Character drinks one beer

>character drinks one beer
>is immediately crazy drunk

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Literally me

People like that exist.

Nips are lightweights so I guess it's understandable.

I don't believe that. Beer is pretty much water.

>Eat chocolate containing alcohol
>Get shitfaced hard enough to get into ecchi situations

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>Nips are lightweights
I don't know about that desu.

>smells alcohol/eats chocolate with alcohol in it
why do they keep doing this

mostly women and they mostly fake it

Ok rapist-kun

Not everyone is an alcoholic user

what about my post was at all rapey

>why do they keep doing this
Because manga/anime/VNs/wathever aren't legally allowed to show minors actually drinking alcohol. A lot of them like Majikoi and Jitsu Wa even make fun of it by having the character drinking "special water" with a disclaimer saying "this totally isn't alcohol"

>character sips beer

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Yeah i'm 1 of them. 2 beers i'm fucking trashed. 3 i'm violently throwing up. I do not drink at all anymore though.

You might have a medical problem


Roommate is Korean, 2 beers and he's flushed and stumbling

you need to go outside user

which girl is this

Australian, actually.

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>I don't believe that. Beer is pretty much water.

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East Asians' liver tends to have less enzymes that metabolize blood alcohol

I require her name

Drink something that is more than 4.2%

I do this with my morning coffee.

>one sip oif sake

Suddenly they are drunk and red faced.

>character gets drunk on juice

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Like rubbing alcohol?

IPAs are always more than 4.2

Right, but can I drink rubbing alcohol?
Explains everything in anime

You can drink anything if you really want to.

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If you want to go blind and/or die, yes.

I think they were making a joke that you've tried to get girls drunk enough to rape them and that's why you know it's not enough to get women drunk.
that was my interpretation.

>Mixed Japanese Student
>Blue Eyed Blonde

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It takes half a bottle of vodka to do anything to me. I can't do beer or wine, it's too weak,. I'd have to drink so much of it. The one beer thing is probably because the nips are the biggest light weights.
>that chapter of grand blue where they beat germans at drinking because they called Japanese light weights
>heh this stuff is too sweet for us, gross let's use Poland vodka to show off
Pretty cringe.

>my dad uses his liver failure to get buzzed from one beer
Just like my japanese anime!

Australians are practically Americans

Americans are right, you guys are obsessed.

I once saw this happen before and it was hilarious

Asians have very low tolerance to alcohol.

>character gets drunk from a non-alcoholic beverage

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>smokes a cig
>coughs like cancer patient

>character needs to drink 3 for a good buzz
>doesn't want to drink more because he only bought a 6 pack and wants to drink again tomorrow night without blowing more money on wasteful shit like booze

To be fair some shows do this because they want their characters to get drunk but can't air them drinking it.

Meanwhile Europeans and Americans will have kids do drugs and alcohol in their adult cartoons and movies.

Kind of weird because nips are way more pro alcohol culturally than us.

sounds great

My mom gets flushed from eating chocolates with alcohol.
She doesn't get drunk but her flushed face is very visible.

I want to die originally

i guess i'm an anime

im 6 beers + one glass of wine rn desu

What a woman!
No way I could win against her, I wouldn't even be mad.

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Nips aren't 300 lbs, one drink is enough.

she doesnt look too displeased about that

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fun fact: japs actually lack the enzymes to properly convert alcohol into ascetic acid and that's one of the reasons they're so "weak" to it

btw I'm skinny af and come from a family history of alchoholism
don't worry senpai you never stood a chance

Is that the same reason why they're lactose intolerant?

doin't actually know if they're related

Nips are lightweights. Quit being a retard

>beer tastes like shit
>want to throw up every time someone wants me to drink it

How do people drink this shit? Do people just stomach it to try to fit in until it stops tasting bad?

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enzymes are substrate specific you dingus

different enzyme nigga

Stop drinking shit mass produced beer then.

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I'm trying to remember a character that can't drink soda for the gas. I think it was yet another generic harem mc.

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It is a genetic fact that the Japanese populations' genetic base is coded to produce less enzymes that metabolize alcohol, thus, it is factual that on average Japanese are easier to get drunk

>stop drinking beer
thats true, just drink vodka instead thats what i do, it tastes better

It's a trope that's here to stay. Deal with it.

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That's pretty much me.I was almost an alcoholic at 16-18, but since then all I do is weed and no alcohol. One bottle of beer will fuck me up.

But mutts are supposed to have a low alcohol tolerance.

>tasting good
Pick one and only one. The only way to make that shit even remotely drinkable is to stuff it in a freezer for at least 24 hours, and even then you need to drink it pretty much immediately before it warms up even a little.

I actually like that

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*drinks milk after a bath*

It's an acquired taste just like coffee.

Why do women fake being drunk? What's the agenda?

It just a combination of an acquired taste and finding what you like

Why do women fake their orgasm? what's the agenda? think about it.

>Not drinking a good gin

>character drinks one beer
>is immediately GAYMING

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Non-smoker smokes a cigarette or joint for the first time or after not smoking for a very long time - if they inhale... they absolutely will be coughing like a cancer patient... hell, more so because they simply don't smoke. If a cough is depicted after someone smokes in media it's usually because they were a non-smoker.
Last time I tried a joint I was coughing violently for about 15 minutes and coughing intermittently for 2 hours at least from one drag.

On a flight to Japan the flight attendant was asking me if I was ok when ordering a 3rd beer. In Tokyo(Asakusa) at a small bar the guy working there and the qt waitress were legit in awe that I wasn't falling down after 4 beers and ordered another.


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>smoking weed
I really envy people who can smoke weed and actually enjoy it.
>weed is legal in my country
>smoking just makes me extremely paranoid to the point where I feel like I'm going to have a nervous breakdown
>alcohol just makes me want to sleep

to try get attention while not having responsibility cause "its just the drinks"

What's your drink of choice lads? I only drink these bad boys

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Asian here. Im used to it now, but 1 can made me dizzy and after 2 i started to spout complete nonsense. Never got to 3 in that state, my mind somehow was alaways able to tell me to stop

If you get paranoia you're overdosing.

>people like thing
>I not like thing
>how is this possible?!
I'm sick of dumbasses assuming that if they don't like the taste of something it must mean it tastes bad to everyone. I don't like the taste of bananas, but I don't go around telling everyone who likes them that they're only pretending to like them.

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