ITT: the exact moment where you dropped an anime

ITT: the exact moment where you dropped an anime.

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how italian are you OP?

Bet only less 1/4 but because he's a mutt he have to flaunt his Italian-ness lest he'll be reminded for his lack of roots

After i see this now when anime just aired, i always break my pasta in a half. It feels much better this vay.

Italian nazis BTFO.

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o b s e s s e d

Prolly from the south

>buying long pasta
>just to break it
Why don't you buy short pasta in first place?

It's a small cooking pot, man.

t. Sicilian here I break my pasta every time unless cooking in front of others. It still raps around the food user, stop with these meme and MUH HOME COOKED SAUZE NO JARS I aint going out of my way to make more trouble cooking that shit if there a jar sauces that are good enough and pasta tastes the same regardles
Also asians created the noodle my g

Attached: [Coalgirls]_To_Aru_Majutsu_no_Index_03_(1920x1080_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[E4A357DE].mkv_snapshot_16.57_[2017. (1920x1080, 1.08M)

/ck/ out!

Why would you need to break it though? Even if its a really small cup you can just put all the pasta in the water if you wait 30 seconds.

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just use this kind of pasta if you still want it long. also im italian but i break spaghetti out of lazyness

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the cup is very small (around 1-1.5 liters) and she is preparing a soup or something similar to that

My pasta boiling machine is only 15 cm tall so I have to break it

I couldn't take seeing Kamina like that. I cried uncontrolably instead of stopping the episode but it's not like it lasted much more, and never looked back. My headcanon is that Simon fucking kills himself like I'd have done.

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Many stores don't sell short pasta.

Move to a better location

> He doesn't throw pasta into a blender to make couscous
Step up your game senpai.

>ITT: the exact moment where I turned into a pleb

Sasuga terrone.