What the FUCK happened?

What the FUCK happened?

Attached: 10 year challenge.jpg (1335x410, 265K)

Other urls found in this thread:


They forgot how to make fun shows

Yui and Azu-nyan went through some hard times together it seems.

kyoanigs btfo

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Catering to the western netflix audience like the sellouts they are. Veg was such a joke in terms of everything kyoani has ever put out. It's so sad.

I love both but I can understand people missing their old fun SOL. Personally though, I want to see Kyoani go the action or mecha route for the foreseeable future.

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They went downhill as soon as they started to focus on adapting their own incredibly shitty light novels.

>Catering to the western netflix audience like the sellouts they are.
This has to be bait. They're doing what they want to do, now that they've gained their independence and I love it.

>Veg was such a joke in terms of everything kyoani has ever put out. It's so sad.
What are you talking about? Did you even watch it? It's a character driven masterpiece. Probably the best episodic drama to date, even better than Mushishi IMO.

>filthy anime hater
That's actually when they got better. Also their LNs are vastly better than Kusokawa garbage.

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the anus cult memes are real
holy shit

>That's actually when they got better. Also their LNs are vastly better than Kusokawa garbage.
This is what delusional kyoani tards believe. Don't be like them.

>no new IP
I genuinely prefer their later works though and 90% of kadokawa adaptations are revoltingly cheap garbage. VE, Koe & Hibike >>>>>>>>> Clannad, Air & Haruhi. Kyoani can focus on their artform and details better now and it makes their works more enjoyable for me.

Attached: reflection.png (1920x1080, 1.51M)

I doubt they decided to adapt VEG to pander to anyone.
>so sell me this anime, what's it about?
>it's set in notEurope just after WW1
>the protag is a former child soldier incapable of understanding her own trauma and others
>after her caretaker dies during the final stretches of the war she decides to become a ghostwriter of sorts because she wants to understand others and herself
>she travels to lots of places and develops by interacting with her clients
>they're all miserable by the way, there won't be a single comfy moment for the audience to breathe
>oh and the story is episodic and has a serious narrative
Seriously who has the balls to adapt this? It's no wonder the original version of the story was rejected by another publisher.

Yeah yeah we get that you hate moe and fun you obnoxious cultist
go back to Yea Forums you subhuman vermin

Attached: happy happy cultist.gif (500x375, 921K)

This is one of the reasons why I respect Kyoani so much. They're doing the community a real service by taking on riskier and lesser known works like this. Essentially giving people a chance to see their creations come to life when it would otherwise have not been possible.

I'm indifferent to moe and i'm not a cultist.

>Yea Forums
Never posted there.

>blocking bullets with a rifle
>soldier using his rifle as a club
>it has a bayonet on it
I'm glad I dropped this.

Attached: Aacha.png (487x479, 283K)

kyoani thought they could do anything that wasn't cute girl shit

they were wrong

>he's never watched anime before
Your loss.

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Before Keion there was TSR you know

>Military leaders know a secret: The vast majority of people are overwhelmingly reluctant to take a human life.
>The results were consistently the same: Only 15 to 20 percent of the American riflemen in combat during World War II would fire at the enemy. Those who would not fire did not run or hide—in many cases they were willing to risk greater danger to rescue comrades, get ammunition, or run messages. They simply would not fire their weapons at the enemy, even when faced with repeated waves of banzai charges.
>the simple and demonstrable fact that there is, within most men and women, an intense resistance to killing other people. A resistance so strong that, in many circumstances, soldiers on the battlefield will die before they can overcome it.

Welcome to the real world fatefag.

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>It's a character driven masterpiece. Probably the best episodic drama to date, even better than Mushishi IMO.
Kill yourself retarded vegfaggot.

>no argument
Kill yourself retarded faggot.

This. It's actually their best action show.

>brainless retard irrationally hates anime so he starts hurling insults

You didn't make an argument either, tard. You only made a statement.

It wasn't even my statement retard lol

Whether it was yours or not is irrelevant, just replace "you" with "he". A non-argument gets answered with another non-argument.

Accurate aside from the blocking bullets part.

I am not sure what this screenshot is meant to prove.
One could easily find a Kadokawa property that have a higher score.

K-on was a huge, unexpected hit with normalfag high school girls. Since then, they've been constantly bouncing between trying to get the normalfag audience and trying to get the girl audience.

I mean, I could try to explain why the protagonist of VEG hard carries the show and its narrative and waste minutes of my life trying to put it into a wall of concise text.

Or I could just shitpost. I think I'm gonna shitpost because I'm no fucking scriptwriter or youtubershit.

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why do kyoanifags act like they’re the true Yea Forums and anyone they don’t like is a filthy crossboarder?

technically, left is not a anime. It's just a still image from back in the day.

Because it's true.

If theyd surveyed marines they would have found that 110% had used their weapons

>I could try to explain why the protagonist of VEG hard carries the show
You could. But you would fail, since she is nothing but a poor Rei clone.

> waste minutes of my life trying to put it into a wall of concise text.
>Or I could just shitpost. I think I'm gonna shitpost because I'm no fucking scriptwriter or youtubershit.
Then don't expect other people to waste their minutes of their life to give arguments to shitposts.

Point is that most KA adaptations are better than most Kadokawa adaptations. Giving people some much needed perspective.

It isn’t, really
Most of you reek of /pol/ and Yea Forums

I already told you it wasn't my statement to begin with, all I did was shitpost your shitpost.
I'm also gonna assume this Rei clone thing is a shitpost and reply accordingly with a cute dance.

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>They're doing the community a real service by taking on riskier and lesser known works like this

Despite being lesser known it still falls in with all the same tired old trope shit that anime is susceptible too.

>mechanical arms yet people use type-writers
>a teenage girl flipping around on a battlefield taking out armed soldiers
>fanservice geared stereotype characters

But stick a 'mature' setting around it and put a little more effort into backgrounds and VEG shits eat it up as if it validates their own tastes being superior for liking 'mature' anime for 'mature' people like themselves.

Ridiculous. Kyoani was big on Yea Forums before /pol existed and when Yea Forums was at 1/10th it's current speed. Lurk more newfag

How does that screenshot prove that though? I could find multiple Kadokawa adaptations with higher score, and I could find KA adaptations with lower.
But at the end of the day it doesn't matter because it is fucking MAL. Points on there is not a good measure of quality.

KyoAni was never even that big on Yea Forums outside of Lucky Star or Haruhi, though

I wonder who's behind this

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Kyoani biggest mistake, they are good at making fun randumb things, but at drama, they are worst than a writer from a mexican soap opera.

Oh I recognise you, I've seen this post 4 or 5 times now. Why do you keep repeating this? Also it depends on what you mean by "kyoanifag". Any fan of anime is a fan of Kyoani. Kyoani are a positive influence on the industry. See this post If by "Kyoanifag" you mean corporate shilling cultist then I agree it's a problem. I'm pro consumer.

There is good drama in Haruhi, Hibike and Clannad.

There is good drama in Clannad*

>According to studies by the U.S. military, these changes resulted in a firing rate of 55 percent in Korea and 90 to 95 percent in Vietnam.
Do you even read your own sources?

Hibike's drama is absolutely retarded when it's not about music.
Clannad is too over-the-top to be taken seriously, same with haruhi.

Did any of those war happen before WW1 and WW2?
Holy shit you're retarded, the article literally explains to you that because soldiers used to die a lot instead of kill the military changed the way the soldiers were trained.

>Hibike's drama is absolutely retarded when it's not about music.
So it is good when it is about music.
>Clannad is too over-the-top to be taken seriously, same with haruhi.
I disagree I think their handling of switching between comedy and drama are part of their strengths. It is easier to care for characters that you have been endeared towards through comedy, at least for me.

The fact that K-On is 10 years old feels so weird.

>VEG's world has the tech to make complicated waifubot soldiers
>Can't treat simple firing rate psychology
You have to be retarded to accept this "worldbuilding"

>gets proven wrong after saying I did not read the article

The moment a character pulls one of those meme reaction faces over mundane shit I immediately lose all ability to care about any drama that may emerge later. I simply cannot take caricatures seriously.

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Wouldn't you have a problem with nearly every anime drama then.

That's exactly what I'm telling you, I'm jaded as fuck when it comes to drama.

Yes Koe, Kyoani bought the rights to ir. Also Hibike represents what's they're about nowadays.

What's your top 10 anime titles, user?

Imagine being so wrong and so incapable of recognizing the narrative.

yea. where the fuck has the time gone?

tanking sales

>mechanical arms yet people use type-writers
Are stories not allowed to be unrealistic like this? I don't know you're bothered. It creates for interesting character interactions. You wouldn't be able to tell this story otherwise.

>a teenage girl flipping around on a battlefield taking out armed soldiers
Yes this is anime and it's cool.


>Yes this is anime and it's cool.
If they wanted it to be anime and cool, then they should have kept the giant axe.

What a genius observation you made

They wanted it to be "anime and cool" but not that "anime and cool".

apparently soldiers were reluctant to use the bayonets since they'd get stuck between the ribs or something

Literally anyone though. Melodrama and war with children of war theme sprinkled in who are magically great at warfare is literally just all of Gundam, so is autistic people learning emotions from their experiences with others.

Violet Evergarden is just 1 mech away from being a Gundam show, even then she herself has mechanical parts.

Most of episodic stories aren't that dramatic either.
>There was a boy I liked
>But he didn't feel the same so I throw a tantrum
Gee, that's a tear jerker.

>I hate auto memory dolls for literally no reason
>But now that I was paired for a job with perfection that is Violet Evergarden PURELY IN COINCIDENCE I see the err of my ways and in fact should spread the world of her greatness and hold her as my waifu for life
Literally every VEGfag really.

VEG hasn't done anything that wasn't done better before, it takes no risks.

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>Better than Mushisi
There's a point were a joke starts being ofensive

To be honest, Haruhi's over the top drama makes sense compared to Clannad's. Haruhi wants the world to be outrageous and over the top and main characters are all weirdos.


>implying mushishit isn't a snorefest with lacklustre production values
Yea your slut mother should aborted you 3 weeks into the pregnancy but she let this joke go on for far, far too long.

Could you at least watch the show before trying to argue?
She's suffers from trauma, not autism or whatever meme word you prefer. She also doesn't learn emotions because she always had them and always expressed them during stressful situations, she's literally shown crying her lungs out on episode one. Violet was also trained to become a killing machine instead of simply being born one, there's nothing magical or pretty about it.

Leon doesn't hate AMD, he hates women in general because his own mother made him an orphan while chasing his dead father and thus he earned himself a childhood trauma regarding women's stupidity.
You also do not know what melodrama means so let's not go to a place where I explain even more shit to you.
Stay on /m/ cretin-san.

You are a shithead.

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Somebody is a tad upset.

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kys ty thnks

>She's suffers
For some reason all VEG fags like to make an argument that people who dare to point out flaws in this show haven't actually seen it, or maybe you are just one fag and we argued before though I doubt that, so I am just going to say if you are claiming that I am criticizing the show without watching, then by your grammar I am going to claim you wrote your post without proofreading it and wait until you come up with compelling arguments that don't directly contradict the show.

>Violet was also trained to become a killing machine instead of simply being born one, there's nothing magical or pretty about it.
Bullshit, she was given to Gilbert directly because of her magical killing abilities, Dietfried tried to kill her several times in fact.

they made shows by and for their own bank account instead of being slaves to kadokawa

Most of their shows they did with kadokawa properties were actually entertaining

>She's suffers from trauma, not autism or whatever meme word you prefer
Neither are the characters in Gundam. It is just a word people use for emotionally stunted people, you fucking autist.
>She also doesn't learn emotions because she always had them and always expressed them during stressful situations, she's literally shown crying her lungs out on episode one
Every one has emotions, but she learns more about her own. Which is what anyone would mean when they say learn about emotions. It is the same shit with characters like Rei in Eva or Yuki in Haruhi.

Some of the most vocal critics seem to be buttmad LNfags like yourself that are still conflating the two.

This has always been based on shaky evidence that may or may not have been fabricated and has been controversial from the start. It's only since reddit and retarded kids got their hands on it that it became a meme. It's more than likely it's 100% wrong based on later wars and anthropological findings of ancient and pre-modern civilizations.

Great logic there, now I went from not even watching the show to LNfag.

I'm not going to apologize for assuming somebody that is so off the mark and uses meme words to attack a show has not it.
Dietfried never tried to kill her. He abused her sure, but never tried threatening her life because her complete lack of emotional attachment terrifies him.

And since my grammar is more important than coming up with counter arguments I think it's safe to say this conversation is over.

I did not mention Gundam and I don't care about Gundam.

He's not a LNfag. I know it because I am.

Ending conversation and giving up aren't one and the same.

>I did not mention Gundam and I don't care about Gundam.
You responded to a guy that did mention Gundam. That is why I did.
So when you call him out for calling Violet autistic, you are being an idiot because he isn't being literal as seen by his comparison to Gundam. That is why I wrote that.

They realized they couldn't top perfection and quit trying.

The latter leads to the former. For instance, the side that gave up on forming arguments and started attacking the grammar of the opposing side is the one that ended the conversation.

I'm not going to assume he's not being literal when the rest of his statements are blatantly incorrect. There are people that actually use meme words seriously.

I assumed you gave up on forming arguments when you literally started claiming that I haven't seen the show. If anything I should be claiming that considering the fanfiction you come up with.

When are they going to make another music show. I liked K-ON and Hibike a lot. They should make a series adapting K-ON Highschool and College.

>That shitty 3D CGI

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>I'm not going to assume he's not being literal when the rest of his statements are blatantly incorrect. There are people that actually use meme words seriously.
You are just being a pedantic moron. No one one Yea Forums ever use the word autistic to mean the actual disorder, they always mean someone emotionally stunted. Like with Violet or the pilots in Gundam.

Adorable levels of trolling but can you actually prove anything I said back there was incorrect instead of just saying fanfic?
I'm guessing not since I can take screenshots of the show and quote LN lines that support my claims and you can't.

No one huh? Have you ever heard of the Raven Paradox?

You are just being pedantic again. When I say "no one" I am being hyperbolic because of course I haven't checked every post in the history of Yea Forums after mentions of autism.

I mean, I can start, but it'll take the whole day to sort out where you confuse your fanfiction with real thing, I am not as autistic as you, and this time I do use it in literal sense, because I am sure it's confusing to your people what people mean when they say it.

Attached: Dietfried is a good boy, he didn't mean to kill Violet!.jpg (927x406, 161K)

I love being pedantic precisely because it forces people to drop dumb hyperbolic statements and buzzwords that add nothing to a discussion. It becomes harder to attack something when your nonsense is being called out.

Oh yeah, I somehow forgot about their first encounter on that island. Mea Culpa.
I guess we're both wrong then.

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It's good that you can admit your faults, but don't lump me with you together. You also forgot that she was already a killing machine by the time Dietfried accidentally stumbled upon her, you also forgot that Leon didn't just hate women from his shitty mother, he DID specificity AMDs as he believed they were gold diggers.

Please re-watch/re-read Violet Evergarden if you seriously consider talking about it.

Confusing people's intent behind their words and being pedantic are not one and the same.

No, you are being pedantic to hide the fact that you refused to actually answer any thing I wrote.
You are simply marking words to avoid having to retort.

He was merely responding to his roommate after he mentioned that a bunch of women showed up to write stuff for them. At first he brushed off his roommate's remark by saying AMDs are just ghostwriters and it was only when his friend mentioned they're beautiful women, not just women, that he decided to showcase his moronic personality.
If men were the majority of AMDs he wouldn't care, thus his hatred is aimed at women.

But all you wrote were explanations after I was pedantic.

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I would've taken that, if only you didn't say
>Leon doesn't hate AMD
He does hate women and he hates AMDs as worst of women. But it's really useless talking to you at this point.

Oh, and Violet was able to understand very specific words related to violence such as "kill" when Dietfried first found her. And since kids aren't simply born already understanding language somebody taught her how to kill stuff and obey commands and then left her on that island for reasons unknown.

Would it be pedantic to say he didn't hate the AMD profession itself because some of them are men and therefore he only hates women AMD? If yes then oh well, that's what "Leon doesn't hate AMD" means.

By the way, I just checked and the novel is quite explicit about what exactly Leon hates.
Point for me eh?

Attached: Leon.png (1787x547, 51K)

>Oh, and Violet was able to understand very specific words related to violence such as "kill" when Dietfried first found her. And since kids aren't simply born already understanding language somebody taught her how to kill stuff and obey commands and then left her on that island for reasons unknown.
I don't really get what the fuck you are trying to say, but she started killing them when Diet's soldiers tried to rape her. The rest of the post is once again your fanfiction.

>Would it be pedantic to say he didn't hate the AMD profession itself because some of them are men and therefore he only hates women AMD? If yes then oh well, that's what "Leon doesn't hate AMD" means.
Well, you see the inherent contradiction to that since there are no male AMDs? I think he would still have resentment towards AMDs because of the implications of the job regardless, in fact I think the show leaned towards implication that he hated AMDs moreso than women.

>point for me
Oh, you are a Yea Forumsermin, go play there if you want to, it's not how it works. It's not like if you accumulate enough "points" all the dumb shit you said before would be undone.

Oh come now, you can't handle some jesting when you're proven wrong?
And does Yea Forums really say that? I wouldn't know honestly, but if you say so then I suppose they must do that.

Regardless of your sudden anger, Violet killed the rest of his men after he yelled "Everyone, kill!". Violet understood that word very well and thought Dietfried was ordering her to kill the men ahead of her. And doesn't Dietfried test Violet on the very chapter you posted back there by suddenly telling her to kill some rats or something?
This is so true that in fact she only obeyed Gilbert during her trial when he yelled "Kill".
The rest of my post was a simple logical statement. Babies really aren't born understanding language.

No, Violet first killed when Diet's men tried to rape her. It's what happened, stop with your fanfiction nonsense.

>She's suffers from trauma, not autism
but autism is trauma from vaccines

I did say "the rest of his men" didn't I?
I'm well aware of what happened before the entire squad was wiped and I'm also well aware about the other rape attempts.

They stopped adapting Kadokawa's shitty ln and started adapting their own, even shittier, ln.

I don't know what you are even trying to say anymore and frankly, I am ending this conversation, your inability to argue is only matched by your inability to understand what others are trying to say. You are a waste of time.


That's a new one

The light novel was okay, even if was just generic drama, they botched the adaptation with the director's retarded idea of showing us Violet's evolution from scratch, when the way the light novel introduced her in the short stories was perfectly fine.

Oh look at you pretending that you can't understand simple English, after having attacked my grammar no less, in order to not admit to being wrong the same way I did back there.

Such a child.

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>VEG movie trailer
>Almost 1 million views
What went so right?

No, they just have variation. One of their most fun shows came right before Violet Evergarden.

>1 million
2 million.

Attached: 1523756506666.jpg (480x360, 18K)

The joke


The LN has serious structuring problems that would translate very poorly to anime format desu.

but there's no denying that they're shifting their focus
their 2019, 2020 and 2021 lineup is entirely drama oriented

>Complaining about battle realism with a Fate pic
Good bait

Attached: 1445647232338.gif (320x180, 1010K)

>show about neet angel that gives no fuck
>ova about a blind girl and how she abused her power to save her/extremely out of character
What happened Satania fag?

Fate is 8 billion times more retarded than anything that exists on this earth.