Did you know there's a moment where every traffic light in an intersection turns red? Even you've seen it on a daily basis. They make sure it happens all the time so there won't be traffic accidents all over. After vertical signals turn red until horizontal ones turn green every signal always has a three-second time lag. In other words, everything comes to a halt. You could call it the blank three seconds of an intersection. Conversely, there's never a time when they're all green. Unless a manufacturer was checking things. If I designed it, I'd build a system that couldn't do that at the structural level. Everyone prefers safe over dangerous. When the world is filled with red lights signaling danger, the world is safer than usual. But when it's filled with green lights signaling safety, it creates a place more dangerous than anywhere. Such a contradiction. If you don't want to face danger, don't cross any crosswalks. What a dangerous place this world is.
Did you know there's a moment where every traffic light in an intersection turns red...
I understood everything in Monogatari except for this part. What the fuck was this spook saying?
We create danger by pretending that living is safe. Or something like that.
Humans are contrarians by nature.
Don't let fear stop you from living your life.
So... is it basically about how like in America their clean wide flat 20mph roads cause more traffic accidents than the narrow bumpy 20mph roads in Europe with bad visibility due to the fact they give a false sense of security, while the latter makes you more cautious, meaning when there's warnings people are more alert thus less danger, while security makes people more susceptible to danger because people become less alert, something like that right? Now I haven't watched monogatari for a long time so what the fuck did spook's monologue about that have to do with anything again?
Did you know that despite only making up 14% of the population...
How did Nisio get away with it?
Did you know? That when you are about to get to a light, it turns red. Then the other lanes that nobody is in turns green and sits there just to piss you off.
god I fucking hate this pretentious anime
Dunno. But seatbelts and specifically airbags have given drivers the sense of "oh doesn't matter if I crash because muh airbag and so I can drive recklessly".
A sports club member is trying her hardest to become a regular team member. But even when she trains herself every single day, she never improves enough to match her club members. When the team captain is interviewed after a competition the captain only says "I didn't do anything special".
What season was it, Yea Forums?
So if Ararararagi fugged Ougi, would it be masturbation or what?
Ararararararagi fucks everything, I'm pretty sure he cant control himself
yet somehow Hitagi only gets walked home gently
Yes but you forget something
They held hands all the way home
You don't need to cross a crosswalk to get fucked by a car.
Trick question. I know my pretentious anime. That's from Hyouka
Is this supposed to sound so retarded?
Are the subs bad for this scene or is my ESL showing? I seriously never got what the fuck she meant in her piece of trivia even if I got the overall message of what she was trying to say. Can some kind user explain in retard terms for me to get it?
Rrrg is trying to turn every lights aroud him green.
Ougi is turning them back red to signal that there's still a problem and that Rrg only solves most cases superficially.
Which is a pretty nice foreshadowing since at this point in the series we still don't know that Ougi is causing most of the problems around. Not by creating them but simply by uncovering them, ie. putting red lights.
Also, I want to fuck Ougi.
I dunno.
I skipped back to the beginning and went through it again but it's only now that some user's printed it all out in one paragraph do I actually understand at least somewhat wtf spoopypants was going on about.
Whoa... things moving are more dangerous than things stopping...this really made me think...
It's about sending signals user.
I understand that you want to bait and show off, but at least try to understand what you're talking about beforehand, otherwise you'll just make a fool out of yourself.
Yeah, and it's fucking retarded, Nisio.
Whoa... green is supposed to be safe but if for some retarded reason we put every light green people will get hurt... really made me think...
What's retarded about it?
It's the usual Nisio trip of writing huge walls of text just to serve as a metaphor. It may be weird, unconventional and tiring at times, but it is in no way "retarded". It actually has a point.
This bit with Ougi foreshadowing her actions is especially nice since rrrrg is reacting like the viewer at that time is the series:
>Who's this weird chick and what is she talking about?
I knew you could do it user!
Because it's fucking trivial but worded to sound complex and deep.
>danger signals failing to signal danger is dangerous
WOW. Who could possibly have guessed at this profound insight?
>WOW. Who could possibly have guessed at this profound insight?
Well rrrg couldn't, which is precisely why she's telling him that.
Once again, it's Nisio. The guy loves writing pages and pages to convey simple ideas, and it's pretty entertainnig in a neurotic way.
By introducing Ougi with such a long, cryptic, and metaphorical monologue, it successfully establishes her character as off, mysterious, and somewhat patronizing.
Ougi is here to teach rrrg (and the viewer) stuff he's too dumb and incompetent to see. But she doesn't outright give to solution, simply hinting that "there may be more to it".
This scene is meant to appear somewhat "pretentious" since it's a foreshadowing. You only understand the meaning of it on a rewatch.
>danger signals failing to signal danger is dangerous
But that's not at all the point. The point she's making is that signals of safety ultimately serve to make people less aware of danger, thus making them reckless, whereas signals of danger inspire caution and care - and thus make the world a safer place.
She then goes on to talk about how, the risk isn't completely negated by a green signal - merely reduced - and Araragi contributes that even avoiding crossings doesn't completely eliminate danger. Warzones are brought up, etc, etc. The point, then, is that no matter what the world is dangerous, so it's best that people keep on their toes - because people are at their safest when alerted to danger. On top of this is her implication that this is her role: to shine a "red light", signaling danger and making people concern themselves more with the value of life.
Did you know that even with seat belts people die in car crashes all the time?
God the spook makes me feel like such a brainlet, I'm going to go cry on Kiss shot now
Nice pasta, thanks op
Chad Spook, best Spook.
Just watched Nadeko Medusa, what the fuck was her actual problem? To me it seems like all she does is (unwillingly?) take advantage of the fact that she looks cute and defenseless to avoid trouble/taking responsibility, she just kinda takes the path of least resistance and gets away with it because she can get people to pity her by acting like a scared puppy or whatever. But then the show treats her like an evil villain, what was the deal with the whole yandere snake god Nadeko? Am I too much of a brainlet for Nisio memes?
Did you know there's a moment where every thread post in an imageboard goes off topic? Even you've seen it on a daily basis. They make sure it happens all the time so there won't be unactive catalogs all over. After original posts start being gay until thread-derailing posts take over, every post always has a three-second time lag. In other words, nothing comes to a conclusion. You could call it the blank three seconds of a imageboard. Conversely, there's never a time when they're all on topic. Unless a moderator was checking things. If I administrated it, I'd build an imageboard that couldn't do that at the structural level. Everyone prefers fun over stagnant. When the interwebs are filled with derails signaling distraction, the interwebs are more fun than usual. But when it's filled with discussion signaling productivity, it creates a place more stagnant than anywhere. Such a contradiction. If you don't want to face distractions, don't browse any websites. What a dangerous place this Internet is.
>Am I too much of a brainlet for Nisio memes?
Yes and no. There's actually a lot still unresolved so you couldn't know for sure. What you have for now is that she's spent her entire life deceiving people - even herself. She got away with everything for reasons beyond her control, and thus never had the opportunity to grow as a person, which she hates about herself. But a part of her resigned itself to the delusion that life would always be that simple; her life isn't pleasant, but it's certainly easy when she's cute. The other side of her, what we see in the classroom and a few other instances - the part of her that refers to herself as "Me" instead of "Nadeko" is ostensibly her "real" self, but even she is out of touch with it.
The actual plot is that she deluded herself into believing a story she wrote - a justification to find the god Ougi told her about - and completely engrossed herself in it until she achieved her goal and became a god. It's unclear if the god had a direct effect on furthering her psychotic breakdown, but to delude herself so far it's obvious that she was breaking from the very start. This is likely due to the very real stress she was under, coupled with her weak sense of identity.
One thing that's kind of left hanging at the end is the moment when, as she resigns herself to being a god and killing Araragi, she says "It can't be helped, since Nadeko is an Aberration" and then, internally, "But that's Nadeko. Not Me!". I'm still mulling over the implications of this and how to interpret it.
>t. brainlet
Nadeko is just an ordinary girl, none of the shit happening IS her responsibility. Yes, she gets special treatment because she's cute, but she doesn't want, enjoy or take advantage of that.
Her behavior towards Araragi shows pretty clearly she can be assertive and seductive instead of being a helpless cute.
She's also a "good girl", so people (the teacher and classmates mostly) shovel responsibility on her she doesn't actually want or is capable of managing.
She gets wound up in the whole curse business, though, not once, not twice, but three time; the final time when Ougi sets her up and she goes full yandere.
It's just meant to be a harsh (and possibly final/lethal) lesson for Araragi.
>The other side of her, what we see in the classroom and a few other instances - the part of her that refers to herself as "Me" instead of "Nadeko" is ostensibly her "real" self, but even she is out of touch with it.
When do we see this side of her other than during the weird outburst in the classroom? It doesn't seem to be related to her crazy snake god self either. That part threw me off because it felt like it came out of nowhere, I don't recall anything before that scene hinting towards the fact that the "real" Nadeko hiding beneath the moe "crutch" is a straight up sukeban. Was it just bottled up stress? Although that kinda feels at odds with her facade, isn't the point of acting cute and making other pity her avoiding stress in the first place? She's been getting away with everything and avoiding angering others, getting lectured, etc. so why is she under so much stress? And what do you mean by "weak sense of identity"?
I think this is my main problem with this arc, I think I kinda get her character but I don't get why it ended up resulting in the events of this arc. She's tired of avoiding problems by being cute so she resurrected a snake god and went crazy and tried to kill Araragi and Shinobu?
user, let's dispel this fiction once and for all that Nadeko doesn't know what she's doing. She knows exactly what she's doing
Does she really? To me so far it never seemed like she was going out of her way to manipulate people, it seemed more like an instinctive thing. She knows that if she looks down and waits for the other person to feel sorry for her everything will work out fine because that's how it's always gone for her, and she keeps doing that because it allows her to avoid any sort of conflict/trouble, but it feels kinda like how babies cry when they need something. They're not thinking "let me just cry a little bit and these suckers will rush to do whatever I want", it's an instinctive response.
Her more assertive side is, in the case of the classroom outburst, simply venting pent up frustrations with her peers. We have no indication that the "real" her is always like that entirely - of course we also have no indication otherwise. What's important here is that Nadeko never shows her "real" self because she thinks it's wrong or inappropriate - she's stifled in that respect. And no, her cuteness doesn't let her avoid stress, it merely lets her postpone it. People invariably come back and push more onto her, so once she no longer had the coping mechanism she had to deal with it all it once. There's also the fact that in addition to aiding her deception of others her bangs made up a part of her inhibitions, so after losing them she was no longer as stifled by her image of cuteness.
>And what do you mean by "weak sense of identity"?
This will become more clear later, but it relates to what I said about not being given the chance to grow up. She was forced into the rule of the moeblob with nothing beyond being cute, and thus never developed a strong sense of self beyond this.
As for why things ended up like this? Warning signs ignored too long and stress from her lifestyle, coupled with an unhealthy obsession, lead Nadeko to a breaking point, at which Ougi stepped in to seemingly instigate and turn those signals bright red.
It's more complicated than that and you know it. It's clear that she doesn't fully understand what her "cuteness" does that's wrong, but that she is aware of it to some extant. She abuses it at times knowingly, but at other times it merely happens as a matter of her inherent mannerisms. And most importantly she hates the fact that she's relegated to being nothing more than cute - to her it's a confining label, rather than a compliment.
At the very least she was aware of doing it to the teachers. However, as with everything in this arc she wasn't assertively choosing to be bad - she was merely playing the role she was cast into. Her catchphrase this arc was basically "It can't be helped", and so she resigned herself to her fate, rather than willfully propagate it. The same is probably true of much of her manipulation - that she simply decided "this is who I am, so this is what I'll do" - although a lot of it was also probably unwitting.
She freaked out because her bangs got cut saying that they aren't cute anymore.
She deliberately deflects away from shit she should be doing by acting bashful.
Not being bashful mind you, acting bashful. When her bangs got removed the teacher stopped falling for her act because he could clearly see her face and how little of a shit she gave.
>She knows that if she looks down and waits for the other person to feel sorry for her everything will work out fine because that's how it's always gone for her,
That's her willingly abusing her cuteness. She does this on purpose because she knows it works, not because of some conditioned response.
The problems only start in medusa when she gets found out.
>Warning signs ignored too long and stress from her lifestyle, coupled with an unhealthy obsession
What warning signs? And obsession with what? Araragi? I thought her infatuation with Araragi was just another easy way out for her, as explained by Tsukihi. Why was the result of her piled up stress wanting to kill Araragi in the first place? I found the weird yandere "if you're gonna date other girls I might as well just kill you so I can have a tragic unrequited love" stuff kinda of a disappointing conclusion to her arc considering the fact that her relationship with Araragi had been built up as something more interesting than that.
user how do you keep falling for her tricks?
She was not a victim in Medusa at all.
She was never really a victim from the start. Even at the start Meme saw right through her.
Don't be as dense as Araragi.
I love this woman so much.
>captcha: select all traffic lights
That traffic lights are like schrodinger cat.
>I thought her infatuation with Araragi was just another easy way out for her, as explained by Tsukihi
Don't believe everything that's said user. Or rather, this can be rationalized as true, except you must exchange the idea that she fell in love with him because it was easy, to that she stayed in love with him because it was easy. That is, her infatuation was definitely real - as evidenced by her wish to the nonexistant god being to be with him, as well as a few other details later on. Her obsession was real - but she only kept the flame burning because it was easy.
The warning signs were, among other things, her general pattern of avoidance and emotional distance. I can't get into it further without spoiling things, but suffice to say her behavior patterns are indicative of something further that everyone was missing.
The short answer for why she went full psycho is that she was, by that point, literally and completely insane. She even says so herself, through the voice of Kuchinawa (just another splinter of her personality). She was cracking, and her personality/memory splintered. A part of her deluded the rest into believing a story of her own fabrication, and that part (Kuchinawa) guided her to the conclusion of the story.
I'm not absolving her entirely of culpability - she is still to blame for responding to pressure the way she did, and for her actual actions. She is not just a victim. Key word "just". Because as we later see, she herself was boxed in and stifled. She was fearful and unable to trust others. And there is definitely blame to place for her decent into madness. Her parents, her teachers, her classmates, and Ougi for delivering the final push.
Also, note what she screams after her transformation: She asks why Araragi didn't help her - this probably isn't referring to oddities. I recommend looking at her in comparison to Cat. A few interesting things come to light under that lens.
traffic lights give you the impression of danger.
This creates a paradox, in that to make people safe, you have to give them the feeling that they are in danger.
The inverse also applies.
If you assure people that it is they are safe they are in far more danger than if you told them that they aren't.
The last bit about the crosswalks serves as a reminder about Hachikuji who got ran over by someone who ignored the red light, it is also where the complexity comes on.
Ougi says that the only way to avoid being in danger is to avoid going somewhere where you would be. However, the whole traffic light monologue implies that where you feel you are not in danger, that is where things are extra dangerous. That's the what the "what a dangerous place this world is" bit is about.
It's an amazing monologue.
But at the same time she also says "don't fuck with me Araragi, or I'll murder you".
She's saying "Araragi if you don't stop prying I will run you over, so you better avoid crosswalks"
Yes user she acts like a victim while everything is her own fault.
Her screaming at Araragi like he should have done something when all along she has been manipulating him from the start is just more of snake blame shifting.
Everything that happened was Snake's fault. Unlike the other girls though she refuses to see herself as the one at fault and thats why she does not change.
Hyouka is the one with the manga artist.
What a load of fucking twaddle.
>I love this woman
Are you sure shhee is a woman?
Well, I'll wait until I get to whatever arc concludes the Nadeko stuff since there's apparently a bunch of stuff that becomes clearer then.
On a completely unrelated note, what was the point of Tsubasa Tiger? Tsubasa Cat was my favorite arc so far, I felt like it told a pretty clear and complete story and it managed not to do it by having the entire cast taking turns pointing out what's wrong with that arc's designated crazy girl. Basically Hanekawa had a hard life, shitty family issues, etc., and I guess she kinda tried to pull a Nadeko in a sense and avoid conflict by being a doormat but unfortunately she's apparently not cute enough to pull it off. After living like that for a while she meets an angsty super special vampire boyfriend straight out of Twilight and thinks this is it, things are finally looking up for her and after spending however many years in the Dursleys' cupboard she was finally getting her letter from Hogwarts. But unfortunately she was too much of a doormat to actually do anything and she was content to just hang around Araragi, which worked out fine until a stronger willed, pushier girl showed up and immediately entered an actual relationship with Araragi. At that point, the bottled up stress from years of putting up with a shitty life by doing nothing combined with the catalyst that was having her special only hope stolen from her made the cat aberration thing come back to vent out stress. The reveal that Hanekawa was in love with Araragi was genuinely surprising but made perfect sense in retrospect, it recontextualized a bunch of stuff but nothing seemed insultingly obvious as this sort of stuff often does in anime.
And then Tsubasa Tiger just kinda reiterates the idea that she's a bit of a doormat? For five episodes? By having people just sit and talk for 15 minutes in great detail about this a bunch of times? I feel like the only thing we got out of this arc was developing the relationship between Hanekawa and Senjougahara.
Hahikuji got run over with the crosswalk in green light.
She is talking about how thing that are safe in reality give a fake sense of security and can be the most dangerous situations because you don't expect dangerous things to happen.
I refer you to the conversation with Senjougahara regarding "tastes", as well as the motif of "whiteness" and "white lies of innocence". (This was Nekomonogatari Shiro, after all). The point was the she was making herself too "pure" by pushing aside and bottling up anything imperfect. The perfect image she had cultivated was a product of shelving her personal desires - which piled up enough to become oddities. This conclusion to her arc was about facing her own pent up emotions and accepting her true self. Instead of pushing things aside, she would cease to be pure, and instead be human - a genuine person.
>The perfect image she had cultivated was a product of shelving her personal desires
Wasn't this already illustrated clearly enough by her orbiting around Araragi for a year or however long without ever actually doing anything other than playing the perfect class president role?
user, Tsubasa Tiger is Neko Shiro in Second Season.
Tsubasa Family is Neko Kuro which is the standalone 4 episode series.
It's important to draw the distinction because while Family does just cover old ground and is universally panned Tiger is one of the better arcs in the series and you better not talk shit about it.
Yes, I'm talking about Neko Shiro. I genuinely felt like it told us almost nothing we didn't already know from Bake, and it did so in the least interesting way possible. I mean, the entire conclusion of the arc is Hanekawa realizing that she should have confessed to Araragi instead of doing nothing, and even if this is an important step for her as a character it's obviously not exactly a ground breaking reveal for the viewer.
That was more focused on the individual issues of stress from family and love and didn't really cover her broader personality problems. More importantly, it didn't even begin to resolve them. Tiger was all about facing her problems on her own (rather than having Araragi or an oddity do it for her) and so it involved her learning about herself and her problems and ultimately executing a solution.
Eh, not really, they are more of a parallel. Neko kuro is more about araragi understanding her. Tiger is more about her understanding herself and overcoming herself.
Araragi ends up not liking her at the end of kuro because she is shit, then Hanekawa finally fixes it at that at the end of Tiger just to not mattering much anymore in that regard because it was too late.
So were you talking about Tsubasa Cat or Tsubasa Family for the first part?
Because I feel that Family went over much more of the same stuff that Cat did and we basically already know all of it.
Meanwhile Tiger brought actual progression and while it's obvious to you what Hanekawa should do it's not for her and she needed to process it.
>Araragi ends up not liking her at the end of kuro because she is shit
I really did not get that user
Yeah, I'm finding it hard to see Neko Shiro as any kind of rehash - it's the arc that made me actually like Hanekawa. Kuro, on the other hand, was a mixed bag of some great scenes in an overall disappointing setup.
Because it's not true. I don't know where he's getting that. What actually happened is he decided it would be better for the both of them if he didn't look at her that way (which he failed at because he basically still worships her well into the series)
>Tiger was all about facing her problems on her own (rather than having Araragi or an oddity do it for her) and so it involved her learning about herself and her problems and ultimately executing a solution.
I get that it was important for her as a character, but for me as a viewer it felt like retreading ground for 5 episodes in a way that was less interesting than the first time.
Did I make some sort of mistake with the arc names? I thought Tsubasa Cat was the final arc of Bake and Tsubasa Tiger was the first arc of SS. Those are the ones I'm talking about.
Basically I feel like in Tiger we're just told that Hanekawa should stop doing nothing, she should stop waiting for good things to happen to her by magic or whatever, she should be more proactive/assertive, etc. and while it's important for Hanekawa to be confronted with that I feel like all of those ideas were already presented in Bakemonogatari, even if they weren't spelled out repeatedly over the course of multiple 20 minute long psychoanalysis dialogues. Wasn't it already the point of Tsubasa Cat that Hanekawa's inaction was the cause of her problems? Obviously she herself didn't really confront that fact in Bake because she was mostly just Black Hanekawa during that arc but the end result is that the arc where she does confront her issues herself feels like 5 episodes of recycled ideas for me as a viewer.
I rewatched Monogatari series a couple weeks ago. I still don't get the purpose of Sodachi arc and how it connects with the rest of the series.
>It explains why Araragi went from hero of justice to loner with suicide wish (which is referenced in kizu novel)
>It explains why Araragi is good at math (mentioned in Kizu as the reason he can get in that school)
>It properly introduces the arc "villain"
>It explains why Cat is traveling during multiple arcs
>It actually gives Araragi some character development, when most arcs are solely about the girls., having to deal with his own failure.
>It introduces a new recurrent character.
This is just me remembering off the cuff but basically tsubasa cat is outlining her personal issues with Araragi still saving the day at the end. In Tiger we actually see her make steps to solve the issues herself and prevent the cat from coming out again. You can say that its rehashing stuff but I mean character development isn't always easy. Old habits die hard so it was nice to see the development get the time it deserves.
Did you skip over Tsubasa Tiger user?
It's the 4 episode miniseries after nise and before SS.
Personal growth for Araragi. An exploration of what makes Araragi who he is. A test bed for Ougi. Just a really good character and arc overall.
No, you were using the right names. I just find it strange is all. I really enjoyed Tsubasa Tiger, and I loved the layer of complexity it gave Hanekawa. In Tsubasa Cat her "freakish perfection" wasn't properly addressed (though her inaction was), and it is this freakish perfection that makes up the bulk of her depth and personal growth. I enjoyed the arc for what it was, and it had a bunch of fun moments. Plus Hanekawa's new design is top tier.
That's Tsubasa Family. And no, I don't think they skipped it. That one is the rehash, albeit with some new context and scenes.
I mean yes Family and I do kinda get the feeling he did skip it.
>In Tsubasa Cat her "freakish perfection" wasn't properly addressed (though her inaction was), and it is this freakish perfection that makes up the bulk of her depth and personal growth.
I don't know, it wasn't spelled out as clearly but things like the way she reacted to her dad hitting her already conveyed her "freakish perfection" pretty well IMO.
I guess the bigger problem is that I'm not particularly into the dialog style or the overall presentation of the series, so I usually just tend to enjoy the character writing, but in this case I ended up feeling like I wasn't getting to see a particularly new facet of Hanekawa.
I didn't skip it but I don't see how that's relevant here anyway.
Because Tsubasa Family actually was just a rehash of Tsubasa Cat unlike Tsubasa Tiger.
And so the fact that I thought Tiger was a rehash means that I must have skipped Family?
Araragi feelings for Hanakawa end up being just lust, not love. Hanekawa is a weak ass bitch whose parents treat her like shit and then she eats everything saying they are right. Then dark forms inside her but to keep being the pure perfect girl puts someone else to deal that part for herself like neko or cuts it out like the tiger.
Even Hanekawa herself said how shit she is that Hitagi going through similar problems moved on while she wasn't able to overcome a single thing, she didn't mature.
That's why Araragi end up, for the first time, loving someone for real, Hitagi.
Literal autism since Nisio is a fucking autist himself.
Yeah pretty much.
Every fucking girl is a rehash outside crab. Was the only one that actually moved on first.
You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, user believing what the characters said.
I have a tip that can help you spot when someone is lying in Monogatari user.
Their mouth is moving.
Then what did he actually mean, smartass?
There's cat, the one at the end of bakemonogatari.
Tsubasa family ( from neko kuro, the one araragi "fights" her with the sword)
And Tiger (from neko shiro, the one with the tiger burning houses etc.)
user did you not watch the fucking episode user?
Did you miss the whole conversation leading up to the line?
Or that Araragi was practically crying at that point?
>I have no actual explanation so I'll just ask some dumb shit
If everything is stopped, no one can get hurt.
It's only when things are told they can move that accidents happen.
You have to be retarded to believe that he was lying, there's a clear parallel between hanekawa and hitagi.
If you know how to read between lines you will get that the implication is that dropped his love for Hanekawa because of his personality, and just after that he found a person like her in the same situation but with the guts of overcoming and improving herself, reason why he fell for Hitagi and loves her while tells Neko to fuck off.
Even Hanekawa knows it and is jealous of Hitagi for it and didn't decide to confess until she settled things with herself first.
user if all Araragi feels is lust then why did he shove a sword into his body and let the cat cut him in half?
There are easier ways to get your rocks off.
user you might be as fucking dense as walk her home gently guy.
Araragi has been worshiping the ground Hanekawa walks on since Kizu.
He was just too much of a coward to do anything about it.
user he was incredibly emotional and went out of his way to teach her a lesson. He also explicitly says at the end of the arc that he'll pretend he never loved her because that's what's for the best.
Actually the real answer is that there's no answer because Nisio is a hack who just writes some random long winded pseudo DEEP bullshit and then each different shit eating faggot ends up coming up with a completely different interpretation.
Do you enjoy going through life like that? Thinking there's never really any meaning in anything and that anyone who isn't as jaded as you is stupid?
user Nisio's writing is not ambiguous.
People just turn off their brains when watching shit and then forget half of the shit they see.
All this stuff is literally spelled out for you at one point or another.
no u
Tsubasa Tiger took her from "freakish perfection" to shitty mary sue because that was when Nisio went from downplaying her flaws to completely glossing over them while jerking her off because she already got "fixed."
What the fuck are you talking about?
Her not having flaws was her flaw because she forced herself to be inhumanely righteous.
This was not only incredibly damaging to her but also to her relationships.
It was after Tiger that she finally accepted her flaws and let herself stop being so perfect.
Tsubasa Tiger was her best showing by far and her dealing with her freakish perfection was fantastic, but I actually agree that ever since then she's been even less interesting than prior to that arc. She's had some good appearances, but a lot of the time she does come off as unnecessarily perfect - even moreso than before, despite the point of the arc being that she should be less perfect.
She only shows up in Hitagi End and Sodachi Riddle and Lost and I thought she did act differently.
Did you know there's a moment where my cock entered your mom? Even you've seen it on a daily basis. She makes sure it happens all the time so there won't be pussy accidents all over. After your moms pussy turns red, she lays horizontally until it turns green. In other words, I cum in your mother’s You could call it me fucking your mom. Conversely, there's never a time when it turns yellow. Unless a gynecologist was checking things. If I designed it, I'd build a system that could do me at the structural level. Everyone prefers your mom over others’ moms. When the world is filled with moms in heat, the world is safer than usual. But when your mom is filled with with my cum, it creates a place more dangerous than anywhere. Such a contradiction. If you don't want to face me fucking your mom, don't come home tonight. What a dangerous place this world is.
Seriously, what a garbage series
yeah whatever this anime is boring XD
nisio is unironically one of the most talented writers. his autism sometimes gets in the way, but he’s insanely good.
Ougi is the blank 3 seconds of an intersection. We're all waiting for the light to turn green and the story to move forward, but this stupid bitch takes up our precious time.
I like Monogatari, but it's mostly just a bunch of sexy but mentally deranged narcissists, trapped inside their own heads, trying to one-up eachother with pretentious nonsense. You could say most of them are well written but I wouldn't say they are actually realistic or relatable.
>Did you know there's a moment where every traffic light in an intersection turns red? Even you've seen it on a daily basis. Now, you can take the red light or the blue light. If you take the blue light, you'll wake up and everything will go on as normal. But if you take the red light...
I don't get it. What did Nisio mean?
I fucking love Ougi.
my sides
>Even Hanekawa herself said how shit she is that Hitagi going through similar problems moved on while she wasn't able to overcome a single thing, she didn't mature.
In Tiger, the Black Hanekawa inside herself remarked that Tsubasa was being too harsh on herself and should acknowledge that she did change somewhat and love herself. Plus Hitagi still blames herself for her mother leaving the family, she says so personally to Araragi and Hanekawa in private conversations, and the only reason she is as stable as she is, is because she has a really good father that supports her fully. Tsubasa comparatively, has nobody, and Araragi even mentions herself rather twisted feelings about Hanekawa at the end of Owari.
This narrative people try to push like "Hitagi is normal, and Hanekawa is just a weak sociopath" is missing several pieces of context to try to make their confirmation bias relevant. Hitagi End proved that there is still self esteem issues and dependency on Araragi that Hitagi has going.
It's good that she is supportive of Araragi, but keeps him in line with the perversion. He is successful with getting Shinobu and Gahara to let him skirt the line so he has his cake and eats it too, but Hanekawa ain't having any of that, and that's good. Her "I'll knock you out" when he starts undressing her with his eyes at the end of Owari is great.