Countries who love anime the most
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I expected to see China in top 5, but it isn't even included. Shit list
get fucked
Because Google is banned in China.
In SEA countries anime is normalfag tier, so no surprises there.
>Saudi Arabia
Okay this is surprising.
Stay mad Zhao
>Saudi Arabia
it really isn't if you've ever been active in online communities with lots of arabs you would notice anime is very common under them.
>google trends
This. Anime is very common in Saudi arabia/UAE,
My dad grew up watching classic animes like future boy canon, grendizer, treasure island and captain tsubasa.
t. arab
Your mom is fake
mudslime, die
no she isn't what does that mean that list is garbo google trends is nonsense
And why do you think so?
because it does not reflect the reality of things
How do you know????
needs more pixels
Didn't Syria have this monopoly on anime dubs.
What happens now that the country's bombed to shit?
Of course >dubbed, but we're talking about popularity among kids and random TV watchers here.
best legs ever
because the yuro market had a huge impact in driving animu and mango internationally since the 70s
anime is still being watched and pirated here like everyone else in this world. One piece and recently black clover are the most popular currently judging on what i keep hearing from people.
It was made by a moron
How the fuck do they deal with all the fanservice considering they don't allow women to show even their feet??
Calm down mr kebab
>Flipland second
>when everyone only know Boomer Dunk and Shitfest V
Not until you submit to my hairy arab-cock.
Arabs love mecha anime:
Also Gainax worked in a project with arabs
>My first world country is not on the list
I love my normalfag country that thinks anime is perverted garbage.
Is other anime not popular?
>No China
>No Korea
>Not even literal moe train mascot Taiwan
Absolutely fucking based. I'm actually pretty ashamed to be American at this point.
Why do you write like a faggot?????????????
>no brazil
fake and gay
I bet Pooh Bear is crying on Tiananmen Square.
I'm trying to be like you.
Not really, watching porn is forbidden in Islam because
>you shall not long for a woman that belongs to another man
So hentai is a-okay in islam
Then shouldn't lesbian porn be okay too?
As long as they're not siblings or a mother/daughter pair.
Nah cause homosexuality in itself is a sin, so watching is is as well
Saekano reminds me of my dog
I used to make her dance the opening of the first season, mimicking the characters movements. She's pretty cute
Commies and cosevartive hates anime. Its sexism for commies and too much degeneration for conservatives
Well, most people pirate them and get full uncensored versions of them. I remember going into a school library and looking for mangas to read, i found attack on titan and started skimming through it. one thing i noticed is the female titan is now a walking marker monster and cleavages are bottomless pits
We don't love it that much desu. I think it's accurate.
My dad gets triggered at all the sex scenes in pretty much every series/movie recently, but never saw him complain at anime fanservice.
Pretty based imo
They censor the panty shots and nude scenes..
But in my opinion anime should not be shown to young children or they'll grow up retarded...
ranma 1/2 was one of my firsts and i have wierd fetishs now.
>hentai is okay.
Exactly what my friends say.
So white people don't like anime?
Anime is too lewd for white people.
Have you ever been in a French book store?
Should have kept French as the main lingua franca in Europe. All the places named have a simple thing in common... people there don't speak English.
Anglophones have horrible taste in anime (and animation as a whole) and manga.
Dude,even France isn't in the list
>Anglophones have horrible taste in anime (and animation as a whole) and manga.
yeah thank god for non-english speakers keeping gems such as dragon ball super and sword art online alive
Fuck off, Chingchong.
Wait, is anime a big thing in France? I know that animated stuff is a thing there. At least I know that Lupin III is popilar in Italy.
Recently I saw that Doraemon was airing on one of these morning cartoon blocks
>Peru at number 5
Can confirm that everyone is a fucking weeb on this God forsaken shithole, most of them are just into shit like DBS tho
no, im venezuelan, everyone likes sports anime like slam dunk
>Philippines that high
>Singapore that low
>No US to be seen
Doesn't sound accurate.
Stop being 14 year old
Peru? it shouldn't be Mexico instead?
Im from India anime is my life
We are the only country to have had a Nip foreigner be our president during a time of dire danger. Mexico needs to step up its game.
But you threw him in prison, you ungrateful fucks.
>no European countries
>no USA
>no Korea or Taiwan
Absence of China kinda make sense, because Google is banned there, but the rest is still bullshit.
Whites don't watch animu. I don't know about others.
anime is more popular in non white countries because it allows them an escape from the generic white heroes hollywood portrays
First, his prison amounted to a residential suite. Second, he got into some deeply degenerate stuff (torturing his wife, forceful sterilizations on locals). And we got video tapes of his corruption too.
Lastly, a significant amount of the population wanted him pardoned.
>Okay this is surprising.
Anime is surprisingly really, really popular in the middle east. Mostly older, wholesome and moral anime, but still really popular.
And recently some Arab prince is trying to fund/start/collab an anime studio to create his dream mecha show.
>no European countries
Russia is there.
You can't be serious.
Bolivia stronk.
shut up urobuchi
The Ouiboos love their anime very much, yes. Anime dates back from quite a while in France.
If I had been a Peruvian for that election, I would've honestly voted for Vargas Llosa. Did you guys start hating him before or after the election?
>Saudi Arabia
>Okay this is surprising.
Arabs love anime
>no China
>tons of irrelevant 3rd world shitholes
Worthless list, China is THE gaijin market.
This is the laziest article I have ever seen. What is this attrocity? No statistics, no interesting facts like which anime are popular in said country, not even any jokes. What the fuck is this crap and why is this being shared on Yea Forums?
>implying China is not a shithole
>France and Italy, the two biggest foreign anime markets on the fucking planet after the US, aren't on the list
This is bullshit on levels never thought possible.
Their markets are big because they are rich. If countries on this were rich their markets would be bigger. Do you think seaniggers support the anime industry? They pirate everything.
YYH, DBZ, and Naruto are arguably more popular with actual flip boomers. Millenials and Normalfags are more about regular stuff like MHA
>t. flip
I don't think SEA markets, even potentially, are that big.
Even 99% of their "anime google trends" are probably consists of searches of the "Naruto streaming free no virus sub malay" type, inflated out of proportion by their population size.
Population size doesn't matter. You can see countries like El Salvador high up in the list. There are definetely more anime fans in France than El Salvador but as a percentage of the whole population El Salvador beats France.
Still no India
If it ever becomes popular there the shit head prime minister would ban it.
If it ever becomes popular in india, the shit heads in the government would ban it.
This, and I'm not even Chinese.