Early 2000s magic

Where has the magic gone? When I watch very early 2000s shows (e.g. pic related, Kokoro Toshokan, even stuff like Popotan) there is this very gentle, indescribable warmth to it that doesn't really seem to exist in anime from any other time period. What made it so special? I don't think it's simply nostalgia since I didn't watch any of these when they aired. Is it the art style? The music? The writing? What do you miss from this period?

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Other urls found in this thread:


No,it's you escaping from the reality that sucks,welcome to moe,were women like that unfortunately don't exist

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Cohabitation. Cohabitation is always comfy.

>it's you escaping from the reality that sucks
Well no shit, but the question is why does early 2000s stuff feel so much better to escape to? Moe is still around but modern shows with a similar premise simply don't have that feeling to them.

because it was like touching the point where the sea starts,imagine the budget of an 80s or 90s show made with passion,people back then were more passionate about their works and the studios as well,now it just feels like the mariana trench if you catch my drift.

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Because it's the last remnant of golden age of anime, the last hurrah before the loss of soul.
>A dying star shines the brightest seconds before imploding on itself

This show was so fucking comfy and warm and fuzzy feeling.

The switch to digital isn't what hurt anime, it's the replacement of talent with otaku.

a few shows lately have given me that same feeling, like Jashin-chan and Chou Kadou Girl this season

>where has the magic gone?

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Early 2000s were shit. 2006-13 was the peak of television anime.

Doesn't feel that much different desu.

Or did you just want to start a soul soulless meme for shits and giggles.

This. Bringback magic like this.

Even after all these years Ali Project still sounds so fucking awful.

Or like this.

Magic don't goooooooooooooooooo!!!!!


Better graphon.

It doesn't work like that.
This is how it goes -- 80>90=00>late00>=10

Even after all these years, user still has shit taste.

Like living in post apocalyptic world after that.

>Or did you just want to start a soul soulless meme for shits and giggles.
Nah, in fact I hoped it wouldn't come to that so I avoided the word soul on purpose. I don't know about you, but it absolutely does feel different to me.

I'm not saying you're outright wrong, but there's some very otaku-ish early 2000s stuff that's still good, like Abenobashi.

This is should't supposed to end like this.

It's more closer to the middle of the transition, with 2006-2008 being the absolute middle.

If you wanted a 00s thread lad you should have just said so. We have them from time to time.

Also fuck Love Hina for ever existing.

I think it's the charm of how awkward the animation was being that it was at the start of the computer age for anime.

I actually hoped anons would have some input with regards to the actual differences between early 00s and modern stuff. But if no one does I guess I'll settle for 00s comfyposting. Speaking of comfy, Kokoro Toshokan is one of the comfiest anime I've ever seen. Almost makes me want to live in a secluded library in a post-apocalyptic? world. Early-career Sawashiro Miyuki is also delicious.

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I might watch this again later this summer.

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>Kokoro Toshokan is the most calming shit ever
>wow gotta check out this Koji Masunari guy
>Risky Safety (1999) is also good
>ROD OVA (2001) is good
>Kamichu (2005) is somehow just run of the mill magical realism
You might be onto something OP

Mahoromatic ( not to be confused with Maburaho) is like early 2000's cel animation.

forgot picture

Attached: mahoromatic.jpg (1024x729, 250K)

Well this is 2007 but the magic is there.


>being nostalgic for digishit
>awful stories
>awful characters
>awful writing
>awful animation

I watched this when I was just starting out on anime in 2011 and picking up whatever I saw on Yea Forums. Very good.

Mahoromatic is one of my favorite early 00s stuff except fuck that ending

Nostalgia works differently for everyone. Here's your (You)

Fuck I quoted the wrong word. How ironic.

>Mahoromatic ( not to be confused with Maburaho)
What did he mean by this?

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I feel like Full Metal Panic! captures 00s very well. I can't explain it, but that show just oozes 00s.

Man, what the heck with modern times.

>Mahoromatic and Maburaho
>not Maburaho and Mahoraba

They're zanier. While still having the hardboiledness of the 90s.

That's what the early 00s are.

This is peak of the 10.
Or this

This, even Kokoro Toshokan has robot maid and shapeshifter kaitou episodes.

Attached: [polished] Kokoro Library 05 [DVD][F12240D9].mkv_snapshot_04.10_[2016.07.17_22.35.15].jpg (640x480, 54K)

I miss anime like Brigadoon, it kind of feels like it was ahead of its time with the whole "looks innocent and wholesome but it's actually suffering and violent" shtick, but it does it in a way that doesn't feel edgy or forced.

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And I forgot to add. They were also a sort of transitory period to the digital age.

Now whether that means the 00s were better than the years after? Well that's a bit of eh from me. They were different and there was less anime. Some great shows came from that era but some hot forgettable trash existed as well. Much like now.

>Also fuck Love Hina for ever existing.
Why that in particular? It probably hasn't aged well, but I thought it was among the funnier harem anime of its time.

Love Hina was a trendsetter for some of the worse fucking garbage that plagued romance anime. The only good thing about it was all the living under one roof settings.

>Well this is 2008 but the magic is there.

>kickstarted the popularity of harems
>especially harems where literally nothing happens for fucking forever
>especially harems with "muh amnesia" that prevents any development
>especially harems where worst girl always wins
>especially harems where the main character is a complete doormat
And don't come back to me with the whole
>oh but they existed BEFORE Love Hina too!
Love Hina kickstarted the trend and caused the market to be flooded with this shit afterwards, and you know it.

The best part of the 00s were all the Round Table feat. Nino songs. What a godly fucking discography they had.

Brigadoon is way too overlooked, even on Yea Forums. I only see it metioned offhand like every couple of months at best.

That was a more general trend at the time. Most of the shitty ripoffs would have still come out if LH had never existed.

>what is ranma
>what is tenchi muyo
>what is oh! my goddess
Sure, they were arguably better than LH, but they already included all the bad aspects that would come to define the harem genre.

So this is Gainax true power.

>Love Hina kickstarted the trend and caused the market to be flooded with this shit afterwards, and you know it.

ai yori enishi

I think you mean Lum.

Post rare animes.

2004 was the best year of anime

New Mai Hime series when?


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The trend arguably started in the 80s, and Tenchi and its ripoffs were the first that flooded the market. LH was one of those ripoffs.

I completely forgot about Urusei Yatsura.

I really wish I'd gotten more into anime in the 00s and not spend all that time watching only shounenshit. The few different anime I watched in that time make me feel really nostalgic. I shudder when I think that in 10 years the teenagers from today will look back at the 10s in nostalgia.

>early 2000s shows
Are arguable more dead than anime in the last 10 years which have more soul.
late 90's and early 00's was a time when most people became completely dead inside.

No this the peak of dying star.
after this are all downfall.

Dying stars become a black hole

a black hole that sucks everything in

>Are arguable more dead than anime in the last 10 years which have more soul.
>late 90's and early 00's was a time when most people became completely dead inside.

That period was the best time of my life, and the same goes for everyone I know. It was also a golden age of experimental anime.

You missed the peak. This fading light is the brightest thing you will ever know.

It's because Yea Forums was a much comfier place back them.

Still have a best graphics to compare with 19's.

Which version?


The one that's funny

Unfortunately most stars are too small to experience supernova, and will instead burn off into a white dwarf before slowly cooling into a ball of carbon and oxygen. Our sun is one such star.

So star became a planet then?

>They were also a sort of transitory period to the digital age.
It gave us some fun 3DCG.

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The craze of LN adaptations has created a bit of a purgatory where anime is never allowed to have a proper ending.


It's interesting that a lot of the trash anime from this period had a similar sickly art style with garish bright colours, while many of the good shows from the era didn't suffer that same problem.


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I think the late 90's and early 00's was a dark time in anime. The themes, art styles and audience changed rediculously.

One thing that became popular was Pokemon and "collectable merchandise selling" shows aimed at kids. The audience of kids buying games, etc, exploded in that period - especially in the west that, although had the Simpsons by that period, considered anime a thing for kids.

The second thing, regarding the more mature anime, was a change in themes and perhaps audience. It seems to have become very dark in that period judging from the shows of the period. You went from moe shows like Bubblegum Crisis to things like GITS, NGE, etc. Hollywood noticed this new style too (see them trying it out with things like the animatrix). You get a massive amount of cyberpunk shows from this period (the internet effect?). Maybe it was the internet, the grunge impact and a general spiral of apathy or even the Y2k effect, people were a bit odd in that small period from 1995 to around 2006. Mature anime was very gritty, sharp and not cute at all.

So you had this fake marketed anime with the pokemon/digimon/yugioh series for children and then you had this angular drawn dark gloomy phase of anime.

See pic, the show on the right was sequel to the left... but you really can't tell by the pic because anime style changed dramatically from the early 90's to the late 90's.

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This all continued somewhat until Haruhi and probably Rozen Maiden (shows like Oh my goddess may have stimulated this too). All of a sudden you got shoes like Love Hina, Ef, Clannad and most especially K-on. Moe swung back in. Even weirder though was that around like 2010 you had Madoka which was moe, cutely drawn AND dark, gloomy and serious. That show lead to things like Made in Abyss and Girls Last Tour.

You also had shows like Death Note, FMA Brotherhood, Code Geass, TTGL, Black Lagoon, etc which had more fun than the gloomy anime of the early 00's while also going all out with fan service. Some of these shows look angular, but they seem far better drawn and full of life compared to the anime in the late 90's early 00's.

Lastly, anime is definately not just for children largely now. Most of the shows are for older audiences and teens. The more popular shows of the later 00's (one piece, bleach, etc) seem to have aimed for teens more than small children.

tl;dr - Rozen Maiden was popular on a hardcore anime base like Yea Forums for good reason.

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Does anyone else sometimes find it a little difficult to connect with anime from this era? For example, I was trying to watch Nanoha recently, but it just felt 'off' somehow, and I've had that feeling with other anime of the same era. There are obviously a lot of shows that are bad nowadays, but I never really get that indescribable feeling of disconnect. I think it must have something to do with the directing style that was prominent back then.
What makes this weird is that the first anime I ever watched were all early to mid 2000s shows: Lucky Star was my first (although I was a dumb kid who didn't know what anime was and watched the English dub on Youtube in 240p), then I watched stuff like Scrapped Princess and Code Geass, which are two anime I still love.

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>It was also a golden age of experimental anime.
Not really, I find, ironically, the mid to late 00's the period where there was an explosion in experimentation. I think the younger audience that had grown with pokemon were maturing and therefore needed something a little more interesting. You ended up with shows like TTGL, Code Geass, Death Note, Soul Eater, etc. You also had an explosion of uguu kawaii moeblob and harem shows. Definitely the Haruhi effect.
The biggest phase of experimenting for me was the early 10's until around 2018. Studios were throwing shit on the wall after Madoka I think. Many good creative shows, but also a VERY oversaturated industry which is finally feeling the pinch. I've noticed anime this year has been rather safe and boring, with the old late 00's harem/moe style creeping in a bit. It could just be they're listening to Yea Forums, etc on the internet though. That's another factor this decade.

I think Trigger's DitF made the mistake of listening too much to forums.

>Mature anime was very gritty, sharp and not cute at all.
That's what made it good. Stories that took themselves seriously were a breath of fresh air. "Cute anime" at the time was mostly pantyshots and bouncing titties. It only became good again after the late 2000s slice of life boom.

>tl;dr - Rozen Maiden was popular on a hardcore anime base like Yea Forums for good reason.
No. Rozen Maiden was popular because DESU DESU DESU.

They had more comedy and less overly complicated characters.

>little difficult to connect with anime from this era
That's just you getting old and bored with things perhaps.
I look far more into detail with anime today. I used to not care about the details as a child/late teen in the 00's.
Many kids are probably having their minds blown by anime like Attack on Titan, Made in Abyss (if kids are watching that?) and The Promised Neverland.
All those are basically inspired by The Matrix and have this subtle lovecraftian horror to it and philosophical insight.

Never had anything like that in mainstream early 00's shows growing up. The focus was on either selling merchandise or action action action.
Until Madoka that sort of thing never really was a big hit. You had NGE and attempted clones before Madoka (exception being Narutaru which is underrated as fuck even though it never sold much - the people that made anime must have seen it and thought about what it did).

>That's what made it good
For that era, when everyone wanted to vent their anger at something, it was good. But nowadays that thing is a bit too boring for some reason. So you had anime that deliberately tried better at entertaining comic effects, etc (Code Geass, Diebuster and TTGL was always somewhat funny to me in how over the top they were).
>"Cute anime" at the time was mostly pantyshots and bouncing titties.
I will agree than moe changed a lot from that period. Rozen Maiden effect?
I think it was popular because it changed moe. Moe became more about cuteness and fluffyness. That said, a lot of the late 80's early 90's moe anime did something similar.
Cardcaptor Sakura probably influenced things too.

I find the comedy of the very early 00's stale, but the mid 00's had some good comedy shows and comedy in drama shows.

Pic related is one my top ranked anime. Have rewatched it several time. Mohuraba ftw

I remember hating this era because of the eye-bleeding digital colors and overly aggressive otaku-baiting.
with that said anime is so homogenized and bland now I'll admit to being a little nostalgic about the 00s these days. A lot of that otaku-bait was pretty weird and interesting compared to today's otaku-bait, and there was still a lot of '90s' in the art.

Yea Forums wasn't around to tell you how shitty anime is.

Never had this problem, really. Nanoha is one of my favorite anime. Though Nanoha, specifically, does have somewhat offbeat direction since it was directed by Shinbou before he joined SHAFT. You can tell by his little touches here and there (such as fisheye lenses out of nowhere).
Generally speaking, though, it's pretty much the opposite for me. I find it much easier to connect and get emotional with anime from this period. Mahoraba, for example, made me feel sad and happy like almost no anime I can think of from the 10s.

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What was Yea Forums in in mid 00?

Have you read the manga? Do you know if it's fully translated?

guy on internet views the years of his adolescence as the peak of pop culture, story at 11

I can't believe you niggers haven't mentioned this yet

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It's not necessarily that Nanoha was bad, I just couldn't really get into it because it just felt off to me, including the way the scenes were framed and transitioned, the way the characters interacted, the action scenes, and the dialogue. None of these factors were explicitly bad, they just felt off. The fact that Shinbou directed it makes even weirder because I love his style, even in bad shows like Dance in the Vampire Bund.

Attached: Nanoha.png (1407x1012, 661K)

Pretty amazing

Eri and Yakumo tied for best girls.

When japanese people were actually self aware of the color of their skin

I loved DNAngel back then and I want to rewatch it but I'm scared it might not hold up today.

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Those Abe memes wen't fucking too far.

imagine a spoof OVA equating mahou shoujo with fascism coming out today.

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Superior graphics.

It was communism.

Yeah but I didn't use Yea Forums much.


Does Naruto count?
Say what you will about anything after the timeskip, but I get that '2000s magic' in spades from early nardo

>last exile

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Slow up until 2006ish according to oldfags.

There were so many underrated shows in the 00's overshadowed by giant crappy monster shows. Once the buzz waned a little and the pokemon bait turned into actual anime geekdom in the west - things rapidly improved in anime. Must have been forum influence.

The amount of times I've downloaded Last Exile and have not watched it must be in double digits by now.

2000 wasn't that long ago 2bh.

in the grand scheme of things neither was the 90s, I mean 1999 was just one year before year 2000
we're almost 2 decades away from the 00s, it might make you feel like you're getting old but it's definitely a nostalgic time for a lot of people

What part of the 90's?
Early 90's/late 80's was not hardboiled. It was fluffy as hell.
It changed rapidly like around the time the internet really emerged. I don't think that's a mere coincidence. People learned horrific things about their world suddenly and it really affected all people quite significantly.

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Yeah but the "trash" today at least seem to be throwing shit on a wall to try something. That's because no one is really sure what is selling today as much as they did in the 00's. Audience changed drastically in the 10's.

Love Hina was excruciating to watch... but I couldn't stop watching it.

Bollocks, the bull run hasn't even begun yet and the industry has been bearing since the 90's.

Yeah. I wonder what title can beat Panty and Stocking.

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it wasn't bad. it was a little less respectable than Tenchi, which was a little less respectable than Ranma, which was a little less respectable than (insert older harem here) etc etc. It was still made before the genre turned to total garbage.
most of the people who hate it just take it way too seriously and get genuinely triggered about the slapstick abuse directed at the MC.

Both of those were late 00's. The late 00's was a weird anime period. It had harem shit and interesting unusual shows.
That happened even more so after Madoka. 2010, 2012/13?, 2015-18 were interesting years, especially 2016/17 when you had stuff like Made in Abyss. This year is really quiet compared to the last four. Oct-Dec last year had a few interesting shows, but some real bad art and CG became VERY noticeable in 2018.
Franxx had me eager for nearly every episode, but kinda fizzled at the end. I thought it and Goblin Slayer were signs that cute moe was about to become rare again. There are still harem shows, but frankly I'm getting very bored with moe and harems and I actually was looking for something like Franxx but perhaps executed a bit better. Expect perhaps a change in moe orientated shows. People seem to be wanting psychological/philosophical themes again like the late 90's (GITS, NGE, etc).

First season of XXXholic was kind of cool and interesting.

Attached: XXXholic.jpg (1024x768, 625K)

Shows are also 12 episodes long normally now. Back then more went past 12 episodes.
You also had more extended OVAs.

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psychological/philosophical themes
That is a trend. I see, like Lain, Noir and Boogiepop.

1995 feels a long time ago.
You listen to music then and then music in 2000 and the change is extreme. One sounds old and almost foreign to today, the other sounds like an early version of today's radio, especially with EDM.

Tech changed quickly in that period and people were more likely to own a computer.. in fact by 2000 it was about as necessary as it today to own one with internet connections.

The problem is that they're hard to nail correctly. If you're not careful you can produce really boring anime. I'm talking about anime like Ergo Proxy for example.
It seems perfect on paper, but it just failed execution wise.

Get a Lain, GITS or NGE and it's not only a good anime, it's potential material to break the mainstream.

Oh yes Noir.

Attached: noir.jpg (1024x768, 211K)

>it was a little less respectable than Tenchi and Ranma
I disagree. Tenchi and Ranma had WAY more fan service. Late 80's early 90's was the peak of fan service.

It also got bad in the late 00's. After the new laws came in it dramatically toned down in lewdness.

What animation was used in the early 00's. Anime in that period looks revolting.
K-on can be thanked for changing that later though.

>Ergo Proxy
Say what you want, but this title has best graphics.

the trick to making good "deep"/"psychological" fiction is to actually have an idea first and let the "depth" organically emerge from that.

when they go in with the pretense of "hey, we're gonna make this show heavy and psychological," it feels calculated and you end up with a rahxephon rather than a NGE.


GOAT soundtrack

urrgh, reminds me of post-grunge bands like Evanescence, Nickelback and Creed.

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It was a time where anime was still new enough that there was room for creativity. The success of shows like Eva and Sailor Moon inspired studios to try various new things. It was the age of exploration to see what sells and what doesn't from around 1990 to 2005. With more and more anime being produced certain formulas proved to be more successfull than others and producers would copy these while others died out. Thus, many anime became soulless because there was no need to put your own ideas into your work anymore.

Success cannot be produced by formula to be honest.

Madlax was good too.

I agree. You need the "background" to paint your foreground on and some bad shows start with too much detail as not just the parts of the show, but what the focus of the show.

NGE is detailed, but the detail seems to have been added after they started with some simple idea. Then it just chased a rabbit down a hole when a new detail added sparked an idea (I'm assuming). I bet the initial idea of NGE was simple and very tame. Then it just was built on as an idea more and more until it became a monster. The opposite is having details that seem deep to pretend your show is deep. Anno says that's what he did, but you can tell the "details" he added to the show impacted not only his idea, but Anno as a person. I think the reason why he did Godzilla was because 3.0 sparked something different from the series and 1.0 or 2.0. 3.0 seems a mess as it is, but I get the feeling we're in for a ride with the next movie. Especially so after he did God-fucking-zilla. That's why Franxx initially got interest. It had that "thing" about it that was like Kaiju, but not done in a typical kaiju way. Franxx fails because, unlike NGE, it's resolution was pleasant somewhat. It should have ended with torment. Good psychological shows should be tormenting to it's characters the whole way through (though especially at the end).

From memory, TTGL felt the same for me thought wasn't as deeply psychological. The drama of having a main character die so unexpectedly creates that dissonance in the viewer of "WHY DID THIS HAPPEN AAAAAH".
Same happened with Madoka.
Don't even get me started on Now and Then, Here and There.

Naruto, DBZ, One Piece, GochiUsa, Monogatari series, Love Live!, K-ON, Lucky Star, Clannad etc. are all highly formularic and successfull. Now show me a modern show that uses the storytelling and style of Gankutsuou, Figure 17, Fantastic Children, or Kaiba nowadays.

I feel like projects were less about promoting an existing IP and more about selling the anime on its own merits. There's also a certain sense of creativity and spontaneity that seems to have largely disappeared; now most studios try to do everything the exact same standard way, including animation, so you end up with horribly animated scenes because they feel obligated to animate everything instead of finding some kind of tasteful trick to reduce the burden. I liked that feeling of "restraint" in animation where you use technical and narrative tricks to avoid being forced to make anything that looks ugly.

It hurts because it's genuinely one of the greatest anime of all time

Naruto was about ninjas and war drama.
Also of course some patterns can be found like in any blockbusters.
But none of them can repeat Lain or Excel saga for epicness. This requires an talent

I fucking love the manga. Mahoraba is kino SoL.

>It was a time where anime was still new enough that there was room for creativity.
Bullshit. It was period of blatant cash grabs like Pokemon, Digimon and Yugioh. Oh and Hamtaro though I forget what they were selling with it. Maybe it was something to do with the hamster dance.

That period was unashamed by it's money grabs because people thought the world implode or something and that they needed leverage quick... I assume.
Now people laugh at that mentality, the Y2K mind, because the world is constantly imploding today.

You know why wizards are wizards? Because they know the detail better than the pleb non wizard.
The price of knowing detail is losing naivety and resolve. You see more potential problems when you take any step.

Pls Japan, just one more OVA of SnH is enough.

maburaho had great OP


why there is no anime like Allison & Lillia anymore, Yea Forums ;_;


so comfy

Maybe, but real talent and masterpiece are only random.

>Fantastic Children
Vastly underrated and underdiscussed

Made in Abyss and The Promised Neverland did pretty well too. Madoka, Attack on Titan, etc. There are a lot of massive shows this decade that didn't feel like rehashed formulas and were stepping into something new. It had the psychological horror to it, but more than that these shows added some fucking weird eldritch abomination aspect to it. MiA, AoT, Franxx and TPN especially added that aspect making some weird fucked up array of fauna or demonic abominations that seem inspired purely by themselves and not by, for example, myth (TPN uses "demonology" very loosely to be honest).

NGE did that, but it was more relatable to human myths and not mere abominations.

Inspiration can be invoked if you know how to do it.


I wish we had more guns & girls series. Madlax, Noir and El Cadaza were pretty awesome to watch.


>New Mai Hime series when?

It's my favourite anime for a reason, nice to see it get some praise.

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>I wish we had more guns & girls series
I swear Black Lagoon was completely ignored by Japan.
Also I don't know why, but dangerous violent occult girls. Bonus for shark teeth.

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Claymore is also cool anime with nice graphics, Would nice if there was a second season.
2007 is like year of the best titles.

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2007 was an insane year for anime if you look at the year chart.

How 2007 year did manage to be this perfect?

I'm not sure why but the filler half of naruto part 1 is insanely comfy for me. Marathoned it again recently on a rainy day and had a lot of fun

Anime going digital made it look like shit because it was new at the time but it got better during the late 2000's.

FMA2003 is still the best looking early 2000's anime.

FMA Original>FMA Brotherhood

On that note, 1999-2007 really sticks out to me because it was such a steep transition. In 1999 modems, high-quality cameras, cell phones, GPS navigation, microphones, and video games were specialized technology that you invested in as part of your work or hobby. By 2007 it was accepted that everyone would have them in their pocket at all times in the near future, and by 2013 that was a reality for a majority of Americans.

FMP is perfect


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Except the latest interation that was Invisible Victory. The entire 12 episode run was complete Q U A L I T Y from start to finish with terrible 3DCGI

same VA

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>How 2007 year did manage to be this perfect?

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Maybe it was just my teenage autism from back in the day, but it felt like anime from 2000s and earlier still tried to be proper TV shows that you can get sucked into, instead of just glorified manga commercials or some director's CV showcase. And you didn't have that fear of the series turning into QUALITYfest eye cancer after 3 episodes, since most anime had similar level of effort put into them (excluding long-running shounen fillerfests, movies, and Gainax highs and lows). Most anime just looked similarly mediocre.

Kannazuki no Miko, Uta-Kata and Simoun basically killed that "genre".

>same VA
Going to have to marathon this now.

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Around 2/3 of shows in the 2000s got 2 cours+ whereas these days 2 cour shows make the news. 1 cour shows can be good but a well executed 2 cour almost always feels better since it allows for stories with more ambition.

I don't have those nostalgia goggles because recently I watched some 00's anime, 80's/90's anime and new anime and I honestly thought 00's stood out as the worst drawn era of anime and that anime today is much better drawn and a return to 80's/90's style.
That said, 80's/90's was far better executed and perfected than anime today which gets QUALITY occasionally. But 00's had both worse QUALITY and style.

Look at popular company typefonts for the early 00's and fashion. There was something in that period that makes it odd compared to all the rest of 20th century fashion and modern fashion. The type fonts were extremely sharp and rigid. The fashion was fluro coloured leathers, disgusting pig tails, tips, baggy pants, clean cut shirt, etc. It was like chavs/adidas today but universal.
You compare it to indie fashion today, 80's flamboyance, 70's flares, 60's hippy fashion and 50's beat fashion.
Late 90's and early 00's was a period where people deliberately made themselves look ridiculously bad as an ethos (not like the 80's where there was no self awareness). Weirdest era of style in comparison to all other eras.

2 cours is excessive I think. 1 cour is all you need. 2 cours is just more cake because it's there.

I've been watching and rewatching stuff from the last two decades in the past couple of months.
Even when the animation quality lacked with more stillframes of characters flapping their mouths talking, older anime generally had better directing/cinematography.
Better use of colors, better use of backgrounds, better use of camera angles, better shot/scene composition. Scenes felt more alive even when there was less animation.
When there's an older and newer adaption of some popular show, inevitably people say that the new one is better but "the old one had better directing", which makes me feel like I'm on the right track on this.

That being said, some early 00's anime, especially 2001-03, are really ugly looking due to the digital transition, they're barely watchable for how shit they look sometimes.

It's not. Your brain is just fried on 1 cour seasonals. There's a number of stories that couldn't be told in 1 cour that I'm glad I got a chance to experience before the practice basically ended with the 2010s.

I think if you're doing an anime original one cour can be perfect, but adaptations really benefit from two.

>there is this very gentle, indescribable warmth to it that doesn't really seem to exist in anime from any other time period
The 90s called.
Kodomo no Omocha is the definition of comfy.

I've never been a huge fan of One Piece but Oda still does OP in old fashion but it looks nothing like this anymore.

>all that stark realism and drama in the 2nd cour
That show is great, but it wasn't really comfy.

Monster from 2004 >>>>>>>> any anime from 2006-13

Love Hina was only good for the first 10 chapters or so

>The only good thing about it was all the living under one roof settings.
Love Hina didn't introduce that trope.
Ken Akamatsu doesn't have any shred of originality in his bones. That trope is old, I remember it in Itazura na Kiss and heck even in Good Morning Call which came out a year before Love Hina.

>Late 80's early 90's was the peak of fan service.
You're wrong as hell.
Late 2000s-present is the most fan service-heavy anime has ever been.
Boobs and ass have never been bigger.

These are nothing like early 2000s.

Anime was unknown outside of Japan at the time. It's better now.

>Soul Eater
It was just a trashy rip-off of Mankin.

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Stop b8ing you underage moron
Dragon Ball created the formula for shonenshit you see today. It was not formulaic, it was inventive.

>Kannazuki no Miko, Uta-Kata and Simoun basically killed that "genre".
Nope, Nope, No.

>FMA2003 is still the best looking early 2000's anime.
Monster looked way better.
Also, I think the Love Hina anime despite being a shit adaptation(the art-style in the anime was bad compared to the manga art) had some of the best colors I've ever seen from a digital production.

Anime was very, very know in the 90s user.

It wasn't drama for the sake of being drama like you see in edgy wannabe anime.
It actually was done right because it made you care about the characters first(especially the manga which had one more arc at the end).

The way the people behaved in that series(and also some other older series) just felt so familiar and warm somehow. It's hard to describe it but it reminds me of how people in real life used to behave back in the pre-internet days which is why is part of why I find it so comfy.

Just because it had some drama doesn't mean it was not comfy.

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i'm not good with words but there was definitely a noticeable shift
early 2000s vs mid 2000s vs late 2000s (maybe extending to early 2010s like 2010-2014)
part of it was shift away from cel and digital coloring
and just japan coming out of the 90s

Someone remembers Someday's Dreamers?

Is it too much to hope to find an user who love the 2nd season? I thought I was the only one on Yea Forums to cry to the ending.

Cante per me was the shit.

>Winning 6 girls at once

That is just cheating.

Man the ending of scrapped princess got weird.

Rune Soldier is a pretty funny spin-off of Lodoss War.

Attached: RuneSoldier.jpg (650x823, 659K)

I also miss shows with certain vibes

What genre? The S-class type of yuri animes? I for one am glad that it's gone with no chance to return, because then we have yuri anime with realistic relationships being lived by realistic characters, not some kind of caricatures.

Old man here. I watched mecha shit on network TV as a kid in the early 80s when the Japan craze was going on. You had to be on the west coast or in a big city to even have access to anime (also called Japanimation) beyond the limited stuff shown on network TV back then...no internet. The mecha shit seemed weird at the time, probably because the jews in Hollywood didn't even bother to translate it but just made up English dialog based on the pictures they saw on the screen (true story). Then I didn't watch anime from the late 80s until the late 90s because no one gave a fuck about it in the US during the 90s and there was little to no access to it for most of the country outside of, again, the west coast and big cities. Starting in the late 90s, we'd go to college classes, come home, get high, and watch Pokemon on the WB in the afternoons. Then I started to see shit like Astroboy ripoffs and stuff on afternoon network TV. Around then Yea Forums came along to spread word about more anime and you started getting internet fan subs available for download. So, I watched more.

You have to take it in context with the times. The international market was shit back then for it because if it happened in Japan you likely weren't going to hear about it in the US without the internet around to tell you. If it didn't make the big 4 networks or some cable station or a major newspaper, you didn't hear about it. Anime was made purely for the Japanese market with no thought to an American market because such a thing did not exist back then.

Forgot to mention Cartoon Network's Adult Swim which started in the early 2000s and was the one place on TV where you could find anime.

Mai Hime is no S-class anime

ShizNat continued their relationship though college

For every "realistic" yuri anime there's a million yuribait ones. And caricatures are honestly more enjoyable than most "realistic" based ones unless you really cannot separate fake relationships from reality.

Those shows are shit, but you’re right that even the shit shows had a sort of heart to them.

That's a right giggle. There was plenty of interest in 'japanimation' during the 90s. At least in the US.

Is it true that this has yuri in it?

In the 80s, yes. Not so much in the 90s until the latter part of the decade when you started seeing Pokemon and DBZ on TV. Now, if you lived in San Francisco in the early 90s you'd have a lot more access to other stuff than someone who lived in Des Moines.


Considering major chain stores in the 90s had dedicated anime sections I'm going to have to disagree. Media Play had an amazing selection where I lived.

>Those shows are shit,
Well you are shit. Name one show in early 2000s that wasn't shit and lived up the hype.

Mai Hime

Ok you got me that one.

Early 2000s stuff feel a lot more cartoonish which gives them a more comfy feel. Just compare the first episode of the new Fruits Basket with the one from 2001. The modern style isn't necessarily bad but it has lost that feel.

Agreed. In Los Angeles, Suncoast, Blockbuster, and Tower Records all had anime sections.
Common selections: Ranma, Urusei Yatsura, Oh My Goddess, Battle Athletes, Utena, Dragon Half, FLCL, Ghibli movies, Evangelion, Blue Sub 6, Lain, Nadesico, Nadia, Maison Ikkoku, BGC, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, (pic)
on TV: Sailor Moon, Pokemon, Digimon, CCS...

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If this aired next season you would be bashing it for the ugly artstyle and calling it moeshit and solshit.
Fuck off nostalgia fag and kill yourself.

Mai Hime aired right now then everyone love it as the next best thing.

Only yurifags.

Still one of my favourite shows. I wish Ayako Kawasumi wasn't semi retired.

Kozue was still cute.
Early 2000's had great cel animation, but suffered from low def and cheap CGI.

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working in animation nowadays is probably more a product of passion than it was before

>actual differences between early 00s and modern stuff
here is the actual difference

Nigger, anime was otaku thing since ancient times. What do you think is gainax?

This is my favorite mahoraba soundtrack

Mahoraba's a masterpiece.

>only yurifags
>not only normalfags and everyone would go apeshit over rape scene


It’s pretty mediocre. The feel reminds me of actual masterpiece kazoku keikaku.

One thing I can say about the era is that it was peak Akio Watanabe art.

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The style was peak moé, exuding kindness
it had a gentle and fun childlike-ness to it as well, which really adds to that warm feeling of being comforted and kept safe by your surroundings.
the aesthetic also became very emblematic of otaku identity I think, which would add to that sense of belonging if you identify as an otaku or anime fan.

( In Scott Mccloud's 'understanding comics', there's a bit that talks about the 'masking effect'. Which pretty much means that with simplified drawings of faces, the faces resemble your mind's simplified representation of your own face much more than seeing another real persons face. So as a consequence when you look at a simplified drawing of a face, you are seeing something much closer to what you see yourself as, than when you see any real other person's face with all it's distinct features. Anime seems to have pushed this effect to the nth degree, thus causing a strong sense of sameness / kindness and belonging.
The word kindness seems to stem from something being and acting as if it's your kind, the same as you. So when I say a feeling of kindness, I mean both a feeling of familiarity, them being your kind, and through that the feeling that they'll also be kind and good to you. You feel understanding, and that you have shared interest. It makes you want to care about them so that in turn they will care for you. You recognize them as similar to yourself, making you feel like "ah, I can belong with this character". )

The 00s and it's moé boom seemed to really home into this sense of kindness extra much. Not only through stylization of characters, but very much backed up by the surrounding aesthetics as well.

>Round Table feat. Nino


>very gentle, indescribable warmth to it that doesn't really seem to exist in anime from any other time period

It's the shitty MPEG4 encoding, buddy.

meet your 5 oneesamas

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golden age of fansubs

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I want some shows that bring back charm of the 2000s back for each part; early, mid, and late

I just so happen to own both seasons on DVD. Lovely show.

Know the difference; it could save your life.

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not him but Mai Hime would make everyone nuts. The franchise would bring much volume to social media other unwanted attention.

nice ED

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2x2=Shinobuden is another old forgotten classic

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Early 00's is quite literally the worst time period in the history of anime. It is an absolute wasteland

He is My Master

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It had its good moments.

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New series when?

I love Komatsu Eiji aesthetic.

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>Early 00's is quite literally the worst time period in the history of anime

Explain why it is the worse time period huh?

He hasn't done anything at the least right now?

Compare Boogiepop Phantom (2000) to Boogiepop wa Warawanai (2019)

Or The Big O S1 (cel animation) to The Big O S2 (digital paint).

What part of LA? I used to go to the westside Pavillion Suncoast.

>Early 00's is quite literally the worst time period

Kill yourself user.

>imagine a spoof OVA equating mahou shoujo with fascism coming out today.

Attached: saga-of-tanya-the-evil-yojo-senki-vol-2-520285.1.jpg (1500x1500, 261K)

tl;dr that has nothing to do with early 00s anime uniquely.

The older types aren't even true iyashikei yet.

Early 00's was a very colorful and bright period. Rarely did series rely on dark or muted colors. Ironically with the transition to HD studios started using darker colors more.
Speaking of which when did studios move to HD 05/06?

Also, is there an overall style that defines the early 00's

Like the 90's characters had like thin long eyes, puffed out textured hair, short faces, etc. while from 06-10 characters had rounder faces with smaller and more fuller eyes,with straighter hair.

This. Shows just felt more complete wrapping themselves up in their 13/26 eps cours.

Even if a series didn't adapt the entirety of the manga/LN they still adapted enough that when a show ended you didn't feel that ripped off compared to today.

Early 00s had plenty of both colorful and drab shows.

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This is an interesting post.

Kaiketsu Zorori
Black Jack
Sgt. Frog
Viewtiful Joe


Nostalgiafags everywhere.

Bakemonogatari perfected digital art

Bake is shit tier


That girl is fucking cute, picked up.

Hajime no Ippo
Kino no Tabi
Princess Tutu
Last Exile
Paranoia Agent
Koi Kaze


Early 2000s sucked (though they were better than late 2010s). Mid 2000s-early 2010s was the golden age.

>Early 2000s sucked

was the best period of anime.

The number of quality, memorable shows compared to other periods.

It’s music

I don't really buy the face explanation, honestly. I'm a fat bearded 30 year old man, no amount of simplification in the art will make me think the characters in Popotan look anything like me. But this is still a really interesting post. Thanks user, this is what I hoped people would discuss in this thread.

It wasn't the time I started watching anime, though. At the time I was in highschool and only watched some shounenshit. It wasn't until around 2010 that I got back into watching anime seriously. In fact I didn't watch some of the early 00s stuff until like 2015. And I still feel that they have this unique warmth that I described in the OP. It's not even that I feel that the 00s were outright better than any other period. There was some amazing stuff in the 90s or 2011-2013. It's just that I feel that early 00s had this very specific warm feeling to them that doesn't exist in anime from periods before or after it. It's only really an objectively "good" trait in romance or SoL, too.