Watch haruhi

watch haruhi

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Already have babe

Already did boss

watch it again

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I did and now I'm in love, what do?

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i watched it 4 times gonna for a 5th
3 times with dubs 1 time with subs so far
watched endless 8 twice
should i read the books?

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already rewatched s1 this year

strive to be more like her

Yea, I bought the first 4 books but haven't gotten around to reading all of them yet. So far its been good.

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Is season 3 worth watching?


She cute

Already did, and I'm still rewatching The Disappearance every single year.

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awesome thanks for the reply going to order them now.

so when is season 4 coming out?

Source pls

No and never will be.

I have never watched Haruhi

>friend highly recommends this as the one anime to watch to get me hooked
>grabbed a batch torrent in some headcanon chronological order
>didn't figure it out until about halfway through the first season
It was quite good but that shit fucked me up

New pachinko when?

Fuck that roastie enabling garbage

>last book won't be released ever

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everyone but the bassist

made for hatefucking

No, fuck Haruhi!

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Bassists take the L real fucking hard, they always get the shit end of the stick.

Its really not that good.


From queerbaiting studio

I am right now, it's pretty meh

I tried watching it and it bored me to death, so I dropped it.
What's the appeal?

Fuck Haruhi. Tenderly.

I did. It was mostly really bland and aged like milk. It was far surpassed by many of the things it influenced.
