Name a more cancerous fan base

Name a more cancerous fan base

(you can't)

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Any shonenshit ever

Hetalia fans


>(you can't)
bullshit i can't
take a visit to /vp/ and tell me the Pokemon fanbase isn't the worst on the face of the entire planet


Stop making the same thread twice

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this group is bad

Boku no tumblr academia

your mom gang rape fanbase.

Fairy tail and Any idol fanbase.
Get fucked retard

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my hero

Naruto fans. They cannot accept their show went to shit long time ago and now just cry that Boruto is shit.

Any idol show and that one show called loli colors or whatever it was.


Franxx faggots


Attached: cancerfanbase.png (1563x2483, 1.87M)


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At least they're just matching pairings

can you imagine being more btfo than this?


as if you fags dont do the same shit

prove it or shut the fuck up opfag butthurt
pic related is obviously an opfag

Attached: autism.png (1048x1643, 460K)

imagine being so attached to a shonen that you get angry when someone points out it's for babbies and normalfags




>no argument
imagine seething and coping so hard because you were so butthurted that you couldn't argue against

Ugh this
>procedes to shit up every thread about Berserk/Jojo and anything else he doesn't like with copypastas about his childrens show being a "masterpiece"

DBS and Naruto.
Attack on Titan fags fucking suck as well

Shonenfags, fujos, yuriniggers, and moefags

Mate, ur litterally seething because someone posts an image that displeases you on a mongolian kite flying forum

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Fucking this



>still no argument
>an image
can you count? there are at least 20 different posts
>litterally seething
I'm just showing my documentation on why the opfags are the worst cancer here
you know, this is called "proving your claims", a thing that obviously you opfags are not familiar with


The nu-jojo fanbase mostly after xforts 15 year olds and redditors got their hands on it. It's a chore to talk about Jojo with westerners without being spammed memes at now. When it was still a manga people could have actual discussion without 15 year olds and memes ruining it >inb4 wrryyy

I'm not even a one pice fan, way too long of a story for me to stay invested in. Seems like they have a nice rent free place in you head.
>Boohoo they keep posting this image that makes me mad
Filter it then you thin skinned cunt
hxhfaggots complaing about someone shitposting in their threads is some fine and well deserved irony.

Go into any shonen thread at any time of the day. Without having read the one piece thread, I can guarantee that there is it at least one hxh shittalking.

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Ironic lolifags
I'm tired of the whole
>dude FBI gonna get you! lmao
fuck this dead meme

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I know it may seem strange to ask, but who's the guy in your pic?

why is it cancerous? most newfags that visit jojo threads after starting the series are normally welcomed with suggestions about how should they watch the series.
if you're complaining about the cancer that is the discussions between old fans, it's pretty expected from a series that is divided in 8 parts that are vastly different from each other

It was literally in the first 50 posts.

>b-b-but muh opfags posted a mean image

Mark Zuckerberg
creator of MySpace

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Fatefags. Fatefags forever.

jojofags on Yea Forums do more fighting than discussing tho

I win.

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We restricted to anime? Because Steven Universe fandom almost got a girl to an hero herself.

Sonic the Hedgehog, MLP, Dr. Who. Wow, that was difficult.

>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums

hunter x hunter.
They like terrible character design and constantly hate on every other anime fan

Hey, if it is well done i still laugh at Chris Hansen jokes.

Because animeonlyfags can't discuss anything without going WRYYY, ORA ORA ORA or YARE YARE DEZ and other stupid shit.

On Yea Forums? it's mostly partfags fighting, everyone shits on rubbish normalfag jjba jokes like 'kono dio da'

>partfags fighting

my hero academia

OP didn't specify it had to be anime.

>Seems like they have a nice rent free place in you head.
fucking kek
this thread is about the cancerous fanbases, and when I posted (as asked) a thing to prove my thesis (about opfags in this case) you swiftly flied off the handle to argue against me.
you are the only rent free here my dear fag
>Filter it then you thin skinned cunt
but that's not the point fag! at this point I can only understand that you an illiterate
the difference is not in the presence, but in the quantity
that's just one example

-> this doesn't seam to me an hxhfag

>the difference is not in the presence, but in the quantity
>that's just one example
Kys retard, you're both the same
>b-but others are shit too!
doesn't change a thing

>Kys retard, you're both the same
prove it faggot
>b-but others are shit too!
kys stuttering faggot

>>b-but others are shit too!
>kys stuttering faggot
You must be autistic or something
>>Kys retard, you're both the same
>prove it faggot
Here you go a copypasta isn't any different from an image

Ranma and by extension most of Rumiko Takahashi's work has pretty shit fanbases

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The place where he posted his thread specified it. Ever heard of "context"?

The worst part is that most of her work isn't even all that bad, it's just that she's an autism magnet.

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He's right

>OP didn't specify
This thread is on Yea Forums user

>people who say "gentlemen" after 2010

fucking kek just right when we were discussing a thread appeared