Chapter 41 is out.
Edens Zero
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I'd swim in her.
this is advanced ryona
>Mashima introduced the whole android setting for more family friendly guro
She got even worse than I expected. She probably can't fight, just hack (which makes her top tier anyway).
>Her other half is probably being passed around by the male scientists like a fleshlight
I know she's a robot and all, but pussy is pussy.
Fucking based
I love Homura!
Why would they reassemble her? That seems very uncharacteristic of the scientists from what we know about them so far.
She might've reasembled herself with the trown out parts.
I mean, they really really hate robots there.
Chapter 42 is out as well
Those are the eyes of somebody at the end of a mind break hentai.
>tiny little ass fangs
it's just a prank bro.
Her smile and optimism: Restored
Ah, right. Somehow, I kept thinking she'd be so mindbroken, she doesn't even bother fixing herself.
Translated or raws?
literally Robin
And the credits.
I do remember last issue said there would be a double chapter but I don't think 42 is translated yet
Why haven't you morons wisened up and dropped Mashitma's MUH FRIENDSHIPZ cancer?
Hermit got healed too fucking fast.
>implying we aren't reading with one hand on our dicks
I can't, Hermit is just too sexy.
Official translation
I'm staying till the end, I gotta do it for her
Because it's a easy romp around with cute girls and simple fun that takes very little time out of the day to catch up on when a thread pops up.
I see a new Ultear.
I'm bored so I'm gonna dump it
holy shit bros Homura is breaking my dick
holy shit what a comfy ship
I wish I lived there
I want to be her sex friend.
Each human member has a cabin and there are 6 so we're gonna get 2 more crew members
i'm guessing the other b-cuber and the ninja robot
>Pizza Burgers
She's so cute when she's excited.
Why is she so cute? I can't deal with this.
>Mashima releasing two chapters because of Golden Week
Name a more based mangaka
Pino a cute, like goddamn
Absolutely fucking adorable
She's had a couple cute panels bow
Homura got fondled by her teacher didn't she
Mashima already said its 2 males, so rip Lavila.
I want to protect this smile
Also I gotta say the interactions between the crew are pretty great
Pinocchio get it
Goddamn that thiccness.
We're rooting for you
First planet bait, then planet ice cream, is this Katamari?
That is not an appetizing planet name
Hnnnng my fucking heart
Robin? Is that you??
As long as Edens Zero keep the core crew small enough, the series could be manageable.
Fairy Tail was bloated as shit.
How do people read this shit
rubber legs
I want to impregnate that tiny little robot.
>Elastic girl
You do this every week. Have you considered not clicking on threads for series you hate or just filtering it altogether?
>Making too much money
Weird flex Mashima, but OK...
I hope one of the is Jessie.
And there you guys go, end of the chapter
>Who are you?
I honestly feel just a little sorry for him that his existence is so completely insignificant.
spider/jamilov is literally Yea Forums
Preferably a character like Laxus.
Dont say that.
He can actually talk
Imagine fucking her lower half while she watches.
Already best girl.
You can't fuck an android
This series will never get doujins, will it?
Spider is literally me
Not with that attitude you can’t.
The more ecchi a series is, the less actual porn it seems to gets. Though, I’d like for this series to be the exception to that rule.
Nope, but once Mashima dies all his FT and EZ porn will be released to the public
I actually like this one more over Fairy Tail, shame the MC's power is still as lame as Natsu's though (gravity power but everything is just a punch anyway), compared to Rave Master's cool power set.
Comfy, first Dr. Stone and now EZ.
Yeah, that's annoying. The MC's powerset could be pretty interesting but all he does is run in and punch stuff. I'm hoping he starts developing a more interesting combat style as the series progresses but I won't hold my breath.
So, i gotta ask, are these guys from the past? I remember them appearing directly after the chronophage attack, and those space marine guys saying that they are the reason the planet became a shithole. Am I wrong?
Yeah, or at the very least Drakken was revived by the chronophage.
>A long time from now Pino will get a human body (or at least a body that's more human-like and can feel shit)
>No one will make doujins of Pino being shown the pleasures of a human body
>No doujins of her experiencing her first physical sensations followed by her first sexual sensations as she explores her body
It's not fucking fair, bros.
And allow people to ignore the absolute fact that this is putrid cancer? No.
TLR is already an exception
This is good I like this
You're not enlightening anyone with your posts, you're just annoying.
So Mosco was a bit of a late decision to add in.
What do you think Mashima will do with that button then?
Maybe it'll turn him into an actually strong fighter that is really hot and Sister doesn't want him to do it cause she can't resist his charms.
Or, even better, it turns him into a cute girl that Sister can't resist.
His design kinda reminds me of Shuda, wonder if he’ll end up becoming an anti-hero later on.
It'll either be a funny Deus Ex Machina that will end up saving them, a badass Deus Ex Machina that will end up saving them or they'll press it in the last page of the manga, we'll get a panel of everyone going "EHHHHH?!" and the manga will end right there.
There is a pretty good chance that the ending is literally everyone that ever appeared, good or bad, joining forces against the Chronophage (possibly even the doctor who abused Hermit). The question is which of them will become good fast and which will get good only towards the end.
I want her to smugly step on my dick.
Please post Rebbeca's slutty tits
>Pino receives an offer to make her Human
>but has to betray her FRIENDS to do it
Why isn't there more art of Homura?
>cameltoe on Rebecca
my favorite party of homura's kimino is how it shows off her armpits.
We're only 40 chapters in and her tits are already 3 or 4 times the size they were at the start. Is the manga doing THAT badly?
Here's a 2018 Rebecca for comparison.
>this has almost been running for a year
what the fuck
>2 males
>they will get paired with Homura and human Pino
I like it for how well it shows off her lower body
I mean, they've gone through like 5 different arcs. Sure, they were smaller, but still things are going pretty fast.
They're finally getting into some larger shit since he's bringing out the old Oracion Seis card now, so we may get some more substantial arcs.
>joining forces against the Chronophage
It will be take some humanoid form that can be beaten after the button on Moscoi is pressed.
If Ultear and Wendy had a baby
>joining forces against the Chronophage
I was under the assumption Chronophages are just forces of nature you can't really "deal with".
Also you make it sound like it's just one, I thought it was a whole species.
Rent free
I'm somewhat interested in this series because Homura is very cute, I've only watched RM and never touched FT, do I need to read FT before I read this? I'm asking because I see the same cat in this series.
You dont need to read FT. Mashima just likes reusing character designs
No,it's just an easter egg. Mashima moves the main mascot of his work to the next one. Plue was in FT too and Pino will probably be in the next one after EZ
Implying Homura isn't already Weisz's
I imagine Valkyrie is gonna be dead or something, but now that I'm thinking about it, I'd love for her to actually be fine and join them.
Has Mashima EVER done a mother figure in main cast? Like, an actual one, not just a motherly character like Mirajane.
Imagine if Valkyrie joined and was basically like Homura's mom, with kickass mother/daughter fights against villains and Valkyrie disapproving of Weisz trying to get at her daughter's inexperienced puss.
I hope she joins the crew too.
Well with the 4 shining stars it looks like they have to maintain and take care of the ship.
I wonder if pic related as supposed to be one of the two other male members?
Closest we ever got was Julia in Rave. Even then, she was more of a big sister, Mirajane in FT wasn't really part of the main crew and no one on Team Nastu couldn't really fill that role.
>My favorite character is Pino
Based Mashima.
Lucy started the same and the she grew to Double D's
as expected of Mashima.
friendship is magic
The same kinda shitposter stick around until FT ends, despite knowing how horrid it is at the end. I expect the same from EZ, unfortunately.
That's more a function of his editor nagging him to make the breasts bigger by arguing that's what the readers want. .
>I wonder if pic related as supposed to be one of the two other male members?
I would assumed that Jhin and Justice would join the crew at some point, but Homura not having any build up before she joined leave me skeptical.
That editor is a wonderful person and I appreciate them.
its gajeel ! he will be converted into the crew
homura worst girl
>Chapter 41
Good resolution, I'm glad those scientists turned out to be operating illegally. Also a pleasant surprise that Rebecca was the one who got to talk-no-jutsu Hermit out of her depression instead of Shiki.
>Chapter 42
Cozy fanservice chapter, looks like Mashima is finally starting to set up some antagonists with staying power.
I also feel that this panel will continue to be relevant for many arcs to come.
Take that back.
>people like his manga
>he just gives them 2 chapters at once
>while also making 100 year quest every 2nd week
Say what you want about Fairy Tail or this manga, but you can't deny Mashima is absolute based
>that ass
god DAMN
I can't wait for the anime and i unironically hope they put it full of filler.
the space bar/space bath scenes will be maximum comfy with the right music
He has a problem wrapping up his series though. He needs an assistant who can draft a timeline and keep him in check. Rave's final battles was rushed so badly.
ok so is this better than fairy tail?
>implying Weisz won't get his own harem
>They're finally getting into some larger shit since he's bringing out the old Oracion Seis card now
It does look that way.
So far so good.
before i read, is this the real happy from fairy tail? or is it like plue where theyre just the same character in a different universe?
>Last Arc
>"I'm not traveling with you guys, this is where we go our separate ways."
>"Check out my room on the ship."
The latter
Best girl.
Pod Racing soon.
>42 chapters
>1 chapter a week
do the math, burger
Fairy Tail's ending wrapped up nicely.
It's a battle shonen, literally every final battle will be decided with the super powered friendship punch.
If she push the button, would they Galvanize?
Same character, different universe. If it helps, treat it as Happy being a cat actor, being recast for a new role. He has a black-tipped tail instead of FT's Happy's white-tipped tail.
>How I learned to stop being depressed and love human cock
>"Because this guy's paying me good money to do this to him. It's weird, but a client's a client."
Is he really wearing two trenchcoats?
>Pino flapping her robo-hair
>Server drones
I wonder what the purpose of this restaurant was during Ziggy's rule, since all the crew should've been androids then. Or maybe not.
How old is Shiki before I start lusting or feeling dirty about this?
Shiki and Becca are 15-16 if i am not mistaken.
She’s not older than him?
She might be, but from memory i thought it was shiki is older by a year.
Pft i know, what a poser. Aizen did it first.
That’s surprising consider she looks older, is taller and has a job.
I could be incorrect. I thought it was stated in the manga somewhere so feel free to find it and prove me wrong.
>Has a job
shes basically a youtuber.
>do something
>get paid for it
>not a job
Holy fuck
Cute dorks
Being a youtuber doesn't indicate age. Bringing it up as a reason she seems older is silly as a result.
>Code 3173
Nice Rave reference.
Anime of NotFairyTail when?
Chapter 41 - 4/10
Chapter 42 - 6/10
Fairy Tail has more endearing characters but EZ has the better story.
t. friendless
>calling anyone "dork"
I doubt she'll ever get her wish. Rather, she'll realize that it doesn't matter whether she's a robot or a human she's way superior as a robot anyway
Gomu gomu no
how is this doing in sales?
Where is her bottom half?
But when will this series satisfy the pregnancy fetishists?
As soon as pino gets a womb
Passed around by the other scientists. A hole's a hole.
Very good for WSJ
I thought they were like 17 or 18. They look way older than that.
Bros why do I love Homura so much
you found your waifu good job
It's a WSM title.
I want to make Pino a real woman.
top cute
I could be wrong. I dont even remember where i got the 15-16 figure from anyways.
That was a bit easy even by Mashima standards but I guess we're still in not!East Blue so there's no point in wasting any more time.
This nigga want to fuck a robit. Disgusting.
Yes, that's what androids like Hermit are for.
Weisz is super based and has great taste.
Does this series get any better compared to the starting couple of chapters?
Yeah, the first 2 chapters are not indicative at all of the tone. It' like Mashima tried to shove the "friends" word as much as possible in two chapters and then dropped it.
For now it's comfy adventures in a comfy ship looking for more crewmates, like earky One Piece
Wonder if this will turn out like FT where no one became a couple. At least Rave had some, despite Jet and Julia being the only couple to do stuff.
These guys are gonna be jobbers in the long run. Hope Rebbeca gets a 1v1 with cowboy bot though
Eden's Zero isn't in WSJ.
He still shoves "friends" around as much as possible though
Best boy is Weisz and thats not up for debate
Is this better than Fairy tail or is it just more of the same?
Why the hell would you punch a machine you need and are currently using? This is like punching your PC while you download something.
It's literally fairy tail in space.
In case it wasn't clear, that guy isn't particularly fond of androids, nor is he particularly sane.
>that second panel
Just to be sure, these chapters comf out every Wensday, right? This had been the only long-running Shounen to catch my eye in a long time.
Every Tuesday, which you can find either on Jaimini's Box or Sorcerer Weekly. Next week is a break due to Golden Week though, but Mashima gave us two chapters to compensate, the madman he is.
I mean, even outside main cast, it's odd how mother/daughter lewdness is the one fetish Mashima hasn't really touched on.
Fairy Tail was full of father/son stuff and even had father/daughter stuff with Kana and Gildarts.
But the only mommy in FT was Bisca and Asuka was too young for lewd.
Oh, and I guess Ultear with Grey and Lyon, but that doesn't really count since she's been dead.
Only other major mother was Irene who was relegated to villain.
What competition does he have?
>And over here is user's room, he's quite the b-tuber
Better imho, way closer to early FT than late FT.
Mashima said the crew will get two new boys.
I tried making a thing
The text blends in too much
I don't know meme fonts.
Don't know why, but I enjoy Rebecca more than I ever did Lucy. Then again, so far I like pretty much everything better in EZ compared to FT, at least so far.
I wonder how much more she will 'grow'.
She's like a sluttier Lucy. Except purer.
It's called being cutelewd.
I really like the silver-blond hair and blue eyes. Makes her quite beautiful.
Christ I hope she's not secretly a princess of some planet.
As long as she does more of it.
If she is then at least she never knew due to being orphaned.
As long as she gets to shoot something soon.
so the new girl is just wendy
Elasti-girl? She's Ultear with Wendy's haircut.
Help me out lads, I don't want to start a thread just for this. I've been getting into manga recently but I'm having a difficult time pirating shit. One that really interested me was Land, by Kazumi Yamashita, but I can't download it anywhere and reading fucking PDFs online is sub-optimal at best.
Where can I download these things on a proper format and resolution?
Jaimini's translations are kinda shit so you should just wait until someone dumps official translations.
I hope mashima has a great golden week playing monsterhunter on his switch.
Weisz is a man of great taste, he wasn't sure at first but he is now since he is gonna be traveling around the cosmos with cute androids
Oh right, I forgot that he also gets to dress Homura up however he wants.
Hermit was also hinted to be into cosplay. That ship is truly a paradise.
Whatever you like, user.
Weisz is /ourguy/
Hmm I like it so far but I still can't distinguish Shiki from Natsu or Rebecca from Lucy.
I like Weisz tough. He's the interesting version of Gray.
I want to fuck Hermit.
We all do
You can't fuck an android user.
Not with that attitude.
Holy shit do I want to impregnate Rebecca
Mashima does have a thing for reusing characters both design and personalities. I get why he gets hate from doing that but it's never an exact copy; Shiki feels like an improved version of Natsu as well as Rebecca feeling like an improve version of Lucy.
You also can't deviate too much from your standard shonen protagonist formula: naive, hot headed, power of friendship.
I like how Shiki responds better now than he did at the very beginning though, could be because he is growing and learning about the world or because the threat the enemies pose grows each chapter but he does seem to be able to tell friend from foe much better now.
I will agree that Weisz is the best character so far.
>You also can't deviate too much from your standard shonen protagonist formula
do you just read shounen jump shit or something
It's too bad you can't transmog the Fairy Tail Blade and True Fairy Tail Blade. They're some of the neatest Palico weapons, but they suck. I hope the next Monster Hunter has Eden's Zero crissover weapons.
That's something a little bit of tuning can solve.
You can break down most shonen protagonist to that user. Yeah they may grow but at the beginning alot of them are like that.
Obviously I'm not saying ALL protagonist have to be naive, hot headed and go on about friendship every chance they get. I did not think that was a point that needed to be made since I'm clearly talking about "shonen protagonists"
Shiki isn't asexual.
Rebecca isn't useless ryona-fodder yet.
Hermit has been ryona fodder already. I'm betting Homura will be the ryona target.
>No Homura lust
Come on. She's begging for lewd.
>like FT where no one became a couple
Didn't Gajeel and Levy become a full couple by the end?
I want to see her smile get broken and her to get raped!
Agreed, a happy Pino is just unnatural.
I want to lick Homura's entire body
Honestly, it's more like One Piece in space at this point.
Fem Luffy, Imagine.
Cowboy robot looks based as fuck. Man, I'm really digging this manga now. I'm enjoying reading each new chapter, something I can't say I felt during Fairy Tail.
Homura is super cute. Weisz made the right move to stay on the ship with her.
>Weiss made a busty brown female avatar