>constantly says he’ll kill his enemies
>has zero (0) kills in the series
>constantly says he’s not a hero and not a good guy
>always ends up helping people
>all arcs are the result of him being a good guy
So much for the morally ambiguous protagonist Yea Forums kept telling me about
Constantly says he’ll kill his enemies
What are you yammering on about, retard?
It's litterly a show for children what did you expect.
Luffy does whatever he wants. Not what he should do or what he has to do. That's essentially what it comes down to.
Luffy is pretty directly responsible for hundreds of violent pirates escaping Impel Down. Crocodile alone sparked a civil war so God knows what the rest of those bastards have been up to. Luffy may not have told any of those people to go out and kill himself, but he definitely has a body count.
Luffy has absolutely killed the shit out of nameless mooks before we just never directly see it.
And he had no way of knowing Wapol would land on another fucking island after he launched him off of the castle
Heroes usually WANT to do help people.
>a hero will divide it amogngst the people
Like in the first arc of Wano?
ironically, based hunterchad
True, through bullet ricochets alone Luffy has had to have killed plenty of people by now.
That's a pedo
I guess HxH isn't all bad, then.
> all arcs are the result of him being a good guy
Impel down did not. A secondary antagonist straight up tells Luffy what he is doing is wrong and will hurt people and bartolomeo a pirate who has killed civilians worships the ground Luffy walks on and Luffy is ok with him. Luffy and his crew are not necessarily good people but they are easy going and easily to befriend so it looks like they are heroic in actuality they just be up people who hurt their friends.
Oda forgot Luffy was suppose to be a bad guy
>bad guy
Luffy was never a bad guy. He's just not obligated to be a good guy, either. Luffy is unconstrained by laws or morality and selfishly helps people because it makes HIM happy, consequences for himself and anyone else be damned. He has no high minded code to uphold, save for 'to thine own self be true.'
But you shitposters know that already.
I know subverting expectations is now bad thanks to that faggot basedboy cuck Rian Johnson, but it is actually really interesting to see that shit like in OP and HxH.
Luffy was a bit more of an asshole early on. See: telling Coby that he hates him. He hasn't pushed the envelope much since punching Vivi.
>Not understanding how the pirate world world
>Not getting that Luffy avoids out right killing someone because no matter the actions of anyone he refuses to take away anyone's freedom from living their lives.
These aren't hard concepts. Like others have said one piece is literally for children.
bad thread feel bad
If HxH is for beginners, then One Piece is something your children could watch.
Both of them are shows for children
>Pirates doing nice things for people makes me sick.
Isn't he a fuckin doctor?
Luffy is a good guy but most of his allies are not.
>hunter x hunter is a show for children
God this manga is shit.
In the One Piece world being a pirate is living free unlike our definition of a pirate.
Even doctors get sick sometimes, user.
HxH seems made for 10-14 y/o kids.
One Piece 4-8 y/o kids, no doubt about it.
That's Luffy's definition. For others it's about being free to steal stuff, or break things.
Imagine being this insecure.
g-guys HxH is a seinen, its author chose to publish it in the WSJ because umm... yeah...
Thats just a few of the pros is not like Luffy doesn't steal.He does.
>Imagine being this insecure.
I don't watch or read any kind shonen, I'm just giving my point of view of the situation. One Piece is colorful, with wacky designs, as if it were made to catch kid's attention. There's no gore and the violence is toned down compared to HxH.
He tells Cody he hates him to get him riled up so Cody punches Luffy infront of the Marines.
Thus the marines wont think Cody is friends with Luffy.
Us real men watch cool shows like Elfen Lied which is definitely 18+ :P
He saved Buggy and Crocodile
Lol, elfen lied is in the same age bracket as HxH.
user I'm no the one you're responding to, but I think that maybe you shouldn't say "no doubt about it" if you've never read the thing.
I never said he didn't. I too remember Skypiea. But it's the way he differentiates what it means to be a pirate compared to say, Buggy or Captain Kuro or Sir Crocodile. To some plunder and/or mayhem is the whole point and they'll even argue with Luffy about it.
Luffy is more romantic about the concept than most pirates, I'm sure you'll admit that at least.
I agree.If he wasn't for shanks,He'll propaply be in ace's crew since if he never met shanks,Ace would have gotten him into pirates.