I wanna write a manga

so recently i started writing my own manga and i was wondering what kind of cliché/stuff i should avoid

pic not really related

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It depends on what kind of manga you're talking about.

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state the genre first, user
there's too many to count so we'll need to narrow it down
for now just plan ahead, stick to it, don't suddenly introduce characters that break established rules just so you can up the difficulty for the MC's life (regardless of genre) etc.

Take a generic trope and do a complete opposite of that trope

basically your average shonen with lot of backstory

You should also avoid NTR at all cost, no matter the genre.

ehh, i'm not interested in that kind of thing for now, but i like the idea

It's pointless to help if you can't even make up what you want to draw

i have an idea of what i wanna draw, but since i just started, i wanna know what kind of stuff i should avoid before it's too late

no no no user
you have to pretend to do a complete opposite then play it straight but only once in a while to throw them for a spin

avoid overuse of
>dangerous technique, kills user after preformed or decreases life span

>I was holding back
>a while later
>opponent says he was holding back as well

>evil twin trope
>useless love interest trope I mean come on if she fights she better at least be good in one combat or magic speciality

>dangerous technique, kills user after preformed or decreases life span
it's kinda important to my story, but i'll keep that in mind

>I was holding back
>a while later
>opponent says he was holding back as well
I don't really see why i would put that in the first place, but alright

>evil twin trope
does friend that becomes bad counts as an evil twin trope?

>useless love interest trope I mean come on if she fights she better at least be good in one combat or magic speciality
The girl characters i have in mind aren't really into love, except one or two

dont listen to this user. NTR is great and should happen you least expect.

>nerdy shy girl side character who wears glasses

>nerdy shy girl side character who wears glasses
eww no

Try to make the hero be someone who's not a passive little cunt. Think hard about the MC and make him be someone your target audience aspire to be instead of some character based on your own personality.

Avoid explaining things too much in text, try to explain things with illustrations instead and never mentioned identity politics or hard leaning political ideology in any way shape of form.

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>it's kinda important to my story, but i'll keep that in mind
okay, leave it in but have the main character (or someone else) face consequences of the technique

>I don't really see why i would put that in the first place, but alright
to extend fights, as in, make the techniques and spells escalate as each combatant shows that they weren't fighting at full power

>does friend that becomes bad counts as an evil twin trope?
that's okay, just make sure you have some justification for it

>The girl characters i have in mind aren't really into love, except one or two
alright, carry on

>never mentioned identity politics or hard leaning political ideology in any way shape of form.
I was thinking more about notions of entropy and the heat death of the universe

Don't write a trope-driven plot, whether it is about subverting it or following it. Subverting tropes is also a trope. Tropes are tropes for a reason, a strong story is strong regardless/because of its use of tropes.
An interesting/original concept will only carry you so much before you squeeze its potential dry and you end up dragging, so it is useless without having at least an idea of how it's gonna develop, how it's gonna eventually end, and what message it was trying to tell all along.
Basically l2write.

This user is correct.
NTR will only serve to make the audience hate you and stop reading right away.
Avoid this at all cost.

So here's a little summary of the story :

There was a group of like superhumans called triperiums, and they kinda disappeared and/or blended into the human society.

Long ago some of them modified a girl by injecting into her all sort of weird stuff, and she became a monster capable of destroying the world. She was sealed away and now some former triperiums wants to free her for unknown reasons.

Later in the story the main characters discovers the fact that the universe will die soon because of the heat death and the bad guys wanted to become stronger in order to survive the end of the world.

im going to stick my pp in your pupu

There is no correlation between clichés and good content. You can have good content with or without clichés and bad content with or without them.

The key to good content is a secret that many people have hunted for many years .

sounds good to me

battle shonen but mc is trans

Hmm, seems you have two things going on here.

a) People who are superhuman because they're triperiums (why the name? do they have three of something? the mind boggles)
b) This girl who is superhuman because she was injected with Uncle Ben's Secret Sauce.
Why are you mixing these two things? Why isn't it enough just to have the girl a super (but monstrous) sort of triperium?

Your manga sounds like Elfen Lied but without that stupid boy, so it should be a winner.

are there even any non famous non Japanese manga artists?

idk if you're serious or not but i try to avoid as much as possible lgbt stuff, since everytime i see stuff like that it looks extremely forced and it adds nothing to the plot


>(why the name? do they have three of something? the mind boggles)
because there's another group above them, like some sort of hierarchy
>Why isn't it enough just to have the girl a super (but monstrous) sort of triperium?
I don't wanna say too much, but she was basically a normal human girl, before she was involved in all that stuff


i don't think so, but as long as there's at least 2 people watching, it's worth the trip


If you're not writing it in Japanese it's not manga, it's a comic.
The heat death of the universe can't sneak up on you. It's the least sudden thing possible.

it doesn't have to be an universe with the same rule as our

Gimme some art to look at, user.
I wanna see.

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No women only men. Make it the most Bro manga in exsistance

Pic IS related. With Connie's death the reader is under assumption that's the stake the series is gonna take, but Author pussied out and we never get any major character death again after the first arc, which is still the best one. I'm not saying Ray or Norman should be dead, but kill off one of the original farm children would do.

If you want to kill a character, make sure its crucial and logical to the tone you establish in your series.

>Go to tvtropes
>Choose 20+ tropes
>Implement (make them) into a story

you can see some stuff on my ig : dragoneteur

Yuugo was pretty major too
also yes, some major characters will die

nvm i found some on my computer

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the ink girl appears in the middle of the story, the black unicorn guy in the end, and idk when for the masked girl
