So I heard someone say Re:Zero is really good or something. So I'm watching it

So I heard someone say Re:Zero is really good or something. So I'm watching it.

Let me get this straight, this fag has completely given up, is in despair etc and this girl just gives him the emotional support he needed just for him to snap out of it in the end and say "You're right I'm awesome, but I love this other girl." What kind of bullshit is this? The protagonist is just so unlikeable. And she goes along with like all "Oh you meanie tee hee" like what? I was expecting something clever but it's just harem fantasy bullcra all the way through. Fuck this thing.

Attached: ReZero-750x450.jpg (750x450, 67K)

There are already 2 Re:Zero threads up where you could have posted this

Congratulation on being able to recognize shit. You're a step above Re:zero fans.

I didn't even check, I just needed to get that off my chest. Still watching, what a faggot seriously

if you take a step outside of the Yea Forums rhetoric, you'll find that people are complicated, emotional, and irrational. I'm sorry if this makes it hard for you to self insert.

Fuck off general threads are cancer

Subura doesn't own his body to Rem, roastie

The director was a huge Emiliafag, the scene comes out very different in the LN/WN. In the LN/WN it’s very clear that Subaru loves Rem, and later it’s clear that he loves her more than anyone else.

I seriously doubt any roasties self insert as Rem

In Subaru’s words he has to take responsibility for the “curse” he casted on Rem.

>There was a girl who desired such of him. Subaru had placed a curse on that girl, and responsibility was on him to repay that girl his curse had bound. —No. Responsibility was nothing in the picture. Just, if she was believing in him, then he wanted to be as someone who would gain that belief. Because that girl told Subaru she loved him, Subaru wished to be someone who would continually gain her 'love you's.

They do.

Just because mega retards exist in real life doesn't mean people have to enjoy reading stories featuring mega retards.

Goddamn the anime makes that scene so easy to misinterpret. The scene was meant to convey that Subaru felt unworthy of Rem, not that he loved Emilia over her. However, Emiliafaggot #2, aka the anime director botched it all up. Fucking Emiliafaggot #1, the author, didn't fucking do this shit in the original WN and the LN (the LN is now forced to follow the anime's mistake and is so drastically inferior and different to the source that its considered another story entirely)

Sounds entitled to me

holy fuck how is it possible for so many people to miss the point of this show? it's really, really not very complicated, this isn't fucking evangelion and yet so many people completely miss the very fucking blatant themes
do you think about anything you watch?

I got to the part a few episodes from there where catboys, lizardmen, and warrior butlers are riding around on chocobos fighting a flying dragon while this arful as fuck music starts playing before I gave up.
Interesting enough premise but the execution of the show was disappointing.

True, but you can't criticize a character for being unlikable when it's deliberate. It's different when it's an unlikable character who the show is trying to make you like.
There's nothing wrong with dropping a show because a character annoys you, but I think its a bit unfair to criticize the writing in this case because it succeeded in what it set out to do.

If it was a typical Harem fantasy, he would have given her a non-commital answer. It’s in fact completely antithetical of harem fantasy that he flatly rejects her.

Attached: 83687077-3438-45CB-967B-1236E2034CCB.jpg (1280x720, 42K)

Story is mediocre, this scene is a complete travesty going against both the LN and the WN, only thing worth mentioning about this steaming pile of shit is the blizzard scene, it was pretty sweet.

>[Rem: Say “I love you”…]
>Rem spilled these words out with a faint, frail voice while looking up at Subaru.
>In her vision which had become blurred by the swell of tears that gushed up, she saw Subaru shake his head. After that, Subaru brought his face close to her and said,
>[Subaru: I love you(suki da)]
>[Subaru: I love you(daisuki da). Isn’t that obvious…If you aren’t with me, I can’t live on…]
>It was his true feelings. If you were to say that this was when he spilled everything out, that wouldn’t be an exaggeration and would be an accurate statement. If it wasn’t for her, he wouldn’t come this far. >If she were to disappear, he would not be able to live on.
>[Rem: Ahhh…I’m happy…]
>Accepting Subaru’s confession, Rem felt a tear alongside her closed eyes. Taking in Subaru’s words happily, her face quickly blushed. Soon after, it now really did seem that all power within her body had departed.
>[Subaru: Wait…]
>[Rem: I love you(aishiteimasu), Subaru-kun]
>[Subaru:Don’t fuck with me, stay by my side. You’re going to leave me with regrets again!?]
>Subaru could not bear to live in a near future where Rem would cease to exist. Along with knowing this fact since long ago, her existence still has become sooo much more important to him, compared to long ago. So,
>[Subaru: In the future where I talk while smiling, I need you…I don’t want this]
>[Rem: In that future, is it okay if I stay by your side?]
>[Subaru: ….Isn’t the answer obvious? I won’t let you go to anyone else’s side.]
>Wiping off her tears that were suspended on her eyelids, Subaru looked straight at Rem and said:
>[Subaru: You are mine. I won’t let anyone have you.]
>[Rem: Proposal accepted!]
>[Subaru: Heh?]
Raw Version
WN Eng Version
LN Yen Press Version

He flatly rejects her, yet immediately following that he grabs her into his chest and holds her while she cries, presumably due to LIKING THIS TOO MUCH. Are you fucking blind?

in the LN they also "exchange vows"

>Hugging implies romantic feelings

Are you legitimately autistic?

Subaru loves Rem, but the #1 spot in his heart is for Emilia. Rem is fine with this. Emilia is too mentally stunted to reciprocate or even understand the complex relationship between them or her place in it.

>Just because someone has romantic feelings for you, you're obligated to feel the same for them

Oh look, it's the incel thread.

PROhint: She'll never love you, no matter how much you fantasize about her.

They smiled at each other for a while. Then Rem straightened up, elegantly grasped the hem of her skirt, and in a display of perfect courtesy, she said, “If this will bring a future where Subaru, my hero, can smile, then I humbly accept.”
“Yeah, you just watch. You’ll have a front-row seat.”
Rem took the hand Subaru had offered as they exchanged their vows. She let out a small “Ah” as Subaru drew her close, burying her petite body in his chest. He was grateful that there existed a girl so soft, so warm, and who liked him so much.
“—The man you fell in love with is gonna be the coolest hero there ever was!”
“It was hot within her breast.
As Subaru embraced Rem, she buried her face in his chest, hiding her expression.
Her breathing was hot. Her forehead and cheeks were hot as she rubbed them against him.
But the tears flowing from her eyes were probably the hottest of all.
—Even then, Subaru could not like himself. He still hated himself.
But a girl had told Subaru she liked him.
If there was a girl who could like him, just as he was…

>but the #1 spot in his heart is for Emilia.
the witch of lust doesn't agree with you

except in Re:Zero Subaru is in love with Rem

>you can't criticize a character for being unlikable when it's deliberate.
You absolutely fucking can. Why the fuck shouldn't you?
>b-but he's supposed to be garbage
This doesn't mean that you're not allowed to criticize him. Stop being insecure.

Yeah, it's totally normal for a girl to accept that you love someone else, smile and support you through the nuances of getting with said other girl. That's how relationships work, right? And I'm the incel.

Satella's love is one-sided. Read the novels.

Satella isn't the witch of lust.

>They do

Where are you hearing this? Emilia is blatantly the common self insert for females in Re:Zero.

Attached: 6E459A0C-57CF-47D0-AF65-646EA181A68A.png (1920x1080, 2.24M)

Read the tea party again, speed reader.
He doesn't love her.

My other computer has it but Rem obviously is number #1 in the female (voter) character polls. Have you ever consumed any sort of medium directed at women? Rem is basically a protagonist from one of those
>puts up with male lead despite whatever he does
>is willing to go the end of the world for that male lead
>impossibly hardworking

Satella isn't the Witch of Lust, she's the witch of envy. You're the one bringing up the Satella when no one was talking about her.

Well now, that just makes me happy that Subaru BTFO of female Incel self-inserters everywhere.


It never gets better, and he becomes a whiny shit to boot, just eject now before your mind is tainted