Honk honk

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Die, you filthy frogposter

What the fuck is the problem of Yea Forums and this frog. No wonder the rest of Yea Forums thinks we are whiny faggots

>tfw you think your life is a tragedy but it turns out to be a comedy

Who cares about the others, whom are extremely cancerous? Yea Forums being frogfree is great.

I unironically like Honkers

disgusting taste.

Yea Forums has been frog and wojaknigger free for years because people rightfully tell them to get the fuck out.

Go back to /r9k/ while whining about your shitty life or /pol/ to force the new epic reddit meme

good meme but wrong board

The frog is rarely tolerated outside of shitholes like /pol/ or Yea Forums.

Nah i am an Yea Forums fag. I just never understood the problem with pepe

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nice frog. very defeatist.

fantastic taste.

>stale canned memes are good
end yourself

pepe is a CIA meme created by a mason

>stale canned
what's so bad about canned food

it truly is a clown world...a kaotic clown world

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>space before fag
Every single time.

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the not fresh part maybe?

still edible :3

1. Frogposts are low quality garbage
2. often invite offtopic discussion
3. Telltale sign of newfags
4. 2008 meme that won't die
5. Normalfag trash
6. Directly responsible for the OC stagnation, new memes are often just shit Pepe/Wojak redesigns.

Allowing frogposting is like signalling to the worst shitters on this site that they are welcome.

have sex

Make me!

____ ___

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Ok that is a reasonable argument. Never saw it that way

>tfw no bf

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This was so much better when it was an [s4s] exclusive meme. Dammit, Yuji, why'd you have to spread it???


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hehe those comments, you absolute attention whoreee

good taste

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based taste


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real talk

blackpill or honkpill

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If you play stuff like this, i highly recommemd cave story

>cave story
Fuckin based

The exact same reason people love him. Autism.

Honk honk trannies

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honkpill is the new and better blackpill

The touching enemy damages you thing threw me off.
Preferred celeste
Does it have a lot of backtracking? I don't have attention span.

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also based.

>tfw no blonde robo machinegun gf to feed mushrooms to

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Do you actually find this funny?

Stop being so desperate, I'm not going to fuck you

That's fine, just don't bring them here. This is the only board I use that is not flodded with frogs and wojak

Where do I even begin with this retarded statement. Your only reasonable statement was 6 to be fair.

Being honest? It's a pretty good meme to describe how i feel about the world whenever i watch the news. Not Yea Forums relevant though.

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cool instagram meme
know check m

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Welcome to teen "humor".

wish I had a girlfriend that would psychologically abuse me into suicide

>"This white monster is complete garbage."
sigh. so even instagram has fallen for the racismpill, huh.

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they're very diff games, to be fair.

momodora is similar to cave story (if you check out the first 2 games, they look near-identical)

celeste is also very good tho. good ost and cathartic story tagged onto a good platformer game.

not that guy, but cave story has a bit of back tracking, but not a lot. It's a metroidvania w/ cute anime characters and a cool leveling mechanic

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The communication program of choice for this poster: Discord

kinda hot desu

Why don't you just kill yourself directly?

Hostility towards things that don't belong here is one of the best parts of Yea Forums and it's a damn shame that it's been steadily decreasing in recent years.

so is shit

Cave story is often classified as a metroid-vania but the backtracking is mostly not there (teleporters). I dont want to spoil, cave story is its own thing. There is a free version but i think you can get it also on steam. I dont know the differences tough



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What's causing that is the sheer amount of crossboarders and newfags and how it continues increasing more and more, and then there's also how the site's moderation is included in that as well.

imagine paying



i think they added in another boss for the cavestory+ version, as well as some graphical and music updates?-- but I still think the original is best :3
