Could we find a waifu that Yea Forums could never hate?
Could we find a waifu that Yea Forums could never hate?
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I hate her
No, it's impossible. No matter who, there's always some Yea Forumsnon out there hating on them.
But if we all can love Yotsuba as our daughter, it's not impossible.
No it's just that there will always be a horde of ebin contrarians replying purely to contradict.
You can't hate this
I hate her hat
Saten is a stupid slut.
Now, Mikoto, on the other hand...
why.... just why?
stuck up bitch
No redeeming qualities except for looking pretty.
noone can hate Touka
It's impossible to hate a keion.
reddit waifu
I hate her, based Mugi is better than this dumb fag.
You're not using that word correctly.
There are shitposters on those threads too, I doubt they love her
Literally impossible to hate.
I dare you fucks to hate her.
It's stupid how Misaka was hottest waifu back in Index S2, but by S3 10 years later she is daughteru material I can't sexualize. Aging feelsbadman.
The fuck are you on, Kurisu isn't reddit, she's a time capsule of 2ch (and by extension Yea Forums) culture, she isn't just ours, she is us
On the left.
You posted her
Even her love interest finds her annoying
This stupid cunt ruined Yea Forums
My wife is so cute!
I hate her design and eyeliner
The only one that could possibly aspire to that status
I'd argue for Sakura, but more like daughteru
Who gave you permission to post my wife?
Mikoto is for short fat brown cocks.
She hates herself
She is the sunshine
I hate all of the waifus in this thread.
>long hair
I hate her
To each their own