Why do waifufags always fight? Why can't they get along?
Why do waifufags always fight? Why can't they get along?
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Because one is objectively better than the other
they're delusional
There are only fights when there is nothing left to talk about.
How butthurt would you faggots be when it turns out that Kazuma lost, and Megumeme wins Aqua for some lewd 69 and butt to butt action.
Reminder that one of them just sold herself to potentially voice lead heroine in Okamoto's porn.
Doesn't seem very in character since none of them have any homosexual traits.
absolutely based
Still amazing that Asuka/Rei fags are still butthurt 20 years later
Oh, they'll get used to it.
also acceptable
besides, kuckzama doesn't deserve waifus like aqua, megumin or even darkness
Because; EXPLOSION girl > useless goddess
Mai waifu > you're waifu
We are just one announcement close from hearing those lines performed with Aqua's voice.
>Sound of Aqua being fucked silly
Sound hilarious as fuck.
On top of that character itself is very "Aqua-like".
Holy shit, keep me posted on this, lads.
Cuntblocking is a symptom of repressed female homosexuality.
Essencially imagine Aqua-like character. Just instead of blue-haired water goddess, brown-haired human paladin, who is constantly horny over MC, since his touch drives her into heat. And now with even with Amamiya casted.
A real waifufag respects other people's waifus.
>Implying people who participate in fanbase wars are waifufags
A "real waifufag" isn't anyone worthy of respect. It's more fun to see them argue
>All this with Aqua's voice.
Who already want announcement?
I love Aqua
I love Megumin
I love Darkness
I love Wiz
I love Eris/Chris
I love Yunyun
I love all the Konosuba girls
Spoken like a true normalfag. Upvoted my friend :)
It's not like all of them do. However, you see, the usual dialogue between two, let's call them 'peaceful' waifufags of different camps might look something like this:
>Who's your favourite KonoSuba character?
>My favourite KonoSuba character is my cute and busty, baka wife Aqua
>I see, well, my favourite KonoSuba character is my cute and dorky, chuuni wife Megumin
>I see.
>[End of Conversation]
As you can see, it's really not much, they might get more into detail why they love their wifes so much, but overall, it is not gonna sprout a big discussion, which is why you never see those. It's pretty much pointless. Now, if the waifufags in question are of more fighty a nature, it might look more like this:
>My cute wife Megumin is so cute
>Megumeme is literally worthless, how can you like that empty cutting board of a character?
>The fuck did you say about Megumin, you little shit?
>What you read, you tool. Everyone knows Aqua is way superior.
>Oh no, it's the next episode of 'Aquafags ruin everything', isn't it?
>[Continue Ad Nauseam (and beyond)]
As you might have noticed, that is also pointless. The big difference is that the argument can last in its pointlessness however long the participants are willing to drag it on about. Nature of most people dictates that they shouldn't step away if their views are discredited as well, which works to sustain those "discussions".
TL;DR and Summary: You can clearly notice waifufags only when they are arguing, which is why you might think that they always fight. It's not like they attach a footnote stating their marital status and spouse's name to every post.
Because they're fags.