>The death of a meme
The Promised Neverland
But is Phil the demon god?
So it was just an irrelevant allucination, great
>Advantage of mommy issues
That's really low of [Redacted]
What the fuck is happening, did Emma eat shrooms again
She fed Ray shrooms too.
Nice to see Isabella even if it's just Ray trippin
Can't wait for his weekly Yeah
>the nicest hug Isabella ever gave Ray is in a hallucination
Is that supposed to be shota Ray or is Posuka just being shit again?
You can see 811, it's Ray.
Yeah, I just mean if he is supposed to look like a little kid on purpose.
Yes, he's wearing the GF outfit in that panel and Emma wasn't with Ray then, she got separated for a couple pages.
It's either illusion Ray or some weird magic turning Ray into a kid because Emma's saying "This is bad, I have to find and join him again" but she also doesn't seem to see him or is ignoring him.
>Stickers say TPN, 約束, 63194
Is it just an Easter egg or...?
Is that meaningful in any way? Minerva was dead by 2031, and it seems to be too recent to be the birthdate of any of the characters.
>this whole time Ray only wanted his Mom to hug him
Help him...
I wanna take a big shit on Ray's head.
I HATE Barbara
Probably just easter eggs considering all the japanese writing when the kids speak english. As for the date it's exactly 9 years before they discovered the truth of the house, don't know if there's a deeper, hidden meaning behind it.
>Ray is only relevant in his hallucinations
>will never get a real hug for mama
Demon lord may make them go through places that hold significance to Emma, maybe to test their might/strength.
If that's the case, looks like next chapter will be an hallucination of Yugo and co. in the shelter.
>that door
Reminder that ray x Emma is endgame with Norman becoming the antagonist
>thread gets bumped
>it's with a shitpost
Not sure if I'm happy or not
I just want Shirai to let Ray be happy and relevant again.
He can be happy with his wife.
Speaking of whom!
I was actually going to make another NE comic, but I did a RA one instead to show my appreciation to the Ukranian friend.
Based, keep us updated on his reaction.
I can't believe mama is fucking dead.
>he wanted me to sit on a bottle
kek, what
Where did that picture on the right come from, user?
Bemma and Gemma looking cute
Posuka's twitter.
Yeah, some Ukranian guy went full sperg in the comment section of all Ray/Anna videos. He said he wanted to burn down my house, slice me and my family, and to sit on a bottle.
I don't know if that's an Ukranian saying, but I absolutely lost it with that one.
Only the RA ones? Is this peak autism?
Yeah, all in the span of, what, thrity minutes? He was quite dedicated.
He didn't say anything about the NE videos, so I don't think he was a fervent Ray/Emma shipper.
(Upper half is cut so I'm guessing it)
>Now, everyone! Let's play together!
The last page says "The seven walls is down here", btw.
I want skelly mama to bone me!
I want to fuck Norman's daughters while he watches!
I want Emma to fuck Norman's son while he watches!
Might as well.
>It's that time of the week again.
>Posuka still going all FMA.
>Chibi Ray is cute
>Let's go play.
Dang, is this really it?
Yeah, I hope it it picks up, demon king should've mentally tortured them more.
>only mentally tortures Ray
>lets Emma get off easy
But why?
>boku wa
>treats emma better than ray
norman confirmed demon god
Because Ray is for shitting on, bullying, and hurting. And Shirai hates him for some reason.
This needs a HAPPENING soon. It's getting boring.
Put Ray out of his misery and make the manga great again!
>makes him relevant in death
>gives him sweet release from the misery of getting neglected by his best friends
>raises the stakes
>makes everything less boring
>The Abyss
What the fuck is that? Is that furry fanfiction?
Ray a shit
We know, Ray.
Who are you quoting?
They should have had a shota norman this chapter so emma could molest him
The demon god is trying to psychologically torture Emma, not reward her.
>The demon god is trying to psychologically torture Emma
Nope, only Ray got hit. Emma fell straight into a river of stuffed animals.
Why you guys didn't told me this manga became retarded after chapter 60? I liked it so much, fuck you all.
Fuck me yourself, faggot.
Stupid Norman poster
Where? Only Ray is getting bullied.
Talking about Norman, what was the fucking point of that chapter in the middle of nowhere during the Lewis Arc??? The only thing that chapter did was completely destory the suspense of the story when the characters were already more immortal than the fucking demons, if the anime studio is smart they will skip that chapter entirely.
What suspense? Everyone knew Norman was alive.
Dude, I just read it and the only clue of Norman being alive was Adam repeating his number, which yeah, it made it pretty obvious, but there's a difference between someone telling you boys had dicks and someone sticking a dick down your throat to prove it.
You literally have a comment on your video where he says he is a filthy RE shipper.
There's literally a side chapter of Mama telling Norman to go be happy right after his shipment, dude.
That and don't you think a giant "huh?" and no body in sight makes it plain obvious he is alive? Come on, user.
Honestly I think it would have been more jarring for Norman to just pop up out of nowhere as Mr. Minerva with no explanation.
Reminder: No chapter next week
>ray bullying and shroom trip: the chapter
>nothing next week
Is it? I must have missed it. I only noticed the funny ones.
Imagine being pathetic enough to send death threats to someone over comics because they don't align with your crackship.
Don’t you fucking dare touch them.
Why are you stopping your girls from having boyfriends?
Damn, I didn't get a notification for that one.
Poor Ukranian shitposter. I hope he sticks around until the end and I can witness his meltdown.
>Ray is so irrelevant even his spergiest fan can't spell his name
Where did you get this post more
>But I like my house.
Oh user, never change.
yiff yiff
Aw, shucks. I do my best.
I like to be a bit snarky in the comments. Sadly 90% of all comments are people going "cuuuute!" and the other 10% are people asking for spanish subtitles, so there's not much chance for shenanigans.
If Emma was a furry, would Norman still be down for it?
Would he put up with making fursuits of Emma's fursona and washing the love juices from it?
Based RAnon. Have some fanart.
he would take the knot
>implying he wouldn't become a furry too for maximum yiffness
I thought he was going to give Anna a noogie for a second there.
*blocks Anna's path*
>Climatic showdown
>Demon queen has Ray in his claws
>Starts gloating about how she's won
>She gets shot in the head mid-monologue
>Anna steps from the shadows
>"Ain't nobody gonna be messin with my man
>Demon queen has Ray in his claws
>based Anna kills a trap
What would Norman do with an Emma owl?
I want Norman to cum as deeply inside of me as possible.
Can someone explain, memes aside, why some people are so angry that Emma doesn't want genocide? I understand everyone's perspectives here, obviously depending on your experiences you might feel differently. Barbara and the others never had any positive interactions with demons or seen anything that puts them in a light similar to humans, their hatred is justified. But Emma has had help from demons and seen their societies, isn't her view justified too?
The demons who seem keen on still hunting were all from nobility, the others are eating out of necessity and the meat is quite frankly shit, taking it away and making it not a necessity seems pretty viable. I feel like it's all about perspective here and nobody is necessarily wrong.
Love protect and feed it
Because their muh edgelord Hitler waifu headcanon got btfo
That's the chapter i'm talking about you doofus, nad that chapter doesn't bring anything important to the order of events, it just tone them down in an already bad arc like it was the Lewis Arc, how some small children turned out to be more immortal than giant immortal demons???
That's what I'm saying.
The chapter where Norman said "huh" wasn't in Goldy Pond and neither was the Mama side chapter, not sure what you're on about. These were all in volume 4 back in the escape arc and they all told you he was alive.
Other thing I just noticed, this time I will believe you guys, why in the fuck was Anna popular at all before??? She literally did NOTHING until the current arc, so why did she ranked so high in the popularity arc? I even forgot she existed until the recnt chapters, i'm currently at chapter 120, someone exlain this shit to me.
you know that guy was disagreeing with you, right? jarring isn't used in a positive context
Just normanfags
Because people ship her with Ray and she's cute.
Boast it.
Boast about what?
She cut her hair for Ray and wished him a happy birthday.
Shippers did the rest.
>it's an ESL episode
Did you mean post it?
Not sure how you missed this in the same chapter he got shipped out in but.
Please post cute NEs.
Ok but like I said above, uncertainty is not the same as showing you an entire chapter of Norman walking around and thinking things the reader already know out of nowhere, in other words, an irrelevant chapter that just ruined the little suspense there was left in the manga.
Silly user. All NEs are cute.
user, stop and think for a second.
Norman was taken to a specific room and showed surprise at something. That coupled with the fact that Mama plainly confirmed he was alive in that same volume in pic related, for what reason would he have been taken into a special room and shown surprise when he EXPECTED to see demons?
The Lambda chapter served to show us that he is, indeed, telling the truth when we reunite with him again. And he's shown so casually you weren't really supposed to think he's dead.
Based and cutepilled.
The page you just posted is irrelevant and we never knew how did Conny ended up in the back of the car so the room could have been anything, but we are off my point already, the chapter with Norman in the middle of the Lewis Arc just made everything safer than it already was, that's all i'm saying.
How is it irrelevant when she's saying "farewell and I wish you happiness, Norman"? Nobody cared about that chapter because everyone already knew he was safe, that is my point.
dude just admit you were the one guy who got fooled by it and move on
Cease this autism.
I call shenanigans. Norman would want to be the body so Emma would sit on him.
Before the time skip, I think Norman and Ray would collaborate on this costume. After Norman’s metamorphosis, he would definitely ditch the two-person costume and wear a sexy giraffe outfit.
Finally hit the 2000 NEs mark.
3000, here we go.
Cute and wholesomepilled.
This is actually based as fuck. I would've gotten bored 50 pictures in.
Speaking of good things.
This is actually pretty neat.
Are you talking about the Alpha/Beta/Omega tag?
It’s a way for autists to insert hierarchy into society and making characters to adopt animal (wolf) characteristics. Alphas are the dominant, omegas are weak and for breeding while betas are “normal” most times. Not really furry at all.
Does this mean Emma is going to impregnate Norman?
You are a gift to this thread, user. Great taste and Raypilled.
Wait, does Bemma come out the ass or worse?
Thanks, user.
By the way, did any of the kids in the farm got sexual education? I mean, I haven't seen any mention in the entire series about it, as far as they know all of them came from tubes, only maybe Ray knows he was inside Isabella but the rest have no clue.
Well, I mean, Emma knew hitting Yuugo in the balls would hurt. She's gotta have some idea of different anatomy.
Penile birth.
Norman is for rough fucking when he's misbehaving but then gentle loving as an apology and reassurance that he's still very loved.
Norman is ALWAYS for gentle loving. Even when he's "misbehaving". You know why? Because kindness reaches people's hearts better than punishment. If you love, you will build trust. If you hate, you'll build fear and a disconnection.
Norman is for sweet and gentle lovemaking.
Time to be a main character again, bitches.
Why? Cause he got bullied for a couple of pages? Don't get your hopes up just like I won't.
Why is Rayposting always depressing and disappointing?
Wouldn't be that hard since Ray don't know Anna exists.
Shut up, Reglavalima.
I want Norman to smother me in kisses.
Get in line.
I absolutely will! I wish I had known earlier that he had set up a kissing booth.
It was all downhill once Goldy Pond ended
You should all give up. When you get the front, all he says is "you're not Emma" and makes you leave.
>Goldy Pond
>better than the final arc
I usually respect opinions but this is one only a mother could love.
First chapters of this arc had good tension, but last weeks it's a wait for anything to happen.
You can't have tension every week user. It doesn't make this arc bad, at least there's a sense of suspense on what will happen next. Goldy Pond was just bang bang pew pew
I love Norman
That's the finger she uses to probe around with, I assume?
He's my (future) husband, please back off
I wonder if she's grown so profficient she can directly pinpoint Norman's prostate upon insertion.
She probably can but teasing is more fun. The milking being done in a few seconds would be boring.
Ray was always based
Norman was shit, then became a chad
Emma a shit since the beginning, had very few moments of being based
Also this series feels waaaaay too much like SnK now
What about seeing how much can she milk him before he loses consciousness?
Or how many times she can make him cum in the span of thirty minutes.
>Also this series feels waaaaay too much like SnK now
None of the characters are annoyingly faggots and Shirai only makes one major slip.
What if he goes into a coma or something?
Emma > Ray any day. At least she has lines.
>Emma dies at the hands of Lewis
I just fixed this manga.
>Emma a shit
>Ray is based
Is this bait
>Ray is not based
Is this bait?
Fix your taste instead.
Then Emma knows exactly how many milkies Norman can take and they can work to slowly improve his stamina.
>character with zero overall relevance despite all the random panels he eats up
Maybe in the first arc. After that? He's awful.
Tells you a lot when Norman doesn't even invite him to the office or when he just sits there while the other two discuss things and he says yeah occasionally.
If you're going to shitpost, at least pick a character from this manga.
What did Emma did after she magically survived a dude which main objective in life was to finish off Emma(yet he didn't), everyone was fine while she sleeped and any other character could had been the moral support of the group, but why kill Emma? Because that would have made an statement, that really anything can happen in this manga, but no, now we have just Emma being dumb and no danger whatsoever.
But what if he doesn't wake up from his coma and she mourns him for two more years? Were the milkies worth it?
>anything can happen
This is a shounen fucking manga, wake the fuck up. Don't pretend you're reading some 2deepu4u seinen. This is why you fags end up disappointed, you expect deaths left and right in a kiddy manga. You are reading and consuming shounenshit, act like it. The MC (who moves the plot forward, so don't whine she does nothing) won't die. Ray eon't die. Norman won't die. Wake up.
>Ray won't die.
He's already dead.
Do you realise how retarded this post is
It's like asking Deku or Asta or any other wsj mango mc to die
Nah, I'm just fixing the manga bro.
Never write in your life please
His relevancy, you mean.
I'm not starting it again with the "Shirai said he has a important plot role for Ray", but the best route he can take is sacrificing himself.
Norman was always a chad, you faggot
To be honest, I'm not even trying to be a cunt but what else can he do? The other two's roles are just so big he'll always look pretty silly in comparison. At least sacrifice would make his role memorable even if I like him the most.
I expect him to just do one thing and go back to the shadows though.
That's why there's a lot of Lambda info. Does Norman come with a manual?
Also, just because he's in a coma, doesn't mean his testicles won't stop producing sperm.
But user, that's molestation! Or is it okay because she knows he'd want it anyway?
He's probably left written consent somewhere. This is Norman after all.
Ray is rational while still being human
Emma a total shit that just hopes for the best and it works out because of asspulls and plot convenience
ray is gonna dick Emma after Norman becomes a full-blown villain, they've had way more interactions and relationship development than Emma and Norman
Hell, ray and Norman understand each other better than NE
Ray reminds her of what a shit person she is
>ray in lowercase every time
I know. Isn't friendship great?
>Implying opposite sex can be friends.
Only if one of them is gay.
Well, Ray is a bit of a faggot.
What if both are faggots?
Can a gay and a lesbian be friends?
Reminder that ray x Reglavalima is endgame with Norman and Emma becoming their buttlers.
Does that mean they'll have to tend to Ray's sore butt after Reglavalima is done with him every night?
>finally catch up with the manga
>now they can teleport
...why not use the methood to teleport to the human world and be done with all this shit.
Because only the DEmon Lord can do that.
Because Phil is endgame
>Here's your anime doujin boom.
I'm not surprised, Norman has such a homosexual resting face.
No, the other way around
I still hope we may get a RayxIsabella doujin out of this.
Ray x Isabella miss me with that incest shit
Finally some good content
Literally nothing happened this chapter. This promise shit is gay.
Kek she forgot his name.
>Get to see small emma again
A lot happened
Chapter was great, faggot. It's the first chapter in an eternity that feels trippy and creepy.
Someone gotta translate the kanjis.
But it won't be me.
I can make a 止ま from the arrow pointing to Ray. Need a better scan.
The seven walls better be trials.
I really love how those bananas are drawn
would be pretty cool
>5 chapters later
So the demon god isn't a midget, but just a kid. And of course his idea of playing is completely fucked up
are all rayfags this delusional? or is this bait?
Of course it's bait
This is boring, where are my Norman cummies?
Ray deserves to get beat up by skelly mama for being a useless and bad boy
>Demon god is a shota
Age of Ray starts next chapter.
The chapter felt a bit rushed.
normanfags are obnoxious.
everytime someone brings up "villain" or "rayxemma" they sperg out
t. butthurt refag
i am gay btw not sure if that matters
I'm an Emmafag and both the things you listed are retarded and deserve the backlash.
Why would that matter? Are you implying gays can only like gay ships?
E*Ma fags dont deserve my (you), you should feel lucky I am implicitly talking to you.
ren is unironically the cutest and most protection deserving of the bunch.
The chad Norman vs the virgin Ray
Not sure who Ren is but okay thanks for the bait, itadakimasu
>you cant call ray by the name his mother calls him
see by your intelligence I am assuming youre the E*Mafag so precautionary replying method is applied
dont @ me
Just ignore.
I know the chapter was boring but you guys seem desperate ror funposting
No, the previous posts are shitposting from the falseflag side.
What are supposed fo discuss?
Shirai and Posuka just want to get over with the series and it shows.
Still, if you're gonna shitpost at least don't make it too obvious
It really does feel that way, I kind of wish they would give us some more downtime and character moments. I'm hoping they're just going fast right now to get to more interesting parts of the arc, later down the line.
Eh, we've only gotten like two character focused chapters in the series. I do feel it's fast paced but I think no character focus is just the norm.