there's a power boot from Omen to MUI
Did you watch the show or are you a brolycuck?

>The movie isn't canon
>What is the official continuation of said movie
Also not only is freeza much stronger than Goku and Vegeta now, he can keep his Golden form for hours.

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Shouldn't the s2 announcement be happening soon, if there is gonna be an announcement?


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>Best character

DBGT had more than one character?

Don’t forget Omen and Kaioken Blue for that extra cash

>Jobs to base Goku
Post characters that jobbed to base Goku.

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>the same amount of forms that Z has
That's exactly why it's a reboot/ milking retard.

The movie is literally not canon you dumb fucking retard. No movie was ever canon on the series


Panbro, no

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he looks so much better without his shin and gauntlet ridges being brown and white instead. You would have thought the animators would have wanted it that way too.

Yet none could made him vomit his gatorade

Risu, save us.

>J-Jobren was suppressed against Omen
>he didn't get an asspull nakama power up to keep up with UI i-i promise...
The state of Jobrentrannies everyone

>he didn't get an asspull nakama power up
Dumb speedwatching spic gets confused about the chronological order of events

>Kaioken and Omen
>No, it's literally only 3 forms, exactly like Z
Nice attempt at moving the goalposts

Wow that was easy.

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Omen just nerfed his attacks for the sake of dodging, Kefla felt nothing from his fists, MUI balancedd his attacks and autododge to maximum

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This thread doesn't seem to be...

...panning out to well


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>Kefla felt nothing from his fists
>literally one shot her and her potaras with a Kahemahema
pick one

>slowly charged Kamehameha

>SSBKKx20 kahemahema i-is weaker than a base Goku 10 seconds charge kahemahema I SWEAR

>Omen just nerfed his attacks for the sake of dodging
How far did they nerf the attacks then?
>MUI balancedd his attacks and autododge to maximum
So MUI increased his attack power and autododge, hence being a power boost

>purple pants
>dumb shoulderpads
>Ooga Booga fur

>omen isn’t a form

ITT toyotacos thinking toyotaro's shit UI headcanon applies to the Chadnime

>SSBKK Goku kamehameha'd Kefla
yeah, powerboost from omen to retain his strongest melee possible

Now he is ironically yes, but unironically is probably Chi Chi. Goku was really only cool in DB and DBZ. Chi chi's just annoying lmao. Am i still aloud to stan Krillin?

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>>SSBKK Goku kamehameha'd Kefla
>outing himself as a literal speedwatcher

skip to 3:41, i'm pretty sure Kefla isn't a generic ki blast

> to retain his strongest melee possible
His strongest melee possible is SSBKKx20 if you think Omen/MUI isn't a power boost.

But, as we can see, SSBKKx20 did fuckall to Jiren compared to MUI. There's obviously a jump in power here.

>i'm pretty sure Kefla isn't a generic ki blast
WHAT? Kefla is a saiyan, not a ki blast, fuckface

>omen isn’t a form
Correct, now you're getting it
Kiaoken isn't a form no matter how many times you repeat your headcanon

Bitching about too many forms in Super is retarded, because the only forms that Super has is SSG, SSB and MUI.

Hell SSG and SSB are the only forms relevant now anyways.

>SSBKKx20 did fuckall to Jiren compared to MUI

Attached: ssb.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

Mega yikes

Yeah and? did Kefla tank the kamehameha? but i suppose you can't answer this simple question

>responding to two separate people, one of which thinks kaioken is a form
and second, why isn’t omen a form?

>the kick from SS Kefla had the same energy as the Genki Dama, Goku's last resort after SSBKKx20 failed to hurt Jiren
>he went Omen and shook the world of void
>Kefla went SS2
>both of them started powering up several times in response to each other's energy
B-but MUI is just SSB with auto-dodge, trust me!


She annuled it with 2 shitty balls

>Pic LITERALLY SAYS "Vegeta you won't be able to beat him so easily"
>Vegeta literally says Jiren IN THAT SAME EPISODE that Jiren was holding back more against Goku compared to jobgeta

correct, and is that what you call tanking? because what i see is that she teleports behind goku

Imagine trying so much to be a contrarian that you turn into a pathetic Vegetafag

meant for

it is. Only way super's story could progress is with new forms and stronger opponents.
Where in Z Goku went SS3 just to flex on Buu. Gohan went SS2 out of sorrow and his hinted potential. Vegeta went SS to show he can rival Goku. Goku went SS1 to awaken a legend.

SSG and beyond are shallow forms and done yet again but without any element of "story" to them. Simply squeezing milk but water coming out.

>too autistic to post picture

Christ, do i have to remind you that Goku miles above Vegeta?
>Holding back
You mean just like before the half-time? because SSB Goku jobbed to Kale back then and SSG Goku wrecked two SS at once after that zenkai

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>SSG Goku's attacks are shit to Kale alone
>Omen kahemahema one shots SSL2 Kefla

So uh.... why didn't Goten or Trunks help with Goku's IT by powering up?

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Why is the English in this thread deteriorating so badly?

>J-Jobren is invulnerable!

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Almost all the staff except for Yamamuro were freelance artists and fans of DB who tried to recreate the series iconic moments. They grew up with Saiyan Saga Goku and tried to emulate his personality in Super without the proper budget, subtly, or nuance.

Plus, Toriyama's new artstyle really sucks. Too much skinny noodle people. It almost makes m understand why people latch on to Jiren.

>powerlevel autism

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100% Based!!!

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yeah, you're done

>why isn’t omen a form?
Because it's a technique, I'm only saying MUI is a form just to throw a bone towards your argument. There's really 2 forms Super introduced.
>Only way super's story could progress is with new forms and stronger opponents.
>SS1: Needed to defeat big baddie
>SS2: Needed to defeat big baddie
>SS3: Jobber form, couldn't defeat big baddie
Z couldn't progress without those forms either retard

>the kick from SS Kefla had the same energy as the Genki Dama

I didnt know his spandex was part of him

>Omen kahemahema was SO POWERFUL it broke Kefla's potaras
D o n e

Sorry, I meant Jiren was holding back against Jobgeta more compared to goku, as Vegeta himself stated in the ep
pic related

Jiren needed to hold more power back against SSB Vegeta. SSBKKx20 gave more of a challenge towards Jiren but it still did nothing

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>Breaking potara is hard bros!

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Isn't Kefla stated to be much stronger and faster?
If so, why are you lying about Kefla being oneshoted, she was pushed out of a rock at worst.

I’m out of good new Pan pics that haven’t been resposted a billion times. Plus I deleted most of my anime shit recently. There’s not much else to discuss really if there’s only like one other Panfag here.

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which refers to Omen, not this

He was lovable but slowly became less so, in part because everyone else just became more interesting. Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta, all with more interesting character arcs and personalities. Goku being a flat character without a development arc would be fine if he were more interesting in a vacuum, but he's not - nothing tests his circumstances in any way, nothing forces him to react differently than he always has. Every time Vegeta shows a moment of kindness, it just reminds me how bland Goku is because there is little multifacetedness to his personality.

No. All Jobrentards and similar-tards logic of them being better than Goku are largely irrelevant.

If anything, Goku's equals could be considered Piccolo Jr. (DB), Kid Buu (DBZ), Frieza (DBZ/S), and Android 17 (DBGT/S).

The rest are largely irrelevant.

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>not his form testing back then
fixed it, sorry

>Z couldn't progress without those forms either retard
That's why Goku's story ended after defeating frieza as I said. Up to Buu were the progression of he remaining cast that were necessary.
Super progresses 0 character's story but ITSELF as series through transformations. Meaning milking or at least trying to.
You brainlet.

>Duuude fusions are easy! no matter how powerful they are just break their potaras haha nigga like just smash them and the fusion is done haha

Years later gokek needs to be stronger than a SSB fusion and use all of his power just to destroy a potara!
How powerful was Vegeta in Z!?

Jobrentrannies completely stomped beyond reason!

Either sauce your claims or concede? and i know the next reply won't be a sauce

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>refers to Omen
No, he was referring to SSBKKx20 and maybe Omen too

SS1 Kefla spanked SSBKK Goku and forced him to go UI. Whis directly compared her energy to the genkidama Goku used against Jiren, his trump card stronger than blue kaioken - the old "Goku was tired" excuse doesn't mean anything. Kefla could, literally, one shot Golden Frieza.

Stronger yes, I don't know about speed but there was something about it.

when you refer to someone's strength it should be the one where he's fighting seriously

>goalpost moving
Mate, you said Super has too many forms when it has less forms than Z. It's done, you've lost the argument, no attempt into turning into "muh PROGRESSION". You said Super has too many forms more than Z when it has less

>literally admitting that to beat a immesurably more powerful fusion all you need to do is smash its potaras
Imagine being this much of a retarded mongoloid

So both fights

Super never introduced a single form. Kaioken and UI are techniques, SSG and SSGSS were introduced in Z movies.

Imagine being so autistic that you think Broly film is no canon when literally it mentioned everything from ToP. I swear the retards in this thread dropped out of school and road the short bus till Jr year.

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when she went full power SS2 near the end they said that she could have killed UI goku if she touched him

which honestly puts her far above SSBE "equal to blue kaioken" Vegeta and Toppo

>literally admitting that to beat a immesurably more powerful fusion all you need to do is smash its potaras
i didn't say that, but if Toriyama said that this is the case then i'll take it, honestly it's better than
your Headcanon

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>you said Super has too many forms more than Z
I said that When?
I said he gets it every often to milk the franchise. It has nothing to do with how much Z had because they had important reasons. Not just "every often" as the sole purpose to move the series and not the character.

Watch out they're going to memespeak again

Imagine believing Krillin could beat Vegitto SSB because he could just simply break the earrings. Dumb spic

>I said that When?
literally in response to the OP of the thread
>Gets new form every often as a reward
He doesn't get new forms that often you autist, it's less than Z, any other point you try to bring up such as "franchise milking" is irrelevant as it is goalpost moving.

Dance, dogpuppets, DANCE

again, i didn't say that jobrentard, what i'm saying is if you use broken earring as a feat then you're amazingly retarded

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If you can manhandle a fusion and fuck the earrings then you are more powerful than the fusion. The end

I guess that makes the Janemba movie canon

is that your headcanon or something that was stated by Tori? do you see any fusions besides Kelfa letting their opponent tossing their head all over the place?

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If you can beat a fusion then you are more powerful. Fin

answer this then, does the earring even hold in the fusion? you don't see elder kai split into 2 don't you? Kefla might just've timed out since she's strong

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>literally argumenting that Kais (whose fusion is eternal) is the same as ningens to justify his garbage headcanon that UI weilds Goku's base power so good that it is stronger and has more ki than SSBKKx20

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This day was so tiresome! I'm feeling quite sad. Where are the panposters posting cute things? Save my day again, pangang!

UI is obviously stronger than blue kaioken

okay, since it was never stated there's any difference in Ningen and Kai fusion aside from the time limit, but keep posting your headcanon so we can laugh at you m'kay? ;)


Hi, doposters. Failing into taming as usual, I see? Can't get a win, hm?

Not according to the retard I'm arguing with

I never said he gets too many forms in Super you blind ass. I don't care how many he gets in either series. By saying he gets it every often means that he gets it without any newer purpose than that has been done before. That is why they are forms to milk the show.

Nice strawman, dumb spic. Keep pretending that the Potaras work the same in Kais as in ningens

Hate how UI was supposed to be just a technique like kaioken but literally became another "super saiyan stage"

Gokek didn't beat the fusion, he won a losing fight by ringout.
The earrings breaking outside of the ring is inconsequential and literally Toei filler.

>Keep pretending that the Potaras work the same in Kais as in ningens
How can i pretend with facts when you don't even have any claims that sauce your claims that
hmm? and the next reply is the equivalent to talking to a blockhead

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>you don't even have any articles that sauce your claims that
fixed that

gohan is as strong as kefla

he just doesn't want to admit that Kefla was far stronger than goku SSBKK

beerus > mui goku > gogeta = jiren > champa > broly

>literally saying that Kefla defusing was not because the earrings were smashed but it was just a c-c-coincidence.

I’m about to sleep, but have one last Pan from me.

Attached: A55A65F0-4F77-47E1-87FB-E9BC3B5E9181.jpg (1024x577, 187K)

>literally saying that Kefla defusing was not because the earrings were smashed but it was just a c-c-coincidence
but can you disprove it without any of your fairy tale headcanon? you can't? then you're a bigger moron than i am no?

Goku being so ooc is the main reason gt was so shit.

Thank you! Have a good night of sleep!

>i-i swear if he didn't win then he woulnd't have won
Imagine being a waifufagot

>Merged Zamasu's first SA

>make a completely retarded and unreasonable claim
>lol you can't disprove it so its true
Google burden of proof, dumb spico.

You have to be a literal retard to pay for this garbage game.

>unreasonable claim
>when all i'm saying is 'earrings can't be used to prove a feat'
>and then this kid here comes in and talks about ridiculous shit about 'MUH EARRINGS ARE THE ONLY THING HOLDING THE TRANSFORMATIONS! IT IS EGP TIER! FUCK YOU!' and repeating it without any claims
ah speaking of which, there's the blockhead reply

You are literally saying that Omen is not a powerup because MAYBE Kefla defused because of time limit just the same instant the Potaras broke.
E a s y peasy

Kefla can't fly in that situation, obviously Goku can't beat Kefla under normal circumstances.
Imagine that pushing someone out of bounds in a game means that Goku wouldn't die in a real fight with no rules kek

>You are literally saying that Omen is not a powerup because MAYBE Kefla defused because of time limit just the same instant the Potaras broke.
wait, i need your reading comprehension here before we go back to Omen, can you disprove
>Kefla defused because of time limit just the same instant the Potaras broke.
>Potara is broken easily with a palm of hand

i suppose posting a source is not so easy now huh? i wonder if i'll ever get one, surely not the next post

>b-b-but she lost because she couldn't fly
Holy fuck I'm smart at this

>disprove my headcanon
Doesn't work that way paquito. Burden of proof

nah i don't think ss2 kefla could have beaten UI goku

tho I think she would have been fast enough if she went SS3

>n-no proof

Now playing dumb and completely ignoring the time limit coincidence headcanon.
How the fuck can I be so smart at this?

if you're smart then you'll disprove that and satisfy me with your argument, which is not the case, also
>can't disprove vegeta in any way at all

Attached: 1553747843057.jpg (500x375, 37K)

>Kefla can 1hkill Jobku
>Jobku used his full might and ran out of Omen just to push Kefla out of a rock
How can anyone pretend Jobku stands a chance against Kefla?

>Jobrentranny buzzwords

>smashing a potara in your fingers is equally difficult than smashing it on a GoD level fusions' ear
Easiy, now what? You gonna go in circles again?

>smashing a potara in your fingers is equally difficult than smashing it on a GoD level fusions' ear
yeah, and? the burden of proof is now on you, the real world ain't this easy kid

>yeah, and? the burden of proof is now on you, the real world ain't this easy kid
You just agreed with what I said and then asked for proof? What are you even doing?

if goku was vietnamese, do you think he would be called gooku?

no, i don't even get what you're saying is it
>smashing a potara in your fingers is equally difficult as smashing it on a GoD level fusions' ear
>smashing a potara in your fingers is more difficult than smashing it on a GoD level fusions' ear
see? stop being an ESL, it's hard to understand you

Something I noticed while reading through the entire DB+DBZ manga, why the hell does toriyama stop drawing wolf people and similar non human earthlings? They even ask Piccolo why he's green in the buu saga's tenkaichi budokai tournament despite having literal wolfmen and all kinds of weirdos going around in the original DB

>smashing a potara in your fingers is less difficult than smashing it on a GoD level fusions' ear
fixed it, sorry i'm on a rush

Imagine being so fucking retarded that you don't even get sarcasm quoting
>literally admitting that smashing it on your fingers is as easy as overpowering a fusion to manage to break it on his ear
I know you've been baiting so last (you), It got boring

Toriyama forgot they existed until DBS, though I guess he did remember when working on DBOnline a decade ago, since the Red Pants Army is full of animal people.

Attached: Top Teams.jpg (1464x1818, 1.08M)

ah, so you gave up? not so smart now are you? also
>using a sarcasm on writing
okay then i win this one

Attached: mtr_1513735255164.jpg (1007x768, 62K)


The only time goku was a bad character in dbs was the no kiss scene.

On a sidenote, something I didn't notice the first time through because I was a wee lad at the time, it's really jarring to see the natural progression of goku and the other characters, going from gag fights to full on dramatic showdowns throughout the original DB run, to the absolutely retarded powerup mechanics going on from the sayan saga onwards. And I haven't even gotten to super yet.

And so it has been shown, the typical "UI is not a powerup" retard believes that Kefla defused becuase of the time limit coincidentally at the same nanosecond the potaras shatterd.
They also believe Potara fusions are Krillin level since anyone could just break the earrings on the fusions' ears effortless and win.
And thus it has been thoroughly confirmed that those mongs either bait, or are ape level IQ spics


>UI power up did literally nothing to Kefla but push her off a rock
wow imagine being a Jobrentranny with no credibility but still tries day after day

pssh, let the guy cope, he's been through a lot

Think about all the Japanese and Latin kids who actually grew-up with the series from start to finish. Shit must have been magical.

Do you think Gowasu is a good fighter?

Attached: best godtuber.png (253x600, 174K)

Holy fuck I'm so fucking smart at this

maybe in his youth

>manga vegito is capable of dealing what would be a lethal attack to merged zamasu, if not for immortality, in base form
>merged zamasu fights evenly with CSSB Goku
>Base Vegito > CSSB Goku = Merged Zamasu
>Kefla ties with Gohan, who is a CSSB level fighter
Vegito beats Kefla in base form kek and Gogeta and Vegito at blue are stronger than Jobren and UI.

okay, now the anime

I haven't been following the series after the tv series ended. Did they ever explain how mortal level is rated? How come an alien does a better job in governing his universe over a moralfag universe/

Attached: ayylmao.png (959x832, 198K)

kai's don't get old unless, gowasu just has the misfortune of being born looking like that

>literally RTH

when he fuses with Zamasu, he'll become Gomasu mk 2, which is better than Gomasu mk 1, a fusion with Niggerku

Attached: zowazu_fusion_de_gowasu_y_zamasu_by_codycobain_dak5kzw-250t.jpg (445x250, 18K)

canceled, ask reekdom

Ouchie ouch, and the next post is the filename

Attached: NO!! THIS HAS TO BE INSPECT ELEMENT!!.png (538x186, 10K)

Goku > Kale
Vegeta > Caulifla
How the fuck would the fusion of Kale and Caulifla beat the fusion of Goku and Vegeta?

More like paint

>ask reekdom
he'll dox me for questioning his intellect
>Goku > Kale
reminder that this is Pre-ToP

sure, if i had a lot of free time, which is not the case

The list didn't say anything about arcs, cope.

>d-dude im totally busy, let me shitpost constantly in a dbs thread
Imagine lying to yourself

>Keflaspics actually think she stands a chance against Goku
>Goku who was almost out of energy and half dead evenly matched her at SS1 with SSB
>UI completely obliterated her SS2
>He essentially killed her by making her unfuse
>Present Goku is hundreds of times stronger than he was in the ToP while Shitfla is at the same level since Kale is a retard that doesn't train and Caulifla is a weakling

duh, the original question did
>Vegito Blue (Merged Zamasu arc) ahead of Kefla

Post Jobbers

Attached: 11e.png (680x835, 535K)

of course, nice headcanon

nobody said anything about """Merged Zamasu Arc""" or whatever arc you made up in your spic head

Attached: cd3e63759ec239c51551b7bfbfb94a7c.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

Umm... just answer the question?

Merged Zamasu > Gogeta Blue > Vegito Blue > Broly > UI Goku > Jobren > SSBKK Goku = SSBE Vegeta >= GoD Toppo > kekfla > Golden Frieza > Gohan = Android 17

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Attached: Jobly.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

>See? I always got people tellin me I got some sexy ass lips!

>Tenshinchad sama... y-yamero...

Attached: Goku-VS-Tien.jpg (600x389, 63K)

Man, that furry universe needs some spotlight in the future.

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i love how cellcuck never gets any more (You)s ever since he turned nip, i guess it's true that the nips hated cell

what did he mean by this

>as tall as Bejita

Attached: MIDGETLY.jpg (752x530, 74K)

ah there's juan


Attached: 5yrty.jpg (1027x726, 141K)

It's a valid question

>as tall as Bejita
God damn, no one deserves that insult

Attached: 1533444792598.jpg (665x1024, 393K)

Thanks doc

Look at this fucking manlet, lmao.

Attached: db height.jpg (550x343, 56K)


Making My Way Downtown...

Forgot pic

Attached: 1520057897684.png (445x348, 149K)

>SSB Goku = U7 spirit bomb

dragon ball


no he is the best. OP is butt hurt gohan turned into a fag.
If anything Goku is the only one who keeps the series going. Nostalgia has poisoned your mind op.

Attached: GokuGag1-2.jpg (1091x1045, 232K)

>tfw no pan gf

Attached: 1549665896081.png (771x366, 63K)

You'd neee to be Goku for that.

Attached: xHdsieP.png (640x480, 315K)

Bulla is mad jelly.

There is a disturbing lack of Cuteness in this thread. It must be remedied immediately.

Attached: Caulifla 1212.png (600x800, 722K)

Kibitoshin needed Dragon Balls to undo their fusion.

It's a long story.

Attached: a2f2787a659bcf1fb04e495667575037.jpg (480x823, 111K)

How much does Pan love her Grandpa?


Attached: Recoome.png (640x480, 1.18M)

Attached: 1500756312226.gif (540x304, 2.58M)

A whole lot!

Attached: dbhggirlpan_23.jpg (1000x1500, 150K)

Enough to have his babies?


Attached: GokuJrDBGTSpecial.png (640x480, 437K)

>android 18
>infinite energy
>family woman
>many sets of clothes that are not baggy pants
>only wanted to be in ToP to better her family's financial position
>great banter skills and is actually funny
>loves her manlet husband because she is not a roastie and sees his good personality
>great haircut

>lowly gangster
>shitty waifubait
>O MY TINGLY BACK ruined an iconic transformation and the Saiyan race forever
>goku with tits
>keeps asspulling power ups and ruins the system even more
>brutish personality that resembles an actual monkey
>only person who ever tolerated being around her was spineless wimp with no self-esteem

Attached: 1530842373439.jpg (680x386, 41K)

You.....wouldn't happen to have any images of that would you?

Why is GT Goku so tanned?

Well meme'd

Attached: Caulifla 156.jpg (1093x1088, 431K)

It makes him look more desirable to Pan!

Attached: 19429069_1348051075271843_7865782399857065984_n.jpg (640x480, 88K)

>Son Goku Jr.
What the FUCK happened to his parents? It seems like everyone but Roshi died in A Hero's Legacy, but you'd think Goku Jr.'s parents would still be around.

Pan got rid of them to have the shota for herself!

Attached: 1556174978493.png (640x480, 368K)

I suspected as much.

Real talk How many lewds of Pan do you have?

Attached: IMG_5250.png (353x586, 447K)

But what was his tax policy?

Attached: Beerus_Battle_of_Gods.jpg (220x215, 11K)

He takes food and tresure and stuff for lewd times.

Attached: IMG_5064.jpg (600x360, 58K)

Sounds good to me

Attached: lazy beerus.jpg (969x600, 365K)


I like Jiren

>page 7
Save us Cuteifla!

Attached: Caulifla 212.png (1024x816, 342K)

I guess that makes my fanfiction canon because I mention Z in it

Fucking retarded spic

Zero, I only like cute.

We are Finn:


Attached: Gogeta-Finn.jpg (1334x750, 131K)

I like Jiren

>Panbro, no

What did I do?

Attached: UnhappyPan3.png (636x477, 347K)

I accept your concession.



Attached: 1486928712896.jpg (640x480, 46K)

>this English


>Beerus at the front
Concession accepted


>retard can't into power scaling

Attached: 1538812493054.jpg (1001x1001, 78K)

I hate Queeren

Attached: 1550749906371.jpg (1280x704, 57K)



Attached: 1546609049375.jpg (899x505, 34K)

ENOUGH, my precious pet

Keep seething, Joblydog

Attached: 1536791704641.jpg (1100x808, 76K)


Attached: 1527988474993.jpg (494x334, 35K)

Concession accepted, dog.

>stronger than a WEAK, pathetic GoD
KNEEL before me


Attached: 1531649202839.jpg (1920x1080, 242K)

>got hurt by 17

He was his equal during the tournament fight

Even flies can annoy giants in large numbers

>17 hurt him without ganging up on him
>the second time it literally made him vomit from pain

I didn't know that this figure existed?

Attached: Panfigure.jpg (1500x1207, 165K)

Nice revisionism, dog

>literally just reinforcing my argument
Cope, concede, and KNEEL before me.

I like Jiren

Kneel before your superior, pet

Attached: 1550028036930.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

>zero arguments
Concession most GRACIOUSLY accepted. Now return to kennel, pathetic cur. Your master commands you.

>validate my revisionism p-p-please

>still doesn't know what revisionism means
Your loss has been recorded in the halls of the great masters, pet. Now be silent.


Jiren is the strongest

Attached: 1543702482139.png (350x781, 198K)

Attached: dense.png (527x558, 296K)

Hush now, pet

Attached: 1532011449599.jpg (480x360, 25K)

Kneel, pet. KNEEL.

Nice trips, Panfriend! It's a new figure, Pan is popular enough to be still getting them!

Attached: [email protected] (750x750, 47K)


>cringe facebook meme
get the fuck out


Twitter, ackshually.

KNEEL before me. You have your orders.


Silence your drooling, gaping muzzle, filthy, disobedient creature, your master commands you

ENOUGH, pet. Your contumacious and cantankerous ramblings have defiled the deific ears of your good master long enough. SILENCE.

I like Jiren

>Nice trips, Panfriend! It's a new figure, Pan is popular enough to be still getting them!
And a tiny fraction of anons here think otherwise. that Pan is somehow irrelevant.
Perhaps they should think again.

Attached: peacePan.jpg (950x1024, 97K)

do it yourself you coward




Attached: 1535158254944.jpg (735x987, 65K)

Can't even tell whether it's one user talking to himself or two different anons?

Attached: Roshisittingonrock.jpg (350x471, 28K)

QUIET, my precious pets.

Silence, pet


I like Jiren

Enough, my precious pet.

Attached: 1532678223372.jpg (855x480, 59K)

I agree with this

Imagine losing like this. Your gay spandex ripped apart, your teeth have fallen out and you have been knocked out by one punch as your ass cheeks are spread in the air. And then you get blasted by Vegeta.

Attached: 2cf77a0ae85586d75680264573d447dd.png (500x670, 487K)

I like Jiren

And the blast hits him right in his asshole lmao.

best in db. not the best in super but there's definitely worse.

super saiyan was okay. I can see how 2 started to kinda ruin things but honestly I don't mind too much.

Attached: IMG_1503.jpg (552x414, 38K)

CHADly is the strongest.

Nice headcanon subhuman

Strongest what?

Based GODly

Attached: 1496901283297.png (568x552, 227K)

I like Jiren


You and the GTpedospic should kill themselves

Cringe. Panposter is one of the nicest anons on here, unlike you.

Attached: 51548246_120300212406027_1282272808409325122_n.jpg (800x1000, 70K)

How is it to live with so much hate in your heart?

Attached: 560x315mv.jpg (560x315, 61K)


Tough crowed.
>H O T G L U E
No covering the Pan figure in hot sticky super glue. Besides, you'll ruin it, user.
>nicest anons on here, unlike you.
Thank you user.
>How is it to live with so much hate in your heart?
Maybe that user is just jealous, that GT is comfy?

Attached: 1554112501966.png (282x479, 157K)

What’s she reaching for, anons?

Attached: 3B2A252A-58CD-4664-B2E9-557C32FFD2FC.gif (500x281, 925K)

>What’s she reaching for, anons?
Her future destiny, as MC of the DB series.

Attached: Pan6.png (295x480, 135K)

I thought she was reaching for her Grandpa's semen

get em Mark, I agree


Should she retain her GT clothes or go for something a bit more orange and traditional?


Attached: CHADly.jpg (1280x705, 63K)

They weren't talking about the dog

Attached: CHADly.jpg (1920x1080, 183K)

>Should she retain her GT clothes or go for something a bit more orange and traditional?
I think Pan should retain her GT clothes and have the option of traditional orange, like her Grandpa.
The only issue with the GT clothes, is the bandana, chain and fingerless gloves having the 90s look.

Attached: 1551640032734.png (1600x5000, 1.31M)


>that GT is comfy
Gt isn't comfy.

Attached: krillin wallpaper.jpg (1920x1080, 144K)

>Gt isn't comfy.
But user, I think GT is comfy.

So it must be comfy.

Attached: 1553865413539.png (867x725, 593K)

Imagine being this much of a homosexual

>I think
What happens inside your head is irrelevant in the real world.

Attached: C4n7WF8.jpg (480x270, 13K)


Attached: Pan.gif (320x240, 51K)

What is this garbage jobrentranny, have you gone full retarded on us?
Fucking GODly warps reality when he puts on a light show LMAO

Attached: 1537845906740.gif (640x360, 1.45M)

90s look is based and much better than modern literally-what clothes


Attached: a0744151710c57cefed9e598813fbb68.gif (540x304, 3M)

>What happens inside your head is irrelevant in the real world.
Well, I guess so. But that doesn't mean that there are anons who find GT comfy.

Attached: 1554333142499.gif (250x250, 213K)

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Attached: jobrentranny seething.jpg (1280x720, 82K)


Based and CHADlypilled

Attached: 3LD5m7OL_400x400.jpg (400x400, 43K)

>But that doesn't mean that there are anons who find GT comfy.

Attached: 1534794228205.png (436x454, 150K)

a-user.. I think you made a little mistake.

>GT starts with Pan being an annoying whore who gets dumped by many guys
She better live up to her cuteness in the rest of GT or else she is quite the waste of a good design.

Attached: town bike.png (640x480, 348K)

The mere mention of his name makes people seethe.

CHADly destroys TRANNYren's filthy butthole with one BLAST

>nu Jobly
Only the og Broly can be called CHADly

Attached: [Enigmo] DRAGON BALL Z 危険なふたり!超戦士はねむれない (1994).mkv_snapshot_29.44.jp (1920x1040, 1.17M)

>liking tomboys

It's too late for him, I've already taken his concession.

Attached: hult.jpg (480x360, 13K)

Kek that means that even shitfla is stronger than Jobly

It's too late

Attached: IMG_5318.jpg (400x225, 15K)

>Transformation creates such an explosion that it creates nuclear winter all over the planet

Have you missed the joke? They're all afraid of her supernatural power, and she always lands into some incidents to show it off.

It's only later in the series Pan finds an actual boyfriend in her grandpa

Attached: db96e707d347648757d10dee3f0cea7222ca98fc_hq.jpg (1024x768, 66K)

All saiyan women are whores. They are saiyans so it's only natural that they will have lots of partners.

Why is jiren so small

I want to fuck one of those monkeys

O nooo, that's not what I meant to say

So it doesn't count.
>a-user.. I think you made a little mistake.
I meant to say: Well, I guess so. But that doesn't mean that there aren't anons who find GT comfy.
>It's too late for him, I've already taken his concession.
It's too late, you'll have to had it back, as it was a mistake.

Attached: 1536174961622.png (640x480, 204K)

It's a shit joke that ruins her personality and purity.
Would it be funny if your wife kept trying to cheat on you but repeatedly failed to do so because of some stupid reason?

>being proud of a buu tier feat
Desperate dog. Jiren shook the fucking world of void.
>h-he is too strong i will have to blow up myself to counter a simple ki attack from him
Kek pathetic

Attached: 1544361909672.jpg (1920x1080, 213K)

Nice headcanon, dog

Attached: 1548348916943.jpg (700x1500, 160K)


>a joke that only appears in first episode ruins her personality

This seriously isn't the anime for you then.

I like Jiren



Attached: evangelos-kapouranis-goku-ultra-instinct.jpg (1920x1080, 402K)

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>confrontation Jiren's won

I like Jiren

If the joke is that she's a slut then of course her personality is ruined unless you're some kind of freak who likes sluts.

I thought of a new attack for Goku You could have Goku rear back and do a fucking Kamehameha for the a-millionth goddamn time and he fires this shit into space. it goes past the moon to show the scale ( we wished the moon back again right? ) it blows up the moon for the hell of it. it goes past the sun and it gets wider and eclipses the whole sun, it's bigger than the sun this shit puts Sephiroth's pussy supernova to shame. and we pan and we see the fucking beam just lawnmowing through the whole galaxy now the whole Milky Way galaxy. it's just a cone of blue Ki plowing through the whole galaxy. and then it pans out even more, and we see the whole galactic cluster. The whole local cluster and the beam just starts exploding galaxies because it's so big. And we just- we cut back to Goku on earth and it's just a cloud of dust and blue shit and he's screaming: "HYRRRAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" "Super Saiyan Ultra Deluxe 6.7 Baconator edition!!!" "Kaioken times four googlequinbillion!!!" and it shows the fucking universal milky way supercluster. and the beam just- it vaporizes all of it! and it zooms out again and it's just white light because it's too zoomed out and all you're seeing are dots of ultraclusters of galaxies like pixels on a computer monitor. and Goku is just mowing them all down, because he's SO STRONG and his number is SO BIG! and then it goes to Cell, or Jiren, or Demigra or Pilaf after absorbing the Seven Rainbow Multiverse Dragon Balls of Legend or whatever, and he's like "Oh no, his power level is too big." and he vanishes! Because the Big Kamehameha was the biggest, and that field of white light from before has a big black cone where the Strong Attack hit to kill the Bad Man. and Goku is back on earth, and he wipes his brow and he gives a thumbs up to the camera or reader or whatever. Goku, I'm not impressed. That was stupid, what you did. You should be ashamed of yourself!

Attached: Tardku.jpg (911x867, 233K)

So......is this the very first time you are watching GT user?

Attached: ComeonanonsjustwatchDBGT.png (640x286, 188K)

Based saiyan jin women.

Watched it once on TV 15 or so years ago and I remember loving it. Just started re-watching it.

Attached: 1549458183888.jpg (259x194, 8K)


Attached: 1554004863844.png (962x1018, 883K)

Attached: Krillinn.png (504x379, 316K)

Just tell me what you're smug about this time?

Attached: 01unhappy10.jpg (480x360, 15K)

I like Jiren

Manga Jiren or the shitty one?

I like Jiren

this made me drop nuDB

I don't follow fan fiction

So neither

I like Jiren

Attached: 3c.jpg (948x337, 64K)

Cope, toyodog

I miss yamcha :(

bulma misses his big cock

The manga stopped being good after Toriyama stopped lifting a finger.

I like Jiren

So super is dogshit right?


Manga Jiren, then.

At least manga Gohan was given better justice

>jobbed to a fused thot

Attached: Shit_Couple.jpg (720x1002, 233K)

Imma make a CHADren thread

Attached: 1536999749036.png (1365x740, 377K)

but didn't you raugh when he told bulma that her boobs are saggy?

Attached: 152828.1.jpg (150x200, 28K)


Attached: UI Godku gets rid of shitty character.jpg (342x316, 74K)

I like saggy boobs.

Attached: 1534289553850.jpg (342x316, 21K)

Attached: Broly takes out giren trash.jpg (342x316, 27K)

true canon power levels at the end of the tournament based on manga

MUI Goku>>Full powered Jiren>>>UI Goku>>Jiren>>>SSJB2 Vegeta>Gohan=Kefla>SSJB Goku>SSJB Vegeta=Golden Frieza= Toppo>Dyspo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everyone else in the tournament

Attached: 1525989237723.png (342x316, 106K)

>Watched it once on TV 15 or so years ago and I remember loving it. Just started re-watching it.
This is good user.
Remember to watch GT in full.

Attached: Pansmile.png (640x480, 251K)


>pretending GT is good so you can keep spamming pictures of a 11 year old

please get arrested

Why doesn't Toriyama give Piccolo a Super Namekian form, so it isn't just a Goku & Vegeta show. Also the same he should also do to other characters that got sidelined but Piccolo would be definitely the easiest.

Bulma and Yamcha were the real OTP.

Why doesn't Toriyama give a new form and powerup to every single character, if he did that, characters like Vegeta would become completely irrelevant.

Attached: 1548646851976.jpg (656x480, 45K)

Bulma was made for Goku.

Attached: 1493307905631.png (549x408, 292K)