Attached: 12.png (1133x1600, 934K)

They're 13 years old

Fuck the Olympics.


Is this something girls do?

Wait what kind of dance is this?

>ywn dance her harder

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Lesbians are not people

Fucking trash. Why does it seem like every loli ecchi/fan service is fucking yuri?

yes. little girls dance a lot

The ending fucking sucked.

Is it just me who doesn't get off on lesbian stuff?

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Yes. I've been fapping to lesbians every day for the last 15 years and I'm still not tired of it.


Same here, I find yuri very melodramatic and boring.

I hate to be the one doing this, but sauce?


No, there's plenty of gay people. Don't be afraid.

I'm a total brainlet and still found it after two (2) attempts at the built in reverse image search
Use it, you dumb nigger

Typical /u/tard response

>Use the built-in function to trigger a Google search of material that is illegal in most of the world
>What are you? Dumb?
Reaching peak irony levels.

How did it end?

No one gives a shit about your cartoon porn searching habits, faggot.
Governments have more important shit to care about, like catching actual child rapists.
Everyone who has gotten shit for loli either had 3d or was importing something that caught an actual real life persons attention and got them investigated. Police aren't trawling through google archives looking for perverts, dumbass.

But yuri is gay?

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>t. FBI

MC was about to reunite with his childhood crush but he fell again on the pool returning to his childhood again.

>But yuri is gay?
It is and it is fun.

Yep, we're gonna need a sauce on that one user. Reverse image search isn't bringing anything up.

That's not what this is.

What the fuck, seriously?

You're not alone. It just doesn't do it for me. I'm not even a self-insertfag, it just...lacks a certain lewdness. Like it's too clean somehow, less intimate. It's very difficult to explain.

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It's not this manga, and that wasn't the ending, but it wasn't good either.

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nope, girl's are already familiar with female bodies so theres 0 excitement

Different series bro.

It lacks the possibility of the kind of penetration they should have. Of course, the last MC by this author never got that either.

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Tribbing is actually penetration user.

>the kind of penetration they should have

Go back

Yeah, it doesn't really matter the combination, as long is just girl on girl my peepee stays looking down.

Frottage isn't penetration, by definition. Not substantially, anyway.

Unironically too old.

>all posters in this thread
Here. This is for you.

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What kind of olympic sport is this?

new chapter fucking when?


>Frottage isn't penetration, by definition.
Well technically it is.

What kind of dancing is this?

Uh oh, /u/ is mad now.

Yuri series need to stop making the childhood friend losers.

The sweet spot is always just before they're too old to be lolis (around 13-14 yrs old) because their growth spurt comes earlier than boys. After that they'd certainly be at a height that can no longer be considered "child-like." There are unfortunate instances where the girl grows too fast that they reach the upper limit of the favorable height while they're still 12. Such lolis lose their loli status when they step onto their 13th birthday UNLESS they stop growing.

But she hasn't lost, they even invite her for a threesome

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Why user, did it hit too close to home?

I dunno but I'd certainly dance those girls.

The chuni girl was good, very very good.

some bylaws of japan still allow the age of consent at 13

Sauce? SauceNao gives nothing.

Already got my one, senpai.

Attached: umi.jpg (1168x1004, 298K)

i do it occasionally when the context gives me a heartboner

Petit Heaven by Senke Kagerou

>catching actual child rapists
Also known as "ensuring the sport of the elite remains the sport of the elite".


If two dicks=gay, one dick=still sorta gay, then no dicks=not gay

It's ok
I like them a bit older

Because your taste is trash, not the other way around.


You're just a faggot
Don't worry

nigger go back to your board faggot

Based retarded newfag.


Wrong. Prefecture Laws overwrite all of those. Which is 18 everywhere.

They're 14/15 actually, they're 8th grade.

You are just a fucking hothead with bad taste

For marriage or sex?

*meaning the legal age

Luckily there isn't much of a difference in terms of appearance

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Because "the longer you know a person, the less chance you have(unless you were separated from each other for a long period of time)" is a dumb rule.

It's okay, I like them a little older

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What was it?

A Yea Forums image.

Same here. I don't care for the yuri in general.

A fellow cunnisseur I see

Attached: FOUR_TEEN_14yo.jpg (1104x2584, 1.51M)

Based and JCpilled

Did the TL died?

He makes a compelling argument.

Have sex.


based and cunnypilled

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they look like they have fetal alcohol syndrome kek

Uran is an genius

This reminds me. I need to finish Mujaki no Rakuen.


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Dance class looks like THAT?

So was this just fear mongering?

>Pedophilia is problematic
>Take out the boy and make the lolis gay
>Now it’s acceptable
People don’t actually hate pedophilia, they hate male sexuality in general.

He's not drawing lolis anymore. These are JCs, older than all his previous works

faggot mangaka doing JC now and the comedy quality severely dropped since his new work has a FemMC. I dropped it in chapter 3. let me know when the faggot goes back to his roots and starts making comedy again.


It's natural for men of all ages to be attracted to teenagers and fuck any cringelord brainwashed cuckold who thinks differently... not to mention that women are generally fully developed physically by 15-17 anyways...

>I can't enjoy it because there's no males
What is wrong with you "people"?

He literally never said this.
Poor comedy is a valid complaint.

He literally attributed a decline in quality to a female protag. There's a difference between "this new work sucks" and "this new work sucks because femc".

Right around the time their legs start to get shapely.


Woah dude, I can only get so hard.

That's what the author has. It explains why he's a major faggot who can't write for shit.

way to read what you want to read fag
>this new work sucks because femc
it does, the comedy that the mangaka is known for works poorly with a female protagonist.

He could have at least given the MC an otouto instead of an imouto.

I don't know why anyone would read Uran for the comedy, it has never been better than "alright".

the comedy was fucking great in his last works. Do you know how rare it is to have a man that can legit pull off more than just fap material. if this is how you think than I pity you. just stick to H.

This. I only ever read Uran's work for the lewd situations

>girls grow too fast
>but not in height

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Is this as porny as Mujaki no rakuen?

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It just isn't the same without the girls getting penetrated and impregnated. I can't even get off if a condom is involved. Preggo sex or go home.

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I think I've read this already. Any name tips?

It takes place in a world where males don’t exist

People like to throw around the whole 'age of consent is 13 in Japan' to make them sound creepy, not knowing the context at all. It's similar to how the lowest age of consent in the US is 12 (i.e. there is no situation where it is legal below that age) but in all practical terms it's 16-18 depending on state. (and a solid 18 for porn and such...so you can legally have sex at 16 in some places but send a nude and you could face heavy charges)

>to make them sound creepy
*reasonable and appealing

Tribadism is penetration and scientists are working a sperm two headed dildo to impregnate both women.

You're just a faggot and poor excuse for an breeder.

Mostly yeah. People like to act as if Olympics are gonna chance shit when they didn't chance russia or brazilia in anyway.

Damn why JCS are so hot and so much better than old hags?

So? I just find yuri boring. Call me a faggot all you want.

>it just...lacks a certain lewdness. Like it's too clean somehow, less intimate.
Fucking this.
While I do recognize that yuri can get more passionate because of forbidden fruit, vanilla has a certain rawness to it that makes it superior.
In the end it just boils down to tastes though.

Yuri has rawness too. I just think yuri is just better than vanilla.

Why is this manga so fucking tame compared to Mujaki no Rakuen?

The Olympic committee mandated that all lolis be made older, gayer and less lewd

>These are JCs, older than all his previous works
Except they are drawn exactly the same.

>/u/shitter thinks his opinion matters

Too old.

A made a bunch of homo-lovers assblasted, keep up the good work.

Me taking the picture to draw it as a reference for the manga I am writing

I hope you do well with your manga work user

It's a purity thing, which is also why hardcore yuri is so rare.

>tfw I went through over half the series waiting for plot before I realized it was just loli bait
>that bait and switch where they go to middle school
Fucking hell.

Yes and?

Hello police

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Why are JC so sexy in this manga?

Based psychodyke.


I know you fag translators browse Yea Forums. Whats with the delay, you said this series would be bi-weekly. I need more Uran.

I saw noise drawing older women a while back and I assumed everything LO was ded. turns out he's still drawing loli and comic LO is still as good as it ever was.

fuck the fear mongering and just let us have our cartoons

How does he do it?

>artist goes legit
>it's basically porn anyways
Same with henreader.


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I can't either. I like to have a single dick between two people, so futa on female is 120% cool with me but pussy on pussy is just boring.

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Nah you aren't alone.
For me it's not about the content, it's just how it tends to be made.
If it's made by your average joe, I can't shake the feeling the whole thing is disingenuous. It's reminiscent to the studio porn acting i try to get away from when looking at hentai.
If it's made by actual lesbians for lesbians, then it's either too flowery, or is too steeped in female sexuality and experience to be boner inducing. I can appreciate it from a distance even learn from it, but can't truly understand. And this lack of understanding turns the PP into the pp.
I'm pretty most /u/fags simply see girls bumping together and start jerking it, but I guess my brain worms keep me from enjoying nice things.

This is why Amagappa Shoujogun is the best loli artist gone legit.

Is there anything better than a hungry JC?

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A JC gf who's into exhibitionism

Literally me

JC aren't allowed to browse Yea Forums

Skeeter Rabbit is pretty fun, I'm really liking it so far. I'll probably end up liking it more than MnR if it keeps up for a couple more volumes.

I lost my underwear, has anyone kind seen it lying around?


You only have to be over 18 to post, not browse.

What is the point of lesbianism? They can't do anything and even use strap-ons and other sex toys?

Stupid jc go away

Attached: dumb jc.png (338x42, 2K)

An incomplete interpretation by hopeful pedophiles

>What is the point of lesbianism?
Sex only ends when someone's arm gets tired.

If there's sprouts on the lawn, get out of the field.

they most likely think it's shit and rightly so

Endless ejaculation and cumming that's what lesbian sex is good at.

Uran did get screwed over with Mujaki no Rakuen, which is what sparked that page in the first place. The shitstorm from that forced the magazine to make amends with him by allowing him to release MnR Parallel.


Context check.

this thread is cute and funny

from his old manga I loved the parts where the MC just comes in his pants, thing that is very rare to find

Jesus Christ, literally man of culture

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Ok Ahmed. Just don't bring your disgusting lust in real life.


Mujaki no Rakuen was a national treasure. Fuck the prudecels.


Thanks, I'll put this loli lasso to good use.