What did normalfags see in this 5/10 flick?

What did normalfags see in this 5/10 flick?

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It looks really good

Highschool romance + Pretty colors is a guaranteed success

Cute characters that are broadly relatable to virtually everyone, emotionally manipulative direction, a simple love story with a tragic but satisfying payoff, catchy music, crisp/shiny visuals.

It's basically the Titanic of anime.

20x better than Koe no Katashit.

First anime is always the best anime.

Applicability perhaps?
Given its record breaking status, there must be a lot of people who's one and ONLY anime film they've seen is this.
Even in Thailand, where anime is shunned as childish even more than the West or Japan, loves this fucking movie.

I didn't think it was bad or anything. I actually can't help but laugh that the movie that snuck into so many countries (and with pretty low age ratings) to this level still has so much titty groping in it.

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20x0 is still 0 user.

At least you admit it.

Why does everyone compare these?
They aren't even remotely similar.
Unless we're talking about how Taki bullied Mitsuha's cooch.

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Rent free.

Because they're 2 big movies that came out in the same year.
Not that it matters since they're both shit compared to In This Corner.

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Kill yourself, stop comparing your shitty movies to anime. Fucking idiot.

Hating popular things does not make you interesting.

It's clearly a very good film for people who enjoy those genres. But for people who dislike the genre, or the other elements to the film (visuals and sound) then it isn't anything special.

How is the novel and side novel?



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>rent free
>trying to force conflict between Kyoani and X
t. KHK

Standard Japanese string of fate story but looks good

Why didn't they try to call each others until the bodyswap stopped? Seems like a much more natural thing to do than writing shit on the body.
How did they never notice that the year was different? They're always looking at the fucking phone. And if not the phone, a calendar? The bottom right of a PC? They never had to write the year on a school report?
Also, I can accept memory loss, but messages on a smartphone being magically deleted? Fuck off.

And a million times more successful.

Solid 7/10

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Here's the highest grossing and most successful anime movie of all time. Say its name.

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>who could possibly be so obsessed with kyoani and irrationally hate them
Oh so it was you then, KHK.

Say its name.

Just turn your brain off bro.

Idk. Keit-ai

Normies don't usually watch anime, so I can see why they would like this. It's well produced, looks great, and the story is good despite some plot holes.

If I were trying to get someone into anime, I would probably recommend this.

I also thought these things were dumb. They could have worked around it or just done a few changes to avoid them whilst still ending up with a very similar movie.

I could live with all of it, except never noticing the fucking year.

I dunno but i liked the parody that middle manager Tonegawa did


I think forgetting a disaster is shit too. It's like being Russian and not knowing what the fuck is Chernobyl. There's no way MC didn't become at some point aware of where Mitsuha lived.

One more thing, does having saved the people mean that Taki never went on that trip to find the village with those other two, and found the book with the names of the victims? How does the time paradox work in this scenario?

I never hear anyone talk about it outside of Yea Forums.

Yea Forums occasionally has anime threads

Yea Forums loves to hate popular things. It's a 9/10 easily, but the plot holes kept me from giving it a 10.
sums those up pretty well.

something you'll never understand virgin

>It's a 9/10 easily

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Literally kill yourself pleb

This actually had more staying power than Koe no Katachi.

It's a 7/10 at best and doesn't have any plot holes.

It's even getting a director's cut.

KnK on the other hand was awful, worst thing Yamada has directed. I'm not sure how it got so much praise upon release, but most people seem to have moved on.

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>doesn't have any plot holes

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>KHK boogeyman
Take your pills

That's correct.

it's the Black Panther of anime

Can't imagine before 2015 ended, KnK is one of the most hyped anime movie, but was entirely overshadowed by Your Name and this movie, sales/awards-wise.

socially acceptable anime to watch

I don't know about plot holes, but the plot does rely on characters being stupid, as is often the case.
Amusingly, this was somewhat explained and corrected in the novels. Shinkai said his movie was complete for a reason. If you want an idea of what he envisioned for the full film, those books are a decent place to start.

The guy name a girl and got to squeeze his new tiddies. This stimulates my noodle.

That sequence in the middle with the abstract animation is pretty much the only good thing about this movie.

I like Radwimps though.

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Cheap emotional manipulation

More like, why does Yea Forums pretend to hate this film so fucking much?
Me too, I even fell in love with their music tbqh.

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I think you just described... media.

>WAAAAAAAAHHHHHH if someone doesn't share my opinion then he's merely pretending!
Grow up.

Post webms of the groping

Unironically a factual opinion.

Don't have any sadly.

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>Can't compare a pile of turd to shit

I'm a sucker for emotional manipulation and Your Name just bored me, just like every other film Shinkai has done other than 5cm/s

Seriously, the "romance" was so half baked that I have no idea how could people buy it.

found the edge lords, you guys snuck on your parents pc to post this? wouldnt you be happier posting animal abuse on some rekt thread on Yea Forums

They didn't see scenery porn before.

Go back.

This was specifically tailored to be according to normalfag pop sensibilities and tastes.

>it's yet ANOTHER insert song
Kill it with fire.

It's the epitome of
>Fated to be together
Shinkai really knows how to pull on those heartstrings. Anyone who has ever loved wishes to find the one they are destined to be with. It's a superstition and a fantasy that people around the globe are looking for. Finding the person who matches you perfectly, the person you're meant to be with because god himself made you so compatible that the red string of fate will always linger in the shadows.

If you can't understand why this made 70 year olds cry at the theatre, or why it resonates really, really hard with anyone who has loved, then I am not sure what to tell you. You don't need to like it, but if you can't understand its appeal then you're likely on the spectrum.

Kimi no Na wa. is my favorite movie and all of you shitposters are just retards with bad taste

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Watch more movies.

It's my favorite movie even if I include non anime movies. I've gone to the theater once a week for the past year and this is unironically my number 1.

>Finding the person who matches you perfectly, the person you're meant to be with because god himself made you so compatible that the red string of fate will always linger in the shadows.
This oozes normalfagish vibes that I can't tolerate. God? Fate? SO? Perfect? Lmao

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Can this be my Shinto Priestess?

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Implied masturbation by a girl in the body of a boy.

>WAAAAAAAAHHHHHH someone called me on my contrarian shitpost, damage control time
Use your own advice.

Already a thing.


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