Despite being only 13% of the population Demihumans commit 50% of the crimes

Despite being only 13% of the population Demihumans commit 50% of the crimes

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>Demihumans are fucking with humans so they can completely wipe out the human trait,and so,become natural half-furries
nothing personnel,Humungus

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humans have a below replacement reproductive rate demihumans are breeding at twice the numbers.
it's statistically inevitable unless the problems causing low birth rates are resolved and these invaders repulsed that humans will become an absolute minority

in all seriousness france is getting fucked over

[citation needed]

Are you doubting the Melromac official figures

You're 95% more likely to die to something out of your control outside your home than inside.

I bet the remaining 50% is commited by the shield devil. He's the worst.

demis don't matter

Why do demis have the right to live, again?

are prosecuted for 50% of the crimes*
In a perfect society, prosecution rates and crime rates would be similar, but as we all know murica is a fucking shithole, so certain people are more likely to be prosecuted based on what they look like.

Now fuck off back to your dead channel, jontron.

>what do you mean colonizing Africa will have consequences down the road?

>Despite being only 13% of the population Demihumans commit 50% of the crimes

Bear in mind, that Demihumans are also 60% of the labor force of Melromac

Attached: The Adventures of The Child Labor Hero.webm (1920x1080, 2.56M)

Coons have smelly anal glands which is why nobody wants them around.

You'd be surprised how many demihumans never get the chance to become something better. Some of them suffer a much worse fate...

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>murica is a fucking shithole
Because bongistan is soooo much better
Now don't you have a meme license to be paying right now?

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what is Raphtalia doing with Kuwabara's sword

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>You know, Raphtalia, with great power comes great responsibility. The anons on Yea Forums call it the "Shield Hero's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant.
>Naofumi looks directly at the camera.
>"The sword, spear and bow heroes...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall hang like the Demihumans. The Day of the Shield is near, Raphtalia. We'll have every hero in this country dead or in chains in 10 years, and may God turn this anime into complete shit if I'm wrong. God bless the Shield Supremacy Party."

Attached: Shield.jpg (500x281, 22K)

in hinsight I don't think it was a good idea to let Raimi direct an episode

Shut up burger