When are the macarons getting some individuality?
AiFure PriChan Cocotama Shining Star KinPri
Other urls found in this thread:
Each member of Purple Queen got an episode so I assume the same will happen with Macaron (Peach basically already got one), although I don't see as much potential in them as Purple Queen clearly had.
Speaking of Shining Star does anyone know what exactly the character poll they posted on YouTube is for?
I feel some heavy tension between Peach and Berry. Berry is always taking leadership of the group away from peach, isn't she? I hope there's an episode about this whole deal
Yes, sometimes they feel they could easily be at each other's throats. I also wonder how they formed their unit and if Peach got any special treatment when she entered the school due to being a princess from a foreign country.
I think berry and vanilla are also suppossed to be princesses of other kingdoms.
Berry is very, very sexy
>each of them will also try to kidnap Jin for a bullshit reason
She is rather isn't she? If someone could please tell me truthfully that she isn't involved in any of that show's het I might have to consider watching it.
Are there Aikatsu branded onaholes?
It's normal for girls their age to like boys. Berry hasn't said anything about her preferences, though.
Wow if only this gathering of shows had a guide
I watch Asian cartoons to get away from real world normalities.
Not so far. Macaron and Purple Queen seem to have little interest in the boys. Besides the one episode Peach wants Jin but it's not really for het reasons.
Back to /u/ with you.
Why do so many artists drawing Miichiru giving rimjobs?
I'm not into /u/ romance either.
Of both kinds of romance bother you dont watch /ai/ shows.
Because neither are actually present.
Remember to let your imouto walk you like a dog everyday.
Lole girls acting gay XD
Nijinosaki's shyness and admiration for Mirai is super fucking cute and funny.
Would you be her friend?
Can we be more than friends?
Yes, Mizuki is a nice girl.
Unbelievably cute
However as a stalker she has taken things to the edge of legality
It looks like she has a vibey vibe.
What's in the bag? Why is her hand in the bag? Is she going to do something to Emo? Nobody touches Mirai.
How far is too far?
What songs will we get in Shining Star 2?
Sneaking into Mirai's house to steal her panties and sniff them while touching her suki suki sensor.
Emo isn't usually this handsy with Mirai. It's like they needed to give Nijinosaki something more to be envious of, like being physically intimate with Mirai.
Boobs are too big but otherwise this is a nice picture.
Open this if you want
Purple Queen will get hurricane venus.
Emo will never do this
>Um... Nijinosaki-san, I like you a lot, but doing stuff like this in secret makes me uncomfortable. I know you're shy and it's not easy to be open and upfront, but that doesn't make being sneaky and stuff okay.
>I'm so sorry. I'll go away forever now.
>Oh no, that's now what I was saying. I just meant I didn't want you to take my stuff or follow me without me knowing about it. But like I said, I like you a lot. Like, a LOT, if you get what I mean...
She's done much more maji yabai stuff with Mirai.
What's it like being in close proximity with Mirai?
Like looking directly into the future.
ii ne
If Mirai, Rinka, and Mel know that they will wear a new dress, Emo will fall on the darkside.
I wonder if the runrun girl who voices Mel is bullied by the other two irl.
run run run with you
Daia will offer Emo a poisoned drink...
Ah now I know what Dia's hair reminded me of
The only characters that care about >boys are Nara and Lily. CA doesn't care, Purple Queen is designated lesbian bait. Macaron is too busy trying to fuck someone up and Hera literally hates the >boys because they take spotlight away from her.
What would friendship with Mizuki be like? Do you gossip on the phone, go shopping for clothes together
>It's a nico-ainon episode
Find a flaw.
She's a go-go-ghosto.
Imagine having these two cuties lop your arms and legs off with swords.
Was this NTR?
it could be worse, they couldve doing the ai ai gasa thing
Guess I'll masturbate.
Hi Mio
I'm not Mio but I wish I was. Then I could take lewd photos of myself and send them to cute ainons.
> Akari gets to shower with this whenever she wants
Not fair.
I bet shes drunk or something
Drunk sex with Mio!
Well it did cost her an arm and a leg.
When did this happen? I can't imagine all of them getting along like this.
Taiga's gotta learn that you have to look excited in shots like this.
This was the real ship
Little girls' idol anime is so much fun
Anybody have this? I wasn't able to find it for ainon to see.
Remember that archives exist:
You could do that anyway
I'm not cute or sexy.
I'm not picky send your nudes Satan
I bet you are, and your lewd photos would make any ainon cum hard
I'm really not.
Just fucking do it you fuck, take pictures of your naked body and send them to strangers on the internet already goddammit!
You-know-who would've done it.
>[2019.04.24] TVアニメ「アイカツフレンズ! 2nd Season」OP&EDテーマ「ひとりじゃない!/Be star」/BEST FRIENDS! [MP3 320K]
OP/ED is out. I really love Hitori Janai.
oshiiri penpen desu wa
Anna and Mel sometimes find it difficult to figure out which is the mother and daughter position.
I really doubt that. Unlike the one that voices Mirai, she isn't a pushover.
>so good, they used it for two shows
Thanks, I couldn't find it for some reason. I hope the ainon who was asking for it sees it.
Love them.
I love everyone on /ai/.
>"They made Be star as an ex-friend song, Hibiki to Alicia." "Hibiki is similar to Mio" "Penne is a biggest rival for Aine" "Burrr, forced gay jokes hurr durrr"
They said, VAs know what's happening in the creator's mind. Generally, they use yurib8 in the radio.
>VAs know what's happening in the creator's mind
I do too.
>"You know what's awesome? Lesbians and bestiality."
I hate you, ainon.
I'm not the guy, I still love you.
I hate you too.
>VAs know what's happening in the creator's mind
Not really.
Ainon just means that it's as obvious to the VAs (who are happy enough to discuss it in a professional context) as people posting here, meaning "hurr gay" isn't just people on Yea Forums/2ch or Twitter or whatever shitposting.
Which idle do you most want to give a spanking?
>meaning "hurr gay" isn't just people on Yea Forums/2ch or Twitter or whatever shitposting.
Now it's VA shitposting.
The staff themselves can outright say that Aine and Mio are in love with each other and people would still find some way to deny it.
Who are you quoting?
the title of the show.
I'm not saying they're in love with each other.
I'm just saying that if the staff said that Aine and Mio are in love with each other then people would still find deny it.
You didn't phrase it as a hypothetical.
>the staff can
>people would still
Maybe I should've used "could" instead.
Lovers are friends.
in your ideal world perhaps.
What action does Daia take when sees the troubles of Mirai's body?
Aikatsu is an ideal world.
too blonde.
Cats are an enemy to Emo
Aoi is MY girl~!
I'm Mio. No lewd pics for ainon.
I know right, lewd Mio only for Aine.
Aine can fuck me senseless anytime she wants.
>Aifure episode 55:
>"Shuffling(?!) Friends!"
>Ema and Maika have gone to the mountains in search of raw jewels, where they bump into Sakuya and Kaguya. And using the mysterious stones they find there as guides, the four of them end up forming new sets of Friends?!
>Hirake Cocotama episode 34:
>"Protect Cocotama Castle!"
>The fortune teller Kageura shows up at the antique shop, and today she says she wants to buy the Cocotama Castle music box. To prevent this sale, Haruka ends up telling her that she's a "psychic grade schooler".
>Pure Palette not involved in the shuffle
Lame. But also nice to see a purely HC/RM episode.
Screen time per unit.
95% PP
2% RM
2% LMT
1% HC
Cute. I wonder if this will just be a 1 episode thing or last a bit longer. Also, I guess this probably means they wont be robbed of getting jewels.
Honey jobbers
Those breasts are not OK.
Honey Cat will win this year's Diamond Friends Cup, but only because Pure Palette will be busy bringing aikatsu and tomodachikara to alien planets on a spaceship.
>Pure Palette not involved in the shuffle
That implies that Aine isn't just leaving Mio alone while forming a set of Friends with kouhai-chan.
The fiend who will bring everything down.
I'd bring her down, if you know what I mean.
>/pc/ is getting a new cure who is an idol (from space)
>time traveling cuties is getting a new rider (who is from space)
Really nice art.
Ride the space ship.
don't open
wow what a fail
>Precure spoiler in the /ai/ thread
>cure idol(s)
>two years in a row
Oh just fuck off Toei.
Just make All-Stars show about cures as idols based on the merch line you have, if you want.
They had better not sing the same shitty song at me constantly.
sailor starlight?
Really makes you think.
It doesn't mean anything... Everything will be fine...
Good artist.
Also, Ichigo in a white shirt reminds me of YakuNeba's Emma.
Does one of them have a venereal disease or something?
What is Ichigo going to do to that poor defenceless Ran?
Why is she crying?
Because you opened it.
Aine sure has grown. Poor Mio though, she is going to be flat forever.
That's why Aine cheats on her.
That's why Mio is perfect.
Mio the flat lesbian
Mio the flat yandere lesbian stalker.
>have to go to actual work for the first time in my life tomorrow
I'm scared ainons I don't want to leave you guys
Don't go. If you work, you die.
Episode where Aine puts Mio's hand on her breast to show her how it feels to be growing when?
You can't leave, you're here forever. Ganbare.
Welcome to the real world. Just browse /ai/ on your phone when you take a toilet break or something.
That one piece writer didn't know what he was doing.
Is that where I insert coin?
How do I understand australian humor?
Bloody World War I. My Cocotama CD is at the post office's depot, but because we sent some troops to fight in WWI over a century ago today is a public holiday, so I won't get my egg songs until tomorrow when I could be enjoying them today.
Coworkers are tomodachi.
Mizuki got to where she was by working hard
and being a friendless loser
>Making a girl's cheast bigger.
What are they thinking, even the voice actor is a high schooler. It is a kids show though, too lewd.
When will my success come?
Is Aine the canonical biggest now?
Not sure.
Canonical biggest whore.
I stand corrected.
Not posting in 2 days and I see a post to filter
Already filtered but whatever
Nice, it wasn't fixed in the BD.
When will she be popular?
When she stops being ugly.
But she never was.
if shes ugly then how did she manage to score the sexiest girl of the show?
What does Mirai's butt taste like?
Which idle has the best tasting butt?
Sophie's is sour because she always administers the red flash that way
Sophie's tastes like maple syrup.
Like one-two sweets!
>2 shades
Which idle has the sourest breast milk?
It tastes like maple syrup.
Pripara Police brutality!
God I want Mion to sit on my face and smother my nose with her sweaty butthole while she berates me.
Mion doesn't sweat.
Emo is a BAKA?
All idols sweat.
I would eat Mion's poop.
Wow, Koreans are for extreme lewd.
What a cute girl.
Mion is poop.
I want to eat Mion.
ema has the best design because she doesn't have retarded popsicle hair colouring
Only because she's a shitty pop type which happens to be color-coded yellow.
You pathetic cum-guzzlinh waste of space.
Like the future.
We dead now
As in samui. Samui night dakara.
You will never hate your waifu.
Is Pripara worth watching for Non?
Season 3 is because it is mostly about her. She is a supporter in the other seasons.
Ainon vs me
God, they're so fucking cute.
Imagine if Non tripped and accidentally fell onto Chiri and kissed her.
>Mother with her 2 daughters
What is their unit's name?
What does Non kissing you feel like?
I hate her.
Like Non sugar. (not to be confused with non-sugar)
Spying on ainon
Lucia and Laala have similar hairstyles.
And the first alphabet of their name is "L".
I want to dine at Papa's Pasta and sexually harass my waitress.
Imagine staying over at the Manaka household, checking your door is locked and fapping to a bunch of Lala and Non lewds. Then at the dinner table Non drops a casual but far too specific reference to one of the doujins you were reading and you just freeze and stare at her while she smiles innocently.
What is it like living with the Manaka sisters?
>her face when it's a futa doujinshi
I missed the original pripara doujin ainon
God, imagine Non domming futa Lala.
I've been thinking for sometime that whether or not will we ever have any Pokemon coloring books. I still have yet to scan mine which I haven't started yet but here's a picture I found on Amazon JP of the one I'm looking for not too sure if anyone has this. This one has Meltan in it judging by the cover.
太った futotta fat
aifure sucks
Saved this coloring book last year, I just look at the content now. Have you made this one? I want to try but I cant comprehend how this thing will swing
Not yet ainon, if you want I can try making it sometime later. It looks pretty easy to make. I love the cute little chibis.
>VR school trip
>get in bus anyway
It's part of the setting, I guess.
literally me, in about two months.
I know this will never happen but I hope we get cute cocotama hamsters to colour. We don’t have any cocotama colouring books so I hope we do have some.
And then, both got raped and stoned to death. happy end.
Poor Yui is the only one with no boyfriend after the trip.
I can't read Japanese. Do I need to print that paper on thick paper or will normal paper do?
Normal paper is totally fine. If you have it set to full page, it should print out the whole page for you.
Why can't Yui's transformations be this hot
>taking up the image cap with a non-/ai/ show on the day a new AiFure ep airs
I'm cutting it now. Using normal paper.
We're still below 1:2 ratio at least.
>corrector yui
You must be an aifurefag only.
Sweet! Can’t wait to see the final product. It’ll look good I’m sure of it.
To the corrector yui anime-only, please stop posting here. This is not the thread for it.
Does /ai/ watch this show? Cause I don’t think it is an ai show
>corrector yui anime-only
But I read the manga, too.
It’s okay, you can stay here then. How long is the manga for?
>got a VR boyfriend for half an episode
>gets lip'd
It's not /ai/ and you can't argue that it is.
Your posts are offtopic.
So it is possible using normal paper. Maybe Art Paper can last longer. it feel fun when I read those coloring pages earlier so I thought at least I should say something.
Now I end up here it feels nice. Thank you coloring friend, have a nice day.
5 vols, it's only the S1 of the anime, though.
Perhaps are you the same guy who got mad when I was posting momokuri? and if you wanna go with the off-topic argument go tell that to the filter faggot or the cringey yurifags that posti shit like this
Writing is so frustrating.
They yurifag is more ontopic than you.
Like I said, you have no solid argument.
>not in thread title
It is not a off topic.
Please stop spamming old anime's screen shots.
I guess Jewlpets and heybot are fine.
It's not spam. chill out, this is the last episode I'm going to watch today.
What would AiFure be called if the Fure episode never happened?
>mfw off-topic imageposting
I love her.
>newfag dictating what is /ai/
So what's the difference?
>this is the last episode "I'm going to" watch today.
Nobody cares. Please do it on twitter, or reduce the pictures. It is a spam
Well that was quick.
Cute idea, hoping for good execution.
Yeah, you better complain too when that guy who dumps a billion stitches, the guy that webms everything and file.png ainon start posting, mr thread police user.
>lesser characters have to share an episode
>it's gonna be hijacked by PP anyway
New and improved Aine.
Was Aine's attempt to be sexy successful?
More funny than anything.
>Mio-chan, are you jealous?
>No way! My bond with Aine is absolute. So I'm not... frustrated...
>I'm not!
good luck, hopefully you don't end up like me and work 2 weeks, quit, and flash forward 15 years and still live at home jobless with your parents because your social anxiety was so severe you blacked out in the middle of a conversation at work.
Was this the best s2 episode yet?
>everyone preforms
>idles fighting
Didn’t even realize we’d be coming up on major mid season episodes soon. I’m hoping either Peach or Vanilla actually hurt Berry and she didn’t just fall or something.
I'd say so.
Yeah, it's strange to think we're already halfway through Shining Star.
Neo New Cosmos looks great.
>they see ainon's basement
Does anybody has a full collection of arts from ikzw/pondale? I am looking for it but sankaku only has about 50 and he deleted all his accounts.
Wakari a cute!
Is merch being released every week or something for the rebroadcast?
Aifure S2 is already off to a significantly better start than OG S2/Stars S2, I really hope this keeps up and we finally get a good AIkatsu S2.
>how's my trap of love, Mio?
Mio was really jealous of Aine in this episode, it was very cute.
I was going to make poll on which unit will show sign of cheating first in season 2 but and keeps happening.
I hate it when they do that.
I have more but the last things were from almost a year ago, and I didn't get any recent pixiv updates (if there were any)
and this is the only thing I have from the nijie account
Do you know when they deleted everything? Other names they went by?
how can priflop even compete with aifure
4 strong episodes, soon to be 5.
I'm really surprised and impressed.
So how to get into all these stuff you talk about here? I ignored your threads for awhile, but was baited by Woz and i'm curious now. Are there multiple shows airing?
Read this. But yes, these threads are essentially for all shows aimed at little girls, both currently airing ones and old ones. The main airing shows right now are Aikatsu Friends, Kiratto Prichan, Kirakira Happy! Hirake Cocotama and the Korean show Shining Star
Aikatsu is gay now, protags and sidles are supa gay. Friends are gay.
Yes. The shows mentioned in the OP are Aikatsu Friends, PriChan, Cocotama, Shining Star and King of Prism. You can find all of them on nyaa in various states of subbing (Aikatsu Friends is always up to date, King of Prism is subbed by CR, PriChan and Cocotama are behind), barring Shining Star which is officially subbed on its youtube channel.
By being actually good and not needing to excessively rely on NTR to be somewhat decent.
But today's Aifure was mostly good because Wakaba was adorable and Mature Aine was hilarious.
Oh, i see. This is last missing piece in my descend into little kids media after tokusatsu and precure, i'm glad i found you guys.
Keep in mind that these are just the currently airing shows. I suggest starting with the original Aikatsu series and either Pretty Rhythm or Pripara (the series that preceded Kiratto Prichan).
Basically, none of currently airing shows are that good to rush and binge watch them to ongoing.
Watch the first season of Aikatsu, Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live, Lady Jewelpet (or if you don't need subs Jewelpet Sunshine) and Pripara. From there you should be able to see what did you like and where to go next.
Unless you're really opposed to watching "old" shows, I recommend starting with Creamy Mami.
Aifure is legitimately good.
Jewelpet happiness and magical change are must watch.
jewelpet is trash and furfag shit, don't believe them
Fuck the shining jewel, otona mode Aine was cute.
Welcome. Have fun.
I wouldn't recommend to start with it either way.
Sanrio shows as a whole are must watch.
Why does this show make me so happy?
Agreed, I suggest at least watching Aikatsu S1 as the starting point before getting into Stars or Aifure.
>I wouldn't recommend to start with it either way.
I agree OGkatsu is better, and that you should probably start there, but Aifure is absolutely a good show.
I want to feed Leona my own breast milk
>can almost-not-quite see her belly button
So close.
Is that going through her hair or coming from her hair? Either way is great.
By also having really good and fun episodes, which it does.
Mainichi chigau watashi ni
Imagine eating Dorothy's ass and she farts right in your mouth and it's not just air moving around from butt stuff but a proper stinky one and she cackles and starts trying to squeeze out more and then a bit of poop gives out which makes her laugh even harder.
I can imagine, clearly.
Italian food everyday.
I want to fuck an egg wrangler.
Which one?
Whichever one runs the slowest.
Really fun episode.
Wakaba is cute and Aine learning from Hibiki that she should just be herself was nice.
Aine's new song is good but the mix could've been better. Her voice is too quiet. Hopefully they'll fix that for the release.
Yeah, that was a nice integration of the various different characters in the plot. Aine thought she had to act more adult to be a good role model to Wakaba, but Hibiki ended up teaching her that you don't need that by showing her she can like cute things despite her grown-up appearence. It feels like they really thought these things through.
They definitely know what they're doing with s2.
Also Aine was ridiculously cute in this episode.
>we are most likely going to have survival dAnce and Overnight Sensation covers
Based KinPri!
I hope that they won't cheap out and reuse Alex's cover of masquerade from the mobage.
Happy penguin day.
Good to see the writers embrace NTR jokes.
Lip truly bringing happiness to everyone in the world.
Umu umu! Umumumumu~
Your welcome anytime! Glad I could be somewhat of a help!
Literally me
Does June have the absolute best story of any idol?
Don't open this.
ainon is feeling lewd today.
That's everyday.
Why priflop gets all the good lewd fanart? It's supposed to be a flop.
Doujins too, if you check sadpanda
literally me
I must have missed them all. The ones I've noticed were pretty mediocre. I'll go take a look later tonight.
The depraved bigfriends like priflop while more civilized bigfriends like Aikatsu/AiFure.
Min na tomodachi, cards mo tomodachi.
Fuck Kokoro.
Show me your butt, girly.
>survival dance
Is this an epic BiS reference?
Don't mind if I do
About as much as Boy meets Girl is a World Order reference.
>civilized bigfriends
No such thing.
There should be a new PR spinoff anime where Märchen fucks bitches, performs 8+ Prism Jump chains and solves the problems of the strangers she meets.
There should be a new PR spinoff anime that gives me a will to live.
And then fucks the strangers.
She also tells long rambling stories about her past, most of which are about Bell and all of which almost certainly didn't happen (for instance one where she burns her hands lifting a flaming log off Wakana, or, as she puts it, "this kitty I once knew").
Explosively lewd
My wife is so cute
Why is your wife a boy?
why isn't yours? what are you, gay or something?
Yes. Wanna bone?
No thanks.
June is so fucking pretty.
>Aine being an adorable dork
>Wakaba being cute
>Mio being jealous
>Hibiki being fun
>Aine being super cute
>Aine being a good senpai
>that performance and that song
What a good episode.
I'm so fucking tired so that's all I'm able to say about the episode.
I love this show.
You're weak and deserve your suffering.
I really like her otona-mode voice.
the things I want to do to this aine should be considered war crimes
Imagine the threesome.
With Mio, Mirai or Wakaba?
This new Elza is great.
Mio, you monster!
Best Elza by a massive margin.
I thought this was implied.
Okay then. It's showtime!
I genuinely thought it was a BiS song at first until I got acquainted with TRF thanks to RL.
Hibiki/Aine/Hibiki's hand puppet
Only because Oto is a total whore.
She even has a scene wondering what the next Jeweling Dress will be like Elza's billion scenes of scheming about the Star Wings and Sun Dress.
You ever notice how little your eyes can actually see clearly? Ever notice how much you need to move your eyes to get a clear picture of a scene when you're watching anime? You can't just stare at one point on the screen, everything fades into blurry peripheral vision very quickly. I noticed this a few weeks ago and now it's driving me crazy.
It's like when someone reminds you of your breathing, or your blinking, or your heartbeat or something and you can't stop noticing it.
Just be yourself.
This but it's Pure Pallete, Reflect Moon and Wakaba when?
Did Chiri died?
Mari Okada as a main writer for Aikatsu when?
>I've also masturbated to you
Sorry, Sakuya, I've been fapping to Rola these last couple of days.
>Yea, and I taught her Aine!
Adult Aine makes me feel things.
I'd make Adult Aine feel my thing.
Wakaba forever.
>Aine performs solo
>Wears this
I knew it, every time Aine is by herself she wears lewd outfits.
That has been true since Aikatsu vs PriPara.
I can't really care about the characters in either Aifure or PriChan. Lame.
That doesn't seem lewd.
Why is her skirt so long?
New Egg songs, get 'em while they're hot.
Please support the official release.
No FLACs because bloated and cumbersome.
I'm not a pervert but I want to lick every inch of Aine's body.
>reeeeposting, Aine x Mio so gay XD
>garbage people like SHiN like it
>false sense of superiority
Pretty Series
>fun and enjoyable posting, capable of talking about more than which idol wants to lick which other idol's cunny
>cool people like Himefag and the Ajimiposter who went to a Da Vinci exhibit in Ajimi cosplay like it
>keep quiet and magnanimous about superior taste
Is this really Aikatsu?
What does Mirai have against woman's clothing?
Soccer moms don't like her first outfit
Ainons don't like her old man outfit
This third outfit is a middle ground
I can't help but wonder what face each girl was making as they waited for their turn.
If you watch the scene, you'd know.
>wow this is just what I pictured hugging Kirakira no Oneesan must be like
>I hope Anna doesn't hate my hugging someone else
>I wonder if Akagi Anna is jealous right now
>I wonder if the yellow one is jealous right now
>god I'm so wet I hope she can't tell
>fuck yeah hugs
Mirai wears skirts every now and then.
She should try wearing nothing sometime.
She wears nothing around Karen all the time.
Doesn't count if I can't see it.
She mostly cares that it counts for Karen.
Karen doens't buy her CDs. Neither do I, but I could, and likely will when we get the Friends Best albums after the show ends.