Houseki no Kuni

Dropping the chapter once I get through cleaning the pages.

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Other urls found in this thread:


based and reddiapilled

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Who's hyped for some suffering?

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Thank you chinkanon!

Suffering? What suffering?

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And done. If any of you are wondering, there are a total of 20 pages this chapter.

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Are you ready? I'm lady

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>Euc bending over to pic up Phos or something
wtf I love Euc now.


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Sorry about the last one being unspoilered.

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>mfw reading this entire chapter

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>Jade and Euc getting away from the earthscum

That's all for this month.

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Interesting how Aechmea is trying so hard to not show any emotion after knowing Phos failed making Sensei pray.

Fuck me, that whitespace really drives it in that Phos is burried right now.
Thank you Chinkanon!


Thanks user

Are they carrying Phos?

Pomf, what are they gonna do on the bed?

They're really wondering what phos meant with the whole humans and admirabilis thing

>Phos getting buried and Caren getting ravaged by Aechmea's dick are on same page

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I summon you STRIBORG!!

Yep, they're separating Phos all over the place in order to keep him "dead". I'm curious to see where the story will go from here, without Phos as the lead. Maybe a massive time skip or Yellow takes the reigns?

Yeah, one 28'th of him at least.

what is yellow's problem?

is just me or sensei looks more robotic

>that ugly ass expression
god damn i wanna punch his face off

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It is time for the true suffering arc to begin, starring Yellow

god fucking nigglet

Sensei probably feels really bad about the whole situation but he decided to trust the gems decision to bury Phos.

He looks really disturbed IMO


or sensei doesn't wanna any human interference in his life

Can we assume that Phos is dead, for real this time?

I feel a new time skip, with Phos turning into some sort of legend, and that at some point someone or something will go searching for the "artifacts" to revive this legendary savior.

Carin looks like a blackface in these panels.

fuck aechmea

Cutest blackface in history

I dont even know what to think anymore, poor baby Phos, while they are buried their "friends" are either joking or literally fucking

I love long Phossu.

I know right? I still don't get how we went from pic related to whatever the fuck is that moon nigger

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Sensei might be realising that the gems are really fucked in the head.
Just add one little line.
I'm black so this isn't racist.


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Forgot the fucking pic.

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>Golly gee mr Aechmea, you said thats called a watermelon?

is really awesome how the gems are grinding another gem, pretty much a lunarian funeral

I want long Phos to Slav squat on my face

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gems are soulless psychopaths

Now what? Will fuck face moon man do something actually helpfull for once!?

Thanks chinkanon, you are my hero.

ugly feet

he's bussy with gembussy

>even little morga doesn't care about Phos anymore

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I can't wait until Yellow commits a mass genocide and we all regret having any kind of faith roward any charachter (I'm looking at you Shitsha and Cumgross)

Recovering phos i guess. Probably won't find all the pieces so he will substitute with the other pieces he is currently vacuuming on the moon. Phos will be more deranged and devastated, possibly misremembering what happened and do something stupid (yet again) to increase his suffering.

Might get some stuff with Euclase seeing he is the only one on earth that isn't a complete psycho yet

little morga got cuntblocked by Phos taking her mobile pussy destroyer to the Moon, I bet she's enraged

Shouldn't Euclase be calling the shots?
Looks like she don't have much decision here.

I really wonder if she hates Craig/Phos shippers for misunderstanding her characters and the fetish for big men x small girls.

Yup, that's what I also think will happen, Phos is going to get the seventh tresure sooner than later. He will probably be devastated but i feel like this time he'll be a little more carefull and wary of everyone around them (At least that's what I hope for)

From what I understood he will only monitor the situation with Phos for now. Or at least that's what he wants everyone to believe.


>that one page in early chapters where Euclase laments how gems can't feel the passing of time and changes (ironically highlighting that Euclase does, in fact, recognize that things change) was hinting that she's actually the most human and sane gem
sasuga Ichikawa sensei!

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>Rutile says ~ze
Will she ever go back to keigo

Well at least they didn't cover her in mercury, r-right?

Do we really have to see all the lovelove moments between the moon couple?

What if they pick up Phos bits from the sea and make Phos more Phos than she used to be

At this point I think that on earth the only one that might be able to help is in fact Euc (and maaaybe Jade) also I feel like the gems on the moon will not fully understand the entity of Phos' trauma, this and the earth experience will hopefully make Phos react in less soft way (if they ever retrieve him, lol)

Sensible chuckle

it's really important to the plot, user!!! how dare you question Ichikawa's storytelling and writing???? do you not want a happy ending???!!!!

>shitsha cuming in phos fragments

By the way wasn't that pool the human synthesis laboratory?

Aechmea having some sort of reaction to the whole thing at least shows that he is interested in the praying away business, it's been hard to tell if he actually cares what Phos does or not.

A time skip long enough for that to happen would mean adding or getting rid of some characters, and I'm not sure that's really the best idea or necessary for the story. Someone just needs to pick Phos up and that could happen at any time.

>Someone just needs to pick Phos up and that could happen at any time.
It's finally Shinsha's time!

>react in less soft way
Honestly the only inhuman mental trait that remains in Phos is his complete lack of consistent hatred towards anyone.
It would be interesting if this is what causes it.

How long do you think it will take before the earth gems dust Euclase and Jade in a similar fashion to what happens in Lord of the flies?

Aech looks like a giant ”fuuuuuck meeeeeeee...” this page.
He definitely wanted this

They will find pieces of Phos but not all. Probably won't find enough to restore her fully. Pad will be fucked by mercury beyond repair and is "dead" or will probably just go along with letting her torso/parts become part of Phos. Pad's holes will be filled with someone else (most likely the ones they are scooping up on the moon) and there will literally be nothing left of original Phos.

The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist.


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I don't really think so since Shinsha was the one who got the idea in the first place. I think this will be the chance for Dia, Benito, Alex and maybe Euc to get some action

Shinsha doesn't need Phos anymore.

Phos is fundamentally too nice to really hate, it seems. If Phos can work with the lunarians just fine despite knowing they basically killed Antarc and everything else they did, the earth gems putting him in little boxes probably won't elicit that much of a reaction either, except maybe more despair. Hate seems like a personality trait that would have to be introduced from the outside.

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>Implying Shinsha would risk his newfound position within earthgem society


>"Hey princess we found a way for you to fade into nothingness!"
>9 months later
I'm ready for more suffering

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>Euclase removing sensei from a leadership position causes the gems to completely deteriorate into pure chaotic anarchy
>Euclase and Jade are both killed because they wanted to maintain reason
>Euclase before being killed manages to put Phos mostly back together and throws her into the sea
Pure Kino.

>Padded room
Well, at least now we know that Yellow was throwing himself at the walls over and over.

Shinsha will be the mini boss before final boss user. Euc seems the most likely among the earth gems since he is probably the only one who actually understands what Phos wants to do.

>Agate legs gave Phos speed
>Gold arms gave Phos strength
>Lapis' head gave Phos intelligence
>Pearl eye gave Phos hax
>Red Dia gave Phos sexual assault charges

>Can I watch?
Dia, please.

I also think Paddy is the "best" candidate for the restoration. I feel like he will understand that he isn't in the condition of helping anymore and he'll willingly tell Aechmea to restore Phos with his pieces. Also I don't think that Phos' body is going to disappear completely, maybe there will be some missing parts from their torso but not the whole thing, or at least that's what I hope.

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Everything but that, please

Pad's chest does have a bunch of holes in it, after all. Would also have the bonus effect of making Rutile apoplectic with rage, which would be interesting to watch

>one triplet looks like Cairn
>one triplet looks like Antarc
>one triplet looks like Ghost


Can you imagine Phos with a Paddy like torso!? Rutile is gonna be hysterical.

Take pads torso and fill the holes in with Phos. Rutile gonna self destruct in hate

Well that’s one way to end a manga.

“The main character, who could not functionally die, ate shit and died.”

>Padparadchad steal his style:
>open shirt
>hole-filled torso
>big ass sword
>one loose sock

sadly soon [/spoiler] fuck bortz [/spoiler]


I'm only going to be convinced Phos is dead if he gets thrown into the sun/outer space, or gets annihilated by Sensei

Well Phos got Shinsha the new fun job she promised... killing Phos over and over again.

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its the thread theme


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you raise the blade
you make the change
you rearrange me till i'm sane

That's too funny.

>or gets annihilated by Sensei

getting a happy end is more likely than that

I want Ghost back, she would go after Phossu without delay.

Attached: ghost in panic.jpg (499x379, 75K)


>Goes to help Phos
>Get's shattered by the Lunatic earth gems

What happened to Yellow?

went to the happy hospital

yellow is the new phos now

Couldn't handle Pad smacking some gems and Cinnabar pissing everywhere.




They’re being hit by 4000 years old crisis of faith. Their culture and ethos were a tawdry sham. Their God is a craven idol and their people are morally children.

They’re fucking invincible and they can’t lift a finger.


This shit reminds me why I dropped these threads.
Enjoy your cancer.

See you next month, cutie!

What the fuck is this? Don't post that here.

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>implying the third triplet isn't just Lapis
>implying Cairn won't do it to backhandedly "let their legacies live on"

tumblrfags are shamed on sight here bro, don't leave

ebin twitter h@shtag my man hahah xd

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Sorry, I mean.

i always say that to myself

I'm not sure Cairn really cares about that. He's unusual in that he had accepted that those that were taken to the moon were basically dead, even if the others didn't think or act like that was the case.

>implying this hasn't been done for years
get out of here tumblr

holy shit the fucking gall on this faggot
castration and mutilation for you

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Come at once, Striborg, your master commands you.

P is for Please help Phos
A is for AHHHH
D is for Dick
P is for Penis?

ok I'll leave the poetry to better anons, I can only do images

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>le edgy shounen
these threads are for hi iq posters only

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you can't spell sophering without Phos

gatdang that's a pretty paddy
have a pome:

>le emo moe
like this one?full of reposts and regurgitated garbage that can only be spewed by the likes of you, but it is not as if anyone expects anything from you being a failure in your own field and thinking yourself comparable to greater minds

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I'll treasure this, user

>Euclase humping and teabagging Phos corpse
Fucking hell.

>implying he isn't in awe of all the splooge he just spilled across the marble floor

Fucking hell, stop fagging the threads up with your bullshit and stop replying to yourself.

"why can't I hold all this suffering?"

Based Barbata silently judging. Though Aechmea and Karen look kinda cute this chapter.

>Barbata: bro, this gem keeps looking at my dick
>Aechmea: bruh...

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and he now resorts to posting Yea Forums bait. Back to your containment threads /dbspic/

why are you pretending to be me

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You fuckers told me gems were pure and not for lewds, whats this then?

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dekinai user...

Hey guys what's going on in this thread

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So we all agree Red "Rape" Diamond will be the new protagonist, right?

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Save us please.


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Always an exception to the rule. Always a degenerate who would break such a rule. Those two are the perfect match.

even though this manga is devoid of it?

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a moonslut

Implying we wont see all the moon gems succumb to moonie cock.

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Yellow got blackpilled and now is a smug nihilist

That's not how you write ga, user

we were wainting for you handsome

he's the first Phos loyalist(verdadero)

>Phos, who stepped forth towards Sensei to let his wish be heard, was shattered by the Gems of the Earth

>Alright, let's throw him into the sea

>I want to talk to him
>How about we just close his head off somewhere?

>He already did enough damage with words alone
>It'll just make things worse

>Let's spread out the fragments and hide them separately

>It'll make them harder to find for the Lunarians / If they ever decide to look for them
>We should do this as soon as we get everyone's okay on this

>I see
>That's Shinsha for you SASUGA

>...I mean, that's just an idea... / If anyone has a better one...that's fine...

>That'd be the safest option, yes
>What do you think, everyone?

>That's good
>I agree

>How about you, Adamant? / Didn't you want to meet Phos?
Also check out that [Kind Child] > [Moon Psycho] portrait down there

>I will go along with your decision, whatever that may be

>Where's the other half, from the landing?
>I hid it in the hibernation room
>Go get it


>We just lost contact from Adamant

>Woah!? / What is this place!?
>Wah! / It's full of people!

>Thank you for taking care of my husband

>What's that "important thing" you were talking about!?
>(It's the princess!)
>(The real one!)
>(So cute!)
>I was just getting taught about your navy by Liebe!

>I'll be preparing today's dinner personally...

>Welcome hooome
>Sorry for the intrusion~!
>Cangorm~ / The Prince is baaaack~

>You're late! / We're pretty much done here!
>Welcome home!

>I asked Barbata what curry was, and he showed me in practice / The other ones said they had stuff they wanted to ask you
>This is our Curry of Light

Let's see if he still is because he looked moonraped at the end of this chapter.
>Inb4 Yellow becomes moonslut 2.0

an expected reply from a gemfag
i accept your surrender
like the dude posting the powerlevel chart?

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>Inb4 Yellow becomes moonslut 2.0
I would literally drop this manga

Thanks for the translations

i love euc now

but you have to own it to actually drop it you retard
>it's a manner of speech
not it isn't you're a fucking moron

Attached: b8c.gif (386x387, 2.3M)

>Thank you for taking care of my husband
>Welcome home!
Awww man, Crab is acting like a lovely wife. That's not fair! She's only suposed to be the moonslut!

I don't know my katakana, I've been focused on Cyrillic

please stop translating no more stop please I beg you I can't go on not like this

Attached: genki Phos hates it.jpg (512x384, 123K)

Euc is forgiven by the moonfags. Jade and Eucler are the only gems on earth who deserve to live.

>Alright, eat

>The sharp taste of light after a midsummer shower, with the mellow freshness you'd get when seeing it through the petals of a blue flower / So this is curry...

>You might have a talent for cooking

>(So tasty!)
>But Lunarians eat mushy stuff that goes through their bodies before getting out, right? That's so weird...
>You might lack it completely instead

>Is it true that Phos failed

>It is
>Did Sensei refuse to hear Phos out?

>One of his begging motions was mistaken for an attacking attempt
>And he was shattered by his friends

>Considering everything that's happened...
>I bet it was Rutile...

>It seems like everyone attacked simultaneously

>Is that so...

>It's unfortunate

>Ah! Congorm, you smiled! You must be happy~ / Phos' failure means you get to be with the Prince longer

>That has nothing to do with me either way / I'm just doing what I can here anyway
>I can't do anything about him wanting to fade into nothingness

>Even if he leaves me behind
>I'll just have to follow him

>Well, the princess is actually quite something / She finished memorizing the whole periodic table today
>Is that so? She might have a talent for chemistry then

>What about Phosphophyllite's recovery?

>We're still observing the situation
>Ah, right

>Would you mind studying under Barbata?

>Of course~
>Looking forward to it
>A new teacher Sensei ;_;, huh

>Alright, you ate
>Now LEAVE / It'll mean less lovey dovey time for me otherwise

>I want to watch~

>I thought you'd tell me
>About the important thing you told me about
>That thing from before I even came here

>I'm sorry

>I know!
>I'll just have to stay close to you then! Then I'll be able to go into nothingess with you!

>That's why you must have called fro me! / Definitely! / That must be why you're so clingy too!


Based mods removing shitposters from a gembutt thread. This 4channel site blows 4chans Yea Forums out of the water.

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what's there to know? there's only suffering and cringeworm sex with Aechmea

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>Ah! Congorm, you smiled! You must be happy~ / Phos' failure means you get to be with the Prince longer
They really don’t care do they

Did I miss a compilation pic, I feel like I need more enlightenment than ever

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>Dia is a voyeour

>>The sharp taste of light after a midsummer shower, with the mellow freshness you'd get when seeing it through the petals of a blue flower / So this is curry..
Alex, what the fuck?

rip Phos, if she ever comes back she will be something beyond understanding.

>chapter drops
>a few exchange of words between characters
>arguably comparable to the writing of recent GOT season
>takes a month for a chapter to drop
>barely average art
>forgettable characters
>inconsistent plot that tries to merge science and religion (hint EVA)
>unlike eva, this is so shallow anons keep trying to make up discussions but even they realize that there is nothing to discuss
Nothing but the truth.

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Ok, like seriously what the fuck!? Cuntgross is beyond redemption, smiling and being happy that Phos got shattered is really shitty, I still have a bit of hope that sooner or later they'll understand what piece of garbage their husband is thought. Also I'm in disbelief by how no one really gives a fuck about Phos (I'm looking at you Dia) but that is nothing new is it?

holy shit, for a moment we saw the real Craig

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>Hold me tight

>I don't care if I shatter

>Bad girl!

>If you behave, I may let you taste the Sun every once in a while
>Maybe, that is~



>Where did you hide it?
>It's a secret~

>Where did you hide it?
>It's a secret~

>Where di you hide it?

>I was scared, so I hid it as far away as I could, under the cliff in the Shore of Beginnings...
>You can't just tell us

>Go hide it again!

>If Sensei prayed, the Lunarian's wish would be realized and everything would be resolved
>That's the idea at least, but

>Asking him about it was useless
>(You were shining so brightly!)
>(I'm sorry, I can't answer you)
>(Take that bright ball out again!)

>Humans, the Admirabilis being a third part of them... / There's so much we don't know

>Some of it might be just lies from Phos mixed in
>Well, it's something to think over carefully

>What was Phos talking about, when he mentioned that "Blessing"? Happiness? Boon? I'm not remembering something here

>Want to ask him?

>Let's go

>Yellow has been claiming he's "Tired", ever since the Night Raid. What is going on?
>Yellow has an "objective" he's pointing his gaze towards
>Chapter 78 END

What is the point of this series anymore? The only thing that has happened for the past year is the shitty romance with the moon nigger and phos fucking up, rinse and repeat. At a glacial pace. The speculations people have posted in the threads have been more interesting that what actually unfolds.

That's another month done
I'm going back to the Angry Dome

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Don't do that in front of Ghost.

Attached: euclase_laps_up_lapis2.png (631x981, 587K)

>I was scared, so I hid it as far away as I could, under the cliff in the Shore of Beginnings.
oh shit!

thank you for your kind work ;_;


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Thank you so much again this month Striborg.

It is true that the recent chapters are extremely frustrating and the monthly serialisation doesn't really help. I spent almost a year wondering where the fuck the story was going, especially with the whole Cairnmea thing, at least now we have some interesting plot points to unveil.

oh wow common sense in a gemthread
ironic or not this is impressive

Alex best chef.

that sometimes happens with Yea Forums . It's kind of special in an autistic sort of way. Also makes some stories something they are not like re:zero

Thank you very much.

thank you for your service
you're braver than the marines

is that from the manga about the edgelord kids?

>the Shore of Beginnings
>not the Coastline of Conception

Attached: 5da.gif (213x201, 429K)

good day to you too striborg

>Yellow has an "objective" he's pointing his gaze towards
I can't wait for the next chapter

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based as always

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What is Dia blabbering about after the kissu?

Who needs translations?

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>Did you see that!?
>Did you?

>I did, I did

Is that hand posture some kind of buddhist enlightment posture?

>not the Seminal Strand
>not the Waterfront of Waifus
>not the Surf of Samsara
>not the Beach of Birthing
>not the Mare d'Maternite

based and asian pilled

>What is the point of this series anymore?
Help pay Haruka Ichikawa's rent.

Phos is part Ichikawa's-punching-bag, part sci-fi enactment of a Faustian protagonist.

Huh, nice.

>slip'n'slide sands

Tying us more tightly to samsara

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Killing the slugs.

somebody save this edits

>I want to watch~
Dia hasn't changed a bit.

This is high quality shitposting. You've done well.

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do you think Barbata is worried about phos?

>What is the point of this series anymore? The only thing that has happened for the past year is the shitty romance
Even leaving Karen's side of the story completely aside, over the last year we learned about the details of gem reconstruction, we had the whole night raid and its effects, slug history, the confirmation of Sensei's activation. Comparatively, the year after Antarc's taking basically had Phos becoming a warrior with PTSD, the confirmation that Sensei used to have a dog who mutated into some buddhist abomination, and Phos starting to suspect him. Most of houseki always was character work and seeding future storylines THROUGH it, not outside of it whether you like it or not

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I bought a hnk outfit just for the memes and it doesn't fit me. I'm not even fat, I'm too skinny

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Reminded me of this

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>I'm too skinny
This sounds unlikely

As worried as he can be, yeah. I don't think he has any idea what Aechmea's plan actually is.

Sounds like it's time for some tailoring. It's a good skill to pick up anyway.

donchu be concern
I have quite a few edits saved, I don't delete them just because I've posted them

Attached: personae_dramatica.png (1776x1238, 2.43M)

>Too skinny
Have you tried fucking eating something

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While the gems are inhumanly skinny, the cosplayer uniforms tend to be made for landwhales.

I'm 6 feet tall and all the outfits are sized for women

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>sized for women
duh it's a show about women getting PTSD

Dude just get leg-jacked by an incestuous spacesnail lol
It has the additional benefit of never needing to shave your legs again

I'm to lazy to learn but Ill maybe pay someone to tailor it

I think the main problem is the monthly serialisation, for example I got into the manga after the anime aired so I read all the post Antarc parts altogether and even though I really liked them I feel like I would have been quite bored if I had to wait a month for every chapter. Same here, I think that if we had all the chapters already released we wouldn't feel this frustrated.

>I was just getting taught about your navy by Liebe
what the fuck?

The storytime threads a week ago were nice and comfy, because they tied together a year of suffering into a single, consistently-paced and coherent experience. Experiencing the work once it's ready rather than month-by-month is probably the superior option, we're just masochists who get off on suffering and shitposts

>6 feet tall
>Gemlet dimensions
coming from german/english ancestry, everyone I know is either built like a truck or built like a truck.

So I have trouble conceptualizing someone who's like 6'0", 71 pounds.

Are you 99 percent bone?

babbies first monthly manga?

I'm 140lb I'm skinny how is this hard to comprehend.

the series is still suffering kino though have you watched the series and then read up to recent from the start? good shit son

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I know this feel. Don't worry brah, we're all gonna make it

There's a girl I see in an office every now and again whose 6'0'' at least, and about as skinny as a gem. It's kind of ridiculous but not unheard of.

I like the suffering and existential dread without the edgy torture porn bullshit like made in abyss and such.

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Thank you very much, knowing eases the pain.

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what are Euc and Jade saying?

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Striborg translated, read the thread


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I'm glad we're seeing more AWOOOO appearing.
She's not the smartest, or cutest, or best fighter, but she AWOOOOOOO

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>She's not the smartest, or cutest, or best fighter
Definitely not the kindest either

not this panels

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You're fucking blind, my dude

Read again.

>Rutile wants to throw Phos into the ocean
Kek salty bitch.
Poor Euc, he knows what’s going on but can’t do anything about it (wow kind of like Sensei before this whole shitshow so deep). But if I understand correctly what Shinsha was saying it’d be unwise to keep Phos around for questioning when the lunarians are watching and can attack any minute.
>give Cringeshit screen time for no reason
Ngl I fucking hate this nigger tranny.

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>that Euclase summary
idk how to make webms but have this

Who'd have thought YUCKlase would turn out to be the second best non-dusted gem

>Cairngorm laughed! Phos failed and you laughed!
>lmao who cares about that as long as I’m with my sugar daddy
Dumb depressed bitch can’t even wake up in time for dinner

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PAS here. Chapter's cleaned. No idea how tl's going. I'll try to keep you all updated as things progress like always.

You think if Phos just has sex with the other gems maybe this whole thing could sort itself out?

If they would just talk for 30 seconds everything would be fine

Ok nvm Shinsha isn’t as smart as I thought >finally some good fucking food

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Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

At least you don’t need to get garters just to keep the thighhighs from slipping down the knee

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Thank you PAS!

are you that skinny? most thigh highs are pretty stretchy in my experience and would fit almost any legs.

>Nobody gives a fuck about Phos properly
>Even the ones who followed him to the moon
>Everyone is freaking psychotic and childish
If we're just going to make Phos suffer forever, I want an ending where everyone just fucking loses absolutely everything, and everyone is left miserable, have adamant fucking die for all I care, just to see how many suicides happen right after, and maybe black diamond throwing a fit and killing everyone else like the piece of shit that he is.

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it's a monthly manga with 20 pages

This. I want the current earth gems to be dusted. They have never understood nor tried to ever listen to phos sincerely. As evidenced by the fact that Euclase STILL think Phos is lying about Humanity.
That's better than some """bi-monthly""" manga that only get 10 (TEN) pages a month

No, the exact opposite. My quads are way too thick and they push the thighhighs down

oh lmao

get those sock suspender things

>As evidenced by the fact that Euclase STILL think Phos is lying about Humanity.
I don't think she does.
Jade was the one bringing up doubts, and Euclase just went along with it not to look like she was defending "the enemy".

kill yourself

>Euclase was a based gem all along
how the fuck did I not notice this before?
I can't believe Eucler is best gem

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Yeah, garterbelts.

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Can you make it more obvious who is talking when you post your translations? I sometimes have trouble figuring out who is saying what.

I usually translate them in reading order, with spaces separating panels
There should be little room for misunderstanding, usually

don't mind the brainlets, your posts are perfectly fine. thanks for the translation as always

>earth gem regress
>muh yellow haz a plan!!!?11/!@@@
ebin manga my boys

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Yes, don't worry, I'm really glad that we were able to get a translation this early, thanks a bunch!

That’s been obvious since the night raid. Pay attention, speedreader

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she was still scheming like a rat after the night raid

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Aechmea's wife looks cute in those panels desu

what's up with Jade's expression
concern for Euc?

> He already did enough damage with words alone

What?? He literally just asked a question and nothing happened.

Well, Phos did take their partner away (though of Goshe's own choice). Also nuMorga isn't exactly the most confident so she probably just automatically follows whatever the elder gems decide.

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I think the earth gems are basically just a bunch of scared deer at this point. Phos came and it made sensei do a thing they dont know about so they just are terrified of phos

He commanded Sensei, who almost started to pray. The gems don’t know anything about Sensei’s function as a prayer machine so to them it probably looked pretty scary.

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Phos' words caused Night Raid. Keep up.

> Even the moon gems don't care that Phos got fucked up

Seriously? It's because of him that they're even allowed to be there.

They're just going to observe the situation instead of actually trying to get Phos back? He's the only one whose actually been helping the Lunarians, and also the only one whose been able to get past Sensei's authentication, You'd figure getting him back would be a high priority and not just worth a 'Hmm well whatever I guess we'll see.' approach.

Just in general seems like even the moon gems are ridiculously uncaring for what Phos must be going through even before this, he was literally falling apart over what he needed to to do save their race, but the other gems (sans paddy) are just content to play around on the moon and not help at all.

Looks like most gems are just shit, my dude

All part of aechma master keikaku

dumb flower prince has the complexity equivalent to that retard who prides himself on avataring the densest gem

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Seems like all that Achmea's keikaku comprises of now is fucking Candycorn.

To be fair, it's not like Euc is the gem dictator. They're mostly the defacto/unofficial 'leader' after Sensei stepped down. Ultimately Euc can't just overrule the general consensus even if they have reservations. Kinda like Sensei does.
Anyway the Euc and Jade scene was nice. They seem the most likely gems to help Phos at this point.

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Ocean arc with Jade, Euclase, and LaPhos head!?

where is Shinsha?

This, she probably isn't confident enough in Phos to know that he WON'T try anything but still thinks that going this far is a bad idea and that they should talk shit out.

As it is, the other gems are all just louder opinions, and now that Sensei is content to just sit back and be subservient there's no one who can reign in their stupider idea's like this.

Think it's basically guaranteed that Shitsha either buried his Phosbox on the cliff above his cave or just within the cave itself, maybe that takes long enough that he isn't back yet.

>Alex is going to take cooking lessons
>Barbata has a gem harem

ok then

So did they bury Phos with his gold or did they separate it?

This is oddly cute. I like it, user.

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I'm worried for Euclase now. Any gem that actually feels for or respects Phos gets a bad end
>Antarc gets moon'd and permagrinded
>Ghost perma loses her body
>Karen gets bimbofied
>Pad got Shinsa'd and will probably get even more shit once he's back up

>that must be why you're so clingy too!
It's literally just you Cobwebs, I'm beggin you please stop projecting

Dia is still around.

I'm ok with this. Better Drogadicto than David Bowie.

>under the cliff in the Shore of Beginnings.
So some horrible body horror abomination is coming out of this, isn't it?

I mean at this point Dia doesn't seem to give a fuck about Phos anymore, she's happy just being on the moon and not having to deal with her inferiority complex about Bortz.

Probably not if she goes back and moves it somewhere else like they told her to.

Though it would be pretty creepy if she came back with a "I went to move the box, but it was empty..." line

Phos is a scapegoat at this point. Their society has been bullshit since forever.
From her point of view, that was literally the only problem in her life. Everything she did was towards that. Now she's bereft of purpose, and has regressed to the ethos of a child.
Nothing would please me more than seeing Phos finally get pissed off like they did initially to the moonies.

Yes. It would please me greatly.

user, it's the goatee, gembutts get attracted to it. Aech is offering these gems so all the goatee power aflict the other gems instead of his wife.

People keep saying nothing will come out of it cuz Phos is inside a wooden box covered with a fabric. But i think we are going to get a time skip, and them the abomination will appear, after all the boxes after have been degraded by the environment.

HnK: The Creepypasta Years
>I swer this is true rite i was walking home frum skool (not tellin u wher) and I saw a box full of glass. so I picked up the glas and the glas spoke. it said my name is Fos i said who are you? kill sensei so I ran away
fuck I hate teaching kids to write, esp. the 'edgy years'.

Thanks for the effort PAS.

>Nothing would please me more than seeing Phos finally get pissed off like they did initially to the moonies

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> Now she's bereft of purpose

Even without Bortz we've still seen that Dia is capable of compassion and kindness, even specifically towards Phos like when he was turned into a slug and she was seemingly the only one who was freaked out/wanted to turn him back.

She could at least turn some attention toward helping Phos, the one who allowed her this freedom in the first place, and/or helping the Lunarians for the sake of putting the old dusted gems back together.


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as much as I would love that all the moon gems except Yellow and Pads are acting way too childish, almost like spoiled teenagers in a mall

>Jade and Cinnabar descriptions



Phos is more or less an undead abomination at this point.

Living purely by force-of-will, undying and immutable inclusions that possess and animate inorganic matter, an unclean, shifting body cobbled together out of spare parts with no need to eat. A mind filled with terrible knowledge and technological transgressions, who's seen shit you people wouldn't believe.

I think that's why I come back to the story. Because no matter the cost, they keep moving forward.

the tragedy continues for Phos

If Phos is left without sunlight long enough, will they lose memories like Barbata said would happen to the dusted gems? What if they lose so many memories they basically reset to Genki Phos?
Though I doubt Phos will actually be left long for that to happen.

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They would be born feared by their society.

And they would seek out the source of that fear. And then the cycle starts anew. Can't just make Karma go away.

>Euc is secretly an amazing gem
I hope none of the other Earth gems shatter her

When will we see more Zircunny?

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It's hard to say, the full memory loss probably takes at least a hundred years, if not more, since none of the gems or lunarians brought up the issue of old Goshe and Morga's memories even though they were the most recent captures to the moon.

Given that the gems will ((hopefully)) remember to feed him sunlight once in a while I don't think we'd have to worry about any severe memory loss at this point.

That also brings up the mystery of whether Paddy suffered any memory loss since he spent presumably hundreds of years covered by a cloth under a bench without any direct sunlight on him for large amounts of time. He was inconsistently brought back for a while each time Rutile did a successful surgery but seemed fine memory wise when Phos first meets him + on the moon, so I'd take that to mean that, again, as long as they remember to feed Phos once in a while, he should be okay.

Though youre right in that it would hopefully not take years for either the lunarians, slugs or Euclase to rescue him and put him back together.

I think Euc is okay, the gems actually trust him and Jade, so they'd probably be less inclined to just fucking shatter him for talking.

I'm kinda pissed that Sensei had regressed to a servant-like role right now. It seems he has no sense of agency anymore.

That's more or less what he was built for though.

He was forcing himself to be the leader before this, so now that the gems have allowed him to do as he wants, he's absolutely fine with just being a servant to them.

I remember some months, they were already recovering some parts of red dia, the last tresure, probably a time skip of small fights across time of moon gems searching the hidden parts one by one, while at the same time red dia gains more and more parts, until they stop finding phos parts and then Phos gains the parts of Red Dia and becames Ultimate form Phos

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> the gems all wake up the next day to see little globs of gold with Phos shards stuck in them gooping around the island looking for other parts of themselves

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Just add the name of who is speaking in your post so that it is easier to understand without having to always look at the image.

Is Phos the chosen undead? Or perhaps an Eldritch abomination seeking truth?

The thing is that most of the gems get some degree of moral/lifestyle guidance from him, like in the cases of Sphene and Peridot. Now that he reverted back to being a servant, the Earth gems have no one playing such a role and everything is going to be a shitshow because of that.

Never said it was a good thing, just that it makes sense. Euclase even tried to frame it to him like they were equals but he basically just said nope to that because he wants to be subservient.

At this point Euc, Jade, and Sensei are probably the most reasonable in terms of how they'd want to deal with Phos, but they're all just too quiet to really argue their perspectives to confident loudmouths like Bortz and Rutile. The other gems are more or less just like children who want to bury and forget their problems rather than change the status quo for the better.

Democracy was a mistake for Earth gems. At this point I'm actually fine with Euclase being the leader.

>just like children who want to bury and forget their problems
Seems more like a mob just going with whoever yells louder

Yeah, that's why Aechmea is setting him up with three gembutts to help him move on from Phosu.

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>they're all just too quiet to really argue their perspectives to confident loudmouths like Bortz and Rutile.
Because Bortz and Rutile are fucking insane and will murder them.

Maybe, but in general the way they were acting so cheery about shattering and burying one of their own makes me think that they just dont want to think about the lunarians in any way, they're just 'the bad guys' and Phos's treatment is like a naughty child put in the time out corner.

Euc thinks its best to talk about what happened, even if they have to restrain Phos in some way, but the others just want nothing to do with it even though it could potentially save all their lives.

I'm not okey. I need help. Also I hate how they act so indifferent towards Phos, those moon gem bitches.

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Moon gems are still somewhat OK, they didn't know what exactly happened with Phos on Earth. Earth gems, save for Euclase and Jade, all deserve to get in the grinder.

This, I get that the gems are pretty inhuman, but its still so disturbing seeing them treating Phos's mental and physical anguish, and now his failure and shattering like they're just minor setbacks, especially when its only because of him that they're allowed to be on the moon in the first place.

> They don't know exactly what happened

>Is it true that Phos failed

>It is
>Did Sensei refuse to hear Phos out?

>One of his begging motions was mistaken for an attacking attempt
>And he was shattered by his friends

Their reaction to this is only slight worry then they change the subject over to Candycorn being horny, it's honestly disgusting how little they care.

You could say that they are soulless.

Kinda missed that. Thanks for pointing that out.

If I have to point out a reason it would be that they know Phos isn't "lost" as they were thinking when moonies took them, but it's still pretty upsetting.

phos can say the n word now

I mean sure Phos isn't 'dead' but at this point he's essentially been kidnapped and put into a coma with the gems having no apparent intent to ever put him back together.

It's serious enough that it deserves to be thought about seriously in terms of how/when they'll rescue him, but to them it's unimportant enough that Candycorn wanting to fuck Achmea is more interesting.


do you think that Ichikawa will go for the Lovecraft route?

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It'll probably go that way if Phos actually becomes 'human' or gets a human soul or whatever.

Once the moonmen have been prayed away and the story is seemingly resolved Ichikawa will then introduce the evil sunmen.

remember that the gems have seen Phos shatter quite a few times, they're used to see him broken and then reconstructed like nothing happened (well, mostly). They don't realize the gravity of the situation on earth and they might be as well under the same moon effect that made Admirabilis dumber.

Sure Phos has been shattered a lot but in this situation where he's been captured by the 'enemy' who have no plans to talk to him or let him do anything it necessitates a SMIDGE more concern than just a "oh thats awful, anyway Mooncake whats up with you."

Especially considering that, again, Phos is the only reason they're allowed to be on the moon in the first place, and yet they don't even throw out a 'So when are we going to go get him?" or "How are we going to go find him?" They legitimately just aren't interested at all.

Rutile’s nuts but how is Bortz insane? Dude’s just trying to do his job

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Bortz isn't so much insane more than he is extremely blunt and straightforward to the point where he can't empathise with problems people have or views them as unimportant if they don't involve fighting the Lunarians.

He's also extremely intimidating to the other gems, so it's hard for any of them to stand up to him once he asserts his opinion.

His job is to defend the gems against the lunarians. Phos isn't a lunarian despite making a truce with them so killing Phos is NOT part of his job.

fuck off avatarfag

I hope I can finish this this YEAR at the rate I'm working

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What is this?

I am carving the printed image into a piece of wood

cool project hope it turns out well

Nice one, I hope we see more progress from you.

Very nice user, gj.

>post RED gems.

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Godspeed, user

Well yeah but I doubt he’d ho against Euclase’s judgments and decisions.

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I mean he basically already did since Euclase said to wait and they just ignored him.

I just reread it every month

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And Lapis.

Thank you!

That was Jade.

Sounds pretty hot

108 images reached. No one is allowed to post images anymore.

Make me

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That’s Rapetile and Shinshart

I think Aechmea's character development is very nicely done. He does his best to maintain a stoic facade, but this feels like an authentic emotional response.

holy shit

Are you in the US? also what kind of paper are you going to print it on user? I'm big into woodblock prints and would totally buy one but I'd be worried about it getting hurt in the mail

This.I was behind on hnk,like almost 7 chapters and saw thread yesterday,which reminded me that I have to catch up.Blasted through the chapter today and really fucking enjoyed them, decided to visit the threads after long time...And too fucking bad that 90% of manga threads on Yea Forums with time deevolve into this state, especially if their manga is monthly/inconsistently released(hi Mia),add to that a long arcs and your typical autismo thread is ready.

Pads will try and fix this situation, even if nobody else wants to, when he wakes up.

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> When

If. I've got a bad feeling about Paddy.


I mean, I'm pretty sure Pads will then go for good shortly after getting Phos back due to him donating his chest to Phos for whatever reason, but since he's the only one who will do something for Phos right now I think he's bound to come back.

It's been always the case though. Phos went too far and it's his own fault.

Phos will become every gem combined!

How deep do you anons think a gems mouth hole goes? We can definitely see there's some space back there, but I wouldn't think it'd be much past the back of the throat.

Mainly just wondering since I found it odd that Sensei would go and carve out that much gem from the head if it wasn't necessary to, I mean I assume gems would be able to speak even with just a small divet for a mouth.

Based on the fact that they can produce voices, it'd be safe to assume that it at least goes down to the voice box and that there is some sort of respiratory system that can move air past it.

I think they're born with their mouth as is and Sensei doesn't change anything in that regard.

Not from what we see of Red Diamond, she only had basic eye holes.

I wouldn't think they need a voice box or respiratory system, gems bodies obviously don't work the same as humans, and that they just kind of produce a voice naturally, or at least, they just need some kind of mouth shaped space.on their body.

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**Plus the fact that they can speak underwater also somewhat proves they don't need any kind of respiratory system for speaking.

A respiratory system in the sense that it needs to move a fluid past a diaphragm to cause vibrations in said fluid. This can be done underwater as well, as both air and water are fluids. They seem to need to move their mouths to make plosives the same way humans do, so I think it's likely that the voice originates in a lower part of some sort of tube.

The structural free energy of crystals prefers configurations with trivial genus so I doubt they'd naturally be formed with a mouthhole that goes all the way to their bum.
The gems are able to speak so they'd need lungs (or something acting as lungs) and tongues at least.

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Some sort of tube, surely, but I don't think they need a mechanism for it, gems bodies are more or less completely solid from what we see of them. And through Paddy we know that the whole chest area is basically solid, so nothing past the base of the throat at the very least.

I always assumed they could just make a voice out of any mouth shaped hole or space, and Sensei just modelled them after humans in how they looked for the most part.

We know from paddy that the chests of gems are totally solid, I figured it was that way for their entire bodies, with the mouth only being basically a sideways U shape into the skull of a gem.

Yes and it's quite odd that they can speak even in the vacuum on the moon

Good point. Makes me want to feel Pads's smooth holes to find out what exactly the gems' cross-sections are like

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I suppose you could just say 'it's magic' to some degree with the gems, they aren't really meant to be realistic, I was just curious about how much of a gem Sensei ends up scraping away right when they're born, especially if they don't really need a big mouth area to begin with.

I imagine they are just round cavities with no actual "throat". When Phos tried eating the food just fell out of her mouth.

I think the moons in Houseki have some degree of atmosphere given the slugs wandering around everywhere.

I did find that strange myself, but I was thinking about how they could survive extreme pressure under the ocean and sustain form in the comparative vacuum on land. I figured it was some sort of extremely rugged internal pressure regulation system.

>some degree of atmosphere
Well according to Sensei each of the 6 moons came from the earth after the cataclysms, so they'd be much smaller and hence massive than the moon we have now. The atmosphere must be artificial if it exists. Problem is that the lunarians don't breathe (in fact air suffocates them) so why would they make moon atmosphere in the first place

For the slugs I guess

>yfw you realize the slugs can take over the moon by breathing on the moonies

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So when will the chapter be typeset?

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Pad will recover Phos, at least part of him. I'm sure of it. Then he'll incorporate the phos parts in his holes.

The seven treasure parts must all be together

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Yellow finally lost it.

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I wonder what that outfit and the padded room meant. And what exactly is Yellow new "purpose"?

Either Yellow is doubling down on his desire to get his dusted partners back, or has given up on them for something else.

>euclase was a good girl all along
>the retards whining about phos ruining the perfect gem society were retards
>the majority of gems are just absolute sociopaths more concerned over tea parties than their friends

So it's basically confirmed that Phos will have to commit a mass extinction of the three races in order to resurrect humankind, and the mooninites will likely resist the idea of being reincarnated into flesh bodies instead of prayed into oblivion

I think it's more "very childish and immature" than sociopathic. Also, if just one human is sufficient for praying, no need to get rid of all the races to achieve that goal.

>implying humans are any better

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Phos is doing Eva while most gems are doing K-On, in short.

I think we just try to apply human logic into gems without understanding that even the youngest of gems has already doubled our lifetime, to them unless you lose someone close to you, losing gems is just a part of life

I can't wait for Phos to go on a genocidal rampage against the gems!

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I hope we get another dream sequence from Phos. Can shattered gems dream?

Dream sequence with Pads in place of Lapis

There was a weirdly small amount on the floor. It's felt like Phos has been steadily losing gold mass over time for me.

>a year ago I was sad the story might end in a year
>I now realize that Phos' wild ride still has at least 5 years to go

Buckle up

Shinsha was holding pieces of phos last chapter, maybe the gold got mercuried and Ichikawa just left it out instead of showing or explaining it. That seems like something she would do.

They said they put his other half in the hibernation room, gold included probably.

He was wearing gloves.

That interaction is too cool to not have it be in focus if it happens

Will best couple save Phos?

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Japanese "Harry He Likes Beer"

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Hopefully they will rebuild Phos once everyone goes to sleep. However Bortz might stay up and caught them in the act. This might be a good time for Phos vs Bortz rematch.

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A new hope!

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Phos without any weapon of hax levels hardness can't do shit to Bortz, unfortunately.

A bit of a /tg/ question, but if one wanted to run a Houseki no Kuni RPG game, what system would be best for it?

Phos can cover herself in Shiro-kun stuffed animals.
Bortz will be unable to counterattack.

Samsara system

Phos will grab Jade and swing her as a club against Bortz

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If he pulled that off, would Jade die?

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It would be extremely uncomfortable

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What's up with Bort now weilding scourge? Where it came from?


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For Bortz.

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Made out of his hair

i assume the whip is made from his old hair

Does the whip still has Shitsha's cummies?

only if you press very hard

use your brains, people

Moon gems aren't too concerned due to them being immortal and having no concept of death (cairngorm does but she doesn't care) and likely still trusting that earth gems have all gems' best interests in mind (remember that only phos, yellow and padparadscha have seen how hostile things really are now), much like yellow at the start of the night raid

Also saying phos is permadead is just plain stupid

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What sort of meme it is?

How they mostly refer to each other in Japanese
Call them what you like, I just do it because the >her fags seem more persistent than the >he fags

>How they mostly refer to each other in Japanese
Oh, I didn't know. If it's for real I'm ok with that.

Nechronica might fit, but it can be considered closer to Nier Automata

;_; Phossu Is kill.

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How long until PAS ends my suffering?

What would your face be if Phos was really permadead and someone else took the role of MC?

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It's ok to lewd the moon gems now?
Cairn is a slut and now Dia got into voyeurism.

I'd try not to be too jealous.

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I do it because I've read the manga 32 times now (yes, I counted) and the male pronouns stuck.

The gems must die. >:(

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I already couldn't handle when Dia was the MC for two hours, so I don't think I would take it pleasantly to say the least.

this face

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forgot to lmao

Why would they do that to Phos?! I just can't understand. I'm extremely sobby.

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This time I'm done with this shitty manga for sure, it doesn't make me feel anything but sadness at this point

See you next month

It will be great catharsis when Phos actually does something right for once

Phos never did anything wrong.

But was it done correctly?

This image is now canon.

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Compilanon here, hit me with the worthy posts.

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It doesn't make me feel anything, at this point.

What's happened to Phos up until this point has always been commensurate with their error and ambition.

Now they're just Ichikawa's punching bag. We KNOW that what comes next is just worse and worse, because that's what the manga's conditioned us to. There is no more suspense anymore.

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The gems really are children.


>not completely fucking up everything

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This just furthers my speculation that the Prince and Sensei are the same person split in twain.


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Oh hey. Here you go.
Lord of the Flies (There are more Lord of the Flies related posted peppered through out, but here are the two I found)
There were a couple posts in the last thread about why burying phos under the Shore of beginning is going to end up causing issues due to super inclusions and shit.
Also there were a whole bunch of posts from the last thread talking about how the gems are just children and don't want to get rid of the status quo.

Here's a couple from two threads ago.
Comparison between last year's April calendar and this year's April calendar.

Holy fuck, I'm gonna have some work. Thanks for your help.

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You never delivered after the last time you asked this like a month ago though, I'm never trusting you again.

I just grabbed everything notable from the last thread as well. Here you go.

Actually you never even delivered on the ones from like TWO months ago either

I'm pretty sure he did. Check the album.

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My Phossu rap better be in the next compilation or else...

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He literally didn't. Not that I'm particularly complaining, but I think among all of that stuff some very interesting insight and contributions were to be found

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He's made two more compilations since that image.

I'm trying my best!

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That's dumb.
Sensei is clearly apart from the three species.

He's a rock. We don't know if the Prince is the same as the other mooninites.

So far he has been behaving like the rest of the lunarian so there's no reason to believe he is any different

Also, Aechmea and Sensei himself have both said that he's a tool made by humans, and Sensei said he has a different origin from the gems. It's safe to say that Sensei truly is the one unique being in this series, not belonging to any race.

Last for best gem Ghost and his waifu the blue.

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He's powerful enough to be feared by all the moonies. The moon city will change it's shapes normally as it's configured, Aechmea's rage caused a huge disruption in the structure and puff'd all the moonies near him with just a scream.
And diferent from the moonies that have quick respawn on the moon, Aech has instant respawn. Barbeta also said that David Bowie is perfect in every sense compared to all moonies.
Everything a moonie know started from Aechmea, he's the oldest, every moonie was named by him.
He's definely somewhat diferent, superior compared to the other moonies.

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In English doc

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I didn't knew someone translated it, thank you!

I do believe he's a tool, I just think that they're closely related. I think Achmea and the Professor created sensei, and that he's probably part of achmea in some way.


last for best gems

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agreed, last for best

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fuck outta this thread and save mankind you dumb gem

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I like Zircon the best.

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Last for Pads

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Not until I stop Eucler and his lies

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Last for best quartet.

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Is it rape if they're a rock?

Last for David Bowie

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Eucler did nothing wrong

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Herr Eucler is the only one willing to hear you tho