They block your path.
They block your path
*Fucks cowgirl*
*Marries priestess*
*Kills anvil*
*Fucks cowgirl*
*Marries erufu*
*Kills rat*
i'll take the flat one
Kill both sluts.
Marry, fuck, and father children from the elf.
*kills cowgirl*
*kills priestess*
*kills elf*
>rape priestess
>rape elf
>rape guild girl
They've got nice hair
I like elf but tits too big
Do you have any goblin quests?
Kill Goblin, Kill Goblin, Kill Goblin, ignore these 3 if they are not helping with current quest
absolutely based
Fuck's sake, it's already morning in Japan. Why's chapter 35 not out yet?
Marry and impregnate Cowgirl
This thread is too slow, and has therefore become an erufu thread.
Imagine how fast she can move with tits that small
I don't have to imagine.
Any user ITT who suggest rape or kill of any of these 3 is goblin. Slay them
s-she's fast!
Based goblin detector
>Want to marry Priestess.
>Don't know what to say.
I rape
>steadily becoming less and less of a loli with each volume
Why do people like this skank again?
*blocks priestess's excretory path*
*ask where the guild office is*
She still the same size in latest volume.
Meanwhile, HEA is never a loli even during her creation.
This page has more movement than the anime.
Mmmmmmm I never tire of this webm.
Best kind of thread
How? You do realise the excretory system is the sweat glands, the liver, the lungs and the kidney system, right? You do realise you do not excrete shit or piss, you defecate and urinate, right?
Why is she mad here?
She is not mad just embarrased.
>that beanie
fucking cute my dude
It's utterly impossible for a man not to get aroused from this provocation
>that line
There’s no way she’s a virgin
They can't compete but they are still cute.
Yes it is possible if the man is completely traumatized.
Meanwhile, in GS AU.
Also requesting translation.
>throw goblins at em
>unzip dick
>cum green goo
>rinse and repeat
Marry and fuck Cowgirl, the others can get gobbed for all I care.
Priestess is sad, no time for goblin quest.
Befriend and adventure with Priestess
Marry and adventure with High Elf Archer
Buy cheese from Cow Girl
Who cares about that babu with dumb hat
The anime was powerpoint presentation tier
Hey that was rude! The hat is an important part of the uniform
GS did.
He won't say it but he also hates the dumb hat.
Elf's hips are roughly 80% wider than that.
warms my heart a bit to see my coloring.
Trying to be like best girl, I see.
Being flustered and angry is an erufu trope.
Do we have summaries for this. Why did Priestess became so flustered during this volume, and why was she sulking?
For (you)
Someone was shitposting about her senpai chocolate nun.
It's not shitposting if it's true.
What is he? 10 & in love?
You posted a human though now fuck back off to r*ddit
Tell me anons, are you playing this game?
Is it some gatcha shit? If yes then I ain't playing that crap
user, are you actually retarded? Both the urinary system and gastrointestinal tract are part of the excretory system, hence why waste products are commonly referred to as "excrement".
In any case, it's perfectly possible to block every orfice with cement or something similar.
Anvil pads her chest.
New page.
Gimme some rape, bruh
>Best girl got best doujin
t. goblin
Who is she again? Some kind of crazy priestessfag?
No, sorry. GS is the opposite of gatcha.
>Oh wow, a 5* magical swo...
>I don't need it
>Here, a fireproof mithril shi....
>Smells new, don't need it.
>What do you want?
>One cheap sword and repairs for my old armor.
What would Lancer have done in GS place?
meanwhile, between Grand Summoner and Weiss Schwarz posts, a preview of the TRPG was posted (and some pics of figurines and dice).
back in my rpg days they could make better ones.
Just caught up with the main story and year one chapters. So, we all know it's cow girl that wins by now, right?
t. Lancer excellent taste
Yes, as adopted family.
I wouldn't mind GS having side chicks. Why is a harem ending so unimaginable?
And the little blonde is his animal companion.
>cutting the text.
She conquers the world user, accept it, LP did.
Soon, the moons.
>Be GS
>Have fixed feelings with Priestess, but move to the quest board, and fetch a Goblin Quest.
>Evolution happens in a fantasy world
That's weird as fuck
left to right
sell kill marry
You honestly can't blame the goblins, we would all do the same thing in their place.
If I wanna get into GS should I start with the manga or LN?
The anime
nobody reads LNs
user no
>nobody reads LNs
Have you heard of SAO?
Did this have too much rape, too little, or just enough?
fuck off and dont ever come back
just enough.
Sometimes, we are blessed with them, but take them as a given present for continuing to read GS.
>No underwear confirmed
Does erufu also sleep full naked?
Yes. She also hikes her leg when going pee, shits in the woods, doesn’t shave or bathe.
How gay are you?
Walking home gently.
>censored for the sake of triggered white womyn with blue hair who can't understand why they're 30 and no one wants to stick their dick inside them, let alone risk injury and prison time raping them
Start with the LN, then move on to the manga and finally watch the anime. If you liked it enough get into whatever else the fandom has to offer. You should do this for every single new manga you read (that has both or some other form of adaptation). Ignore these retards
>nearly gets raped by goblins
>still more concerned about GS than herself even though she's incredibly prudish (for someone who doesn't wear underwear)
>the next day returns to the scene of the near-rape to gather intel for the next rape-endangering quest
How someone doesn't think erufu is wife material I do not know.
Ignore them
*Fucks sword master*
*Marries sage*
*Kills Hero*
This but start with the VN first if the franchise has one.
5/6 of those choices are the textual incarnation of shit taste
>DQ Priestress
>baby play
>micro bikini
>fuck Cowgirl
>remove knifeears
>marry Priestess
>have an affair with Guild Girl
How new are you? Take your 3DPD shit out of Yea Forums.
How does it feel? How does it feel, knowing that no amount of petty resistance will stop Yea Forums and /pol/ from taking over the board? We already seeped into almost all the shows you discuss, slowly changing your board culture into what we see fit, and no amount of crying helps..
Have sex
>pol thinks he's anything more than an annoyance
>/pol/ thinking he's more than a scapegoat as far as any media outlet is concerned
Guns of Kekerone
Cum and dump all of them.
Now now, don't be greedy. The rules are there for a reason.
It's a trick see, the series needs goblins to exist, so the right answer is fuck Priestess while she is young, marry Elf while she is willing and gob Cow Girl so she can produce cow goblins in industrial quantities
Anime is almost always the best to get into a series, after/if not then go for the source which in this case is the LN, finally go for the others only if you really like it but chances are it'll have been fully covered already.
In this case it's really better to read either the LNs or the manga first. Anime is cut content central and doesn't go beyond novel 1
>wanting fillers and censorship
>>rape priestess
>>rape elf
>>rape guild girl
Opa goblin style!
>Not learning RAW so you can read Japanese /tg/ & learn all the references.
It's like you want to be forever tertiary.
You do know tabletop games weren't created by Japanese, right?
Good taste.
These. Fuck 3DCGPD cancer.
No. But it's fairly popular & rarely touched by big corporation there.
Chill out megamind.
It's 25 already where is the chapter?
Most people here assumed that but now we have confirmation. BND is ending in May.
The raws from Daikatana chapter 3 were released in ganganonline. Thry also posted this note
Notice of the end of the serialization of the comic version "Goblin slayer Gaiden 2 The Cats of Daian (Dai Katana)" The serialization
of the comic version will be ended with [Episode 3]. I am very sorry for the readers who were looking forward to it.
Regarding the new development of the communication of "Goblinsreich Gaiden 2 Swordsman's sword" Dai Katana "", we will guide you later on this site.
>>baby play
I think that's an apron.
>gloating about the manga that brought us so many moments of Erufu intimacy
I bet you like diapers and rats too.
So why the thread about her chapter died pathetically without even 200 post? Not even erufu fans like her in that shitty artstyle.
Elf looks HORRIBLE is that artstyle. Her scenes were ruined.
I want to see the elf girl dressed like this.
Does this look horrible to you somehow?
Yes, is completely inferior to what the main manga artist can do.
>two pages later
Those body proportions are all WRONG.
>gets gobbed by the guild girl brigade
Looks like it isn't a complete reboot then, just a continuation with a different artist. Fair enough, hope the next guy's good.
But why? What happened?
Dunno. Another thread broke the news, and people theorized that there was a falling out between the Daikatana artist and whoever was running the show (maybe even Kumo himself), because the artist proceeded to scrub his twitter of GS-related art.
Well, the main manga artist isn't drawing that, be content with what you have.
I'd still fap to it.
Fuck you, that shitty artist ruined the fanservice chapters of all the girls with that horrible artstyle, I will never forgive them.
Imagine getting Daikatana with the glorious BND art.
They're both uncanny valley material, albeit for different reasons.
Ask them where is the guild girl
Don't even suggest it, BND is ending and now this shit is happening with SM spin off. If the BND artist takes it over, I swear I will hunt you down.
>caring about the prequel of a slutty piece of used goods
The only prequel she would be relevant in would be how she got her massive tits from mothering a legion of goblins.
Fuck you, I want to see her story and she is already post-rape anyway so you rapefags get nothing.
Too late user. Both things happening at the same time is no coincidence.
I can't decide between CG and HAE, bros...
What is so wrong with that? Even a not great Erufu is better than the other girls, except Guild Girl obviously.
The problem is the artstyle, not the Character itself.
She's not human.
The only appeal SM has is as a slutty rape survivor that sluts it up to overcompensate her loss of market value from her featured status in
That has nothing to do, is the artstyle.
>Not wanting to see the story of the one true Priestess.
You have to be Pristess to evoke some deep-buried reaction from GS.
It's even mentioned in the manga she has always had a thing for the stoic adventurers.
>side story about a cast of normie adventurers in a manga about an autist that only kills goblins
Fuck that, the only thing that makes Goblin Slayer what it is is how GS differs from the intentionally stereotypical D&D trope cast. This side project completely misses the main premise.
It's easy lad.
HAE is:
> cute
>willing to go adventuring with you
>can save your ass if things get hairy
>can hunt GOBLINS with you
>will talk shit to niggers who dare mess with you
>is cute and bubbly but also headstrong and jovial, generally fun to be around
>will drink with you
CG, on the other hand
>is kind but does not have as much character/personality as HAE
>can't go hunting GOBLINS with you
>socially autistic until Priestess helped her
>too cowardly to make a move on you
>is good with cows
Basically, if you like giant tits with no personality behind it, CG is the way to go. If you want a girl that can adventure with you, watch your back, and have a good time with, HAE is the way to go.
Pic related
CG could also evoke a feelings from him, except she has to try...and she doesn't.
GG tries and fails completely.
Priestess doesn't even try and yet she can open him like a fucking food can!
>CG could also evoke a feelings from him, except she has to try...and she doesn't.
>meanwhile, GS doesn't order food at the guild tavern because he always has his favorite stew waiting for him
>a stew CG cooks
This side project exists because SM is super popular.
But does she take advantage of that fact to try to open him?
Actually, he likes it because she cooks it exactly like his sister did.
Yeah everything about CG is because of her sister and everything about Priestess is because he wants it we know that...
His sister*
The only side project SM belongs in is in filthy Ryona doujins.
GS can't let his sister go, but CG can't let ALL the past go. This is why she is so upset in volume 6, GS doesn't have photography memory of all their past (except when stuff related to his sister) while she can even remember the fucking smells.
Stop with the obsessed with past stuffs, it's embarrassing. Of course she can remember she is not traumatized like him, that's having a regular memory.
On the contrary, GS should remember more due to the trauma, but he only remembers his sister and even that is starting to go away. Holding the past like CG does is bad, it means she can't move on at all, hell, GS currently is moving to the future unlike her, he now is trying to fix himself by own will.
She is also not a trauma victim and women hold on to little things more vocally than men.
>not even ss
Marry Elf and have fun adventures.
Finally, the real answer.
I forgot to mention that what CG wants more than anything else (besides GS' dick) is that "the past returns".
>GS should remember more due to the trauma, but he only remembers his sister
Just this part makes me wonder if you have read the story. GS shouldn't remember anything after his training but he still remembers his sister and some CG related stuffs.
They don't look as good as they should.
But I just said that, be remembers his sister and some CG stuff...but nothing else.
But you said he should remember that more than her and that so wrong.
This is the guy who got to decide that CG and Erufu should get a figure.
Praise him for his good taste.
Cowgirl is his favourite btw.
Yeah, got that one wrong, I forgot that a traumatized person usually remembers the traumatic event to insane detail...but everything else goes away.
Who the fuck is that?
Some guy in Phat who decides which girl gets a figure and which doesn't.
Fuck him, all the girls should get figurines.
Fun adventures in the kitchen
>implying fucking erufu in an apron while she fumbles her cooking wouldn't be fun
forgot pic
Funny, but how does it relate to anything itt?
previews from twitter: silver rankers celebrating the end of the Brand New Day manga...
and killing some demons.
you were waiting for this, I suppose
and at least one GGfag was waiting for this.
last pic from twitter
This can't be good.
Wow what a slut
Slutty babu!
What the hell is a babu?
This is a babu. You can have it if you want.
I mean, why is the word "babu"? Where did it come from? How is it applicable to Priestess?
Babu comes from baboon.
A little breeze and we'd see if she even goes commando in that outfit.
From what I recall it started with posts like these
Probably all from the same guy doing it out of endearment.
Then other people started doing it.
You only posted dead links.
She is supposed to be dancing for harvest...but she keeps wishing that "he finds happiness".
Oh, forgot dead links don't actually link if you use vanilla Yea Forums.
Look them up in the archive.
imagine the smell
why is this allowed?
Seeing as she can perform extreme athletics without breaking a sweat and is shown to value hygiene and cleanliness.. not all that bad?
>They block your path.
They're women, they can't block shit.
GG gives main heroine aura more than Priestess.
There is nothing wrong with that.
she fucked in the capital, but left after more and more started asking for it
Priestess can cast protection, idiot
I walk around them and continue to the quest board.
None of them.
>liking bland as shit Inspector
>N-est of PCs
>bland as shit
She has plenty of personality.
How old is Archmage?
Would it qualify as /ss/ since GS is 15 yo physically but 10 yo mentally?
Don't post that non canon shit.
It was to be expected. There's only so many side stories in Vol. 4.
What a selfish bitch.
Imagine putting on that ring so she can sit in your face for HOURS.
She's an Elf so she probably barely smells at all, even after vigorous exercise.
It's called devotion. More than the other girls, combined.
>won't even go on goblin slaying quests she hates for the sake of expediting GS' healing
Not if the blonde one is distressed, now you pit your mission aside in order to solve her problem to "cheer her up" as you realized you can't do that with words, so you have to use actions.
oh no no
>oh no no
>shows fanart
What's the point of this apart from showing how much of a retard you are?
I guess you are accepting she shouldn't wear the dumb hat.
How can one post be so based?
I hope this gets translated. Looks good.
But can she make a stew?
Thought so
Ignore this fag's opinion and follow your heart, wherever it may lead.
Priestess can.
She can make a stew in my pants if you know what I mean.
Fuck you nigger everything I posted was a fact
*fucks cow*
*marries priestess*
*kills goblins*
So Year One is ending the next month. Was it poor sales or it just catched up to the LN?
No it wasn't. Your bias is clear as day.
HEA is just Lolicept's de-chan change my mind.
What? Year one isn't ending, BND is and is because is a about to finish volume 4 material which was it's only purpose.
Year One is ending in May nigga
It isn't
Show your proof, it literally just started the glasses mage arc, there is loads of stuff to do, how the fuck is ending already?
what the heck someone lied to me
Early 40s, max.
I can see two big reasons she's not.
When? It was Elf that prefers demon quest when it is available.
>goblin slaying quest.
>expediting GS healing.
*kills goblins with elf*
Threadly reminder GG a best.
girgl fj with the h hige tits and my favourite the smaller ip blonde however the s too small tits
Too hard.
Goblin bump.
Give me 1 (one) good reason why Erufu isn't best girl. Protip you can't.
Chapter is out in play store.
It is fun & I say it as a huge priestessfag.
She get meme-ed just show how much characters she has.
Trust me, getting memed like that is no indication of the quality of her character.
Flat as a anvil
*f*ucks priestsess*
*Marries best girl*
*kilsl anvil*
she dumb
I know what you're trying to do, it's not working.
No good reason
She is wiser than you.
Did you know that sitting on a person's face may lead to a facial bones fracture?
Design, personality, I just lump those as character. Hate her or not, her piss/hat have more contents to discuss than the entire GG.
I don't say it because I hate her. Getting memed doesn't mean a character is good, is all I'm saying.
More specifically, there's another character that gets memed as a babu, and she isn't a very good one.
>First 6 pages are all Priestess
Please dump.
Tell us the rhea appears in this chapter and dies like a goblin.
I buy them chapters by volumes not single chapters sorry, this is just the sample but the chapter was on youtube like a day ago.
Yes, he is dead by the end of the chapter
Does GS reacts like he did in the LN. After Priestess da ces, GS suddenly answer GG previous question about how "he never relax" and is generally more open to her until the rhea nigga crashes the night.
So, 2 months until the Dark Elf bites it?
I don't specifically mean the babu part, you can call her literally hitler & disney heroine at the same time.
Did the rhea die pathetically?
When Priestess isn't wearing her stupid hat and temple robes she really looks like a young woman and not a babu.
He fought against GS, what do you think?
I was going to link the chapter but it was deleted already, anyway he was stabbed but not as gruesome as the LN said.
Sorry, I just skipped to the end to see the if the rhea appeared.
Priestess looks too old in these.
I mean if he dies a pathetic death like being in the floor screaming like a dog and dragging himself until he dies, with his eyes opened.
He is pretty pathetic to begin with, so dying pathetically is a given for him.
This is the end of the sample, wait for danke for the whole chapter.
Not bad.
>Has the potential to pilot a Gundam better than Kira himself.
>Pilots a Zaku instead.
Fits very well.
I'd say 3 or 4 months. They have kill the goblins in the 4 directions of town before.
Btw what if they skip vol 5 in the manga because of the movie?
It's just you think she is too young because of her temple robes and stupid hat.
That would be retarded.
Did many people die during the attack in the town?
Only goblins and Dark Elf who is their leader.
But there is an all-female party which was killed by DE before the attack.
Would goblins follow a human if he was strong enough to rein them in?
So the traps GS put were actually effective.
Yes, they bow to the strong until he is weakened enough to be defeated.
Strong and evil human
Corrupt nobles in volume 8 used gobs, a corrupt merchant also used gobs in volume 10 but this last one lost control.
Wasn't that Haruhi and the Dyke Squad that were wiped but pity rezzed?
>There is still people that believes this.
Anybody else have their kobo (glo hd) ebook reader tell them it can't open the Goddess' copy of vol 6 because DRM?
The corrupt nobles didn't lost control at any moment, Priestess ruined their plans and the king himself killed them.
Idiots regardless for trusting goblins.
They would have won if certain mary sue with a silly hat didn't appear.
>They would have won
And we can't have that on the game board now do we? If it's the heroes job to thwart villains, then it's the villains job to be thwarted by the heroes.
They've been fighting against Hekatonheir on the subtle plane.
They used the gobs how, exactly?
They ordered the gobs to kidnap King's sister to use her in a ritual. When GS' party saved KS thanks to the Priestess, the nobles started to defamatory her (KS) saying that gobs used her in their typical way, but King slayed them all.
To kidnap the princess and try to sacrifice her to revive the demon king.
Give them contact with meteor containing Lovecraft Demon so they know how to summon Demon Lord & the rise of Goblin Cult Priest, then they give information about the necessary sacrifice (Princess).
If they manage, the king will be replaced & Haruhi will be controlled like a puppet.
Just call her Princess, dude.
Isn't a princess is a daughter of a king?
A flail? Wtf?
Yes, the king died and the older Prince became the king, but that doesn't mean the younger sister stops being a princess.
What if the Prince becomes King and fucks his sister?
That's how it happens more often than not I suppose.
She is too big for his tastes, he seems to like them "small and slim".
Too much Game of thrones
I want to make half breeds with that elf
What's the purpose of the hat?
The hat wears the girl not the other way around.
It's cute.
Can't wait till the manga reach vol. 10.
That will take more than 5 years.