Could we find a waifu that Yea Forums could never hate?

Could we find a waifu that Yea Forums could never hate?

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I hate her


No, it's impossible. No matter who, there's always some Yea Forumsnon out there hating on them.

Attached: DweiaXrU0AII7pp.jpg (850x1200, 79K)

But if we all can love Yotsuba as our daughter, it's not impossible.

No it's just that there will always be a horde of ebin contrarians replying purely to contradict.

You can't hate this

Attached: Kaban.png (500x1000, 239K)

I hate her hat

Saten is a stupid slut.
Now, Mikoto, on the other hand...

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why.... just why?

stuck up bitch

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No redeeming qualities except for looking pretty.

noone can hate Touka

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It's impossible to hate a keion.

Attached: Hirasawa.Yui.full.1257732.jpg (1700x2230, 435K)

reddit waifu

I hate her, based Mugi is better than this dumb fag.

You're not using that word correctly.

There are shitposters on those threads too, I doubt they love her

Literally impossible to hate.

Attached: sakaki.jpg (750x1000, 229K)

I dare you fucks to hate her.

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It's stupid how Misaka was hottest waifu back in Index S2, but by S3 10 years later she is daughteru material I can't sexualize. Aging feelsbadman.

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The fuck are you on, Kurisu isn't reddit, she's a time capsule of 2ch (and by extension Yea Forums) culture, she isn't just ours, she is us

On the left.

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You posted her

Even her love interest finds her annoying


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This stupid cunt ruined Yea Forums

My wife is so cute!

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I hate her design and eyeliner


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The only one that could possibly aspire to that status

I'd argue for Sakura, but more like daughteru

Who gave you permission to post my wife?

Attached: Cute flower.png (708x800, 921K)

Mikoto is for short fat brown cocks.

Attached: biribiri beaned.png (675x998, 528K)

She hates herself

Attached: mochila loca.png (204x257, 76K)

She is the sunshine

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I hate all of the waifus in this thread.

>long hair
I hate her

To each their own

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