American turns out to be a villain

>American turns out to be a villain

Why can nobody stop them Yea Forums?

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Tell me five moments where americans saved others for the sake of saving and not for Mr.Goldberg

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>American turns out to be the best character

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>America IS the villain

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>American actually did nothing wrong

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WW2 saved all of Europe from the fucking krauts not just jews.

>America is there just to fuck your shit up.

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>Why can nobody stop them Yea Forums?

Who would want to?

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Leskinen was a warrior of peace. He did nothing wrong.

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>Japanese secret intelligence builds a super canon that blows apart the moon, causing part of it to tumble towards earth
>America is still somehow the bad guy
what did Sympthogears mean by this?

Americans are villains most of the time
Assange anime when


>brought about almost half a decade of communism

>Americans create their own worst enemy

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>finnish last name
was it actually the eternal finn?

also invented in krautland
Blame them

He’s probably from the UP

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The idea that the US has that much German ancestry sounds like bullshit
Or its probably just the less populated areas, right?

It is bullshit. German ancestry in the US is wildly overreported. DNA tests have shown British is still the dominant ancestry in the US.

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I was really disappointed when this wasn't real

Ugh its just like real life

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>American is the sexiest

>Britbongs create greatest ALLY of the USA
All hail Israel!
All hail Israel!
All hail Israel!

I don't mind Americans being villains, but I have yet to see an actual American in anime and not some alien Japanese perception of what they think Americans are.

If they weren't blonde haired, blue eyed, and eating a burger, how else would you know they're American, rather than some sort of average guy from Pennsylvania or New Hampshire or something?

He did nothing wrong except losing.

Nah, I like how the nips portray us. I WISH we were actually as Chad, Aryan, and masculine as they think we are.

Nips are right about Americans being loud and extroverted though.

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He's Finnish.
Before you talk shit though, Maho is an American citizen.

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They do with with almost all foreigners, though
People tend to love stereotypes in media, Japan is no exception


Taka-tin was based

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Leskinen seemed too extraverted to be a real Finn. He acted like a typical anime stereotype of an American.

Anime isn't aimed at some adult audience, and it's for entertainment mostly. Most of the staff in production haven't actually gone abroad for that matter. Not having national stereotype? As if.

I agree with you on that. Leskinen is what I see with Finnish businessmen instead who have to go abroad to Germany and Russia from time to time. The locals who stay put at Turku seriously have a case of phobia against people coming in 5m of their sight.

>american is blond with blue eyes and light skin
do they expect me to believe this?

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Leskinen has grown up in America so he's more extroverted but he still has those Finnish autism genes that show up every once in a while

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>He hasn't been to America

Kek yes everybody is jealous of your whales

Well i'm french and i feel that in every one of your movie we'r represented by the evil and manipulative pierre who colaborate with the nazi for world domination

la bise

>Americans are villains most of the time
only the men
the women exist to be part of the MCs harem

I'd harpoon Kay


>we'r represented by the evil and manipulative pierre who colaborate with the nazi for world domination

You wish you were that cool. American media usually portrays the French as effeminate snobs.

when they nuked Japan they created anime

You must be from some third-world Europeon country where you're all skin and bones due to all the muslims you let it.

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The Americans stereotype themselves.
It's really stupid that Americans delude themselves into thinking that they are a nation of /ck/ meme when Americans do actually see cuisine as an expression of sociological development for that matter.

>six weeks
No wonder the french villian never wins.

How often do American girls actually win though?

Aren't you openly allowing the Mexican Reconquista still?

Even if they don't win the MCbowl, in the end they still win, simply by being american.

If you're not an Aryan, you're an invader of America.

What about all those disembodied child brains?

You’re posting in a thread about a show where an American wins.

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It was almost 80 years ago now plus you'r military history burger is as short as pathetic

Nope. I thought that'd be the case, but being American didn't do jack shit for this girl.

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Kurisu is not an American. She's a Japanese national with student and work VISA to be in the states.

Calm down frogposter

We would shoot them on sight if it weren't for the globalists bureaucrats.

Luckily, the shitskins mostly stay in a few states, and the rest of the country is white.

well most of action movie i'have seen in my life with a french in them has this stereotype

I almost never watch comedie movie so maybey it's the reason i have this perception

Watch Heroman

just stop with this shitty meme 80 years is enough for a meme to die

Wow. And the South won? Sorry, but you blew that dream to bits when Gettysburg was lost.

And yet the "evil Hitler" meme is still alive.

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if you ever went outside you'd know that muslims bring with them kebab shops

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Doner Kebab. Good shit.

daily reminder that Maho doesn't bathe

Kind of typical for a real American.

>Never defeated
Sure frenchie. Keep on projecting, and maybe you'll be able to win a war once in a while. How many times has your military lost to your own citizens? You're just seething because we've been able to gain more power in the mere 243 years, than you're country has in your entire history.
Keep being a sore loser, frenchie.

Real Americans need to bathe 3x a day, because of all the hard work and sweat of their brows.

Come to think of it, the Americans stopped outright winning since Vietnam. Yes, better than the French after the battle of Leipzig, but still.

>hard work and sweat
Maybe the greatest generation. Sorry, but you know that's a lie in the age of hipsters and """gen-z""".

You’re mixing up your stereotypes. Americans bathe, it’s smelly yuros that don’t.

what the fuck

They sure are good at kebabing white women.


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and you are suggesting that "Boomers" aren't in effect Yuros?

>He doesn't know that the Kebab in its current form that is popular in the West has been invented/popularized in Germany.

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Of course he doesn't.

Job creators, Jack.
He did also hire a bunch of mentally unstable lieutenants and scatter them so they could be killed individually.

Lintahlo! If ounli yu hed shawn mi ze zhaman gurls!

France has one of the best military records of any county in history, the meme about France losing wars was only retroactively made up in recent years after they refused to fight in Iraq.
Italy on the other hand can only ever win wars against poor as shit African nations with no modern technology.

Oh no! No that shaman!

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-We won for you the independance war
-You have been fucked by the anglos in 1812
-You won civil war by forcing immigrants to become new canon folder
-You won ww2 but still lose waaay to much tropes you should have (cause you suck at war)
-You got fucked so hard in vietnam that every war movie that came in our cinema for the next 20 years was about some veterans having nightmare
-then you made a long sucession of mess in the middle east proving the genius of your headquarter once again

Wow truly seems we can't compete with you guys

Keep telling us about how we didn't single handedly defeat ISIS without any of you Eurofags help. While we defeated them, you bent over for them and let them into your country. We even defeated North Vietnam until the majorly democrat congress defunded military aid to South Vietnam so they were defenseless to North Vietnam.

I don't know. Try to explain to me why is it that Napoleon III got so royally fucked by the Prussians? Can you please elaborate why you couldn't contain Vietnam and Algeria? it's as if the history of French military exploit completely evaporated after the end of the first empire.

>But he is a guy.

but hey you didn't lose against muslim with stick and stone i guess we should all applaud

WW1 ?

>Was Britians bitch for hundreds of years
>Surrendered to Germany in just 6 weeks
>Was completely unable to keep control on any of their colonies the moment a revolution started.
>Surrendered over Vietnam in a heartbeat
>Refuse to fight an any modern war.
Oh yeah, the meme is completely unwarranted.

>You won but...
The war cry of a beta frenchie. Funny how you talk poorly about a constant victor when you can't win shit. Laughing at your country right now.

>American turns out to not actually be an American

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Fuck off cancer. Back to your containment board.

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American's didn't save the Jews from Europe. American saved Europe from Russia in the ensuing cold war, in a way that could only have been justified by their brief intervention in the western theater.

Elves are objectively the worst species

Elves are objectively the best cocksleeves


You even sucked during ww1. You fags just rode the coat tails of the British Empire. How does it feel to have lived under Britian's shadow for hundreds of years?

I bet you have a handholding fetish too, huh?

>America thread
>Breaks down into /int/ /his/ shitposting
Every time.

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We still make up over 60% of the entire US population. Since shitskins stay only in certain cities, just about the entire country is white. If you know were to go, you'll never see a shitskin here.

If you want to fuck a malnourished vegan, than sure.

No, it's merely a GuP thread.

Never was britain bitch

Nobody keeped their colony. It has more to do with politics than with military.
Same for vietnam and at least we not wasted has much money and life than you only for losing (and the fact you did go after us and made even more mistacke prove the fact you suck at war )
Just didn't go in Irak cause it was the most retarded operation you guys have ever thinked and every one in Europe or almost told you like us
We still make some very sucessfull intervention in the middle east and we don't have to slaughter half of the population with flying toys to do so

>2 defeat for 3 victory in my post
>constant victor
Since you brugers are to retarded to read it's no wonder you'r headquarter lead you to butchery since the beggining of your history

>saved Europe
lol no, we just kneecaped all of the Imperial Powers so we could have Global Hegemony

Go read so history boy we made most of the job in WW1 and got most of the glory for it

They still wouldn't be able to defeat the Italian 10th army.


Actually, I kind of like seeing how other countries perceive us.

>le meme pop history nationalism.
if this is how you like to spend your time, then this is probably the only conflict you get in your life.

Death note had a decent selection of normal americans

not necessarily

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>was only retroactively made up in recent years after they refused to fight in Iraq.
No, I think it was failing to last even as long as Poland did in WW2 that did that

>We may have surrendered at the first sign of trouble, but at least we saved money.
>We didn't achieve anything... b-but at least we didn't kill anybody.
HAHAHAH! Holy fucking shit, how pathetic can they get?
As if you fags have the military power to kill anybody in the first place

>B-But muh post.

This is wonderful. Please keep coming up with more excuses for your countries failure, frenchie. I need a good laugh

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doesn't matter if she wins, fact is she only exist to lust after MCs dick


>this is considered obese in Japan
>meanwhile in America this is average
God I wish we had a stronger taboo on being fat

>W-We did our best. R-Read the history books that we wrote about ourselves, it'll tell you.
Sure you did, sport,

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Not my fault your entire history is a parody.

If you did you lost the peace, which kind of nullifies any sort of glory your boys got; Btw everyone in WW1 died for nothing

amerimutts are evil IRL

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He wrote, with fat fingers poised to deliver an other dopamine rush to his internet addled brain. He was owning them. He was owning them so hard it was leet.

They were 3rd world orphans anyway. He was going to give them training and a purpose.

You're not wrong, yet...
>having to resort to pointing out our critical flaws because you have no defense to the state of France
Come on Pierre, or is this Nigel jumping into the fray to save his butt buddy?

Why do we even allow them to pump out this garbage?

You truly have problem with reading do you, i understand why you burgers love dub so much, now you just can't read the subs

i said we achieve without killing civilians and i said you only ever achieved anything by throwing human life and money in the face of your opposant wich is pathetic (but ofen work in your case since you never have an true opposant but not always, remember vietnam )
Now if you burgers want me to list all military achievment of my country i will glady do but don't cry cause you have gotten an inferiority complex after

Read slowly this time i know it's hard but you can do it

America is Symphogear's scapegoat. The Japanese shadow leader seems like the next bad guy though.l

I agree it was a comon lose of all Europe but we fought until the end and we ended that stupid war

That’s a LOT of fucking kebab, holy shit

>Be France
>Get Conqured by Romans
>Get reverse vassalized by Bongs
>Surrender to Germans
>Lose to Russians
>Cucked by Americans

Well, at least you can say you’ve never been conquered by the Spanish.

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>We achieve
You know i'm not going to keep talking to you if you just blatantly lie to me like that., Pierre.

Maybe you should slow down and read. Not my fault you're an ESL. Must be hard having to learn Arabic and English at the same time.

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I don't know, the Franco–Spanish War was pretty embarrassing for France.
>Spend 24 years fighting just to get a small piece of land south and north of your border.

France just won against daech in Syria for exemple

Franco-spanish war was definitly embarassing, napeolon was a clever man but his brother was an idiot

>List the few defeats
>ignore all the victory
Who seems accurate guess you'r right my military history sucks

Btw Romans have conquered almost all Europe including your ancestors and no one ever conquered Russia

Oh great a /pol/ thread on Yea Forums yeah that's just the kind of cancer we need

Steppe nomads may have been able to but rightly concluded that it's not fucking worth it and settled for a tributary relationship instead.