Will Aya Hirano ever make a comeback?

Will Aya Hirano ever make a comeback?

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Is she related to Kouta?


_____ but the ______

Stop being an oldfag. Where is KanaHana anyway?

Many VAs from her era already faded into obscurity. So, no.

Hope fully not. I refuse to watch anything with her in it. I hate her. I hope she dies.
Haruhi is shit.

No but I'll cum on her back ;^)

Voicing nanako

>Haruhi is shit.
Shut the fuck up!

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>tfw all the good VAs are getting replaced by literal whos and failed pushes
this is how anime will die

>all the overrated whores are being phased out

She definitely should not because she's a useless cumdumpster slut. If you want to voice in anime and you're a female then quit fucking if you're not married, quit being a stupid fucking slut. Sluts and whores are the worst pieces of shit in the world in any country, but if you ruin anime then you're 10x worse and more degenerate.

>Aoi Yuuki
>phased out

They're still around.

Bump for slut hatred awareness

I truly honestly wish she had gone into JAV. I would've watched that shit.

She's a changed woman these days

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>if you do voice acting for anime you aren't allowed to fuck

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You’re just jealous she didn’t fuck *you*

That is correct for the most part.

As much as I love her, her ship sailed a long time ago sadly.

Fuck off incel back to r9k shithole

Screw off, you literal fucking virgin

t. bassist

based redditor


You can feel the virginity oozing from the screen

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Uh oh it's an incel

Did she switch fulltime to videogame dubbing?

As aggressively worded as this bait is, there is truth in this. You probably shouldn't be fucking multiple dudes, especially not at the same time. Regardless of what your moral stance on the situation is, you should know how your fanbase is going to react if they find out and they will always find out.
The moment you do that, you risk your entire career on what amounts to a small moment of pleasure.

Are people assuming that Mimorin is going to have a chaste marriage with Okada?

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>Where is KanaHana anyway?

When you do 5000 roles over the course of a few years, you probably deserve to tone down the schedule a bit.

> faded into obscurity
You mean they get older, find husbands, have kids and settle down as housewives?

It’s sad because there used to be wildly successful, uguu~ looking VAs, but now they’re all cookie cutter pretty idol types.

Incell cuck, make sure to invest your money into vr porn companies cause that's all you're gonna get

If they're married then it's OK.

No woman is safe from THE RAINMAKER

People like to pretend people disliked her JUST because she was a whore, but I disagree. It's because she betrayed her image and insulted her fanbase. It's not a strictly Japanese thing, either. If say, Taylor Swift was caught fucking her entire bands in orgies and talked about how much she hated her audience I don't think her career would be the same afterwards either.

And prior to marriage, their relationship will be sexless?

>Regardless of what your moral stance on the situation is
So they can only achieve a steady relationship once there over a certain age?

Yeah retards keep forgetting that she kept on shitting on her fanbase. It was weird how her agency didn't control her. It won't be surprising if her former agency got sick of her shit so did nothing about those picture leaks and used it as a chance to fire her.

It's not like idols that aren't allowed to fuck at all, but Aya fucked her whole group except the bassist.

I've said it before, there is now no real reason to watch subs over dubs, modern seiyuu are are just as bad as dub VAs, and in fact dubs have improved some since the old days where they got their reputation.

ideally yes

Fuck off dubfag.

Fuck off, dubfag.

This man FUCKS.

I don't know about that one actually. I suppose as long as they don't fuck around like Aya Hirano did and their contract allows it, it should be fine. In Mimorin's case at least it was fine from the time she and Okada first became a couple, but I don't know where exactly to draw the line.

She's still getting jobs and all.
Heck, she voices Mylene in the Macross games.

Hopefully as an AV idol.

new fag here , how does every body know this?

lurk moar

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I need a source, please!

Kill yourself onegai!

I'd kinda like to hear the story too.

It's just otakushits, though.

Who make-up her fanbase.

What do you consider "coming back"? Didn't she voice that Yuki-chan anime not too long ago?
Either way she was always more of a singer than a voice actor.

Yeah, she voiced Beatrix and Brodia in Granblue.

I imagine a comeback would mean voicing major roles again. At the moment, she continues to do work for recurring characters she began before her agency dropped her, and she's had a few minor roles.

She had multiple new major roles prior to the scandal. In the ten years since, she's had none, unless you count the hand in Parasyte.

She also voices a girl in GuP.

Her idol singing career crashed thanks to fucking around. KyoAni "people" extrapolated the fuck out of it to mean that her VA career ended up in some shallow grave because she didn't voice another character in the newer KyoAni shows.

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well said, brother
plebs will bash you for speaking the truth but it's only because they are too beta to admit that they think the same

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trips confirm

Uhh, where did you get this statistic? your ass doesn't count

I was exaggerating for emphasis. She had a lot of roles over a period of a few years was my point.

>Aya is shit
there fixed it for you


Which is why she's unhappy with her career.

Then quit or become obscure 3rd rate niche celebrity like she is now.

No problem, now she barely has a career.

That is probably the best for everyone. She is free from otakushits, the otakushits are free to be obsessed over a new voice actress until [new scandal ohmygosh] happens, and everyone gets to laugh at both sides.

Okada - Gedo - Jay White live gay orgy celebration soon

Her limited recent work has nothing to do with the 'scandal'. She just has a tumor in her head which changed her voice and makes it hard for her to do demanding roles. Silly weebs.

How retarded and/or autistic does someone have to be to care what a celebrity does in their personal life?

It's legitimate autism where they think the character and the person who voices her are so closely linked that if the seiyuu gets cum on her, it'll ruin their pure anime waifu as well.

This actually, the white knight cucks defending getting gangbanged are dumb hypocrites
Makes me wonder how they would feel about their sister doing the same thing.

It's honestly legitimate disgust, there is nothing admirable in this.

Eh, if the sister wants to do that, then so be it. She's an adult person who knows what is best for herself, after all.

There is nothing sane, nor balanced nor healthy, about getting gangbanged.
You should unironically quit porn.

Who cares? It's just another person.

Not caring about your close relatives is unironically a sign of mental illness

As long as close relative is healthy, fine and has enough money, one shouldn't care.

If there's one VA I wish had more roles, it'd be Rento's from C3-bu. She didn't deserve her career to crash and burn so hard and so early she had to switch to doing JAVs.

Again, getting gangbanged is never a sign of good mental health.

That's just you being jealous that you're not desirable enough to being gangbanged or being part of a gangbang.

Actual desirable people don't get gangbanged nor participate in gangbangs, virgin. The act itself is legitimately disgusting and you really have to have a few self-esteem issues to get involved in it.

Why not? What are the health detriments to doing it? If everyone consents and everyone is clean and safe, what's wrong with it?

It's disgusting. I can't imagine a mindset in which I would enjoy taking turns fucking a whore with a bunch of other guys, and as for the whore herself, I can't imagine being even remotely friendly with someone who puts so little value in herself. I just don' t understand why I'm supposed to find it acceptable. People are free to do it, but I'm free to find them absolutely disgusting and self disrespecting for doing so.

So in short, you're just a neo-puritan, but ironically.

calm down, it's just sex

Call me whatever you like, putting a label on me doesn't prove me wrong nor right. And I'm not ironic in the slightest.

>enjoy taking turns fucking a whore with a bunch of other guys
Imagine being a lolislut and being surrounded by horny, smelly, angry Yea Forumsnons that are really mad at you for being such a perverted little cock-hungry whore. That's the vibe I'm getting from your post.

kill orctaku, consume orctaku
says the guy that never got invited to a gangbang

I am perfectly calm, as I said, people are free to do it, but I'm free to find them disgusting and potentially mentally ill for their preferences. It's you who have apparently trouble accepting this view.

Thank fuck for that, I don't think I would have any reason to continue speaking to someone who would think of inviting me to one.

>I'm not ironic

>quit fucking if you're not married
I thought this post was going to be one of those idol purists who think a girl shouldn't sniff a man while they're breathing but this is actually correct.
Keep fighting the good fight.

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>I can't take anything seriously for more than 3 seconds because I'm a hyoocrite

You are entitled to your opinions regarding sexual acts being disgusting, or how you value someone who engages in said acts. When you are claiming that something contributes to the poor mental health of a person, however, then you require better justification than "I don't like it". That's a moral stance you have which others do not share, hence it would not be a problem for them.

Stop blogging, you orctaku.


>look everyone, I am mentally ill and illiterate
Ok cool

Please explain to me what's sane in wanting to participate in a gangbang.

>A guy on 4channel giving people shit for their preferences.
Ah the irony.

Stop participating in a moral debate if you don't want to, dumbass.

This has to be bait.

You get to meet potential mates and can directly compare their abilities.

I'm not giving anyone shit, I'm exposing a point of view. Why would the fact that I'm posting here automatically make any moral stance I could have invalid?

Because this is a board about anime and manga, so anything you say not related to anime and manga is worthless and bullshit.

>there are people white-knighting an old and busted whore

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I am not an animal and I don't select my "mates" based on how many dicks they can suck at once

Idols don't make "comebacks" unless it's in porn

Japan is obsessed with youth and can't tolerate pop stars over 30

>a mindset in which I would enjoy taking turns fucking a whore with a bunch of other guys
Personally, I can understand the fantasy but doesn't sound appealing in real life. One on One is preferred.

Just because that user has morals doesn't mean you should try to shame him.

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How so?

That's why Sphere is coming back this year.

>Just because that user has morals doesn't mean you should try to shame him.
That's the fun part about these hypocrites.


She has already made a comeback. She is still here. She will not leave.

She did nothing wrong. OrcTaku faggot. YOU are the worst piece of shirt in the world, in any country. You ruin these threads, You ruin this board. I will destroy you.

The mad and insane rantings of the OrcTaku do not count. They are the loud shrieks of banshee. They are the rantings of things not human more beast than man.

She did nothing wrong.

This is the Year when Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger airs. This is the Year when Knights must rise and fight harder than ever. Knights who will not forsake the maiden they defend. Knights sworn to the battle road ready to strike down darkness and fight for justice.

Proud to be a Knight.

Oh. I am ready to fight. Fight against all the OrcTaku. Here I am. Ready to fight.

Fuck off OrcTaku faggot. My love will trump your hate.

Time to erase these stupid rules. Join in the crusade, be strong and stand with me for beyond the barricade there is a world you'll long to see.

She's doing jobs here and there.

Who cares?

That is not a image. That is a delusion. A delusion of a hate-filled, mindless beast-like creatures known only as OrcTakus.

Fuck her so-called fanbase.

Here here brothers.

Sex is sex. If people want to have sex in certain ways who cares?

Yes. Remove the OrcTaku. Raise your hand, your sword and your fist. Become like the Winged Hussars of old. Become like King Arthur's Knights.

I see men standing up and being strong. I see another man who thinks right is wrong.

I know which side I stand with.

The side against the OrcTaku and the purityfag.

All these white knight betas defending a whore that got gangbanged and destroyed a fanbase... priceless!

Personally I'm not a fan of these thots either but that's not the problem. When you are a public figure, you must at least make damn sure that private life matters never come out to light otherwise it's going to be a shitstorm.

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I wouldn't shame him for his lack of imagination

>Sex is sex.
Rape is sex. Scat is sex. Uro is sex. Beastiality is sex. Gangbang is sex. Sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation is sex.
All of these things are really different from one another.


>Japan is obsessed with youth and can't tolerate pop stars over 30

more like 21

no but she'll make a cometwice

Being a White Knight means being one of the good guys. Like the Allies who breached the Atlantic so-called Wall or NATO against the Soviet Monster.

That is what it means to be a White Knight and it is the feeling of righteousness, for you know you are right, that drives you forward. The feeling of fighting for good.

Sex is sex. I care not what the purpose is.

Be a shield for your maiden
Be a sword of hope!
Serve justice and strike down darkness like the Ryusoulgers.

In case anyone misinterpreted that, I am the "moralfag" and the hypocrites are the anti-shaming brigade who apparently can't tolerate dissent. Everyone is free to do what they want but everyone is also free to judge them and state personal preferences if they so want.

you know she won't fuck you even if you defend her online, right?


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Does anyone ever watch old anime and then look up the seiyuus from it and wonder what happened to them? There were some cute voices from the 2000s that aren't heard anymore.

I mean, I guess they just get married and become housewives. Still, seems like a waste.

It's not a question of purpose, sex encompasses a multitude of practices and feelings that aren't all a fucking homogenous thing with no right or wrong.

A true warrior asks for no Warrior of that kind.

A Fair Maiden who did nothing wrong.

You will get your dissent. The dissent of those who stand with what is right.

>white knight
Pick one

Jesus fucking Christ user, how much estrogen did you eat today? White knights are the most chaotic and destructive sacrificial pawns of them all, and women are completely turned off the instant they see them

If it were anime, it would end past 17, preferably 15.

That's how it goes in the VA industry, only a handful truly have long careers. Some that are still around are hanging on only because of role reprisals.

There is no right or wrong other than consent. If it's a consenting adult agreeing to it than it matters not.

isnt there somebody you forgot to ask?


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It's not estrogen. It's testoterone. I reflect on the Warrior Poets like De La Rey who with his back to the wall fought until the end and fought fiercely like a Lion of West Transvaal.

So be it, I shall fight.



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No that's bullshit. Consent doesn't automatically free you from moral judgment. If you take 5 dicks at once, there is legitimately something wrong with you from my point of view, and I probably wouldn't consider even having friendly relations with you. That said, if that's your hobby I won't stop you either but if you were in my close family I would sit down and have a serious conversation about what lead you to this point, and try to show you the errors of your ways. And consequently probably cease all communications if I failed to make you share my point of view.

If you take 5 dicks at once, and you consented to it, I don't care.

You do not need to make me see the error of my ways for I am convinced I am right. I am passionately right. I know I am right especially for the cause for which I fight. I am right.

But how many dicks can you take at once?

Not interested. Only interested in passionately fighting for my righteous cause.

She's too old , and her fanbase is too small now . She'll never be as big as she used to be.

2 in my butt, 2 in my hands, and 2 in my mouth?
maybe more if you count pits, elbows, knees, feet, or hairjobs.
the limiting factor is really how big the guys are.
if they are manlets, you can crowd more of them in.

Consumers who buy Hirano's and other idol products expect purity and all the fantasy that comes with it. It's basic capitalism where you get what you pay for and Hirano is damaged goods.
You don't see same hate towards Yua Mikami who failed as an idol and then rebranded herself as AV slut and found success in this line of work.

The biggest issue isn't that she had sex. The biggest issue is that she didn't bow-out of her manufactured cultural position before it being revealed. Her having sex, sleeping around, even being a "slut" by even western standards wasn't the issue. Her "sin" to "her fans" was that she couldn't have compromised her marketed virtues for exclusively them in a moment of shy weakness because they were the special one that she didn't realize was there in the shadows for all that time, that they were the only one who could have understood who she was and they would be gentle and sweet while taking her maidenhead etc. etc. She couldn't do this for tens of thousands, maybe millions of incel losers.
Female band mate sleeps with male band members? LO-fucking-L grow the fuck up - not because it's not slutty, but because it was a fucking SURPRISE to anyone to the point of rage and shock.

You want the sweet innocent girl next door? You better be childhood friends and her first crush otherwise your chances drop into the single digits. I have no pity for a delusional franchise of fucking incels.

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>dubs improved
fuck off

she is his mom


Time to blow up the delusions then.


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The only thing I can think is that it was he who didn't want to, that or he was gay. I don't see a situation where she wouldn't throw him a fuck otherwise if she did the rest. Even if she hated the Bassist/they were the most at odds - if that was the case he would have been the first or second.
My money is honestly on him not wanting to - likely because he was happy with the relationship he had at the time.

The bassist refused to fuck her because he had a family and didn’t want to fuck some cheap slut.

His wife better be fucking hot or even superkinkier than Aya Hirano.

What illusions are there to blow up?

You're Insane

never, autism is way too strong
personally, i dont care. miyazaki, shinbo, shinkai, urobutcher, yuasa, kon, tomino, imaishi and every other hack and talented director could suck massive amounts of dick daily for all i care but as long as whatever they do in private or public doesnt affect the product im going to consume they should be free to be flamboyant faggots if they want, it doesnt concern me in any way.
its the same thing for seiyu, i dont even care how they look like in real life. all that matters is how good they are at voice acting, nothing more
>waah waaaah but they should never breeak muh otaku delusions!!!!
i mean yeah, if its part of the contract sure, but such things should never concern you in the first place unless you are mentally ill to some degree, spergs gonna sperg i guess

> miyazaki, shinbo, shinkai, urobutcher, yuasa, kon, tomino, imaishi and every other hack and talented director

Why'd you list a bunch of hacks, though?

Because only those hacks are dumb enough to be working in the anime industry in the first place, thus making it inevitable that their names be dropped.

Hopefully never. If you want to be whore be secretive about it.

No need to come back. She wasn't that special. There are plenty of seiyuu as good or better than her who aren't going to shit on their fans and fuck about.

Why are you so surprised that there is plenty of people disgusted by the society of sexual revolution and wish for change and a symbol of it? For many of us anime was that symbol. And that whore shat all over it.
No one throws tantrum when a seiyuu marries someone, no one claims to have the full authority over their lives. All people want is a purer, more intellectual society which can stop putting sex at the top of social totem pole

>No one throws tantrum when a seiyuu marries someone
More often than not, they tend to be congratulated for getting married.

For all the purityfag shitposting, if a new season of Haruhi were announced tomorrow she'd play the main character and not a single person would complain.
Conversely, if for some reason they recast our goddess, the shitstorm would be unprecedented.

its a joke

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The illusions of the mentally ill OrcTaku.

She is already back. Deal with it.

They said Winston Churchill was insane. He was right.

There are no damaged goods OrcTaku only your damaged brain.

So what's with the white knight?

I bet when you bought gtx970 and found out about 3.5mb and 0.5mb Vram split you vehemently defended Nvidia stating it was their product, their choice even though they marketed it differently.

Bassed and redpilled.

Wow this thread attracted more baits than usuals

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>gets caught being a slut
>is immediately put on a black list
Never change Japan, seriously.

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Japan knows their shit. No-one wants damaged goods, the only people that do are the people who want an easy girl because they have no game so they need a slut to get some.


I see that word used so many times I don't even know what it means anymore.

Autism really is a disease.

Absolutely BASED and undeniably REDPILLED

Off fucking her boyfriend

A revolution is coming. One that will sweep away the order. It's time to taken a stand for fair maidens.

Agreeing with yourself samefag? Nice.

Based anti-orctaku poster

I'm 25 and never had sex, seiyuus getting BTFO for being fucking whores is cathartic to me

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She will never fuck you.

fans only feel betrayed because they see seiyu as the object of their delusions. if they only saw voice actor as what they are "professionals who give voice to fictional characters" and nothing else, they wouldnt care about how many cocks this or that one seiyu is sucking every morning
the only thing that matters is how good or bad they are at voice acting and nothing else
also i wonder how many of these delusional obsessed men go around saying how much they despise 3dpd and how 2d is superior but they get this mad about 3dpd breaking their delusions. its almost like these people are not really committed to 2d like they claim but rather are just bitter since real girls dont care about them

I don't do it for the money there's bills that I can't pay. I don't do it for the glory I just do it anyway.

Someone has to take a stand.

There's nothing wrong with recreational sex, you dumb incel.

Was it foreshadowing?

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The way the second part of the sentence perfectly explains the first statement makes this post beautiful.

There was no BTFO but that day we saw the ugly face of the OrcTaku and learned who were the real fans.

Are you one of those retarded NEETs who has no life whatsoever?
If so, I feel sorry for you. Why don't go outside once in a while?

Right, so you're shitposting. Got it.

The only ones shitposting in this thread are the OrcTaku. I am merely being the lone voice of dissent. To let the world know Hirano still has her fans and those fans stick by her through thick and thin.

Is the concept of loyalty so absurd to you that you dismiss it as shitposting?

Glad I could help, reddit.

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No, this was.

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>Cross necklace

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Actually correct. Seething whores and white knights be gone.

And let you have your safespace for hate seething OrcTaku?


Of course there is. Sexually transmitted diseases, for starters. Other than the direct repercussions, you can't legally donate blood if you or your sexual partner has had multiple partners or paid sex. Besides, no matter how consensual the sex might be, the woman has every chance of accusing me of rape anytime she wants afterwards, and everyone will believe her because she's a woman. I have no intention of falling victim to #MeToo.

There's this guy at my workplace who keeps inviting me to somewhere to get laid. I ignore him because I have no intention of getting caught in something that will bite me in the ass a few years down the line.

You just use logical fallacies and can't rebuke any facts given to you. She marketed and sold herself as an idol and failed at it. That's why she gets so much hate from the niche she tried to exploit.

Nope. VA that heavily associate themselves with pure characters should be aware that nobody, and I mean nobody, likes sluts outside bedrooms and porn.

This isn't just otaku, I still remember some sob video of a burger (former) porn star crying over society not treating her like a princess. Sluts literally wish there were no consequences for their actions.

You present not facts but lies. I battle with the Truth.

She receives hate from scum. OrcTaku scum.

OrcTaku scum is gonna OrcTaku scum which is not surprising That is why they must be beaten down.

>You present not facts but lies.
How is her trying to exploit and disrespect the line of work she was in is a lie? Do you even know what idols are and who they are marketed towards?

I don't care. Only one can play Yuki Nagato and that's person is not her.

Are they talking about their periods?

Those were delusions forced upon her by a scummy breed of people known as OrcTaku.

She did not disrespect anyone. They disrespected her.
She did nothing wrong. The OrcTaku are in the wrong.

I am very much aware of these delusions, these mental illness that drives these creatures to act as thus. It is pitiable and all the more reason why they must be put down along with their purityfag enablers.


Why are slutfags such cretinistic retards? Sure lad, let's ruin entire society so your precious independent girls can fuck around with random fags

>I am very much aware of these delusions, these mental illness that drives these creatures to act as thus.
you're killing me, ESL-kun

t. the drummer

Do you make these claims up as you go or are you seriously under this many layers of irony?

When did Yea Forums get invaded by cucks?


I believe that what I am doing is the right thing and the right thing to do is to stick up for the seiyu who have, for too long, been under attack by spiteful individual without any means to fight back. I'll fight on their behalf. Hirano is but one of many.

>that white knight who calls people 'orctaku' every Aya Hirano thread
Wew, autism sure is entertaining.

I am proud to be called one. It means I'm doing the right thing. I wear that title as a badge of honour.

When they grew up and had sex unlike you

Someone has to do the right thing even if it's tough.

At least she didn't do JAV.

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>the right thing
>even if it's tough
no, because it's all he can do


And what a noble thing it is to do. Like Charlemagne's Paladins have returned. Like the Cataphrachts stand again guarding the gates of Constantinople. Like the Crusaders ride again in the Holy Land.

She did nothing wrong.

All your posts are unargumented, you call everyone who disagrees with you "OrcTaku" and you repeat yourself all the time. That's a fanboyism if I ever saw one.

>rare crowded harrhi thread in ages
>just talks about sluts and gangbang and bassists
God damn it Yea Forums.

Sluts are garbage people and don't deserve to be associated with
Enabling their degenerative lifestyle is anything but noble

You have repeat yourself constantly in the face of room temperature creatures like OrcTaku. You repeat yourself until they get. You combat their lies and bullshit with the TRUTH.

Yes I am a fanboy.

I am a fan.

I am more of a fan than those traitors will ever be.

If necessary I became the Knight who fights for Justice. The Knight this board needs. Like the Great Ryusoulgers.

Highly doubtful. Her public sexcapades killed interest in the otaku community.

It's gotten to the point that Haruhi is seen as a terrible show now among large swaths of the anime community.

Fighting for the Truth.
Fighting for Fair and Innocent Maidens
Riding forth to charge again and again liked the Winged Hussars reborn.

All hallmarks of a Noble Knight called to action.

What is truth?

Release a new season on a Anniversary Year.

Watch everyone crawl back.

There I solved your problem.

Emi Nitta another idol VA with a dead career.

It is terrible if you look at how shitty, whiny, angry and cunty Haruhi's character is
She's a 2D roastie. Not much different than a 3D cunt.
The popularity of this series brought it a lot of 3D roasties into anime community, ruining it forever.

A weapon you use to defeat the Enemy OrcTaku.

Her career is fine and she is still here. Death however shall come to the OrcTaku.

If that nude sefie of her (you can't actually see anything but it's obvious it's post coitus) and the bandmate she was fucking hadn't leaked, then she probably could have salvaged a larger portion of her career.

Truth is that whores deserve the Rope
Fair Maidens are the ones who are hurt by slutty bitches the most by tainting the reputation of all women
It is my duty to combat sex-obsessed denegerates

>all the redditors and tourists attacking this post
I miss elitism

You haven't provided truth yet.

And I'll be there, clad in Armour defending against these crazed masses who want to bring the rope.

Fair Maidens are everywhere and that includes Aya Hirano who did nothing.

My duty is to combat the OrcTaku scum and their purityfag collaborators.


It also came out right around the time she started bashing the anime/otaku community and wanted to move on. (Which she might have been able to, but the selfie made her poison to traditional Japanese companies)

I've provided nothing but the Truth. A powerful weapon against the Enemy of whom I speak.

Meh her career is fine.

It's stable, not it's gotten anywhere close to the peak it could have been.

She was basically the next Megumi Hayashibara.

As long as she's still getting roles, which she is, she is fine.


If Haruhi ever made a comeback, would she even still be Haruhi? I got the impression that she would be recast.

>Hey guys, I'm making 30k a year when I pissed away a career that would have made me 6 figures.

That is what happened.

What was her last role anyway? Civilian B in Maid Dragon?

She would probably still be Haruhi as long as she still sounded even remotely the same. Enough time has passed for the controversy to cool.

She did not piss away anything. She is still getting jobs, she is doing fine.

Dubbing a few live action shows and movies.

Enough time that no-one cares although no-one should have cared in the first place. Sadly though some people, if they can be called that, are subhumans.

Being an ancient Yea Forums denizen, it really is amazing just how much public opinion has shifted on Haruhi.

I remember the day season 2 was officially confirmed. The almost entirety of Yea Forums was Haruhi threads. Now people outright hate it and Aya.

Big Yikes

>She did not piss away anything.
>Dubbing a few live action shows and movies.

The death toll of sluts
>stable marriages - dead
>big families - dead
>high wages - limited to the richest
>low STD prevalence - dead
>low alcohol/drug abuse - dead
>more friendly and healthy male-female relations - dead
>male suicide rates - skyrocketing
>female suicide rates - rising
>percentage of people who never date/marry/have children - skyrocketing

>If Haruhi ever made a comeback

While I would love to see the later books officially adapted, Endless 8 pissed off too many people and burned too many bridges for it to happen. (Remember Kyoto Animation actually got in some serious shit over it from the networks)

As long as she is still getting roles, she is still a seiyu, her career is still fine and she is still with us.

I will be with her every step on the way.

>Now people outright hate it

People realized just how shitty Haruhi is as a person and how much maintenance she would need for a relationship to even have a basic functioning.

She's basically a real world mean girl roastie. That usually isn't appealing at all.

Why the hell are people still saying this shit, the movie came out after endless 8 and it was a huge hit.

The movie was a co-produce and extension of season 2. It had already been mostly completed by the time the blowback from Endless 8 happened.

Irrelevant, it made a crap load of money even with the backlash from E8, people want more haruhi and that's a fact.

>people want more haruhi and that's a fact.

Highly debatable, the market has moved on and the general otaku sphere hates her now.

Yes, Disappearance made money but the brand was heavily tainted. That is the reason nothing more came of it.

I assume that many are nu/a/, that haven't even seen Haruhi and are just bashing it as a contrarian
I couldn't care less about who Aya fucks, but I just think she isn't that great as a VA. She was great as Haruhi and Konata, but these days I'm more often than not surprised to find out, a character is being voiced by her, because she sounds really generic

I wonder what other Hiranofags think of I'd be pretty mad if my favorite seiyuu drastically lowered her production rate and someone tried to comfort me with dubious populistic remarks of how everything is just like it had always been.

>general otaku sphere
>*retarded Yea Forums

>all these seething (you)s
cucks and white knight fags is to receive a mandatory decapitation instantly

A man must do what a man must do.


Trolling isn't obligation.

Then endless 8 happened and I dropped haruhi


Good. Call me that one more time. I am proud to bear this title.

Defending fair maidens, defending seiyu under attack is a obligation. A duty.


Brainlet retard incel son of a fucking smelly whore

Absolutely fucking based
Hirano fags BTFO

How could this cutie fail as an idol?

Attached: Yua Mikami.jpg (1080x1350, 145K)

Attached: aya-hirano-1.jpg (584x980, 107K)


I don't know nip.

I mean, was she talentless? Bad luck? Nature resolved her half her life and she acts cute.

Remember when she wore this to the Haruhi concert on stage ?

Otaku are subhuman vermin
That said, Aya is still a slut

I wasn't posting it to answer your question, it's just a funny press conference to announce her AV debut. Don't know about her idol career.

She was uninspiring to say the least. Contrarian wotas liked her because she was unpopular

Her career was dead even before the scandal.

Have sex

watch more hentai

>Time to erase these stupid rules. Join in the crusade, be strong and stand with me for beyond the barricade there is a world you'll long to see.
Oh yeah, let's allow these women do become whores. That's what true male feminists would do. They need to "explore their sexuality".

Aya is a seiyu. She did nothign wrong.

Another title for me to bear? Good. Call me that one more time. You don't seem to understand this.

I take pride in my work. I take pride in my fight. Because I know I am right.

Wait isn't she doing some event at a festival soon? With the whole Haruhi cast?
Am I seeing a future project being announced?

Attached: 1555818008855.jpg (480x366, 34K)

based and otakupilled

You got to hand it to the white knight. At least he can troll unlike 90% of other shitposters who think dumb poorly made post being repeated all the time counts for good trolling.

I don't remember nothing about Aya before the scandal but...
Did she also acted as a pure girl just like that VA who got charged for using drugs?

>acted as a pure girl
That was literally in her job description.
>ust like that VA who got charged for using drugs
Do you mean that newbie seiyuu from Kill me Baby?

Yep. I remember reading something about her trying hard to sell her purity appeal on a TV show.

>The almost entirety of Yea Forums was Haruhi threads
More than DitF threads in last year first semester?

You give him credit but he's just repeating his same points from his usual business.

You have no idea. Yea Forums was bedlam during the entirety of E8.
All this trigger newfag shit doesn't even compare


fucking lol. i make one post and sleep for the night and come back to find cataclysmic butthurt. There is literally nothing wrong with what I stated. In japanese media, especially with idols (which, Aya Hirano would be considered due to Haruhi live performances and the brand image of Haruhi), you are not allowed to have boyfriends. You are not allowed to have sex. You may do these things in private if you can keep it hidden, but 99% of the time, you cannot keep it hidden. You sell an image and brand of purity, and if you break that, you're ruining your entire fanbase, consumer base, and your parent company's image. No one wants to associate themselves with poor decisions, especially those of a woman acting slutty.

A lot of you are really going to sit here and tell me you'd still actively want to date and marry a girl who puts on a facade to act cute and pure, but has a lot of recreational and promiscuous sex, who also knowingly does so even though it could destroy her and others lives because of her career? You would want your mother, or your sister, or your wife doing that?

Maaya Sakamoto is still around and her voice still turns me on.

>You are not allowed to have sex. You may do these things in private if you can keep it hidden, but 99% of the time, you cannot keep it hidden.
The executives are well known for fucking the idols all the time, yet the idol otaku are almost never privy to it. What are you talking about?

Not all groups are AKBshit

>You are not allowed to have sex.
You can if you're married.

Correct. However, not a lot of idols are married, and a lot of fans get angry when idols get married. Women are just as guilty of this too, I believe in the case of Miyano Mamoru. He got engaged/married a few years back, and if I recall, his wife got a good amount of death threats. And he's just a male voice actor.

Many idols aren't even allowed to get married.

Aya is a good seiyuu.
Her singing was hit-or-miss.
She did make some bad choices.
If you're still angry with her many years on, get help. She's nobody now. She was even begging cons to fly her in a while back.

Attached: ayagaah.jpg (1440x810, 232K)

As a JAV actress and an eroge VA.

______ was really based

Fucking hell this sure got a lot of people mad.

He was married and turned her down you fuck. Don't disrespect best boy you tranny.

I'm not angry, I just want her to bear the consequences of her actions.

>Not angry
>Still wants vengeance


Attached: ayahiranoWAT.jpg (400x400, 21K)



>lemme quote half the threads, that's sure to give me a lot of (You)s

Go back, poo in loo.

Is this Aya Hirano? Wasn't she supposed to be pretty?

My nigga do you know her personally? What the fuck

Otaku are idiots, but if you can't even exploit idiots without fucking up (pun not intended) then you are a human failure.

> ITT: incels

>natural consequences
Hello tumblr.

waga ougi

What the fuck.

Pretty based.

Not sure what is more pathetic, otaku losers who care about dirty whores pretending to be pure or said whores who couldn't make it as a singer yet instead of accepting and moving on desperately try to be relevant among sweaty, unwashed manchildren.

Truer words have never been spoken, this was so fucking cringe.

i don't give a fuck about what happened. i still like her voice as haruhi and the series in general. it's never going to happen at this point. i'm just tired of it.
it's a shame.

>Do you like dicks?
Is this for real?

idk who she is but she is hot

stop living

I only shitpost about the bassist

Why is she so much hotter in that uniform?


Friendly reminder Yamakan fucked that

Title/Code of the JAV movie?

always remember 2D>3D

Then how come the orctakus are so buttblasted about the 3D voice actress being a nonvirgin who fucked her band minus the bassist, when all that matters is the 2D version of they're waifu?
Are they waifu'ing Haruhi, or do they care more about Aya Hirano?

So Aya didn't just leave him out?
I love Aya now.