is it a 10/10?
Is it a 10/10?
It’s a 9.8/10, sorry
More like 4/10
absolutely yes
The girls could've been sexier.
Is first half slice of life last half drama the ultimate configuration of anime? The only other anime that immediately comes to mind that did this is Planetes and that is also excellent.
I found it really dull, couldn't finish.
It's a 9/10, Texnolyze is a 10/10
not even the best abe show, not even second
It's a 9/10, Texhnolyze is an 8/10.
There is no such thing as a 10/10, everything has flaws
>hurr durr nothing can be perfect
Fuck off, you faggot.
When you watch it in one sitting it's like a 6 or a 7 but when watch 4 episodes a day it's a 10
Nice brainlet opinion
True, 10/10 it is when you love thing so much, so you can forgive it it's flaws.
I'm so disappointed with Texhnolyze right now, this is next and it will be the last time I trust Yea Forums if it ends up disappointing me too.
>Disappointed with Texhnolyze
How? I'm genuinely curious as I'm rewatching it for the first time in years and it's even better than I remembered. The worldbuilding and atmosphere is top notch, the soundtrack is incredible and I've never been more excited watching an angry cripple stumble around. I've just got to the part where Yoshii dies and I've forgotten what happens between here and the surface episodes so maybe it gets boring at this point but considering how great the first half was and the amazing ending I'm curious to know what you disliked.
And to answer OP, Haibane is a solid 9/10. I would've liked a little bit more side character development, even though I know it wasn't really the point of the show.
>go in expecting a heavy sci-fi story full of mindfuckery and memorable characters
>get dude going reeee for like 5 episodes and then just cliche political conflicts for another 10 episodes
You say "The worldbuilding and atmosphere is top notch", I say they are just fine, and I didn't went into this show for just an "eh, it's alright". Also the soundtrack is nothing special, though is played nice in the correct moments, maybe you wanted to say "sound direction", yeah, it plays nice, but that's it.
Sounds like you went in expecting the wrong thing. You mustn't have paid much attention to what Yea Forums was saying about it.
Well, it depends on how you score shows. I couldn't ignore horrible animation, so it's 9.
I started watching it right after finishing Yama no Susume and I had to do a double take during the first episodes, there were so many off model shots that stuck out. Didn't notice it after episode 4, though.
Though I watched it immediately after Texhno and expected EVERY SINGLE THING that went wrong to spiral into some horrific event.
Is he wrong for not asking Yea Forums beforehand how to watch Texhnolyze? It's not like there's a specific watch order, why shouldn't he be able to just put on episode one and watch from there?
It's an 8/10 because the production value isn't too good
>giving anime ratings
What is this, MAL?
Also, your ratings don't mean anything because they're all relative. I don't know what you consider a 10/10 or 9/10, so you rating something an 8/10 tells me absolutely fucking nothing.
It's a 6/10 because the first half sucks
Yeah, Texhnolyze will do that to you.
I needed more of it, too many questions and very little is resolved.
the kids were just annoying and cringe
didn't need to be a SoL
Still real good though.
>is it a 10/10?
Yes, it's unironically a classic and I consider it one of the defining Animes of the 2000's.
I am willing to admit though it's slow pacing, drab colour scheme, and reserved character designs can make it unappealing for some.
Why are you sperging over a random post and not the OP?
texhnolyze is a 6 at best
Haibane > Texhnolyze > Lain
loved the show but animation is eh not the same level as lain
It loses points because the blu ray rerelease was terrible.
A lot of BD releases of old anime look like shit.
iirc it was one of the last anime of it's kind that was done digitally but not in a way that made it easy to upscale and reproduce. which made upscaling something not taken with film even harder and shittier
No but it is very good. It achieved almost all of what it set out to do which I guess could be considered a measure of success.
Fuck no. It was a 9.5/10 at best.
I've seen lain and texhnologize, yet to see this
I'd say so.
The main point of the show, which is the relationship between Rakka and Reki, fell flat in the last episode.
Rakka having to read her diary to push herself to save Reki is just underwhelming. Especially when you have shows like Dennou Coil which did a similar ending 10x times better.
It's still a good show though, one of the best first episode in anime and the last episode is still great despite what I mentioned.
Texhnolyze is the real 10/10 though.