So what's the deal, she's getting raped and mutilated along with her loli owner?
It's just the seasonal fap to the loli shit
It will be forgotten immediately after its ending
The whole premise of the show is gross. I get lolibaba being a thing but to actually enjoy being coddled like a child as a grown ass man is something else.
fucking this, just give me my doujins and go. If anything from this season will be remembered on Yea Forums it will be sarazanmai and the one about the figurine which will probably end up with a dedicated cult fanbase.
You would too. Nobody needs to know in the outside world. And here we are all Anonymous.
Where are my 9 other boys at?
No, I wouldn't.
Would I fuck a foxloli? Sure.
Would I like to be treated like a baby, fed warm milkies and be headpatted and sung lullabies to sleep after a long day out on the job? Fuck no.
Kono oto is good but needs to make megane relevant seeing as he's supposed to be the MC.
This show is really bland so far.
This one has potential.
Just started watching the first season. Seems like a nice slow build up. I'm just worried it'll stay at that pace. None of the characters stick out, so far.
All the Fafner sequels get better.
>t. never watched/read the show/manga
Even the bath scene may be the most wholesome one I've seen since My Neighbor Totoro if then.
You cannot understand how deeply the appeal of Senko-san runs on a spiritual level. Open your eyes and gaze upon the light, it is never too late.
Nothing to do with the show but ear cleaning fucking sucks and I'll do it myself. I don't want other people shoving shit in my ear. The warm oil and warm water rise is the superior way of cleaning ears. Doesn't require shoving shit in there and impacting wax.
Don't make me call Abe
honestly you sound like a huge faggot
literally don't clean your ears moron putting shit in your ear just introduces bacteria
your ear fuckin cleans itself
this, unless you get to have a qt fox clean it for you
More like weakest Dogakobo series in years.