Shokugeki no Soma

Aizen changed back to a fuccboi.

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>flashback chapter
definitely souma will not be canceled soon.

This pair is too cute

>Erina, I think it's time you hard the story...on How I met your Mother.

I think it is ending soon anyway. Not much story left now.

We need to know if Soma's mother is a quincy.

That doesn't look like him at all.

when will Asahi and Souma bond?

You're as retarded as this manga.

He looks like that faglord from Tokyo Ghoul.

It's literally his original hairstyle before the edgelord switch.

Looks like Azami wanted Mana to say that his food is delicious (like Soma with Erina)

His face looks wack.

found the zoomer

what the hell is happening anymore

tsukuda delete yourself

>tsukuda delete yourself
Well his manga is soon going to be canceled and so is his career.

Looks like it's not getting axed after the coming week like people were trying to say in the TOC thread.

.. why did he become DYEL mode?

His edge has dulled after getting his ass kicked by his 16 year old daughter.

It's already cancelled you battered wife. Ne0, Souma, Higuma and David are kill, gotta open slots for new series.

And Erina's mom looks like Takizawa... the fuck?

As the judges prepare to try Soma's food, Azami shows up
Azami begins talking with Erina
Cue flashback
When Jou left the school, Azami began trying to impress Mana by making her say his food is delicious
Azami eventually succeeds
End flashback
The judges taste Soma's dish and are put into an alternate reality full of empowering flavors
Mana tries Soma's dish and it reminds her of Azami's from so long ago
The judges cast their vote
And the winner is..!!

I wonder if the anime will ever come back

>Azami is back

This manga.

Based Azami returned the have El Hermano fuck off.

Pretty sure their point is that multiple people were claiming it'd be cancelled after this week's release.

>Mana tries Soma's dish and it reminds her of Azami's from so long ago
nostalgia for soma and hospitality for Megumi
I hope they will open their restaurant family love soon

Last thing I expected was to see Azami return, even though in retrospect a major theme of this arc is Erina's family drama.
At least it's keeping me on my toes.

In retrospect, him showing up isn't too unexpected. The last cover volume had Alice's family and the volume that contains this chapter will likely have Erina's, and as you said, it's her family drama.

Also, its amusing that Azami was the Soma parallel in his and Mana's relationship.

>The judges cast their voteAnd the winner is..!!
so next chap I be that the author will jump it maybe 3 months after to reveal to us that Soma won and lost

>the chopsticks weren't actually setting up a twist

>And the winner is..!!

Yours tears are delicious

It’s a fact, user. A simple flasback can’t change this.

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There's no point to the anime coming back, everything worth adapting was already adapted

It will definitely be canceled but not now

It'll likely be sometime within the next five weeks in order to make room for the new series.

If Tsukuda was smart, he'd end the manga himself after BLUE. But since we know he isn't, he'll try to keep it going and will end up cancelled and forced to to end it early through the next arc.

>Taking Amazon reviews seriously
You are a special kind.
Cancellation =/= end
They have no reason to cancel the series.

Amazing reviews

Translated pages:

It's sad because I really like that volume cover, but none of those characters have any involvement whatsoever in what's happening right now.

since this shit is a flaming trainwreck, I want El hermano to NTR the shit out of everybody, oyakodon impregnation sex with mana and daughter

>vol.34 is barely outselling vol.2

>I hope they will open their restaurant family love soon

>Azami was cute again for a while even after what happened to Jou
What happened to Mana fucked him up even more, I imagine. I guess Tsukusa will cook up some excuse for Azami that he was just trying to save Erina from the same fate.

God fuck Erina's shitty ass parents, these chunnifaglords have ruined this manga with two overly long and stupid arcs even the only positive thing their sex created, their daughter, was ruined by this bullshit


while Souma,Jouchiro,Megumi,Takumi etc watches

I'd kill for Tosh to do this as soon as the manga ends. Imagine the possibilities now that his art is God tier.

I have the feeling Tosh already dropped this manga and someone else is drawing this shit.

based tsukuda bringing back the guy that ruined his own manga

I mean, 5ch has several "Nakamura-kun, Kitaaaaaa" posts. So I guess look at what holding him up to Asahi accomplishes.

So Souma is going to lose but Mana will love his food more than Asahi's

sasuga tsukuda no baka

If Asahi is going to win again this manga will lose the very few supporters that it still has.

>They have no reason to cancel the series.
Yes they have. It's been bleeding sales for a long time and Jump would rather push new series that could become big instead of keeping the dying ones.

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Sexual tension


What a mess of an arc. Holy shit.

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I want an actual indication of their ages. I've been operating under the assumption that Mana was an older woman to Azami.

It seems that Tsukuda can't decide if he want this arc to be about: Erina's familly drama; EL HERMANO and his personal issues; Souma and his dream/motivation; Erina's mental problems; shitty "romance". All of this while they are in a tournament arc.

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Don't tell me Azami is getting a happy ending.

>Mana tries Soma's dish and it reminds her of Azami's from so long ago
>The judges cast their vote
>And the winner is..!!
audible laughter

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So this is why SnS is getting 2 more volumes.

Soma wins, shokugekis with Erina, wins, marries her, the end.

Senzaemon's son was a great character. I wish they had done more with him.


Asahi, turns out their marriage turned into such pure salt that she votes against Soma out of spite

So mana is gonna fuck Souma too

It was canceled months ago. They simply gave ample time in which to wrap up the series, and we rushed through the arc to have enough time to do the final couple matches without rushing, including this sort of chapter. I give it another 8-10 chapters after this one, then the series will be over.

Hmm, still not sure if this is intended to be the last chapter of volume 35, or the first chapter of volume 36. It could work either way, though they'd need to cram 10 chapters instead of the usual 9 into volume 35 for this to be its last chapter.

Nah, he's still drawing it. He's just stopped giving a shit and is out of practice at drawing some characters since it's been so long since they actually appeared. I wouldn't be surprised either if he's pushing more of the work off on his assistants, so he can go home and fuck his wife instead of drawing shit.

>Cue flashback
>When Jou left the school, Azami began trying to impress Mana by making her say his food is delicious
>Azami eventually succeeds
>End flashback
So is this what Tsukuda plans to use to shoehorn in a "romance" between Erina and Soma?

Right? At least with the Azami arc it was basically just defeat the E10 while Erina defeats her father. It was the start of a shitty arc with an unnecessary villain, but it wasn't as much as a convoluted mess as BLUE is.

BLUE in all just feels like a parody especially with the last two chapters with El Hermano doing the whole "It was the power of friendship that helped me get this far!" with all these characters that we don't even know about and "IT'S LIKE HE'S THE MAIN CHARACTER OF A STORY" from the judges along with the audience getting stripped. The PSD fodder and Nikumi are basically representing us and what we are thinking of everything going on right now. It just gets even more embarrassing by each chapter.


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>And the winner is..!!
OMG WHO, who could it be the winner??? That was sarcasm by the way, just fucking END THIS ALREADY.

Can even El Hermano handle that level of edge?

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I found funny how hard is for him to decide between 3 characters when back in the day he had to decide between 50 and still came up with satisfactory situations and conclusions.

>azami had his distinct chunni edgelord elitist style before
>now he's basically been "Shinomiya"-ized to milk fan girl interest.
Yep. SnS getting the axe. You can feel author throwing everything into the final chapters.

Shokugeki should have stayed true to actual cooking and dishes instead of going for meme strips and b.s. power level wanks.

Just what this arc needed, more of Erina's shit family.

At least we are close to the end, 1 more chapter explaining why Souma won(MAYBE), then 1 more chapter to some character development(IF WE ARE LUCKY) and then the epilogue nobody expected since to be honest, what's going on anymore in this manga.

This isn't the final match of BLUE. Winner of Asahi vs Soma is supposed to face Erina, and series is still missing a Soma vs Erina match where Soma wins and makes Erina say his food is delicious.

But the point of BLUE was to make Mana taste the rainbow, and she just did, what would even be the point of bringing Erina to the table now?

Closure for the shippers who have stuck it out until now.

Will El Hermano get raped?

The point of BLUE is that it's *the* international cooking competition. It existed before Mana was head of the WGO. Well before we learned that Erina's mother was alive and would feature in this arc, we had Soma declaring to his dad that if he wouldn't take over the dinner if he didn't win at BLUE. That declaration remains unresolved, as does Soma's determination to defeat Erina in a match. In other words, Mana was shoehorned into the arc, and whether or not she's cured of hier inability to eat means jack shit to BLUE.

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Plus when Soma first heard he was invited to BLUE, he was stoked because it was a great opportunity to defeat Asahi and Erina. Specifically in that order. So Soma defeating Asahi here, then going on to defeat Erina in the finals is exactly what he wants and what was foreshadowed at the start of the arc.

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You might be right, but you are also wrong, hear this out
>final match Erina vs Souma to decide who wins the BLUE
>Souma wins
>"I don't give a shit about BLUE"
>BLUE render as filler shit
>Souma back to his little shop
>The End

Tsukasa losing towards the teamwork of Erina and Souma was foreshadowed for like 150 chapters and Tsukuda still decided to end the RdC in the most stupid way possible throwing all the foreshadowing to the trash, just saying.

Erina will beat Asahi in the final round, inspired by Souma breaking her mother free of his curse.

Here is what will happen:
>Asahi wins 2/1, but Mana votes for Souma.
>Erina is inspired by Souma to take her cooking to new heights.
>Erina beats Asahi off-screen in the final.

Search your heart, you know it to be true.

And more important thing, It is the fucking MC in the last arc of the series. You all are ironic no? It is impossible that Soma lose this match

I bet the last few chapters will be in Jump Giga

Online Jump app release.

>he was still moezami when he met her
But WHY did he turn into an edgelord?

Erina-wank knows no limits

At least this chapter looks interesting.

Yup, it's ranking has gone to shit. Also won't even be getting another anime season now that the anime can't boost the sales of the manga. There's nothing else they can do with the manga since it's on a sharp decline other than to end it sometime this year.

>flashback doesnt even last for more than 1 chapter
I'm fucking sad

It will just be a colored powerpoint presentation anyway.

Is the manga actually cancelled or are people memeing?

It's not official, but Jump needs to axe four series to make room for new ones and it would explain why the author skipped through entire matches just to reach the climax on time.

Don't let your memes be dreams, user.

It's called having hopes, don't you have dreams user? My dream is to see this manga ending before July, my birthday, that will be my best gift that day.

I hate how Souma's looks and personality reverted back to being a goddamn child again, but there's some poetry in how those both regressed at the same time.

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He even has the fucking "Keikaku doori" face

This isn’t even peak Souma. He was at his best in the beginning and middle, in terms of personality I mean.

You ever heard of meme magic?

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It does worry me a bit that there's the slight possibility that Souma might lose this one. As shit as he's been for a long time, I used to like him, and it would be absolute shit for him to lose at this point, only so that Erina can win the final match. Her annoying family drama doesn't justify it, and in fact, she might actually learn something from losing for once.

You've obviously not read properly that his mother was actually a jinchuriki

>no time for a Soumom flashback
>time to bring back Azami
Why is Tsukuda even alive

>her tailed beast's name is God Tongue
Everything makes sense now

People aren't memeing, just reading the signs. Like says, Jump needs to end four series to make room for the ones starting up. Souma is one of the series that appears to be at a point in its story where it is likely to end. It's sales have been in a free fall and it's now back down to selling at the same level of it's first volumes or lower. In general the series has been on a downward trend which would make ending it a reasonable decision.
The way we skipped how Souma passed the third preliminary to go straight to his first round BLUE match, then blitzed through the arc with a minimum of the usual details until we reached Souma vs Asashi is consistent with the mangaka being told that the series has been canceled and they have a limited number of chapters in which to wrap it up. Volume 35 will conclude with chapter 308 or 309, and the series has little enough left to do that it can easily be crammed into the 9-10 chapters which would make up volume 36. Ending with volume 36 would be right on the mark of being given half a year in which to conclude the series based on when the series began skipping stuff to blitz through the arc.
Trying to continue the series past this arc makes no sense either. Graduating Tootsuki is a given for all the students in the main cast. BLUE is an international "best of the best" competition, so success there leaves no interesting competition outside the school. Defeating Asahi defeats Tsukasa and Jou by proxy. There's not going to be a better time than the final of BLUE for Souma to beat Erina and make her say his food is delicious. We now have the story behind both of Erina's parents, and most of the story behind Souma's parents. Souma and Erina will be top dogs of cooking after this arc. What else is there left for the series to do that's consistent with what it's been so far?

The problem with the new series thing is that they are debuting one per week. 9-10 chapters is well past all the new series debuting.

All this shit with Mana, and Erina's family in general, should have happened all the way back in the fucking Azami and Central arc, not shoehorned into the final chapters to throw more plot threads into the growing clusterfuck.

Fuck, it probably even would have made a lot more sense if Azami became a food nazi because of Mana's inability to eat anything.

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axed, few more chapter left

That's not too big a barrier. If volume 35 is the standard 9 chapters, making chapter 308 the last chapter of it, and chapter 309 the first chapter of volume 36, that means they just need 8 more chapters to fill the volume. The new series are set to debut over the course of issues #24-27, so that would be an easy 4 chapters right there. Jump could either be flexible enough to keep Souma around for another 4 weeks, or it could have it have it's final chapters in Jump Giga or something.

It ends in a draw
Then the manga is finally Raskolnikov'd

wtf i love azami now
Mana acknowledges Asahi’s dish as delicious. Erina remembers how her mother never called her dish as delicious. Hisako and Alice were assigned a mission by Gramps and Jou and they appear to the scene. They were tasked to bring Azami to this place.

After Jou left Tootsuki, Azami wasn’t the same after that and that’s when he met Mana. Azami wants to prove Mana wrong as she called his dish as low quality, and during all this, his passion for cooking returns and he doesn’t want Mana to end up like Jou. But still, Mana suffered the fate of the God tongue. He educated Erina the way he did because he thought that would help Erina not to face the same fate as Mana.

Azami acknowledges Soma’s power but it’s only someone like Asahi who is an outlier that can stop this despair. He already has given up and says that only Asahi can save them, but Jou asks if that is really the case.

Also, someone at Bakadata is having fun translating jp comments.

The manga will end with a sudden but mysterious explosion which kills everyone. Then, Souma wakes up reincarnated as a magical kitchen knife owned by a level 1 commoner in another world.

>If it isn’t Nakamura kun! He’s more loved now than ever!
>Well it’s because a bigger scum than him has appeared. So it’s obvious that most will say that Nakamura is better.

Holy fucking shit, kill yourself. All of that shit was forced in at the beginning of this shitty arc just a couple months ago. If they don't do anything with the BLUE tournament, no one will care, because it's not a real part of this series. It's literally garbage that the author came up with the night before deadline.

>Central arc reveals the pressure of his impending competition in BLUE was the last straw that broke Jou and caused him to quit Tootsuki.
>BLUE is something the author only came up with just at the start of the arc featuring it.
Fuck off. Perhaps to reread the series because you clearly have forgotten anything you can’t fap to if you think a critical part of Jou’s back story revealed during Azami’s arc is something the author didn’t come up with until after Asahi.

Korean scans.

wtf I love Nakamura now

>alien chefs who want to prove their dominance against earthlings
>an alternate soma from the future wants to kill him because he hates himself
>an ancient chef awakens after being frozen thousands of yeara, eager to show his skill
>chef soul society wants to enlist soma's help in purifying chef ghosts
>soma is isekai'd into another world
Most kino direction for this manga? If you have any pleaae suggest





Is it just me or this manga pacing is at breakneck speed right now.

Those spoilers are fake, this is the real

>What Azami did to Erina was far over the line. Just because he despaired after losing his wife, that was child abuse

Azami turning into food hitler in order to find the ultimate dish for his wife would've been nice to know over a hundred chapters ago.

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Its almost like this arc is full with plotlines pulled out of Tsukuda's ass

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>even azami can't do anything but accept asahi
How much self insert tier is this fucking character?

Why is this flashback happening now? It's a decent subplot that would have given Azami a lot more credibility as an antagonist last arc.

Fuck you Tsukuda.

>we'll probably get a chapter of Asahi's redemption based on his mother or Saiba's stuff and the whole cast will forgive him and suck his cock
Can't wait, thanks Tsukuhack.

>Azami do something!
>Nah let's just let Asahi win
It's like the only reason they brought him back was to dump a backstory to set up the Soma x Erina parallel, hype up Asahi's greateness, and shill Soma's underdog comeback even further. What a waste of time.

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Takumi destroys his hand to save somebody and is chosen for Tootsuki's new cybernetic augmentation program

Azami will end up being Erina new stepfather

Reminds me of a someone else we all know.

That hisako pose.....

At this point it's hard to blame Tsukuda, the real culprit of this train wreck are his editors, they could've stopped this, but decided not to.

>The only way to make this woman get better is to use a a technique that makes no sense since the arc began
1. It's like Im reading a full on fanfic that's really canon
2. What, are they going to overdose their knives and shit with umami now to inject into food and give it to her?

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>dancing around what everyone already knows this whole chapter

Based azami

Why the hell did they bring him there again?
He did jackshit.

If Soma actually loses this time I'm gonna crush my nuts with a hammer.

I have been saying this for months, yet people say "hurr it's not the editor's job to tell the mangaka how to develop the story".
I remember crystal clear that Tsukuda got a new editor exactly before Azami made his debut.

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Shipperfag here. Trash manga aside...

Azami/Mana and Souma/Erina parallel kyaa. ^_^

As an Erinafag, I'm here for the final showdown with her as final boss. Looks like the theme of 'having someone to cook for' will come in full circle.

That's right, I'm only here for shipping. Haters can suck my dick.

>Souma loses the match
>Final chapter is Erina's wedding with Hermando
>Everyones cool with it since they realize that Souma never really gave a shit about her romantically and really theres no downside to their wedding
>Souma doesn't even bother attending since hes working in the family diner and plowing the irrelevant childhood friend
Final page is his dad wondering why he wasted his kids time sending him to a dogshit cooking school

Legitimately curious, is the current "Soma needs to rescue poor Erina from the evil El Hermano" development to your liking?

So I guess next chapter Jou will finally give us the Soumom flashback to prove how a normal person without cross knives was able to save Jou from the storm.
>I remember crystal clear that Tsukuda got a new editor exactly before Azami made his debut.
You remember wrong. The new editor started after Erina ran away from home.

>childhood friend
Nah I want him to plow that inspector that tried shutting him down

Then I'll blame both of them. The editor for suggesting all this stupid shit and Tsukuda for thinking they were good ideas.

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>Unlike you losers who spent years living at a cooking academy I actually cooked cheap food!
The more you think about Soumas premise the worse it gets

Hope Tosh goes beyond mad after the axe, he starts releasing forbidden doujins featuring all females, even minor side characters.

>he was actually trying to save them all this whole time

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>He releases doujins of the male characters instead


Fucking kek

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You can obviously tell he doesn't have a thing to say about the cooking because he hasn't mentioned or described it beyond a page. Just having people said "delicious" and strip while yelling "CROSU KNIFES-SAMA" isn't masking you not having shit to say. Just show me Souma's fucking dish already.

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Erinafags are so embarrassing.

I started reading this just to catch up to the El Hermano stuff and 'ave a cheeky giggle with you lads. That being said, why is Gao Wei so hot guys? Between her, Minegasaki Yaeko and Alice's mom I'm starting to think this manga has hotter side characters than main characters.

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>That's right, I'm only here for shipping.
Amen, brother. The romance aspect is the only reason I keep reading.

Not him, but that bothered me the least out of all this. It sucks that Erina's character devolved, but there are far worse things to get upset about in the manga right now.

You’re here for an aspect that has barely gotten attention?

>that bothered me the least out of all this
I can agree with this. My biggest issue is Asahi introducing superpowers and his entourage of dumbass edge clowns into the picture. Second biggest issue is watching everyone elses' matches get completely glossed over in favor of making it to the big finale in time for the axe. And then comes the issue of more Nakiri family drama that I don't care about as well as Erina's character assassination.
Thing is that last point would be a lot easier to stomach if it didn't feel like the first two issues came to be so that Tsukuda could pull off the big Soma x Erina finale that I was never invested in in the first place.


It's the only thing left at this point. And besides, we were promised romance in chapter one. I want muh Sorina.

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Crazy how the romance aspect has been there since the beginning but Tsukuda failed to deliver it properly or even decently.

god I hate el hermano so fucking much

Classic problem of stalling romantic development to the point that you never actually get it done before you run out of time for it.

Secondary here, have we gotten an explanation for how Souma got his scar? Did El Hermano give it to him or something?

Nope. The scar is tied to the mom though and it’s a huge impact on why Soma is the way he is. Tsukuda stated this when he was answering some questions/giving out spoilers on twitter a few years ago. Ever since he revealed that, fans have been dying to know the backstory.

Shit looks gay

You're gay to think he's hot.

It's baffling how Tsukuda killed himself further writing this manga by doing another tournament arc but with NTR. How to lose your audience interest 101.

And now the manga is axed. We will never know.

His editor probably told him to wrap up and rush the ending. It would explain why Tsukuda is going full retard.

He has been going "full retard" since Azami came and went down the path of no return once El Hermano came. Unless you are suggesting that the editors told him 100+ chaps early, or 30+ if you somehow find Central redeemable, then Tsukuda is just a shitty writer

I think his editor told him to wrap up around the climax of the RoC. That's when the manga went full retard.

>Gao Wei

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Pretty sure the editors didn't, or at least not until like the last 2-3 chapters of the arc. But that is on him being so much of a bad writer that he wasted 2-4 chapters on Azami deciding on whether or not he even wants to eat the dish? That shit is just ridiculous

What a fucking trainwreck

isnt it because the advisor chef quit on him?

What's depressing is that even if they had to go for a tonal and narrative shift with Azami and the Central arc, the arc and its plot could have been executed much more elegantly than it actually was.

Learning that Mana was part of Azami's motivations for his hostile takeover of the food industry would probably have made him a lot more sympathetic. Why are we only just now getting this information?

just bear with it, user
the suffering will be over soon

Apparently all the characters are appearing now for the final battle. It's really the end

>Why are we only just now getting this information?

Because they're literally just making shit up as they go along at this point.

Supreme taste. I love Wei's eyes

Is this a Bleach reference?

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After this last chapter, unless Tsukuda will end everything in the semifinals, i honestly don't see Shokugeki no Souma ending in like 4 chapters, Souma's dish wasn't even tasted yet and it still have the finals and aftermatch, so or will not end right now or will be moved to GIGA.

Switching to GIGA is a feasible option at this point. Isn't Gintama still running there?

I think Gintama moved to an App because Sorachi couldn't end it in time (again) and asked for an extension (again). Fucking gorilla is crazy

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>Azami jobs even in his flashback