I miss her bros. And Reona and Zara and Kate and Enma, even Chika a little bit

I miss her bros. And Reona and Zara and Kate and Enma, even Chika a little bit.
Also Kotobuki thread

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai - 12 [720p][00h21m39s].png (1280x720, 654K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Manga just came out:

Attached: 59DF5A87-F8DD-4F86-87CE-47620DAE49C3.jpg (1000x700, 219K)

/ak/ scans, get you're asses in gear.

Looks like the manga is giving us more fanservice than the anime.

It's got fanservice and huge hair. Sitting in those planes with almost nothing on would probably be extremely uncomfortable.

Attached: reona's extremely huge hair.png (580x539, 378K)

Look how gorgeous Emma looks here compared to others. Artist is clearly an Emmafag.

Needs more string bikinis tho.

Unless the oceans only got drained a little while ago, swimwear would be the domain of the rich.

Attached: 10834108156652405458-bfe0a92158ad0659bbac58c0ee717a17.jpg (822x1200, 293K)

>even Chika a little bit.
Are you saying this because Chika is your least favorite or like a Kylie you're just pretending to be annoyed by her but actually find her endearing and cute?

Attached: 1554679897138.jpg (1920x1080, 135K)

I don't think anyone dislike Chika for real.

Attached: 162316795640.jpg (640x361, 166K)

I do because I am racist against gremlins.

i miss Asuka too....

Attached: many faces of KYLIE.webm (960x540, 1.34M)

That's one ugly boy.

What episode was this again? Kylie is so cute.

Damn I wish I could read
Kylie looks great in a bikini though

i forgot. 4 or 5, or so....

Attached: oh really.png (636x239, 130K)

Kate's episode, 7.

If bikinis are for the wealthy, string bikinis are for the poor since they use less fabric

Attached: consider.jpg (600x600, 48K)

Kate will be the only one wearing a string bikini.

I wanted to like this anime, but nip planes only is a deal breaker.

Did Reona and Zara fuck after that last mission?

I think it's more a matter of style than actual material restrictions. Obviously if they can produce dresses and flight suits there shouldn't be anything demanding about producing bikinis. But if they're seen as clothing of the wealthy then they won't make many and the prices will be artificially high.

Definitely when Zara gives her husbando bedroom eyes.

What are they doing at the beach?


Polluting the water supply.

Attached: 1554046704656.jpg (714x744, 135K)

They're celebrating pancake girl joining the squad.

not gonna be able to watch these in the foreseeable future


My japanese is bad.

Quick! Someone post those naked pancakes!

Attached: 38.png (822x1200, 394K)

Imagine the chafing...

I miss her too

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Akanesasu Shoujo - 08 [720p].mkv - 00008.png (1280x720, 684K)


Attached: 荒野のコトブキ飛行隊外伝 大空のハルカゼ飛行隊#1&ナツオ整備班� (1280x720, 158K)

>when you say Kylie is cute but also that we can't have pancakes until after mission


Attached: 03F2C4DF-1CF5-4320-9F81-546B0A96F233.jpg (1200x1200, 612K)

Kylie seems to be an easily cosplayable character. I want to draw an OC that is a magical pilot girl cosplaying her.

Looks like someone’s a bit jealous.
Is this why Kylie got so stirred up in ep4 when Emma reminded her who had the fuller figure?

Attached: 29055D14-6E4E-466F-8AEA-29FA95BD84A8.jpg (491x362, 85K)

Like pic related?
As an unapologetic 3Dfag, it annoys me that there still isn’t any Kotobuki cosplay to be found.
Back around the start of last season, an user posted a pic I forgot to save of a display featuring life size cosplay outfits for the 6 main cast on mannequins next to a large Hayabusa model. Thought we’d get to see someone wearing them by now.

Attached: B86D10CA-3F0B-404F-AE11-77D085B15F3D.jpg (2894x2618, 2.57M)

She will not missed by me now!

Attached: Kylie pls.png (857x713, 695K)

Actually yes, exactly that. Original-witch-chan flying a plane is fine too.

I gotchu bro.

Attached: A68D8400-A864-4785-8EF1-E0006D6F3BF4.jpg (640x640, 67K)

Attached: 591E48F2-A7E4-47B6-9B02-A61452329B76.jpg (1000x733, 266K)

Kind of cute.

Attached: E14BD17E-2DD5-4FF8-8EA8-B91BC7FBBEA5.jpg (640x640, 44K)

Last one I’m posting.
Y’all can start a thread on for moar.
P.S.: Search for 「荒野のコトブキ飛行隊 コスプレ」 to find more pics.

Attached: 16FA5DBB-F63C-472B-8A13-AEFBCC14354A.jpg (900x1200, 170K)

honestly who cares about the girls I miss the autistic plane details

I'm also sad the Reppuu never showed, damn army peasants, not allowing the glorious navy to shine

Attached: Startup.webm (720x404, 873K)

Appreciate the pics and search tip, based user.

Attached: D7BB676B-6D02-4DF0-B36D-C373C60A0641.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

Post planes that you want to appear in Season 2

Attached: Ki201.jpg (1280x868, 129K)

>Season 2

T-t-there's still hope... r-right?

>Half a bar of butter at the top
But why?

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment"

Attached: 1552677395138.jpg (750x720, 115K)

Can't forget about that one time someone drew Kylie with nothing but pankeeki covering her bits...

Hambaga desu

Attached: 1554049842017.webm (1280x720, 124K)

The show was really good all the way up to the point were they discuss the portal rings in the sky. That shit ruined the entire show.

Don't worry the side material will have absolutely no dogfighting whatsoever. Or even better, it'll have hollywood tier dogfighting.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai - 09 [1080p]-0001.jpg (1920x1072, 210K)

Would Kylie make a cute Valkyrie?


holy shit i need this NOW

holy shit

Attached: Screenshot_20190424-101413_Brave.jpg (546x361, 122K)

dumb autist

Imagine if that pancake maniac got her hands on one of these...

Attached: 19E35FAF-1385-44EA-89AF-DBB1BE182306.png (850x349, 480K)

Nah, she get bored with all thrust and no turn.

From what I can get from my broken Nips:
>Pancake is the latest member of the squad.
>Go to a rare oasis to celebrate her.
>Some tries to buy Kotobuki, attack the airship when they refuse.
>Pancake can't swim.

Wait, even CHIKA is a senior member to KYLIE?

The goblin is a child soldier.

>Pancake can't swim.
I’d imagine people who CAN swim would be a rarity in Ijitsu.

Attached: 26DA9A76-E994-4CEB-8405-B17D2296B663.jpg (1280x720, 528K)

Is it by the same guy who draw Tanya?

I dunno but I need more INTENSE kyrie in my life

No, it's the guys who did this

Is as real as the jet shinden

Attached: X-02S_Sol_1.jpg (1920x1080, 319K)

Their hair almost make me think that it was by Fujisaki Ryu.

Attached: 1438832023318.jpg (1023x591, 96K)

the fuck is goin on with reona's afro?

Artist has brain problems.

well, as long as he doesn't have plane problems i can deal with it

The real hair atrocity here is the lack of Emma’s drills.

This. As long as he can draw ACM at least as well as he draws bikini-clad bodies, all the other shit can be excused.

Attached: 5836CA91-F5A1-4C30-BAD3-26D11467C4B6.jpg (1535x1078, 322K)

Next Harukaze short should be on 30 April, right?

Fly high!

Anybody identify the carrier this is based on, yet? Dimensions and such?

Attached: harekaze_squadron_new_town.png (1272x716, 2.05M)

Wait, KYRIE is the most recent addition to the squadron? Not CHIKA? Huh?

Attached: Kirie_stoned_face.png (620x600, 373K)

how old is chika?



Attached: First_JSF_built_in_Japan_commissioning_ceremony.jpg (2102x1500, 746K)

Confirmed the youngest. Not legal yet, at least.

So the Americans do have some sort of previous contact with Ijitsu.

Attached: XF5U-1_info_3.jpg (2200x1657, 612K)

Wow beach ep right of the bat.

It’s more of a pain in the ass than expected to look up jap carriers by flight deck pattern, but the only one I could find with just a single elevator is this little CVE:

>The flight deck was 154.99 meters (508 ft 6 in) long
Is that long enough to allow a Ki-43 to take off from?

Acoording to this list- yes, especially if carrier going at full speed against wind.

Attached: pg2.jpg (604x800, 136K)

A little shame thay we never got to properly see how soviet and jap planes would fare against each other in WWII.

Attached: yak3-8.jpg (700x400, 30K)

>WWII Soviet air force
Well, better than their Navy I guess.

Looks like that’s what these weirdos operate from.

Attached: 591E740C-B19C-42EF-BA1C-AD2507B910E7.jpg (1280x720, 223K)


Was this anime a Kotobukiya commercial?

No, that's FAGs.

Those windmills look hideously inefficient, no wonder they need so many of them.

as far as im concerned, shes just airplane yukari

Attached: 1534336937459.png (1441x1500, 697K)

Behead those who insult Yukari.

insuhhalla brother

Attached: 84521043005201627.jpg (1527x1080, 326K)

That's an insult to Yukari. KYLIE is a deranged corpse loving pancake eating psycho

Attached: 1553445553806.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

Yukari may be an autistic killing machine like KYLIE but she is not fueled by rage


panelling is actually pretty good, is this a sequel?

Attached: SmartSelect_20190425-075503_Internet.jpg (937x1312, 754K)

I cant jap at all, but from what anons said here earlier, it looks like a prequel, when Kyrie first joined the squad. No idea if correct tho.

Kyrie's got mad curves.

Kyrie is mad.

Even her curves are mad.

Those are some huge heads might as well be nendoroids

Such a comfy anime

>takes place before anime
>Kylie is latest addition but Chika hasn't been there for long either
>plane repairs are paid by themselves
>Kylie didn't know what a swimsuit was
>forces herself into water after claiming she'll swim, accidentally gropes Emma when water surprised her
>something about a group Black Bees that perhaps rule that oasis town
>Emma asks if Kylie would stay/how she finds it so far
>Pancake says it's been fun flying with everyone
>someone tries to buy them out when Madame contacts them that there's an urgent job

I think I just became an Emmafag from that pic alone

Attached: 1549230518073.jpg (1920x1080, 246K)

Welcome to the club.

Attached: Being shot down by EMMA.jpg (1920x1072, 221K)

Why is she pouting? Ill-timed call of nature?

Has the translation for this short been finished yet?
Chikafan sitting on the tail is just triggering rage, and I don't know why.

Attached: harekaze_squadron_ep1_partial_translation.png (816x4048, 201K)

>plane repairs are paid by themselves
...So the theory of Madame Loulou owning the Kotobukis entirely, and forcing them to work to pay off the Ouni Company's excessive debt, is all but confirmed now?

Attached: kirie_sly.jpg (607x730, 84K)

Man, what a shitty deal. Being a mercenary in that world sucks.

So this will end on the job in which Chika gets downed and needing a couple of bolts on her leg, right?

Attached: 1552864366679.jpg (1313x771, 617K)

Thanks for the summary.

Were Kyrie, Emma, Chika or Kate also prostitutes before becoming pilots?

Attached: faceplant.webm (1280x720, 2.04M)

I don’t think CHIKA knows about the birds and the bees yet.


>/ak/ scans, get you are asses in gear.

>t'll have hollywood tier dogfighting.
It already did, or did you skip the entire last half of the show?

Attached: kotobuki shinden.webm (720x404, 1.57M)

The shinden is the greatest plane ever created and can do that.

All of that was at least plausible with the folded 1000 times Japanese Shinden. The last episode was bullshit though.

>All of that was at least plausible with the folded 1000 times Japanese Shinden
Warthunder isn't a sim.

Can confirm
Here's the scientific evidence:

well technically it prob could do that in real life wit a j7, su and j7 have in a way a similar airframe, the real question is whether the j7 could handle the stress of air braking that hard