The author's favorite girl is Megumim
why aquafags and some darkness fans still deny it?
Other urls found in this thread:
it's hard to accept the truth
They get butthurt because she is prime.
She has no decernible skills other than explosions.
>Is flat
She would be a terrible mother. At least darkness has riches so even a lazy bum like Kazuma has something to fall back on. Aqua has no chance so even bring her up?
i'm pretty sure he already stated this, so why bother?
i'm not worried, because the WN is not canon anymore
but some aquafags like to pop up to say she has some chance because of what happened on vol 15
>Cooking Skills
>Maternal instincts
>Keeps savings and coupons
>Cares for her sister when their parents werent home
>Most intelligent out of the 3
Its okay being a anime only, but you cant deny that out of the 3 Megumin is objectively the best.
Kazuma is rich anyway, without the need of Darkness, so she is no longer useful to the team anyway.
Is Kazuma a tsundere?
Go stand in the corner for a while, and think about what you've just posted.
Not to Aqua but definitly to meg and dork
> pic of best girl
>Anime design
You plebs are why these threads go to shit
Oh great you posted a picture of her looking better drawn but equally as flat and unappealing. You want an award dickface?
Sure bud, she might be flat and unappealing to you, but that doesnt mean she isnt best girl
>muh one-trick explosion pony
>that belt on her thigh
Cheeky megimun, she is one of the most passive aggressively lewd characters. She finaly cracked in vol 12 though
And this is a bad thing why?
> Aqua 0 Stars
should be -3
>At least darkness has riches so even a lazy bum like Kazuma has something to fall back on.
Kazuma is rich now, user. All Darkness has left in her favour is breasts.
does anons really hate aqua , or they're just tsun for her?
Some anons hate Aqua, some just dont care about her. Nobody is tsun for her, not even doing it unironically
i hate her
some just like to bulli her
She would be a terrible mother because she would die during childbirth.
>being this much of a faggot
Her body may be flat, but her personality is well developed. I don't see Darkness or fucking useless getting with kazuma.
Oh goodie, here we go again
1.- Hips made for child making
2.- Genetically modified to breed
3.- Easily be cured or even revived by Aqua if there are complications
I've never seen it stated by the author that Megumin is his favorite. But while it's a toss up for whether Megumin or Darkness will win the Kazumabowl, I think we can all agree Aqua needs to lose, and that Eris and Wiz are jsut flatout off the table.
>a lazy bum like Kazuma
That's what happens when you treat a character too archetypically. Kazuma ain't a lazy bum, he worked hard since being isekai'd and became rich. I know that you automatically think 'he was a hikiNEET, so he a lazy bum' but please, pay more attention.
That being said, it's not like he's a workaholic either, I'd say he's rather average in terms of laziness.
>implying Darkness has a chance anymore
>At least darkness has riches so even a lazy bum like Kazuma has something to fall back on.
Kazuma is literally a billionaire at this point. Also in the later LNs Darkness does a lot of shit to make her more likable.
I'm anime only, did something happen in another konosuba medium? I mean don't get me wrong, I'm fine with either of megu or dark winning, I jsut want to know what makes dark not stand a chance.
In the LN Kazuma BTFO Darkness in favor of Megumin.
Darkness accepted that she lost a bit later.
Megumin and Kazuma start officially dating.
would like to see Aqua win just to see the devastation
I like her in the context of her ridiculous antics never cease being funny.
>people cant discuss the series with other anons without calling it spoonfeeding
4channel didnt deserve this
Japanese are known for having shit taste so it's not surprising.
the author would probably receive death threats
As of volume 9 they've confessed to love each other but are both too inexperienced or are interrupted before crossing the line. (Yes the typical ln interruption trope but they do it well and they both agree that Eris might be fucking with them, volume 12 was cery close to givinf us a handjob scene)
We are all pedos here
poor aqua, nobody loves her
aquafags abandoned her because they know she's a side character now and lost her main heroine role
The handjob was in volume 14
>aquafags abandoned her
More like got bullied by megumeme-biased newfag mods.
Wait, Aquafags used to exist? People ACTUALLY thought the brainless self centered bitch would win?
>biased newfag mods
>implying aquathreads arent a shitfest of spam and shitposting
>implying thats a good thing
> aquafags abandoned her
it's normal
yes, unfortunately
seems aqua has only one follower
I like her more than I like Darkness, but she's objectively worse than Megumin.
Another example
when an aquafag appears, rub this on his face
Nice, this is a more complete poll image than the one i have.
Gotta use this one now
who tf is the third girl?
Dont get me started on the character that is worse than Aqua
>be megumin
>mutual love for kazuma intesifies
>learn that dorkness likes him too
>as a friend I give her a chance to confront Kazuma
>im okay with this because i have faith that kazuma knows who the best girl is
>dorkness btfo'd by Kazuma
>not long after kazuma and I are officialy a couple and everyone in town knows it
>I win again!
ye but he stopped that in the novels
Can't you read katakana? It says Iris.
Megumim is the author's favorite by far, he loves her...
all these volumes developing her character and relationship with Kazuma. I think aquafags and darknessfags want him to write on their forehead "Megumim best girl, and kazuma's future wife"
300 IQ right there while also being a nice, good and friendly person. What's not to love?
I hate you so much
How fast would the demon king be defeated if this was the main team?
also, Yunyun best girl and don't you dare pieces of shit (you) me
but I'll accept her second place
>liking a generic shy girl that can be found anywhere in fantasy australia instead of any of the charismatic chuuni girls
user I...
>The author's favorite girl is Megameme
Obviously the author has a thing for flat, underage girls.
Meanwhile, us gentlemen of refined taste prefer Aqua or Darkness.
She gets bonus points for being affiliated with the best girl, cut him some slack Anonymous.
circlejerking too much?
How do you even rate Iris and Eris?
I think Iris' class is princess, but in practice she's a sword + spell type.
Eris is all over the place with thief, healer, and bard elements.
I like Aqua, mainly because her antics in the LNs are pretty damn entertaining. I'm about halfway through Vol 8 and she's showing a much more likeable side.
Don't worry she gets worse
She is only entertaining in those volumes cause of Zell
> Shit taste
Nobody cares about Aqua
> no fan translations for Vol 14 on Nyaa
> Official translations are even further behind. Official English Vol 9 won't even be out until mid August
Life is just fucking unfair.
I do. The show wouldn't be as entertaining without her ridiculous antics and frequent bullying.
>not downloading volume 14, 15 and all spinoffs from cgtranslations
You just dont know how this works kiddo
I love aqua-sama
Well, atleast you don't ship her with kazuma
Iris barely uses her sword for physical attacks, she is more of a mage type
Eris as a standalone is a priestess, just as Aqua
Well yeah, I admit I kind of skipped over the first four volumes of the LNs since they were pretty much covered by the manga and anime but the impression I've had of them so far I'm not seeing any romantic interests between them. They seem like they're more like somewhere between friends and reluctant partners which is the way I kind of prefer it. It makes for some interesting interactions between them.
I don't care. Konosuba isn't a romance and I don't self-insert.
>I don't self-insert.
Me neither, but I like when characters I like are happy. Is called empathy or something, one of those psychology things, I think, dunno.
Why would they announce the existance of Nerimaki in this artwork when she was nowhere to be seen in the explosions volumes?
The EDs kind of make me wish I was Kazuma. Imagine how comfy it'd be to end each day like this
I identify pretty well with Kazumas work ethic. I work hard if there's lots to do or I need the money and if there isn't then I relax.
Notice how Megumeme comes in second.
>notice how the girls come in the order they were introduced
wew lad
> Best girl in the middle
Begone aquafag
Wow, I knew Aquafags' game was low, but not that low. That's some next (previous?) level shit, user.
>more beautiful than the idols shown on television
Look at that character development!
Well, it's impossible to impregnate Aqua
so Kazuma will never want her
And megumim still wins
Where there's a will, there's a way.
Canongerbils translations are very good, he(?) and a few other buds have done all the LN's and manga that have been released so far (even the spinoffs)
>>threatening the author over a fictional character.
have you been livind under a rock for the past 20 years?
the autistic nips are always flooding authors when one of the "waifu candidates" gets outed as not a virgin, or btfo'd by mc kun. Re:Zero and the "i love emilia" comes to mind
Good for her.
> Aqua goes back to the heaven
> Darkness BTFO
> Megumim wins and they have kids
That's will be the difference between the WN and the LN. The author already developed kazumim too much
vanir and wiz spinoff when?
2nd Vanir spinoff is coming soon so hopefully we'll get something from wiz too
>meguminfags posting reddit memes again
>that time kazuma went back to earth to delete all the porn on his hard drive
How do you know they are from reddit huh?
Megumim = Emilia
Begone aquafag
What are you, a redditor?
>asked how they know if the pics are from leddit
>immediatly ask another question to try to evade it
Megumin is literally worshiped on /r/animemes
Kazuma and Megumins relationship is as developed as Megumins chest, its nonexistant and is never going to grow.
>>Is flat
You're implying this is a bad thing
Breathing air is popular as fuck on reddit too.
But, it has developed, either you try too hard to troll or you have no idea what you are talkin about
Why does Yea Forums care what leddit thinks? You all look autistic mentioning it in the first place
you don't need to be a redditor to know pictures like these come from reddit
>what is volume 9
>what is volume 12
>what is volume 14
>what are all those cute and canon kazumin short stories
>what is the continued explosions spinoff where they oth become vigilantes together
>what is are all those cute moments of megumin and kazuma getting ambarresed about the other
It's okay to be an anime only, and it's not your fault the aqua shill producer cut half of the megumin content but know when to give up
Is that image really from there? I can't imagine reddit making fun of cucks. I do know that a lot konosuba related subs go an Yea Forums a lot.
That honestly looks like a meme that came from Yea Forums. You are the only fucks that publicly embrace NTR
>meme from Yea Forums
>Yea Forums cartoon shit
>shitty zoomer text over objects format
why would Yea Forums create anime memes?
What do you want? kazumim is obvious unless Kazuma is another Subaru from Re:Zero (impossible) and starts to have feelings for Aqua. because darkness already BTFO
>unless Kazuma is another Subaru from Re:Zero
Stfu, kazumim is endgame
The source for the picture is a Yea Forums cartoon, that's what he meant!
So after the movie comes out will we get a season 3 of konosuba?
None. I think that was made obvious from the beginning that Kazuma doesn't want to date any of them! Also, why do you want your waifu to be fucked by the MC? Are you a... cuck?
Animeonly gtfo
>wanting a harem ending
thats honestly way more cuck
>why do you want your waifu to be fucked by the MC?
You don't seem to understand the concept of having an anime wife, user. It's not the same as with the 3d garbage.
No, I do understand the concept, but the way you guys keep pushing Kazumin, really seems like you want your wife to be fucked by the MC. You shouldn't let popularity or canon relationships impact the way you love a character.
Hopefully no, imagine dealing with a combination of Aquafags and Meguminfags called Irisfags.
name of the image is a pretty big give away...
Seriously at least rename your images you clearly took form somewhere else, you look like a newfag from reddit.
>rename the image
>file name is the Yea Forums default
No, you don't. If you did, you'd know that there's no such thing as 'getting cucked'. It's your stupid fucking attitude that makes people sperg out shit like 'she's not your wife, she's my wife'.
to each their own
megumin is the best though
>rename your images you clearly took form somewhere else
Sorry, I was unaware you struggle with reading comprehension newfag.
You don't need to rename shit you get from Yea Forums for obvious reasons.
what gives where are they from? are you hurt by looking at them? they make you feel bad? are you afraid of something?
This shitty "filename" meme never happened in this board back in the day, only newfags use it to try to blend in
It's always been a thing, you we can't easily pick out the same fucking person on an anonymous image board.
Why not just become a name or trip fag its pretty much just as obvious.
> Being this much of a spastic autistic faggot over fucking filenames
Reminder that lady Wolbach didnt deserve to die
It's here, it's finally here! The next episode of 'I know my Yea Forums better than you, fucking newfag'!
>Being this much of a newfag.
Vol 15 with Aqua and Kazuma "moments" sales was very low
Wasn't a disaster in sales because it had a kazumim moment
volumes that have a lot of kazumim exploded in sales
Kazumim is the heart of konosuba and what made the author rich
Nips demand more kazumim
thats fine by me, since im a meguminfag and that implies more megumin focused volumes
Not a self-insert like the author, who likes lolis and that's why kazumim is the endgame. But aquafags and darknessfags need to know they're in the loser side
T-t-this is a mistranslation right?
If anything she's the less childsh and selfish of the three
If kazumim don't become canon, another tsunami needs to visit japan
Nah its legit, i dont exactly recall in which volume it was.
No, the context is that the sentient magic armor is saying he'd let Wiz "come inside him" as in wear him so that she is inside him.
No, it's not a mistranslation
But who is saying that is not Kazuma, if that's what you are trying to prove
Vol 8. Please don't tell me I've been in love with a futa all this time
Thank God. I was worried I might be gay
Post sum Chris/Eris pls
Is it safe to say that if Darkness switched to a class that specialized in unarmed combat she'd be an unstoppable murder machine?
Yes, but she would never do that because she puts her fetishes above her usefulness in battle
Why hasn't she been raped yet?
she is a rapist user. She tried to rape Kazuma multiple times,
So which volume in the LNs do Kazuma and Megumin start dating in? The point I'm at right now they're not necessarily dating but they're moving towards it.
12, tho they dont really date, they are trying to have a date, but everytime they do something random happens and interrupts them
shitty writing
>they totally date
>tho they dont really date
Based and wizpilled.
Its not fair, the manga isn't translated past volume 6
Read the LN fag, are you afraid of words?
Not afraid of reading, just lazy and don't want to have to envision the entire scene in my head. I can read faster than most people. Plus, don't know the optimal way to read an LN, like on what device or whatever. Should I get a reader on my phone?
All of it is available online, but you can download it in PDF, so any app that can open those files is good to go
You can use Edge to read epub files. It's basically the only thing the browser is good for.
are you sure you aren't misunderstanding something?
The OP and the ED are so comfy
Nobody is denying that the author and most of the fan base has shit taste, user.
>the opinion of the majority is wrong
>only characters that really few people like are good
Talk about elitism
>oh wow such an original insult coming from the character that has the personality of a chair
To be fair, she has a lot more personality in the LNs, especially the later ones which explore her character a bit more, especially Vol 7.
>Entire character is saying EKUSPLOSION
glass houses, user
>anime only that doesnt know that the girl with the most development out of the 3 is the loli
as expected, enjoy your character that even the author has forgot about.
Why can't you guys just acknowledge that all the girls have their own good aspects?
We would, but theres always an asshole that shoves their waifu in other anons faces and calls their waifu shit.
Is normal that people dont want to be quiet about it.
Aquatards are the main faggots that start these shits, sometimes Dorknessfags as well
This is an anime discussion forum not reddit
> forum
"A Forum (plural forums or fora) is a place for discussion."
Zoom Zoom
m8 as a darkness fan you would never pick darkness you would make her stand and watch as you did megumim. Aqua is shit.
>She would be a terrible mother
she would be a wonderful mother
she would die in childbirth because she has no hips
>masochistic to an absurd degree
>not good for anything but tanking hits
>IQ of a particularly stupid rock
>excessively praise-hungry
>can't do much outside of healing and purifying undead
>can't think of her in a sexual light after actually getting to know her because of how rock stupid she is
-also Kazuma
I love Aqua. I love to bully her and she is fun to see same with most characters really but darkness is kinda one note sadly.
Anyone got the game cgs and character sets?
Iris is a Dragon Quest Hero. Eris is Archpriest, Yunyun is Archwizard.
They're soul siblings. They pretty much have the same thought process and understand each other on a deeper basis than the others do them. The main difference is interests and restraint, but Aqua can pretty much tell what Kazuma wants and vice versa. It's not a romantic relationship, but it's probably the strongest relationship.
Bakaguya had a point, breathing is fun.
Darkness becomes a surprisingly nuanced character post-Million Bride. I grew to like her the most over the course of the LN.
So here's the history beyond the movie
They started unoficialy dating at the end of volume 9 but a lot of their interaction for a while after that is from spin offs and short stories that took place in the timeline following volume 7. Eatch volume after 9 had a cute megumin and kazuma bedroom scene at the end. They become very upfront about being a couple at the end of volume 14 and the whole town of Axel awknoledges them as girlfriend and boyfriend in volume 15.
>not being able to vividly visualize scenes in your head down to the shadows and lighting angles
Do I have an autistic power? or do more people have cases of aphantasia than I thought?
Been avoiding this thread because of the OP. Why did you make it so confrontational? Why would you want to start a flamewar? Why not just have a comfy drama-free Megumin appreciation thread? I just don't get it, Yea Forums.
Anime only fag here. If you can't figure out that megumin was best girl by the episode where she literally names his dick Excalibur you don't know how to pick em.
People who can't appreciate a good dick joke aren't really people.
there are plenty other good reasons why she is best, but that aint a bad one
What if Aqua is merely pretending to be retarded but is actually playing 4D chess to spur Kazuma into slaying the demon lord?
nah the stats dont lie, she is literally retarded
plot twist
Shoot, I'm probably pleb tier guys, I fell for her personally when he went everyday with her to watch her explosions and carry her home. I know it's silly, but being able to share and support someone's passions is Important. Also, when he took his first magic level and she got genuinely excited, and said to walk the path of explosions with her was adorable.
It's true that he prefers older and bustier women, but he's shown time and again that personality is what really counts to him. Darkness and Aqua just don't stand a chance.
That would ruin Aqua for me. I like Aqua because she's a well-meaning dunce. If she was actually malicious I wouldn't like her.
Non-anime only fag here. Read the LNs if you want proof that all the girls are best girls. Vol 6 & 7 both prove Darkness is a fucking badass and a caring person
In Vol 6 when Iris starts badmouthing Kazuma, Darkness slaps her prompting Iris' body guard to try to slice Darkness' hand off which fails to cut through completely and doesn't even phase her. Darkness then wipes her blood on Iris' cheek while making it look look like she's just gently caressing her as she lectures Iris.
In Vol 7 it turns out that the destroyer caused an insane amount of damage that Alderp wouldn't cover. Darkness places herself in billions of Eris worth of debt to cover the cost of reparations because she genuinely cared about the people. Took up a quest for slaying a hydra which initially looked like her usual masochistic bullshit but was in reality an attempt to raise the money to pay off the debt without having to resort to using tax payer money or mooching off Kazuma which needless to say is pretty fucking based.
aquas playing 4d chess to avoid her real job. this whole trip is a vacation. she doesnt have to work can drink all day and borrow money from kazuma all she wants.
beats eating chips in a boring room with iskai "heros"
there is no reason for aqua to bum rush the demonking an save fantasy austrailia
are the LNs on the internet?
Probably. Either that or I just don't focus enough
Will the series end with Kazuma getting to go home and returning to life in Japan?
Would the original LNs be a good place to start reading Japanese once I've gotten past the beginner phase?
the WN is not canon anymore aquafag
the LN is canon, and the author is not following the WN path, because he wants to adapt the end, he won't please aquafags and give the same ending , he's going to put megumim in every scene , cuz she's the heart of konosuba
no, the series will end with Kazuma and Megumin together, Aqua returning to heaven or whatever she belongs to and Darkness as a major of Axel
Even living in those stables, I would still rather be doing physical labour with my bros, drinking myself stupid with aqua, and going on adventures, than living in this boring joke of a world.
>the WN is not canon anymore
not how it works
> “M… Megumin! This is… I’m so touched! I understand, I can’t go back to heaven anyway, so I’ll just ditch my job as a goddess and spend my time here happily! Kazuma will deal with the issue of money somehow, so let’s play together as much as we can and enjoy our time with everyone!”
Checks out. Maybe she's secretly realized her "goddess" position was really just a sales job to convince NEETs to become heroes in fantasy Australia and just wants to stay in a world where she can just kick back, have fun, and sometimes go on adventurers. Shit, it could also explain why she performs all her party tricks for free. Maybe she really enjoys receiving admiration and awe for displaying an actual talent and making people laugh and smile and not just for being a goddess.
>you will never have a life even 1/100th as comfy as this
Holy shit user, you can do that in this world too. Even better in fact, you can do all that shit and not have to spend time with Aqua.
>Kazuma will deal with the issua of money
Already did, he is filthy rich. Aqua is useless, as always
It is, now stfu
just imagine if the author JRR Tolkien decided 50 years after the realease of LOTR to completely retcon the entire ending. Can you imagine how retarded that would be?
i choose going on adventures with Yunyun holding her hand
Not him, but the WN are canon in the context of the WN
But the LN is canon in the context of the anime and the manga, since those are based on the novels.
I guess you could say the WN is still canon cause the LN takes a ton of things from it, but i believe that with everything new the LN has added its safe to say that the WN is obsolete
Even as a Megufag, I can see that drinking/bantering/fucking/relaxing with Aqua is immeasurably superior to being a cog in a machine.
imagine being this retarded
he never said that
I want to know something. Do faggots who constantly bitch about Aqua legitimately think the series would be better without the shenanigans between her and Kazuma?
I'm neither an Aquafag nor an Aqua hater but I seriously doubt that anyone legitimately dislikes her or thinks the show would be better without her.
i do, she is obnoxious and i dont find her funny, nit even in the anime. im glad she is a background character in the ln
Some people actually think this, bizarrely. All Konosuba girls are best girls except Iris
I'll be honesty, I'm only on vol 9 now but from vol 6, I got pretty bored with her. She just didn't strike me as all that special or interesting.
how do you think she will react if i touch her hand?
I thought Japan was above this kind of shit
>Japan is above lazy references
Have you ever watched an anime?
That depends on the sort of relationship you have with her.
But I do believe it would take a while for her to realize what you're doing before blushing furiously.
They aren't wrong
Taking an arrow to the knee is a euphemism for getting married. It's not from skyrim.
No it isn't you cringe retard
> ywn be Kazuma
> ywn be able to appreciate what Kazuma doesn't appreciate
> during your poverty period ywn return to the stables ater a long day of labor work or pitiful quests to your party of cute girls excited to see you
> ywn return to your home during your prosperous period and be greeted by the girls engaged in ridiculous antics over the silliest of things.
Why bother living?
What's the deal with that meme anyway? I mean it makes sense as long as you're not one of those fucking retards who believes the Hollywood bullshit of knee injuries only incapactating people.
Megumin _____ old men for _______
does quests for
the sake of her hungry imouto back home.
>me realizing I can add dozens or maybe even hundreds more images to my Megumin folder just with crops from the Bakuen manga
Except that Darkness is not rich... they are poor as fuck. Kazuma is the real G though, he could buy the whole of Axel if he wanted.
Her full name is fucking Berserk Stylish Sword Iris... she has max stats in everything and her spells create explosions as big as Megumins but she can cast more then one each day.
>ywn be kazuma
>ywn watch shooting stars on the roof with megumin
I would trade the rest of my life just for 1 month of his life
How can they be poor as fuck and still have dozens of maids and a huge mansion? Being poor as fuck means living in the stables or something, eating scraps and even starvation.
What would you have chosen to take if you were Kazuma?
they are relatively poor for nobles. Relatively being the key word.
Also what the fuck happened to the manga translation?
>falling for the waifubait
Aqua and Kazuma are the only good things about the series. The lack of romance between them is the best part.
The other two sluts should've been side characters instead.
Bait OPs lead to longer living threads as petty squabbles bump them. So half the fucking catalog uses the trick and newfags think it's required.
But it takes almost no effort to imagine the scene and most anime adaptations fall short of your own visualization.
We don't need these dishonest tricks. My nearly infinite love for Megumin is more than enough to keep these threads bumped.
Don't know about that user but I struggle to visualise stuff from reading. I can still do it but it's usually not as accurate as I'd like it to be, it's gotten a little better though it still frustrates me. But
Light novels I like because they've got the odd picture to show you the scene which helped with the visualization.
Luckily for me I can't visualize for shit. The most I can do with my mind's eye is trace the outline of something, and that only lasts a couple of seconds. If I try to picture Megumin, all I get is a big triangle (her hat) and brown hair.
On the other hand I can hear her voice perfectly.
They are very wrong, unless you are talking about the anime designs were they are not canon
of course, only the fanart you jack off to is canon
You didnt get the point did you
>Struggling reading literature for japanese teens
It is hard to imagine Megumin in the same bedroom with Kazuma offering a handjob to him? Also his pov makes it even easier because you only know what he see and think.
It's not struggling to read it. I understand and know what's going on and most of the time I can visualise it alright
But it's pretty fucking common among readers to struggle to visualise something. Reading and visualising are not mutually exclusive. Yes its easy to visualise a hand job but I'm talking more about the world than the characters.
no it's not
megumeme is the audience's favorite girl so the publisher told him to make her win
remind me again why Megufags seethe so much? Megumin is literally the most popular character. they have nothing to be angry about!
>character already had the romantic relationship in the WN, without external influence, while the other 2 did not
>no guys, she is totally winning cause she is the fan favorite!!!1!
It has nothing to do with reading level. Different people have different natural abilities to see things with their minds' eye.
For me, I can't mentally picture much of anything, even the house I lived in for my whole childhood.
Huh, you're right I was wrong. Guess too many places parroted the same thing and used each other for sources and I never bothered to check to the contrary.
> Waifubait
no , Kazumim and Megumim is the heart of Konosuba
the author would never do something bad to what made him rich
>Kazumin and Megumin
What did he mean by this?
If you read the WN and early LN it's pretty clear the authors favorite girl is Eris. But everyone loves Megumin now so he paired up Kazuma with her.
without Aqua is the same
Megumim carries all the popularity
of the show
>He paired Kazuma up with her
See this
citation needed
Read the WN yourself fag, Megumin was the only character that had any romantic support.
I did read the WN. Each girl had their own scenes with mc, but he never chose any of them. If anything, Kazuma had the most favorable impression to Eris.
> muh eris
>Each girl had their own scenes
Yes, most of them until the very end because Aka decided that an open ending is the easiest thing to do, so he would focus on the LN instead.
Besides, Megumin having the most romantic situations in the WN is still a fact
Hulk Hogan is the best background character. I also liked how they snuck in Suwako during the Megumin frog slime sequence.
only because Darkness's character forces every scene to turn lewd and Aqua is dumb. If they were any more popular than Megumin, I'm 100% sure that Aka would make them the heroine
> So why Megumim is so popular?
I think it's because she appears to be the main heroine more than Aqua
I don't hate Aqua... but she clearly doesn't pass the main heroine image to the fans
> Aqua fans seethe
Maybe, maybe not. The thing is that in the WN Megumin was already hinted to be the winner, before it was an open ending, and that happened without influence of readers or corporations, since konosuba wasn't big back then
The character popularity poll was made to choose the Main heroine and who is going to date Kazuma and have kids with him, change my mind
> You can't, it's a fact
Nope, because the poll was made after they confessed.
Its purpose was to make a spinoff volume out of the 3 winners, which happened to be Megumin, Chris and Iris
> Kazuma go full Subaru mode and choose another girl in the end
These threads would be perfect without Aquafags and Darknessfags
Imagine waking up and you face was in Megumin's ass all night.
How would you react?
Natsume's never stated it. He only stated he loved dumb characters and Dust + Vanir were his favorite.
In the interview, until the interviewer mentioned Megumin, Natsume didn't say a word about her. Try to find who Natsume talked about more in the interview if you actually want to understand him. Compared to Megumin, Aqua and Darkness are dumber and funnier. I'm not trying to say Natsume loves these two more, but I won't quickly jump into a conclusion just by judging some parts of the LN.
Luck for Aquafags that Makoto Uezu is another aquafag, otherwise she would have appeared much less in the anime.
>feet can't touch the ground
Is there any recent poll out there?
my Top 8 prediction would be:
1 - Megumim (50% or 75% of the votes)
2 - Eris
3 - Iris
4 - Kazuma
5 - Darkness
6 - Vanir
7 - Aqua
8 - Dust
a good and accurate poll for me
Mainly him and Kikuta are the ones who pushed Aqua so much in the anime, to the point of skipping several Megumin x Kazuma conversations because they didn't know their relationship was gonna be a thing
> aqua still 7th place
Even after being pushed so much in the anime
It's just a prediction, yet
>Aqua even lower
God I wish it was true
Why do people fight over nothing instead of just enjoying their waifus? Are these the same people who make console war shitposts on Yea Forums?
reaching consensus is indicative of a lack of independent thought. It's low IQ.
Cuz who likes Aqua have a sh*t taste
Who likes Megumim have a good taste
All girls best girls
>he doesn't read the novel
What would have happened if she exploded the church?
There's only one girl in your picture, though.
Megumin getting super excited and girly over seeing Kazuma being cool is making my heart hurt
how many volumes are there that exist in non-moonrunes?
8 w/ official translation
And every volume + spinoffs w/fan translation
>tfw one of the select few wizbros
feels good to be ELITE
fan translation sounds like a bad idea, but there's 7 untranslated volumes from what i understand.
where does one find fan translations? I already found the official ones
Too stupid to understand the basic about people having different taste, I guess.
IMHO this is better than the official TL, but it's just my opinion.
i found .epubs for the rest, i probably will just read official translations (1-8) then fantranslations for 9-15, as i cannot read moonrunes
I like Aqua, but she definitely deserves to be bullied occasionally.
And by occasionally, you mean all the time. She can take it.
Aqua is background character in the LN
deal with it
>tfw only alive because of the hopes of being isekai'd one day
God, I can't wait to punch the fuck out of every enemy, people want to use fancy magic and sword tricks all of the time, but there's only one weapon that is cooler than all others.
And if the need arises, I'll unleash the strongest technique ever, the kick.
If you were Kazuma, how would you deal with Darkness's fetish?
It goes a bit further than just a mere fetish.
I usually try not to go for the most obvious popular waifu bait. It makes me feel like she isn't pure anymore since sweaty ham planets worship the very air she farts in. Please refer to Persona 5 Makotofags as another example.
you literally can't, there are regulations for that sort of thing
we live in a no fun allowed world
I love megumin though. I just think this fan base war is total cancer
>Tfw loved Megumin in volume 1 and 2
>But somewhere from mid2 onwards she lost all her weaknesses, never lost an argument, never failed at anything, always came out ontop of every single situation and was never made to look like a fool
>Keep reading Konosuba since you love it
>Megumin gets more and more focus
>Continues being more and more of a Mary Sue
>Her and Kazuma practically get together
>The ship you were rooting for from the start is sailing
>But you're so uninvested in Mary-Suegamin that you realise you don't even care
>Stop reading Konosuba afterwards
Was fun for a while I guess
the lack of chris/eris in the later volumes disgusts me. dropped.
She is not the perfect character, as shown in her spinoffs
>character already had the romantic relationship in the WN
No they didn't, retard.
So if I love Megumin, I shouldn't read LNs?
You mean the spin-offs that retcon the weakness and flaws she had at the start of the series to make sure we never thought she was pathetic to begin with?
Or the other ones that insert her in character situations she's got nothing to do with so she can take over the plot next time those characters get to show up in the mainline?
Hey guys, where can I download the full manga chapters?
Here's a megumin best girl.
I don't know, you could probably get pretty close to Kazuma's initial post-reincarnation experience by moving to Seattle, you could find a blue-haired girl with a low IQ and sociopathic tendencies to hang around with there pretty easily if you ask a local meth dealer, you could live in an abandoned parking structure and work in construction getting paid peanuts under the table (if you can speak Spanish at least)
That's also where you might plausibly find a mentally ill teenage runaway obsessed with blowing things up
And all you'd need to do to find an extreme masochist to round out the party would be to put out an ad in The Stranger
No, that user is overerthinking it, she is the likeable character that you always knew, with more development
Jesus dude it's a simple teen novel, don't expect too much for it
Just read it on mangadex.
How do we fix Yunyun?
There's no harm in reading the LN's, the anime is faithful to them regardless, so you'll see the content one way or another.
Although, personally I enjoyed the anime more than the LN's. There's some details lost, but the characters felt a LOT more likable in the anime. Perhaps it's just due to the translations, or the text, but the interactions in the LN felt far harsher than on the screen, to me at least. I actually thought everyone was a complete jerk to Kazuma in vol2-4ish for basically no reason (far beyond what he deserved), but in the Anime it felt perfectly fine.
I just got sick of seeing her worked in everywhere, seeing her but into other people's storys and take over them, how she never lost or was made a fool like the other characters. And then my interest really waned when we go through whole segments of her laughing while murdering people in cold blood, that then transitions directly into what's meant to be a heartfelt, romantic scene where we're meant to feel sorry for her.
This opinion obviously isn't universal, since she's super duper popular. I just found her way more endearing at the start of the series when she was as pathetic as Aqua and Darkness, rather than always winning everything, always coming out ontop, never doing anything wrong, etc etc. She's like Ginny in Harry Potter I guess.
Stop using the dumb anime-only joke that overexaggerated her loneliness "Hurr even her parents didn't show up for her birthday durrrr, soo funneeeeeey".
>I lost interest in the series after the love interest became too much of a Mary-Sue
>You should read the spin offs
>The spin offs are just as bad or worse
>You shouldn't expect too much from a teen-novel
The spinoffs are good, and the sales they have are proof of it, you just simply have a different opinion than the rest/majority
At the end of the day the majority of Meguminfags enjoy the LN cause it's a megufest galore
I guess the author became too fond of Megumin himself, eh? I mean, it's the most basic thing in writing, give your characters flaws, make them lose from time to time. However, I wouldn't want to make a character I like lose, would you?
I haven't read the LNs, so I can be miles off, but from what I read, it seems that might be the case
>The spinoffs are good, and the sales they have are proof of it, you just simply have a different opinion than the rest/majority
Literally what I said.
>At the end of the day the majority of Meguminfags enjoy the LN cause it's a megufest galore
I would'a enjoyed that if it was the same Megumin from the start of the series. But the flawless one from later on in the series doesn't interest me.
Characters change and develop. She is still the same chuuni explosion freak, she is just more mature
The author made a genuinely lovable, unique, and fun character with Megumin, hence why she's still massively popular over 3 years later while 95% of isekai girls are forgotten in one season. I don't think it's fair to blame Megumin herself for recieving a little more focus than the rest of the cast, or blame people for liking her. It is up to the author to write the other girls to the same level and develop them more.
That's my take on it at least. It's like I mentioned Ginny from Harry Potter, in the earlier books she was a super popular ship for Harry, she was shy, she was kind'a bumbling in her romantic endeavors and it seemed like a fun ship. But then the more screentime she got, the less interesting she became. She was an amazing athlete that got straight into the team, she was a top tier Witch that had her own personal spells, she was the most beautiful girl that everyone wanted to date, etc etc etc.
In Konosuba all the females are flawed as hell and are routinely made to look completely stupid, or put themselves in stupid situations due to their flaws. Megumin when she's introduced, is just as pathetic as the rest, she's eaten by the Frog alongside Aqua and is just as useless as her. But then later on, almost all the enemies are beaten by her explosion, she never loses anything, routinely one ups the others as a prank/joke and is constantly inserted into almost any running plotthread, generally to take centre stage in it.
After about volume 8, if Megumin isn't currently on screen the other characters are asking "Hey, where's Megumin?"
Never being put in situations that make you look stupid, never making any dumb mistakes, never failing at anything, and routinely one-uping anyone else in the cast that approaches her isn't a flaw.
Oh, her flaw is that she commits cold-blooded murder?
Rikka Takanashi, but she's actually a mage! Oh and remove all her dorky or flawed moments. She's gott'a be perfect at all times and never fail at anything!
You seriously are overthinking it way too much. You need to accept you are the minority here, people like Megumin not because her flaws, but because she is simply a likeable character.
May as well whore her out as a BDSM slave. Easier to get money that way.
Actually, it seems it would be easier for Kazuma to make money at the start that way instead of adventuring. Aqua, Megumin and Darkness would all bring in lots of money.
Darkness would even be willing to do it.
As far as we know, user might have first realised he doesn't like her as much as he had and then draw that conclusion. I cannot say too much, since I'm anime-only, but when you write "people like Megumin not because her flaws, but because she is simply a likeable character.", you are leaving out the possibility of her flaws being part of why she is likeable. There's a reason why people dislike flawless Mary Sue's.
But well, to each his own, it's not like taste can actually be good or bad, despite what those of presumably refined taste claim.
Correct, but she has flaws, that are shown better when she is the protagonist,.
If you want a real Mary Sue character there is one that appears much later in the novel called Iris. She is the real perfect girl
Was Rikka really the closest comparison you could make, when chuunibyou as a trope is such a widespread trope? The closest character you could claim Megumin is a "discount version" of is Lina Inverse from Slayers, and even that is a hell of a stretch. I totally disagree with your assertion that she's "perfect and never fails," but it would make sense that she succeeds more often than not because she's a hard and dedicated worker. She isn't a mary sue who had life handed to her on a plate, she trained and studied every single day since she was eight (8!) to become the master of her craft.
Well holy shit
>The author's
Not mine
Those are the best parts user
Nah, they just have different timezones.
Mitsurugi on the other hand really does have only one follower
Well its Megufags who started it! I was more than ready to form a peace treaty.
>Megufags started it
You either are new or are trolling, because Aquatards always start the waifuwars, always.
>not wanting to hate anal BDSM fuck Darkness in front of a crowd while paying the spectators to cheer on lalatina and a filthy whore
Plus she's good to pop out babies while cheat on her with some succubi or Wiz or a money hungry Aqua on the side
Darkness best
Sex is not everything, virgin boy
What is the canon smell?
>kindest of the group, will always protect you, will never judge you, ensures the longevity of your bloodline with powerful genes and wealth
It's like you don't understand biology. Strong rich woman means my kids will be strong rich kids
I don't care about a girl that I don't like, Megumin has her traits as well and I prefer her
A cup angels.
That you're a gay pedo that doesn't like the look and traits of an actual woman
>Just thinking about the body
How old are you, 14? Do you still laugh when you hear the word boobs?
>only likes a girl to fulfill his pedophilic dreams
I guess it's better to be "14" than a pedo
The state of megushits
megufags seething at facts
Begone aquafag
I mean, you're free to be a realist and treat yourself like an animal, but lots of people prefer to live in the, maybe delusional, belief in higher values than survival and procreation. Nothing wrong with your view, but don't be a cocky shitter about it, shoving it down people's throats as The One Right View™
I just want the movie threads to be comfy. Is that too much to ask for?
As if i would care what you think about me
>seething megumemefag
this, mods ALWAYS delete aqua threads. If you are reading this ban me you are a fucking huge faggot and you ruin konosuba for me. Kill yourself
> Kill Aqua
> Darkness leaves the team
> Focusing only in adventures with Megumim and Kazuma as a couple around the world, still with a bit of comedy
The best formula, but author-san is too coward to do
Why can't we just agree that Kazuma's party wouldn't be the same if either Aqua or Megumin weren't arround? They both bring in something fun/cute. Let's just agree that Darkness is the least integral member, who might as well have never existed and be done with the silly fight.
I want to take Yunyun on a date and make her pay for everything!
In fact, as of late the novels have been doing this. Darkness barely appears anymore, and Aqua is almost always in the background when a volume doesn't focus on her
should i read the light novels or nah. i'm getting really tempted since everything is being spoiled anyway.
Jeez, your fragile aquafag
I’ve been seeing meguminfags shitting on Aqua since the 1st season started airing. Thank to them, I couldn’t bring myself to like Megumin even though her character is supposed to be loved by me.
Yeah do it. Everyone in this thread is autistic anyway, they are good
It's aquafags and darknessfags ruining the thread again...
all konosuba threads, regardless of OP content, turn into waifu shitflinging. I hate it.
Seasonalfags are the worse, but it's been 3 years since that and a lot of people have read the LN, and thus has become less aggressive. Thing is, the majority of Aquafags are still anime only, and the anime has a giant bias towards Aqua, whereas the LN doesn't.
The past year has been a aquafags shitfest galore, they always mock on others characters, not only on Megumin
Do it.
Go to since you're on the fence, don't worry about the spoilers, half of them them are complete bullshit.
> I’ve been seeing meguminfags shitting on Aqua since the 1st season started airing.
Aquafags ruining every thread and you say this, go away fragile user
do it, the konosuba LNs are the most extremely comfy thing ever written
volume 8 is the best
Stop crying
Who cares
She literally carries the popularity of the show
And nips are obsessed with her
Make an argument, coward.
I mean, you can disagree with that user, but calling his post 'crying' is just fucking stupid.
She's still extremely popular
if she's getting less interesting to you it's your problem
Will Chris win the Kazumabowl now that Kazuma knows who she is?
No, he sees her as a work companion. She doesn't really comment on how pretty she is anymore
>Aqua is almost always in the background when a volume doesn't focus on her
That can be said about any character but Kazuma.
He* doesn't really comment
I fucked it up
The only exception being Megumin.
Since volume 8 she has consistently appears in every volume and has had the spotlight in major events, even when she is not the focus.
The only exception has been vol 15, and that's probably because the excessive amount of appearances before that.
Regarding Aqua she is barely the comedic relief anymore, rarely she gives something to the main plot
>Another thread ruined by aquafags
Who would've guessed
Megumin's TUMMY
so, how good is the ln? also how good and often are the translations. I would like to know it before download it
LN itself is a great one, its fully translated by a decent translator along with the spinoff volumes. When a new volume comes out expect it to be done within 2 months.
Really good, i personally like them more than the anime, but thats my opinion. The main translator CG does a really good job
looks like the overlord case, thats great. thanks for the heads up anons
I will see if I can find them in the usual place
Reminder that this is an official image
>The author's favorite girl is Megumin
Me on the bottom left
This aquafag spammimg useless pics again
So She carries all the popularity of the show
it already happened. Aqua is rarely ever around now and it doesnt change the tone of the series at all, unles you are an aquatar and you miss her ofc
Because she's the author's favorite?
I want to have sex with megumin
t. Kazuma
t. Yunyun
>yunyun and megu shipfags
Absolutely the worst shipfags in the series
Bait. Nobody wants to do that.
The show would be a lot better if it was just focusing on Kazuma and Megumim relationship and their adventures...
indeed, it should be
Nah, just adapt Bakuen-wo. Megumin is a good protagonist by herself. I don't dislike Kazuma but 99% of isekai already follows a japanese teenage NEET. A female protagonist with no self insert would be a nice change of pace.
Sniff her hand.
Official popularity poll #2
1 - Megumim
2 - Eris
3 - Kazuma
4 - Iris
5 - Yunyun
6 - Darkness
7 - Wiz
8 - Vanir
9 - Aqua
10 - Dust
Nips have a good taste
>no source
how the fuck do you expect people to believe you?
It'd be complete dogshit. Adventurewise they're the worst possible pairing.
Do they blow something up and kill it in one or not fight at all? Atleast with darkness and aqua they can easily escape when things are bad.
Oh look, they're going to have an actual relationship, wait no they're interupted, repeat and repeat.
salty kazumin hater get out
Kazumim is love, kazumim is life
and whats the source?
She my favorite too, shes everything females should be.
indeed, both aqua and darkness are empty chunks of meat
Darkness is a nice lady with a heart of gold. She's just too much of a cow and moralfag for my tastes.
She doesnt have a heart of gold, the children shenanigans was so put of place it was the last thing Akatsuki gave her because he doesnt know what the fuck to do with her anymore
This retard is only good for one thing
Aqua was a nobody until Makoto Uezu push her a lot in the anime, luckuselessbitch stealing screentime
Aqua reveals the sadistic side of every follower of her
> Aqua was a nobody until Makoto Uezu push her a lot in the anime
Did you forget that she played a huge role in saving the day in vol 9 by leading the repairs and reinforcements of the fortress with her construction skills?
30 year old Megumin
If I skip Vol 10 will I be missing anything important?
I had more than enough of fucking Iris in volume 6 and can't stand the idea of reading another Iris volume
See you next monday lads.
i hate HIM and Kikuta
They skipped so many Kazumim moments
and pushed this useless goddess a lot
these DAMN Aquafags , creating MORE AQUAFAGS
> these DAMN Aquafags , creating MORE AQUAFAGS
they are like pests
>Darknessfag: F-
why are darknessfags and aquafags based but megufags cancerous? I don't understand it
Darknessfags actually read the LNs so they know she's more than just a shitty masochist.
>Yun Yun above darkness
Holy shit, since when did nips have slightly good taste?
They're all cancer. True patricians realise that all of the girls are wonderful.
Except Iris. Iris was a mistake and should just fuck off and never appear in the series ever again.
Wrong, Darknessfags are based and they know their characters only good trait is her body.
The problem are Aquafags, who think their character is better to Megumin in EVERY possible way, which of course is a retarded wya of thinking
Your not looking at context. If she didnt have the support of Kazuma she would be a lost cause.
You really want a will they won't they formulaic romcom out of this
I honestly tried so hard, but i have no idea what you are trying to say
A couple of Kazumin moments, if that interests you. But this volume is Iris’s shitfest, so ifnyou really hate her id say you should give it a pass
They have really good taste overall.
Aquafags should learn from them
First is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with the massive chest
how many vols of the ln did the anime adapt?
4, which happen to be the weakest volumes in terms of quality
Yunyunbros rise up!
only 4? Isuppose they didnt rush/skip a lot of content
They did skip some scenes with Kazuma and Dust/Megumin in favor of Aqua.
>Western fan art
Goodnight thread
welp, time to fap to megumin again. thanks user
see you in the megumonday thread
It's like "patrolling the Mojave makes you wish for a nuclear winter". It's because NPC guards constantly use the same line
based and correctpilled
konosuba generals are shit
character specific threads is where its at, until aquatards invade them
Most powerful dragon in fiction?
that dragon's only power is to prove Aqua is legit retarded
thought her stat sheet already did that
There are plenty of reasons why she is retarded, Aquafags deny them all
Exactly, this is peak body type.