Can someone explain to me the appeal of Jojo and why its so popular?

Can someone explain to me the appeal of Jojo and why its so popular?

>Bland simplistic story
>Repetitive structure consisting of filler fights between major points in the plot.
>Fights consist of a bunch of Ass-pulls.
>Horrible consistency and lore.
>Characters are almost entirely static
>"Improvements" between each part are just Araki getting better at basic story telling and writing.

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Some retard and his retarded buddies started memeing it which led to normies trying it out and thinking its some mega 9999/10 ultimate series because of the memes and the redundant writing that appeals greatly to the normgroid mind

its fun

the excessive drama appeals to faggots like me

>bland simplistic story
>yet speedreaders pop up all the time that have no idea what is going on

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I can't explain. I just like it.
If you've watched it and you didn't like it, that's fine, I literally do not care.
And stop trying to prevent me from liking it, fuck you.

Read the manga. Araki's artwork is super dynamic and expressive. Also, I disagree with the idea that the fights are ass-pulls. The central philosophy to all of the jojo fights is that most of them are more of a test of creativity rather than a raw test of strength.

go watch something else chief you ain't gonna like it even if anyone explained it to you

Im not trying to prevent you from liking it , your doing that to yourself by letting other peoples opinions influence you for no reason.

>Bland simplistic story
Simplistic - maybe before 7 and 8. Bland - fuck no. Weirdest shit is happening, never heard of anything like it before.
>Repetitive structure consisting of filler fights between major points in the plot.
That is correct.
But in reality only Vento Aureo suffers from it in any capacity. Also diverted in 7 and 8.
>Fights consist of a bunch of Ass-pulls.
Which makes them enjoyable.
>Horrible consistency and lore.
>Characters are almost entirely static
Marty Mcfly is also static, who fucking cares? Static character does not equate bad. Characters are not required to undergo major change or development, especially if they're already appealing as is.
>"Improvements" between each part are just Araki getting better at basic story telling and writing.
And you are complaining about Araki getting better at things because?..

>why is a mainstream anime/manga so popular?

Based and concise.

>But in reality only Vento Aureo suffers from it in any capacity.
what? stardust crusaders and diamond is unbreakable suffer from this far more.

>And you are complaining about Araki getting better at things because?

I'm not, its just a lot of people kept saying he improves over time but the improvements dont really make it 'good' just less bad and definitely not on par with other anime/manga.

>the improvements dont really make it good just less bad
The actual fuck are you trying to say?

This ain't a proper in-depth analysis true.
Just from personal experience, I wasn't bored to tears at any point in 3 and 4 as I was during Clash & Talking Head and Notorious B.I.G. Wish those would just not exist and to skip immediately to Doppio doing shit.

If we were to rate Jojo on a scale of 1-10 it would start out at around a '3' and improvements could make it manage a '4' but thats still below the threshold of what one would consider good which would be 5 and above. In other words its gets less bad but never to the point where I could consider it good.

Stand parts all follow a formula, but 3 & 4 have far more varied encounters than just fights, such as in part 5.

Well, sucks to be you. I don't rate it with soulless numbers, I just watch it and have a good time.

>>bland simplistic story
this shit goes from ancient astec gods to the president of the united states uniting with a dinosaur to adquire the body of Jesus Christ. the parts that are generic are only the earlier ones, and mainly because that stuff was written in the 80s
>>Repetitive structure consisting of filler fights between major points in the plot.
and jojo is a series that manages to execute that amazingly. the story can create multiple interesting fights with great minor villains that are easily introduced and have interesting abilities.
>>Fights consist of a bunch of Ass-pulls.
i can agree with that on a level, but if you want to consider all of the occasions where the characters use the ambient they're in wisely or their abilities in a creative way, then every single move that any character makes on battle shounen can be classified as asspulls.
>>Horrible consistency and lore.
agreed. araki is a fucking hack.
>>Characters are almost entirely static
i agree, but that doesnt happens to everyone. characters like Polnareff, Koichi, Jolyne and Johnny evolve a lot in their respective parts.
>>"Improvements" between each part are just Araki getting better at basic story telling and writing
again, araki is a hack. i dont know how the fuck that man manages to be succesful.

the fans of the series tend to rail a lot on it as well, but mostly everyone decides to focus on the many great points that the series has.

please excuse my shitty english

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Jojo is not popular at all.

Did Valentine unite with original Diego?.. I only remember Diego wildly attacking him with Hot Pants. Might just be my dementia.
Well he paid him to attack Johnny along with Soundman but I wouldn't really call that "uniting".

Yeah, part 3 only really had plot at the beginning and end, and part 4 was just kind of all over the place. I think part 5 is when Araki really started to make the formula dynamic and exciting.

>The same bait being posted for the hundredth time like fucking clockwork
OP do you not have a life?

oh yeah, i forgot that alt. diego isnt a dinosaur, fuck


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Instead of just calling it bad, why don't you recommend something you think is better? If you do, then someone who likes JoJo and doesn't like your recommendation can tell you what the differences are and why they matter to them.

Of course, I know you're not actually looking for something you don't already know, but I thought I'd expose you at least.

Why even pose yourself like you're open to hear what other people like about the series if you're going to end your post with a list of how you take issue with every quality of the story?

bland strong and silent faggot is given two fucking seasons and is instrumental in several other parts, while joseph gets half a god damn season. why?

How are they supposed to effectively explain whats good about the series if they dont know what I find bad about it?

the nips have god-awful taste

Clint Eastwood > Generic spiky haired shounen protagonist

no u

Are these ratings yours? Why did you rate them like this?

The men are fabulous.

>fun fights
>cool and likable characters
>stands are unique and cool
>good art
>long running
>everything has a good design
>all around fun
also part 7 > rest of jojo

Because, with the exception of Part 5, it has "soul".

Even part 5 has its upsides, part 6 is irredeemable trash.

Watch part 5 immediately, it's a return to form

normaltards only care about memes

>part 6 is irredeemable trash
Don't ever talk to me or my Dio ever again, Part 6 is the ultimate pleb filter.

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It´s fabulous and cool

Part 6 isn't as much of a pleb filter as part 8.

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Gappy > Jolyne
Jobin > Pucci
Part 8 story > Part 6 story
Part 8 fights > Part 6 fights
Part 8 minor antagonists > Part 6 minor antagonists

Partwars are for plebs.

They all played the old arcade game where dio goes ZA WARUDO and got blinded by nostalgia. It's the only explanation.

It has Speedwagon in it

It's fun, lighten the fuck up!

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Part 3 is one of my least favorite parts though. The arcade game (and all Jojo games) would be much better if it wasn't wanking part 3 so hard.

>Bland simplistic story
A simple story done well is better than a complex story done poorly
>Repetitive structure consisting of filler fights between major points in the plot
The fights are far more creative than any other manga aimed at teenage boys
>Fights consist of a bunch of Ass-pulls
Name me your favourite anime and I'll tell you where it does obnoxious asspulls
>Horrible consistency and lore
It's not about consistency or lore, it's about cool fights and funny and badass characters
>Characters are almost entirely static
Static characters are better for creating scenarios because their actions write themselves, it's also untrue that the characters are static because every protagonist goes through some progression except Jonathan
>"Improvements" between each part are just Araki getting better at basic story telling and writing
That's literally what an improvement is supposed to be

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From the In a Silent Way arc to the beginning of the D4C arc where he betrays him, Diego is working with Valentine to get the corpse parts. Valentine promises to make him the mayor of New York in return and grants him one of the eyes to make him stronger during this time.

Plotfags will never understand Jojos

the only asspull that truly pissed me off was the star finger.

>uh buddy, part 7 is like some james joyce's ulysses
every fucking thread part 7 shitters have to do this.
part 7 is shit and it flopped massively durings its manga days. you can meme however you want, buts its a bloated hotch potch mess.
>attracts good luck, deflects bad luck

cute and manly dudes for fags/fujos
lolsorandumbXD humor
e-celebs milking it till its dry

Yeah it's definitely one of the most overrated parts. I think fujos constantly praise it due to Gyro and Johnny shipping.

reddit meme fags think that asspulls and overacting is clever and xD funny!
It’s shit.

its just a matter of differing tastes really. as someone else who hates jojo ive kinda come to terms with the fact that some people will literally like something for the same reason you hate it. there are people who LIKE the fights having crazy last minute ass pulls. i guess i just prefer a good ol traditional (but creative) slugfest/duel rather than 4d chess in my fighting picture books

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Prosciutto's plan using TGD made no fucking sense. We saw that slight variances in body heat were enough to change the speed of the aging, so what would have happened if Trish just happened to have been drinking coffee or sitting by a heater or something?

Jotaro vs dio would like a word with you.

I would say part 3 had the worst of the repetitive structure.

What? Not even the car stand in part 3? Or the guy that turns people.into baby or death 13? Though death 13 felt more like break and wasnt there a retarded stand using the sun and the mirror in 3?

Asspulls are creative.

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Ass pull is just a different word for plot twist

I was fine with vampire Head transplants
I was fine with ancient Mayan Gym bros
I was fine with Dracula's fabulous Egypt adventure
I was fine with Hand boner
But this is fuckin' stupid

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I was thinking about this the other day. What makes JoJo so amazing is how it creates puzzles with each fight. It's not such a simple resolution and requires out-of-the-box thinking with real world physics and fantasy elements. No other manga has this narrative concoction. Whether you like it or hate it, you walk away from reading each conflict with a sense of bewilderment, disgust, wonder, sadness, happiness.

It doesn't matter how crazy they look or how bizarre the situation is, it's the narrative puzzles Araki creates. the style is also quite aesthetic and unique which is the 'pull' for new readers.

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Fuck I hate part 8 so much but I guess it does filter me out of the fandom. Part 7 is all I will ever want or need and kind of wish it wasn't JoJo

Giorno vs Diavolo last fight

What would you give an 8, a 9 and a 10? Im really curious

The operative word in his sentence was "most" for a reason you knuckle dragging, slope-headed, open mouth breathing retard.

And good anime to you is...?

I will take bland strong and silent faggot over hystrionic obnoxious redditman retard any day of the week. Joseph is more prominent in Part 3 than Jotaro is in Part 4, and his role in Part 6 is tertiary and a plot device, so it's more like:
>Joseph: two parts
>Jotaro: two parts and a quarter
Also when did this meme that being stoic and introverted equals having no personality? Do normalfags even know the meaning of the word "personality"?

Good enough art to be put on exhibition, creative fights, entertaining characters.
>but muh deeps themes bro
Araki explores many interesting themes, but does so honestly, and doesn't shine a big spotlight in it, which means pseuds don't pick up on them.

>araki is a fucking hack
>araki is a hack
You don't understand what this word means. Always aggravates me when people mislabel Araki as a hack when it's completely obvious that he's always trying to outdo himself and evolve as both a writer and artist in every part.

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DBZ with none of the filler. Hilarious writing for the English dub.

yeah, I don't really know how people could call him a hack when he managed to make a dude with a fishing rod a fun fight and an interesting character in his own right

I just started watching it a few days ago. I definitely recognize most of the complains you voiced in part 1, but part 2 upped the style so much I just end up grinning at most scenes and I'm enjoying it tremendously now.

I think a lot of JoJo's appeal for me is how unique the superpowers are. It feels like with a lot of stories you get generic powersets but here you get specific, really fun Stands that make for cool, engaging fights.

>stardust crusaders egypt arc ranked lower than the first arc

is this bait? there's not a human alive that thinks the first season was better.

>2 full parts
>side character in another part

>1 full part
>side character in 2 parts
>extremely brief appearance in another part

I can see why they would think that. Egypt arc dragged almost every fight to two episodes and had worse art.

Proof that Joseph is the best JoJo.

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