Her lewdness is a great nightmare

Her lewdness is a great nightmare

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Poo comes out from that body part...

How deep would you bury your face?

Why does Rin have such a nice ass?

so defenseless

That makes it even hotter!

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More like a bless

awesome 9gag tier memes its nice to know the fate fags out themselves so easily


nice to know newfag out themselves so easily

Luvia =/= Rin

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Imagine the smell

Bisluts are my greatest nightmare

Rin is straight though. She's all about the dick.

girls don't poop silly

Yes very nice to know that N E W F A G

Except she's Bi and expressly says so in the VN.
Saying: "I never thought i'd swing that way" while flicking saber cunt to prepare it for our boy Shirou.



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That was retconned out in Realta and in the anime.

Yeah the anime duh but it wasn't from the VN.

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I want to lick the sweat off of Rin's feet and just keep worshipping them all day long. Why are hidden feet the most perfect?

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>What is Realta

not the VN, that's for sure.

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Um bro? What are Rin trying to do to me (self-insert as Shirou)?

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The laws of physics can't describe.

I've been watching UBW this past week and every time I see Rin's ZR, I can't stop myself from jacking off after each episode. Is this normal?

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No, a normal man with a healthy libido and testosterone levels wouldn't wait until after the episode.

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This. There's a very good reason why Rin's ZR is so famous. No one else compares.

tohsaka's anus

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kys autist.

It is the VN post retcons.

True. They may hate it, but you're preaching the truth.

>has to add qualifiers
It isn't the VN.

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user, it's literally the VN with retcons and is oficial and canon.

>this samefagging

What did he do to be cursed with such a lewd daughter?

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Toe Soaker's unprotected anus!

What would be a great nightmare is the bullet she would get in a normal society where bisexuality is punished by death.


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karma for selling his only pure daughteru to a dirty old man

Not when you plug it.

That just means it'll come out even bigger.