5toubun no hanayome

Due to differences in values, the Yea Forums team that has brought you the past 8x chapter of 5toubun no hanayome is hereby disbanded. We would like to sincerely thank everyone who has contributed to the releases along the way and thank you, the readers, for your continued support.

However, there is no need to worry. Several core members of the Yea Forums team will be forming a new group and continue to produce high quality releases that everyone knows and love. We will strive to make the transition as seamless as possible. Significant deviation to the quality or release schedule is not expected.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Ichika a best
Miku a second best
Nino a shit

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The time of LHTchads has come.


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Not true by the way

>differences in values

Is too.

We'll either make the old Trello public again or create a new one (that's public). We'll sort it out later.

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Well then, now that the dust has settled, where is my fucking chapter?

>Due to differences in values
please explain
did some waifufag got triggered?

The core values of most of the team include mutual respect, cooperation, and quality excellence.

It's being translated. If you can't wait, here you go: ebookjapan.yahoo.co.jp/books/276547/A002162255/

>Ask the gook/wtn user to stop doing translations
>This happens

a cute

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They loved the manga so much they decided to instigate their own drama to tide them over golden week

I dont know the situation firsthand, but from what I hear, they were short on manpower so the typesetter brought in a proofreader friend of his, who complained that the script was bad and changed a lot. He told me that he thought the script was too literal and stiff or something. But the TLC hated the changes and wanted them reverted. The TS sided with the PR, and 82 was released with the PRs edits. The TL and TLC got mad and kicked them both.

Basically it boiled down to big egos unwilling to get along.


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thank you discordfags and redditfags

Typical scanlation bullshit. In my experience, there's always some stupid fuck who is just a checker trying to tell the real translator or real typesetting what to do. Proofreaders, cleaners and checkers are not even real positions. There should only be a two man team
1. Translator (Translates, proofreads)
2. Typesetter (Typesets, redraws, proofreads)
The instant you add in that third piece of useless shit is when things go to hell.

>translation drama faggotry
Might as well post it on reddit while you're at it

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This has been a long time coming. Even before "POST THE FUCKING LINK."

All good then

The problem is that most TLs are shit, so they get people who actually know english.

That's what every leech (((proof reader))) says

I'm going to marry Miku!

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2 is also cosmetic by the way. The average reader gives literally zero fucks about horrible typesetting or no redrawing, if he gets to read it earlier

Nino, you can't marry your sister!

This thread will now self destruct so I can get back to working on this chapter. Expect release around the regular time. There may also be a little tiny something extra this week. No promises.

Also, the stance of most of our members is that we love KR user and that he's a real bro. Discord / Reddit are assholes for stealing his translation, but if KR user is having fun translating, he should do what he wants.

>Ichika dies
>wtn suddenly dies too
>kranon suddenly dies
>the whole tl team suddenly dies
Coincidence? I don't think so.

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If the chapters are still getting released, I don't give a fuck

I'll make my own translation group one that edits Ichika out of the manga.

>This thread will now self destruct
>Error: You cannot delete a post this old.
Never mind. Keep partying.

Don't worry, it will be.

if you do ever need a backup kr translator i'll be around

So is monka out?

You can't delete threads anyways. Unless you spam porn.

Thanks bro

Pointless since Negi just did it himself

sounds like we need a hero...

So returning on topic. Those that don't think that Nino will win, how can you even ignore this scene? The husband is wearing something that reminds him of Nino, the bride HAS to be Nino.

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OP would have to do it and get his IP wiped

stop this please

Good, this series is trash.

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Best of luck.
I won't say anything about it, but I hope if you do make it public again you should hide your TLs. Don't want anybody to steal it, yeah.

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How are nips reacting to the chapter?

Is that the exact bracelet?

Might just be because he got it from his sister and it has history. Also works as a good red herring. Not saying it can't mean that she's the bride, but also that it definitely doesn't make it a certainty.

-Fuu was ready to reject Nino on Ch71 which means all previous interactions between them did not create some underlying feelings for her, the bracelet is among those previous interactions so it's safe to say that for him the bracelet has no association with Nino
-Most of the interactions between them involving the bracelet are from Fuu lying to Nino, the last time it showed up is after Nino called him on his lie and abandoned him, so even if he associated with Nino it's not in a positive way
-So, for the bracelet to have a meaning in the wedding other than just a good luck charm it would need to make a new appearance but that opens the door to be another quint that becomes associated with it, for example let's say the bracelet gets broken or lost and the a quint fix it or find it, just with that the bracelet get a new, positive, meaning

Something tells me she’s gonna make him a new one and it’s gonna be repurposed. The bracelet already served its initial purpose

That's Raiha's present to him.


We don't know, but it was shown at the end of the Legend that Binds arc that featured it, so it should be.
I think this is a clear form of foreshadowing. It doesn't make sense to show this for no reason after all.

>Fuu was ready to reject Nino on Ch71
That doesn't make sense, because later he mentioned how he's taking her confession seriously. Nice headcanon, retard. Maybe you should put your head in a cannon and ignite it

Indeed, Nino is so stupid.

>I think this is a clear form of foreshadowing. It doesn't make sense to show this for no reason after all.
A red herring could be enough of a reason. It also could be that it might play a role again later on like said. Just saying that I wouldn't take it as any definite sign.

Fuutarou should just pull their hair out of habit every time he has to talks alone with a quint.

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"Understanding her feelings are serious means he has romantic feelings for her"
Nincels really live up to the name

Nino isn’t winning. It’ll be between Miku and Itsuki.

Dude check pic related and tell me it doesn't mean anything. She literally saved Fuutarou's life with this. And the bracelet was shown at the very end of this arc. This is no coincidence.

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So I'm confused. Let me make sure I have all the facts straight. The current team is disbanding, but you guys are making a new team to keep up the translations?

i haven't done shit

>has to completely misrepresent what Fuutarou actually said

He only did it because it was Ichika. Futarou kabedons her all the time.

>good childbirth

it means he has reason to think the bracelet is very effective as a good luck charm
and as you just pointed out, she saved his life, yet he was still going to reject her

They are so retarded, just like Nino.


What's the general consensus, user?

It's true that he was ready to reject her at the time, but the same could be said of any quint. The fact that he's still considering her feelings means she still has a shot.

Looks like the same bracelet. Just worn out due to the years. I don’t see why he would wear a bracelet another quint made him if he was marrying a different one. That can definitely be seen as a huge sign for the Nino end. It would explain why Negi pushes her a lot as well. She’s currently the most second popular quint so nips will probably be okay with her winning over Miku.

Unlike with Miku, in which he said he knew but didn't really care much.

Correct. This is to establish an identity and have more control over the contents released.

You wouldn't want to see two chapters on mangadex tagged as Yea Forumsnonymous now, would you?

When did he say that he didn't care much?

>it means he has reason to think the bracelet is very effective as a good luck charm
Literally headcanon.
>and as you just pointed out, she saved his life, yet he was still going to reject her
He was going to reject her not becuase he didn't like her, but simply because he wasn't interested in romance. That is, not until her confession. Her confession awakaned his interest in romance after all.

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Nino didn't make the bracelet. Raiha did. "Kintarou" gave Nino the bracelet and then Nino gave Fuutarou the bracelet.

Alright. I just wanted to make sure I had all the facts straight and translations were still happening. Thank you for saving me from having to read reddit/discord translations and keep up the good work.

Of course, all quints still have a shot in the bowl, the way the rejection went it just means Nino gets to start from zero which is better for her, just as she said their past relationship was too toxic for her to expect him to have feelings for her

The ones I could understand were "I don't understand why Miku apologized to Ichika" and "5's focus is on eating... will she even join the race?"

>implying that these threads are not full of redditors already

>He was going to reject her
>he wasn't interested in romance. That is, not until her confession. Her confession awakaned his interest in romance after all.
That's not true. Fuutarou became interested in romance the day he was kissed. By the way, Fuutarou bleieves that Nino is the kisser.

well of course it awakened his interest cause it was the real first confession he got. when yotsuba teases him with that I LIKE YOU scene, you could tell by his expression that if it had been real then he would have awakened to romance right there

The bracelet being worn on the wedding day only solidifies Nino's position as the bride.

If you don't believe this, then you are delusional, fake, and gay.

People get pretty defensive and love adding things in that aren’t there. The bracelet, thus far, is associated purely with Nino and Raiha. As it stands, the bracelet could be a hint for a Nino end along with the earring thing, as Nino specifically mentioned that she wanted her ears pierced before the wedding. However, there’s still plenty of time for the bracelet to pop up again since we haven’t even seen it in ages. The earrings thing is at best a small hint and any of them could get their ears pierced.

>new appearance
No need. Isn’t “good luck” enough for the wedding? What are you talking about?

where are the backgrounds ?

Is she pleasuring herself with the corner of the desk?

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Notice that he knew Miku liked him at this point but he doesn't think about her at all. Not to mention the fact that Nino tells him to go after Miku when he overhears Yotsuba but he just sees it as a pain.

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It doesn’t. She didn’t make the bracelet. His sister did. That bracelet could be connected to another sister in the future.


Until that happens, if ever, Nino is pretty much guaranteed to be the bride. Arguing about IFs is pointless.

>more control
I hope this doesn’t turn out to be Mikufags Yea Forumsnonymous team.

>He was going to reject her not becuase he didn't like her, but simply because he wasn't interested in romance. That is, not until her confession. Her confession awakaned his interest in romance after all.
Do you even read what you write?
he rejected her after the confession, so as you said, that's after he had awakened his interest in romance, yet you say the rejection was because he wasn't interested in romance and that only happened after the confession

Fuck off, Nino.

Its why she even thought "How nostalgia" Ninofags delusions reaching this hard is funny.

He became self-aware with her confession. The kiss is what made him like the bride. It's part of the same process, but the confession started it all.

Huh so they have the same opinions that we do. Thanks user.

That is neither something he says or is shown to think. First, I'm pretty certain he wasn't sure at that point, and the girls shown may not necessarily indicate that he's interested in either of them. As for the second point when she runs away, the guy is stoic as fuck most of the time, especially recently due to constant quint shenanigans and at at that specific time he was probably pretty confused as to what was going on. Sure, he looked annoyed, but he generally does. As a counterpoint I might as well point out how flushed he gets when he admits that he had a feeling that she liked her. What exactly that says about his feelings toward her is difficult to say when we have no inner monologue or anything to go by.

>Fuu and Nino actually sort of danced when they were spinning to not fall off the cliff
>Fuu saved Ninos life and she saved his

>So, for the bracelet to have a meaning in the wedding OTHER than just a good luck charm

Nope. He could simply be wearing that bracelet because it literally saved his life and was made by his sister which explains why Raiha is the one to notice it in the future. If anything, it seems more connected to her than anyone.

No, their posts are actually better than that.

Why would it be? It was shown at the end of the same arc that it was featured with Nino. It doesn't make sense in a narrative standpoint to simply make it related to another quint.

The bracelet heavily featured with Nino and it was shown to be worn by Fuutarou at his fucking marriage at the end of the same arc. How tickheaded can you be to say that it's not related?

Literally never happened. So don’t force your headcanon.

Do you understand the concept of a red herring?

>As a counterpoint I might as well point out how flushed he gets when he admits that he had a feeling that she liked her.

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>everything that doesn't favor my quint is a red herring

That's a lot of red herrings for Nino

>any form of proof against something you don't like is a red herring

Yeah, so? The exact same goes for that page. His face gets flushed and he's embarrassed, what exactly that means for his feelings for the respective girl is up in the air.

>Fuutarou admits to Yotsuba that he's taking someone's feelings seriously and on that page he's thinking of Nino and the kisser
>Fuutarou thinks Nino is the kisser
>Fuutarou knew about Miku's feelings but didn't start taking anyone's feelings seriously until Nino confessed
>Miku most likely couldn't be the kisser because Fuutarou could see through her Itsuki disguise
>Ichika most likely couldn't be the kisser because the kisser ran away and Ichika's ankle was injure
>Fuutarou was visibly annoyed when Nino told him to go after Miku

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Are they? Some anons here have posted similar posts to the ones here. I really need to learn nip one day

>Ninotards love the word red herring and headcannon when its any other quint
>When they do it its okay
The irony of you faggots is palpable.

>Yeah, so?
So your "counterpoint" is bullshit. Durr

Japs wish they had our level of quality discussion

What you’re not understanding is that Nino isn’t the only person connected to that bracelet. Sure it could be seen as sign for Nino, but nothing’s confirmed. Raiha being the one to notice in the future is very much a thing and it’s bracelet she made which eventually saved her brothers life. He could simply be wearing it cause it’s wedding day and it’s something that saved his life hence being a good luck charm. It could go either way or Negi could do something else with the bracelet.

But it already has a deep meaning in the wedding? Nino used it to save Fuutarou’s life. Your argument only works IF the bride is not Nino, which we have no way of knowing at this point.

>which eventually saved her brothers life
You do remember Nino was the girl holding on to the bracelet when that happened, right?

Bro honestly with the situation he was in with the kiss I wouldn’t take him not recognizing them as meaning anything. It was a very unexpected and fast situation. And he easily could have been annoyed because his trip was being interrupted, or he just had no idea what was really happening. Not that I particularly want Miku to win, I just don’t like some parts

>Ninotards love the word red herring
Ironic, seeing as the only one to bring up red herring was against Nino. You're done.

Yes I do, and this clearly isn't. This is foreshadowing done right. If Nino wins, no one can say that it was an asspull.

Ok so seriously? Why did Miku apologize to Ichika? What does Miku think she did that was wrong to Ichika?
I understand that Miku saying sorry to Nino was most likely about not being a good rival, but the apology to Ichika has me stumped.

>ninofags try to take a scene that was just showing off the sibling bond as a thing for their ship
idiots. look at how touched raiha looks when she notices that he’s wearing that old bracelet she made as a kid.

Fuck off monkey, get back to work.

>Bro honestly with the situation he was in with the kiss I wouldn’t take him not recognizing them as meaning anything
He was literally talking about how he could recognize Miku right before the kiss happened.
>And he easily could have been annoyed because his trip was being interrupted
The trip was over. They were leaving.

The kisser is the winner, it's 1 or 2. Anything else would be an asspull.

Still fucking pissed that the discordfags caused gook user to quit and the wtn scans to end.

Just accept it. Stop lying to yourself and just accept the inevitable.

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I don't think he was certain about Miku's feelings and Nino and the kisser were the most clear and forward about those feelings. So that might be the reason.
I'm just saying that both have cases that could indicate certain things, we can't say anything for sure about how he feels about either of them.

I do want Miku to win, but I'm not gonna say with any certainty whatsoever that she will. And I think Ninofags are a bit too sure of themselves, seemingly taking potential hints as something like definite proof. Fuck, I don't even dislike Nino and I probably wouldn't mind her winning too much (aside from how the worst of her fanbase would react).

Why the fuck is no one talking about Raiha wearing her school uniform on the day of the wedding? What the fuck is that?

>This is the reading comprehension capability of your average 5tb reader

I see plenty of in-story evidence of why Nino is likely the kisser and the one who marries Fuutarou. But there's literally zero evidence for any other quint, their fans just try to attack the evidence for Nino. I think we're done here. We know who wins. We're just waiting for the manga to wrap up at this point.

After he no way fag'd her they need to grasp at any straw they canto save the sinking ship

>Due to differences in values

All the drama we never got to witness.

>What you’re not understanding is that Nino isn’t the only person connected to that bracelet
What you are not understanding is that his is manga, and one in which the bracelet was used with one specific quint and not the others. As the reader, I am not supposed to think that she bracelet was related to other quints when it was so heavily used in Nino's side of the story.

>Y-you're done
lol you faggots are a riot.

I can’t wait for the threads when Nino ends up losing to either Miku or fatty.

Miku’s being polite. She wants to make up with Ichika, so as a sign of goodwill, she says sorry first.

A big part of the thread there is discussing this

When even the japs are stumped on that one it says a lot

They're still poorfags in the future, maybe she can't afford a dress

Just because he said he could doesn’t mean he actually could. His internal thoughts amounted to ‘yeah maybe not’. The second part was in relation to the Kyoto trip.

Of course. As of now. That bracelet could come into play in the future for all we know or at the end of everything, it’s simply dear to Fuu cause his younger sister made it and if it hadn’t been for the bracelet then Nino would have never been able to save his life. It could be used for a Nino end, but nothing is set in stone.

What a shame.

How can you be so certain that Negi isn't playing you like a fiddle? Just saying that none of it is definite evidence.

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So Maruo is a tsundere where he still pays for the wedding but refuses to come?

>ninofags and mikufags pretending their favourite toubun will win when negi is clearly going for a yuri ending
Fucking hetfags when will they learn?

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OK, let's end this. Post your kisser theories.

There really is a lot of evidence for Nino, not to mention that her development has been the most prominent of all the quints so far. Of course it would make sense for her to become the bride, at least way more than any other quint so far.

Your position requires far too much head cannon.

>Some fag brings in a guest
>Said guest tries to act like he runs shit
What a colossal pair of niggers.

Itsuki saw crumbs of bread on his face from afar and couldn't resist.

What would be the point of the discussion if we just assumed every hint given in the manga is a ruse?

They might’ve underestimated monka’s dedication this series, if that’s really true.

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It literally can be anyone Negi wishes to be at any moment and you're all dancing around his little finger

Instead of arguing, I'm just going to post the quint I love and hope wins. There's too much shitflinging here. You can do it, Miku!

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Maruo doesn’t want to lose any of his daughters to Fuutarou so he decides to take Fuutarou for himself first.

>another side claiming CANON BRIDE before the ending
I’ve seen waifufags claim canon only to get BTFO in the end. I wouldn’t be too confident.

Stay in your containment board you filthy cockroach

For your troubles.


Ichika cause she wanted to steal Nino’s idea but was still not brave enough. Possibly tripped because her ankle still hurt slightly (Though it was likely because she was leaning into him and he tripped)
Nino because she wanted the kiss. Didn’t care about appearances. Didn’t reveal herself because she screwed it up just so badly.
Miku because she wants him and was still somewhat emotional from earlier
Yotsuba because she loves him but feels she’ll never get a chance with him.
Itsuki because she wants to know what love is, or her finding out her sister loves him awakened something in her.

this, nips are very polites and submissives, if the same thing were done in the west, we would take that as an offense or act of mockery, is just nips being nip

>it’s simply dear to Fuu cause his younger sister made it
You are discarding the relation just because you think he only wears it for Raiha. Yes, it might remember him of Raiha, but as a manga reader, it reminds me more of Nino simply because it was featured in her side of the story. In a work of fiction, you don't simply use something in an specific situation and expect people to relate it to something else. That's not how it works.

Fuutarou should know better than to poke someone in the boobs like that.

Kill yourself retarded hetnigger

There's a difference between saying
>Nino has the most hints of her being the bride
They're hints and nothing more. I'd say Miku has the second most hints, but I'm not gonna say with any certainty that either of them is gonna be the bride.
True. I shall post some Miku.

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Pretty gross desu
>Timeskip Miku
Thank you, user!

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>5tbros and kimetsubros are also bros on nipland

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I love Yotsuba

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>yes, it might be the sound Fuu hear on the bushes was nothing, but as a manga reader, it makes me think more of Rena simply because it was featured just before her appearance. In a work of fiction, you don't simply use something in an specific situation and expect people to relate it to something else. That's not how it works.

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Not even half of the sisters have a "kisser theory".

>I'd say Miku has the second most hints
Such as? The position of the hands that Itsuki also has?

No, retard. Even Raiha didn't know F still had it, he probably didn't wear it daily. Why would he wear it in his wedding? You can headcanoning all you want about how F doesn't give a shit about it, but he sure knows that it's important to Nino, he wouldn't wear it to respect that.
What's more, Negi himself said he doesn't like to put unnecessary stuff, that being an ending where the other girls are connected to him.

At the end of the day, Negi's indiscriminately dropping hints here and there because he fucking knows the target audience of his manga, how retards like you are reading this with your waifu googles and always bring up "le death flags", "le first girl trope", headcanons and other shit, even though the story is pointing on another direction.

Even before the oneshot he's been doing this. The first toubun related thing he revealed was a crop of Nino's face on his Twitter. And even today he made an art of Nino to make a Cinderella reference.

Great, no one cares about this anjinheiro shit

As I said, it could be used for a Nino end, but nothing is set in stone. If Nino ends up losing, I’m sure there will be some fans that will bring up that bracelet and go BUT THIS WAS A SIGN FOR NINO THAT FUCKING HACK and you’ll get some responses that agree, some that say it was a red herring, and others that say that bracelet was connected more to Raiha than anyone. We still don’t know if that was an actual sign.

Holy shit. Artur BTFO

How did Nino screw it up if she's the kisser? It's not like Fuutarou was screaming rape or anything. He looked pretty flustered and it could have been the perfect moment to seal the deal. I don't really think Nino would have kissed him without revealing herself. She's the brutally honest one after all. Doesn't act like she kissed him in the chapters since either

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Proofreader sounds like he belongs in Commie who's pro for liberal cringe scripts. Glad he got kicked, if nothing else.

My favorite edit of this thread.

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>They're hints and nothing more. I'd say Miku has the second most hints, but I'm not gonna say with any certainty that either of them is gonna be the bride.
Except this is a harem romcom, so obviously the winning side's gonna gloat the most to piss off the others, it happens every time and it will always continue to happen.

>In a work of fiction, you don't simply use something in an specific situation and expect people to relate it to something else
that is how a red herring work dumbass

Are we really that bad that anons on Yea Forums are talking shit like anons talk shit about senran being in Yea Forums now?

The kisser is a red herring.

>target audience of his manga
pack it bros. miku won already.

Artur, here

She screwed it up because she’s a romantic but she ended up tripping and kissing him on the ground, under the assumption it is her. While she might have been willing to kiss him wearing the wig, when the kiss went the way tndid it could have caused her to lose her nerve.

Every time and in circles again, here we go.

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Well, that is one. Miku's is closer to the bride's and she does it more often. Not saying it's a particularly strong hint. Then there's the fact that Miku was the first one he is known to be able to recognize despite being in disguise. His pretty strong chemistry with her throughout most of the first half of the story and his blushing when admitting he had a feeling she likes him could be taken as potential hints as well.
Yeah, but Ninofags tend to be especially bad. That said, I wouldn't mind Nino winning too much, she's probably my second favorite quint.

If only he didn't say he already decided at the beginning who would be the bride.

The bride is a red herring

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you should take off your waifu googles, this sort of reaction it's not healthy
at this point on the plot every hint for every quint can be explain away or just ignored without affecting the ending too much, that was Negi intention, he straight up said he wanted people to argue about the bride identity so he has been careful not to give any real clue, he won't give the bride identity away until the last volume

To be clear, I am not saying that this sets in stone Nino's win. My point is that this is a big hint in Nino's favor. If it's used or not, that's up to Negi. But if Negi makes her the bride, everything will immediately make sense, because he has laid enough groundwork for it to happen.
>We still don’t know if that was an actual sign.
It's pretty much a sign though. It had a full page dedicated to it. But as I said, it's up to Negi if he uses it or not.

Tentative bride probabilities because I'm bored: Itsuki 40%, Miku 30%, Nino 20%, Yotsuba 10%, Ichika 0%.

I will not take any Ninofag argument seriously until they compile their own thesis.

Gut reaction was that it was Ichika after seeing her face. Its in her nature to do something underhanded like Kiss Fuu first before Nino would of been able to while looking like Itsuki to avoid having to take responsibility. Similar to how as a child Ichika stole a friend from yotsuba since Ichika is the jealous type who won't take what she wants as aggressively as Nino would in honest. I genuinely think that had it been Nino she would of said something to Fuu later or even pull off the wig. However Nino is known for being aggressive and up front so its hard to say that she wouldn't of kissed Fuu like that but I find it strange that Nino never seems to follow up with Fuu about it like she did with her failed confession.

Attached: Bitchika is alone.png (519x601, 371K)

It’s her first kiss, and they fell down. It sure looks like a disastrous first kiss.

Everyone in this thread

Attached: anons.jpg (253x253, 13K)

When you plan on kissing him at the end of the trip

Attached: yotsuNervous.png (461x907, 197K)

Who cares if Nino was the first thing he posted? Itsuki was still the first quint introduced and has the most focus on the first volume. With the way nips do shit with their first girls then the winner was already decided and it’s been in our faces this entire time. Not to mention, there’s a huge chance she’s known him from childhood thus giving her more history with Fu than any of her sisters. At the end of the day, Nino isn’t the only one with hints or backings in the narrative. Neither is Itsuki.

Who cares? Negi was the one to come up with storyline of her possibly knowing him before anyone else with their possible childhood encounter.

Negi is a red herring. The 3d universe we live in is actually 2d.

Negi unironically thrives for these waifuwars.

>nino has the most hints
>can't write a 40 page thesis supporting her
Nincels BTFO

Negi is writing it

Elementary, my dear Baitson

he is here at this very moment raffing at us

>needing a thesis
There’s a 800page long thesis called 5Toubun no Hanayome manga by Haruba Negi. But it’s unfinished so you’ll have to wait a while.

Why would I write headcanon when I can just post some manga page and make theory tell itself?

>With the way nips do shit with their first girls then the winner was already decided and it’s been in our faces this entire time.
Nisekoi: both girls
okami shounen: aoi
Naruto: nobody, but I think Hinata never had a cover while sakura had like two
Bleach: Ichigo vol1, Rukia vol2, Orihime vol3 iirc - but vol1 is called the death and the strawberry so yeah
Love Hina: always Naru
negima: asuna
Kaminomi: always keima or the goddesess, sometimes the reapers - chihiro only had a cover when the series was already on the two digits
yahari: yukino
haganai: yozora
saekano: I think it was eriri and utaha? no idea
to-love-ru: lala
Toaru : Index
Re:Zero: Emilia
Konosuba: Aqua
Working: Poplar.

*my theory

Yes, other quints have done this pose, but it's been most associated with Miku. Pure headcanon on my part but the failed kiss could also have been the serious blow to her self-esteem that's turned her into the doormat this arc

Attached: TaN72bu.jpg (2160x1710, 673K)

Ganbatte, Yotsuba!

Attached: 428ch83p14cV2.png (1056x459, 612K)

Ah, the good ol' it's only bad if rival shippers do it meme. Never mind the fact speculation/prediction are understood and implied when people make calls as to who is the kisser/bride/etc. Making a big deal out of that to attack fans is what trolls do. Likewise false flaggers whose goal is to purposely create antagonistic opportunities to be attacked.

Oh, I forgot the
>on the first volume.

>thinking Yotsuba kissed Fuutarou
There's no way that'd happen. She didn't even sexually harass him in that entire trip!

Attached: 5Toubun no Hanayome - c068 (NA) - p025 [web] [anon].png (1426x2048, 1.24M)

>Ninofags too lazy to compile even the barest of research papers. Content to shitpost
You don't really love her

Fuutarou a cute!

Well, they certainly stand out the most to me. But yeah, a lot of it may very well be bait. Anyway, I'm off to bed. I shall join the party again tomorrow.

Kinda reminds me of that scene where Fuuts falls on Nino, haha.

Someone needs to go back and check the chapters where Fuu is running to chase Miku and see if she makes the same running pose like the kisser is doing.

Same face the Manga

Femtarou a cute!

Attached: 1541218852284.png (662x1089, 1.02M)

their love for her is as superficial as her love for him

I had the same thoughts as you, but he's dropping these hints since the very beginning until now, it would be another story if he stopped at some point but he didn't.

Thanks for proving my point. Which quint's development is connected with one of the messages of the story? About moving on from the past and embrace what's to come? This was heavily symbolized in Seven Goodbyes with Nino and Fuuts' development. Itsuki being the bride at this point of the story would be an asspull, her feelings are ambigous and even if she's in love, she didn't realize it yet. Also, Fuuts doen't think fatty is interested in him. This is ending soon, if we got more chapters, then it would be different. There's no time for her anymore.

Attached: 1554881542415.png (1736x1116, 1.06M)

>ninobro compile a 40 pages thesis
>ahhahaha nincels ares desperate
try hard

I wonder how this would go if everyone where genderbend? Male Nino officially lost all my respect the very moment she drugged female Fuutarou

Attached: Relax.png (274x242, 5K)

>doesn’t think fatty is interested in him
Exactly. The one who Fuu feels would never be into him actually being into him has the chance of leaving the biggest impact on him. Like I said, Nino is the only one with narrative advantage and neither is Itsuki. Miku has backings as well.

If it was genderbent people would hail Ichika as the chaddest chad, and still call Miku a cuck

I don't think they'd fall for this obvious double bait.
It's loaded to be a lose-lose situation in any way possible.

Itsuki would be a fat fuck, Ichika would be a playboy, Yotsuba would be a jock, Miku would be an otaku and Nino would be the normal quint

Yeah, Nincels just can't compete.

Oh, Miku would be the worst of them all if Male, now Yotsuba is one of those lovable jocks and totally first choice to be the husband

Attached: huh.jpg (528x779, 93K)

>About moving on from the past and embrace what's to come?
that was the meaning of 7 goodbyes but not really of the manga as a whole
the only thing Fuu has move on from is his crush on lolinakano and that may come back once he realizes Rena was not her

It's almost comical how much more attractive Nino and Yotsuba are than the rest. They just have that 「IT」 factor.

Yotsuba goodbye kiss

It was Takeda

>wall of text to thesis for a fictional character in a harem work? Talk about obnoxious and pathetic
>if they don't make one, then they don't love her and are shallow
Nice trap.

He let go of Rena's charm to save Nino, it could've been Miku, but no, it was Nino.

The manga is literally telling you how this will end.

Attached: past-future.jpg (1328x1328, 489K)

Red herring

>final chapter of 5Toubun no Hanayome
>Fuutarou and Nino are wed
>"The End"

Attached: Yotsuba is an angel.png (551x603, 354K)

>He let go of Rena's charm to save Nino, it could've been Miku, but no, it was Nino.
Miku was already in love, Nino wasn't yet so she needed some pushing by Negi
>The manga is literally telling you how this will end.
one arc is giving out the entire manga, sure i can buy that

>b-but that is just a red herring tho, hahaha nincels are so delusional [insecurity intensifies]

Pretty much every single time something was called a red herring in here, it was not

>mutual respect, cooperation, and quality excellence.
what a faggots

So I think what's funny is that when everyone is stating their case as to why they think things will go one way or another, when it's a flaw to assume that any of that matters when it comes to the ending of a rom com. The series will build up things for all 5 girls and everyone will argue how those things are stronger than other elements of the story. For most of the story the author deliberately shifts focus around the girls to keep them mostly in balance until the ending.

Furthermore, I would say that all these arguments imply that the series will have a good satisfying ending. Everyone assumes that everything can't just be disregarded in the final chapters rundown. In Nisekoi the key girl didn't matter, because multiple girls had keys and they all loved him and he didn't even follow through his promise with her. But it doesn't matter because the key girl was the only one of the girls he wasn't separated from and was the girl he started the series with a crush with. Look at TWGOK and the goddess host elimination final round. Now look at yourselves, and admit that Miku is the best girl regardless of who wins.

Why do other quints don't get such powerful parallels, heavy symbology and narrative impact like Nino does? It's not fucking fair.

All this situation is telling me to believe some faggot named Artur who made an autistic essay, by contrast, Ninofags just need to believe in the fucking author himself. I'm tired of relying on headcanons to defend my quint's chances.

legend that binds > sayonara > final exam > mid term > birthday > scrambled eggs > kyoto > festival

>For most of the story the author deliberately shifts focus around the girls to keep them mostly in balance until the ending.
Okay. Then evidence exists for Ichika, Miku, Yotsuba or Itsuki actually winning?

pretty much everything in the manga has been called a red herring at one moment or another

>one arc is giving out the entire manga
>one arc

Attached: kisser.jpg (949x1240, 349K)

This but ironically

>Ninofags just need to believe in the fucking author himself
>I'm tired of relying on headcanons to defend my quint's chances.
Painful truth.

Nino a shit


I think Ichika make the more compelling case

Attached: 1555120650911.png (1110x1246, 1020K)

Actually, last pic answers how Fuutarou can tell which sister is just faking to be the loli Nakano.

Except the kisser ran way after the kiss. It's not Ichika.

Unironically this
After Itsuki comes clean about Rena, Fuu will realize Ichika was telling the truth about her being lolinakano

The power of love healed her ankle

>the author deliberately shifts focus around the girls to keep them mostly in balance
Yotsuba got 4 chapters. How the fuck is that balanced?

Attached: D4wW_kLUwAMQBeD.jpg (2048x2048, 443K)

For the fanbase, everything is a red herring until the one true bride is revealed. Then everything for that girl is real and the rest are red herrings. That's just how these things go.

Yotsuba is his waifu

so I'm just going to see this in every thread huh

>Fuu will realize Ichika was telling the truth about her being lolinakano

Attached: Itsuki is not lolinakano.png (1066x809, 507K)

No she's mine


At least you are honest

Already healed maybe? I mean they were all shown mingling and walking around without any issues.

Yes, and it's thrown around all the time. Then it's presented and called headcanons or ignored. Nino's not the only character in the manga

>Mikuhaters still seething

Attached: smug_miku_colored.png (900x521, 573K)

You've passed the realm of reasonable. Sadly, this is the only way you can rationalize the kisser being either Miku or Chika.

This panel pretty much show that Yotsuba is lolikano
>snek saw the picture
>think it is yotsuba
>try to slither more informations out of yotsuba
You literally can't refute this.

Attached: yotsuba lolikano fixed.jpg (1760x1552, 836K)

>doesn't post any evidence

This happens every time a fucking manga gets to its climax. I really wish there was a way I could pay for the chapters the same day they come out in Japan without having to deal with all this drama every single time.

Attached: 1553890174385.png (325x317, 155K)

Oh shit you're right. I forgot how pulling parallels out of your ass really proves two characters will get together

Attached: 7YczKBe.jpg (7680x4320, 2.69M)

the lolinakano issue is getting interesting, since we now know lolinakano spent the whole day with Fuu, her sisters have to know which one of them was it as one of your siblings going missing is not something anyone would forgot, so any quint that sees the picture will know the truth
Itsuki and Ichika already know

>You can headcanoning all you want but MY headcanon is the correct one

Painkillers + adrenaline are a hell of a drug

This just another red herring
Negi is taking you nincels on a ride, haha

That collage is garbage since it's implying she's okay when she really is not. She needed Yotsuba's help and it still hurt.

>can't even bother to read a thread full of evidence for other girls
Ninofags really are speedreaders. Sorry you ignore any panel that doesn't contain Nino

Attached: 1553537207378.png (986x578, 486K)

see your sister disappearing an entire day it's not something you'd forget
Ichika knew who it was the moment she saw the pic

I think it's almost 100% that Yotsuba is lolinakano, if there weren't multiple lolinakanos during Fuuts' trip.

I thought they had a bunch of new members.

>comparing shounenshit to this
Learn from this fag here

Goddamn look at those torpedoes. The Nakanos are blessed.

Attached: 1553358602241.png (944x1836, 1.91M)

Faglords like you shouldn't talk about drama.

Forgot pic. It's not Ichika, this collage is garbage

Attached: notichika.jpg (1409x987, 477K)

>comparing shounenshit to this

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-23 5Toubun no Hanayome (Title) - MangaDex.png (1380x735, 430K)

Every post you make is a low quality deflection or just straight up shitpost. Sad.

Get off it. I've never been involved in any type of drama that was a determent to a community.

Attached: 1553536305478.png (593x696, 245K)

how is that not balanced?

Implying she wouldn't enjoy it

Attached: Ronnie_implying.png (258x347, 89K)

You never contributed to anything either, tripfag.

blush or no blush and flushed or not
Nino was in Fuutarou's mind ch72 but not Miku that the big difference between Nino and Miku

apologize to negi
>rena revealed to be itsuki a few weeks
>everyone called negi a hack because they thought lolikano was itsuki too
>turns out lolikano is not itsuki

Ninofags give up

Attached: quint_interview.jpg (510x363, 45K)

Attached: 1555834299276.jpg (772x1080, 130K)

So yeah

Attached: 1555977379227.jpg (704x530, 171K)

This needs a mystery tag

Because I'm not stupid enough to destroy something I love by waving my dick. A harder stance should have been taken against people who were causing the drama.

Attached: 1552443587233.png (402x402, 83K)

Not even a waifufag but every time I lurk on these threads Ninofags at least bring up some interesting shit from the manga, and other fags counter them with headcanons.
So even if this is bait, he's actually right

>scanlation drama
That's gonna be a yikes from me. At least this thread transformed into the usual, a bitter waifuwar.


Cute knees

This is not a Red herring, is delusion
Raiha make the fucking bracelet,
>it could've been Miku, but no, it was Nino
Miku know how to swim, is in pag you just posted

There's a reason why people say that Negi shills Nino a lot. Whether or not she's the bride, he gives her a lot of good moments and development. They may had some but none of them have as much as an impact as Nino's. He also doesn't make the other quints shine like Itsuki nor Yotsuba. He did with Ichika but in a negative light.

>You literally can't refute this
I literally can, because that is you headcanon.
you are implying that Ichika assumed that 428 is the girl in the pic, because you are biased to think that itsuki isnt lolikano even when the manga show otherwise, and there is not a internal monologue by Ichika corroborating your implications

Don't mind me, just another red herring

Attached: earrings.jpg (1668x964, 989K)

Just a reminder that Itsuki = Rena = lolikano = bride

You literally cannot refute this. First girl always wins.

Just a reminder that Fuutarou is tired of their shit tests.

Attached: quintuplet_spoiler.jpg (559x913, 104K)

The ninofags just about think things, they think in parallels and in muh bracelet

The reality is that now Fuutaro does not think of any girl in a romantic way, is aware of the feelings of some quints, but he has described love in a theoretical way, we have not yet seen any kind of action on his part that makes us think otherwise

Does Fuu marry 0? Who knows. Miku is a great actor but probably wouldn't feel so insecure if she knew she's the one he's been pining for these past 5 years. Nino seeing the picture should disqualify her from being 0. Ichika's teasing and Yotsuba's helpfulness only matter if they know the blond wild child was the tall black haired tutor. Yotsuba and Itsuki were nice to him to start and their process of falling for him haven't been really focused on, so the two of them are most likely to be 0.

well that's good as long as you're not what kaguya scans have devolved into

>differences in values
how likely is it that there was an emotional woman involved?

inb4 >incel

I got you bro. Have some more red herrings

Attached: Nino_Parallels.jpg (1600x4349, 1.51M)

As the user you quote said, this is all because of Negi. I do think that this is the groundwork he left for a Nino win. At least it would be very easy to explain why she was selected as the bride instead of having to force many behind-the-scenes plotlines to explain why other girls are more relevant than Nino. Negi has this shit planned, so of course his work will have hints about who is the bride.

Here is another one.

Attached: Nino Wedding idea.png (1375x693, 943K)

At the start of the ark, the dad specifically says the area with the bell is slippery
That line was put there as obvious foreshadowing
Anyone could have fallen

kek, change the filename for future threads

Could anyone include the bracelet scenes from and in this pic please? So we gather all evidence in one pic.

Attached: 84cc3e7c620f75370057719171aac408.jpg (200x200, 10K)

Itsuki would be very happy to eat all these red herrings

Attached: 936483.png (288x289, 39K)

Gee, Negi, why does Nino get to have so many red herrings?

Attached: miku eeh.jpg (899x1274, 478K)

Why?When Negibro does it for us with 83 chapters

For Itsuki to eat them!

Attached: ehh.png (126x169, 36K)

With all the red herrings she has, a Nino win would seem too obvious

You just forgot that Ichika´s symbol is the earring that she uses all the time end she is the only person that we see wearing earrings

You are reading too much into it to justify your waifu

Their job is not to leave images around the manga as if this were some kind of game

He should only connect the thoughts and feelings of the quint that won with Fuutaro, no matter how many random vignette you get, if there is no construction that the MC recognizes for that quint, those "parallels" will only be in your head

Let the cope begin

Don't worry user. The bracelet dissapeared. Negi will definitely have it come back later, so you get the plot construct you want.


I absolutely agree. I also think that Negi has started to giving us reasons why Fuutarou would choose Nino over her sisters. Panels like this tell us that he's fucking pissed of all this drama and mindgames. Itsuki tricked him with Rena, Ichika tricked him too, even Miku tricked him in Scrambled Eggs. If Yotsuba is in fact lolikano, he may let that slide but she still hid from him that she knew him from the very beginning.

Even if Nino's too pushy sometimes, he probably prefers to deal with that than the other shit.

Attached: 1545350965147.png (175x218, 40K)

She chose the place of Miku's wedding, what a good sister

Itsuki is lolikano, I still don't understand how people think it's Yotsuba.

She's incapable of doing it herself after all

>Nino has the advantage simply because she confessed because Fuutarou had anyone in mind. Now that Fuutarou likes someone, whoever confesses from this point on, will get rejected for good since he already has someone he likes,

we can see that Fuutarou is very cold towards Ichika and Miku because he knows their feelings
But he is calm and nervous with Nino because he already has feelings for her

But Miku would probably want a traditional Japanese style wedding... Why would she let Nino pick such a western place?

All nino hints are red herrings
nincels are just delusionals

Attached: ninohaters.jpg (318x318, 12K)

Absolutely hilarious.

Fuut heard Nino

Because if Yotsuba isn't Lolikano then she will have zero significance to the story.

Attached: 1553495414545.jpg (1536x1228, 301K)

Don't you think it's too late for Yotsuba to be relevant in the story?

If she wasn't lolikano, her significance would boil down to being the first one trying to learn from Fuutarou and from constantly cucking herself.

Remember when Yotsuba was Fuutarou's ally? What happened to it?

Because sure Nino pressed it, probably the other quints have also decided to do something for the wedding

How dare anyone make fun of Nino and give criticism on her and her fans

One of the theme of the manga is to let the past go and change to be better. Itsuki being lolikano may lower her chance rather than being an advantage. Yotsuba may dodge a bullet here. Plus for the first girl rule to get BTFO, Im willing to accept other girls ending even if it's not Yotsuba.

in the BUTT

Attached: 20.png (320x224, 73K)

He was simply stressed because someone had taken Miku's place and lied to him

Obviously he is not aware of this and he does not know why he was irritated
At least that's how a Ninofag would think if Ichika had tricked him with the Nino disguise

>average IQs
Ichikafags: 115
Ninofags: 95
Mikufags: 80
Yotsubafags: 125
Itsukifags: N/A

>Now that Fuutarou likes someone

How do we come to this conclusion?

Yotsuba will be the one at his side.

Attached: 3219.png (1426x2048, 1.05M)

Would fatty really not remember about buying the charms and giving one to each of them? Pretending to not know when fuutarou question her?

if only, but what we get instead are retards fishing for (you)s like this one and fags in denial because Negi is clearly leading us through a Nino end

It's sad really because every quint gets shit on but when it applies to Nino, all hell breaks loose more with them more than the others. Then they want to act all smug when it's really bothering them

>that Ichika´s symbol is the earring that she uses all the time end she is the only person that we see wearing earrings

Maybe Ichika gave her favorite earrings to Nino for her wedding day because she remembers this moment*the earrings are maybe a memory of their mother

Nino is ugly as fuck

lol this pic destroys the theory that Ichika is the kisser.

Attached: 1555832104930.png (1426x2048, 869K)

At least she's his love confidant now

The quints are NOT ugly!

based and Yotsupilled

Attached: 1541219957543.png (1350x1222, 1.91M)

>Then they want to act all smug when it's really bothering them
I dont know others, but I read all those post with a big grin on my face, it almost hurt my cheeks

I want Nino to win but I dont want Ninofags to feel happy about it. What do?

Stop paying attention to these threads and don't let others ruin something you enjoy.

Yotsuba is a simple girl with simple needs and wants.

Attached: quint_yotsuba_called_out.png (295x433, 92K)


Seeing Ichika smiling here when F tells her he had pleasant memories with lolikano makes me think Ichika might've actually been telling the truth about being her.

Attached: da8433ac11658dd24975a69f4ab76cb40266.jpg (1135x1618, 472K)


translations when?
I don't want to look through the pictures just yet.

Isn't this a false memory? Didn't the real lolikano depart from Fuutaro sometime after she bought the charms with her Papa Nakano.

Attached: __nakano_yotsuba_go_toubun_no_hanayome_drawn_by_alisia0812__2ddcec4d9b85133b34d41cec7c860ab5.png (780x1200, 891K)

Bitches, this is Nino's love story. It's called The Quintessential Quintuplets because the sisters are very fucking important to Nino and define her personality, as we can see in pic related.

Attached: K1.png (1115x1600, 842K)

If Nino wins, the Ninofags will never fucking shut up about it tho

Around this time next week

Probably never. The group broke up and and there's going to be no more early translations.

Attached: 1553464552510.png (1056x506, 880K)

I still think that Fuutarou met with multiple lolinakanos without him realizing it and that Yotsuba's story about Ichika stealing away her male friend when they were kids was about Fuutarou. I also believe the reason why Yotsuba tried to change her looks from the others is because of Ichika stealing her male friend.

Attached: 1555896352306.png (1055x356, 716K)

Okay anons, let's check the chapter titles to check for hints. Most chapter titles have the name of the current arc. A few chapter titles have the name of the specific situation of that chapter. There are only five chapter titles that stand out from the rest and could have some hints about who the bride is:

>Chapter 13: A Nice Girl Everybody Likes - Yotsuba's introduction
>Chapter 34: Together, Today with Tumult in Kyoto - Fuutarou reminisces about his past with lolikano with Itsuki
>Chapter 38: Confession in the Living Room - Yotsuba's fake confession
Chapter 60: The Conquest Begins - Nino's confession
Chapter 71: Advantage - Nino confronts Fuutarou and tells him that she will make him understand how much she loves him

No other chapter title seems meaningful enough to be mentioned. Chapter 13 is a Yotsuba chapter. Chapter 34 could be said to be an Itsuki chapter, Chapter 38 is another Yotsuba chapter, and the other two are Nino chapters. Negi gave these chapters those distinctive names for a reason. Probably because these three quints are the most important plotwise.

Now, let's examine the last two, those that seem more related to the bride than the others. The Conquest Begins and Advantage. Note that it doesn't say Nino's Conquest or A Girl's Contest. It says, THE Conquest begins. I think Negi means that this is a turning point in the series. The other chapter, Advantage, is similar. Negi says that Nino has an advantage over the other sisters. This all seems to imply that Nino is indeed the bride.

>Significant deviation to the quality or release schedule is not expected.
Based retard.


I wish I could

>Chapter 38: Confession in the Living Room - Yotsuba's fake confession
>Chapter 38 is another Yotsuba chapter
That was the babysitting chapter feat Ichika and Miku

>Chapter 38: Confession in the Living Room - Yotsuba's fake confession
What fucking drugs are you on?

>Actually believing that's going to be the case after Golden Week.
user-san, I don't feel so good...

Attached: 1552442712019.jpg (580x823, 83K)

Oh, wait, this is true, I got them mixed up, my bad.

>Yotsuba's fake confession
that's ch21: spell

Who team /2+4/

Yeah, my bad, I got them mixed up. Still, most of my post still stands. Let's include Miku's though.

That may be true actually
>You have been here before, right?
She wouldn't know about this particular spot if she wasn't Lolikano or Lolikano told her about it.

Attached: 0_01.jpg (1135x1618, 464K)

Attached: 1556044796472.png (663x800, 633K)

ohh, so adorable. Nino will definetely win

user, please...

The snek who cried wolf?
A bit of a stretch dont you think, doesn't really explain how Itsuki became Rena.

This is a good post.

Attached: file.png (355x355, 65K)


Nino a shit!

Well, even counting that technicality, my point still stands though. Why would it be called The Conquest Begins if it weren't like I mentioned? Nino just confessed in that chapter, nothing else happened. She didn't try to postpone his answer in that chapter. It's as Negi was implying that that part was just the beginning. If it's as you say iIt should have been called Confession In the Kitchen or something, like Miku's confession.

if Nino decides to give up one day it is only if she finds out that one of her sisters is lolinakano.She will sacrifices herself for Fuutarou'sake or her sisters

Nino will think that Fuutarou is still in love with lolinakano

Well said

Attached: quint_Ichika_its_afraid.png (719x720, 1.12M)

>She will sacrifices herself for Fuutarou'sake or her sisters
That's Yotsuba tho


Cute Bride.

Yotsuba is lolinakano
But Nino is the bride

Attached: 1555881432313.jpg (502x374, 181K)

>She will sacrifices herself for Fuutarou'sake or her sisters
Literally Yotsuba

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Nino is my bride

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>Hand over your bento right now or things are gonna get ugly, kid

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I hope it's Yotsuba, I want Negi to throw us out of the left field.

Why is there so little reaction for Itsuki basically admitting that she's gunning for the Fuutlong?

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The wife is just another twin. What was she called again? Mutsumi?

So this is how Eatsuki will survive in the future huh?

Most people caring about other girls don't even bother with nintards anymore even when they have arguments. Since they often did it for weeks or months and the only answers were ninotards saying bullshit, projecting too hard what they would want themselves on Fuutaro, selectively ignoring things, just saying that it's stupid because it doesn't fit with their headcannon or just answer "Muh post too long, leddit" or other associated retarded answer, you learn to stop caring.

If Nino lose Negi will be the one BTFO'ing them, and it'll be very funny to see.

It's funny to see ninofags arguing about how others have no arguments like in this thread when it's just that others that aren't worth new know that it's not worth the hassle.

I can imagine her taking a student's lunch because they forgot their homework.

go home i's over Nino is the bride

Attached: gohome.png (1724x500, 550K)

>Fuutarou is looking at Nino, away from the other quints
What did Negi mean by this

what was Ichika planing to do anyways, tell him (as Miku) that Ichika is lolikano(lie) or cover her previous lie and tell him that she (as miku) was planing to confess to fuutarou's cousin(the boy in the pic) ?

You know what it means

No I really don't

That isn't what she meant. ESL and WTN peasants need a rope.

Fucking gaijins shitting up my nip twitter. Almost gave me a heart attack

based retard, It's clearly going to E

Gave me an heart attack too.

even the last two chapters Fuutarou still looks at his wife

Neither do I actually. But hey, Nino was basically in the front. Parallels and shit.

Fucking cursed.

Attached: what the fuck.jpg (257x312, 14K)

no "A"

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Kind reminder that by the end of this arc Nino will either be confirmed as the bride or get rejected.

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What a fun thread, Ninohaters went completely silent after the red herring dump with just a couple of cope posts.

No idea. One common idea is tht it's both at once, saying that Ichika!Miku would say to him that she can't care about Fuu this way, because she knows Ichika is lolikano and therefore cannot steal him from her, but even this wouldn't work with her objective since her main goal was for Fuutaro not to think that Miku loved him at all, in order to cover her previous lie.

Either way, it's retarded because Miku saying that Ichika is lolikano != miku telling him that she doesn't love him.

Either Ichika is too much of a genius, or she's just plain retarded.

>Kind reminder that by the end of this arc Nino will either be confirmed as the bride
By elimination if Miku gets rejected
>or get rejected
Not gonna happen this arc

that just gave me an immense boner

>t-they stopped posting so we win!
No because you guys have an IQ lower than the quints themselves to bother

>editor-san is forced to play Too many Cinderallas with Negi

>Not gonna happen this arc
Then what was the point of the last page of chapter 77 you speedreader?

Like I said, you shouldn't let others bother you. The day I understood that lesson, I became a far far happier person.

Someone said this earlier. Ninofags need manga pages to defend their favorite character. Mikufags need headcanon autistic essays.

>By elimination if Miku gets rejected

>Ninotards still believe that Itsuki isn't just as much as a threat

How retarded Negi was with his handling of Ichika lately should be enough to show you that you shouldn't expect too much and that a victory coming out of nowhere in a retarded way is perfectly possible. No one is safe.

I bet that Nino is the lolinakano,the kisser and the bride

Nino won't be rejected, because she's going to support Yotsuba

For her plan to succeed she would need to tell the truth about lolinakano since her sisters would know the truth if Fuu ever told the story and would call her BS
so either Ichika is lolinakano and "miku" would say she did liked him but knowing the truth thinks he belongs with Ichika
or miku is lolinakano and "miku" would say that Yotsuba misunderstood her, she liked fuu 5yrs ago but not now and she supports Ichika as she likes him now
it's also posible that Ichika never thought that far and was just winging it

That would have happened if the focus of this arc wasn't completely shifted to Miku and Ichika, and even Yotsuba and Itsuki.
Nino will probably have focus with the stalker stuff at the end, but that's no confession time.

fuck off michlan,stay assblasted

You got two right.

All of these are wrong.

She's also a red herring.

Attached: Mieow-Rustle_cute-2.png (569x516, 334K)

>in traditional japanese weddings, they raise the cup 3 times

Attached: miku 3.jpg (1000x1407, 285K)

now fight

>next chapter

everyone knows that Fuutarou will eventually find Nino in the forest of banbou after Miku shitty 4 pages and he will save her(bracelet will comeback)

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Sorry to disappoint you but Ichika is my most hated one. Which doesn't make the fact that he turned her into a retarded, ridiculous and ineffective villain out of nearly nowhere because plot wrong.

Don't expect too much because any character could be screwed in the same way later, by making mountains out of molehills, so even if Nino really was best girl (she isn't but let's roll with it) it doesn't mean that she's safe from Negi's "twists".

Attached: mikusip.png (475x681, 142K)

Attached: ninosip.png (378x558, 224K)

Things would be better if they were quadruplets. I know who to erase.

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This. Nino was probably hoping to get one on one time with Fuutarou, but seeing how everything worked out, she won't get her moment. There is still a slight chance she will get some alone time, but it's looking unlikely since he will spend part of the third day with Miku and there is the whole Itsuki/Rena thing that still needs to happen.

>liberal cringe script
as opposed to the conservative cringe scripts where they're all toolbags that act like they're salt of the Earth type people to cover up how much money they were born into which is why they always pick shit waifus

If this happens, even if Miku doesn't get rejected, my sides will be obliterated.

After going through the chapter in moon I get the feelings Fuutarou isn't even mad about Ichika in particular, he is just mad about all the bullshit. People also forget that Papakano told him not to touch them.

Is everyone finally sick of arguing with Ninotards?

Take it to /pol/

does anyone has the "tired of this motherfucking quint bullshit" pic? It'll probably become very useful in the next chapters.

Attached: too young for this shit.png (753x695, 185K)

Everyone saw coming what was going to happen with Ichika. It would have been way more surprising if it didn't happen. She was being a backstabbing bitch, and she got what she deserved. Nothing more, nothing less.

Thanks user. I can perfectly see this happening down the road in canon.

here, you need it, beggar whore

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>She was being a backstabbing bitch
Was she? I think she just made a stupid lie and just kept trying to cover it up.

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She lied about being Miku, she lied about being lolikano. She tried to mess with Fuutarou while using the identities of her sisters. That's being a backstabbing bitch.

This is speculation, but it could be a plausible explanation. When Maeda is remembering the dance with her wife in front of the bonfire, he says "Did you know? At that time, Uesugi was also..."

Given that all the quints were holding his fingers, Maeda's line could be this one "At that time, Uesugi was also... going to dance in the bonfire with his wife, but he couldn't to".

In fact, F turned Ichika down to dance with Nino. If F hadn't fallen ill, he would probably have danced with her.

Attached: x12 (2).jpg (772x1134, 312K)

Something makes me chuckle about this image. I think it's the way Negi drew her here and it's only half of her face

>Maeda's line could be this one "At that time, Uesugi was also... going to dance in the bonfire with his wife, but he couldn't to".
but maeda doesn't know about kintarou dancing with nino, he only knew about ichika

>Was she?
did you get what he meant by that?, he asked for reference before the miku incident

Another nanking when? It would improve the post quality by 25%.

Ichika disguised as Miku = Sneaku
Miku disguised as Itsuki = Mitsuki
Nino disguised as Miku = Niku
Itsuki disguised as Rena = Ritsuki


after another 911

She always was selfish, even at the very beginning with the fireworks, but he still took it to an extreme and to a new level.
She was a bitch before, but not one that used her family as chess pieces. Hence him creating mountains out of molehills.
Not to mention that he basically fucked up Miku's character out of nowhere too because muh it was needed for the plot.

Thinking that he's above using cheap tricks is just plain wrong. Itsuki doesn't have her 100% chance of winning anymore, but it's still likely for her to get catapulted as the wife out of nowhere and she's as much of a threat as Miku or Nino.

>Group A
>"Takino" and the bamboo forest "Mount Lushan"

>Water and forest

All the best moment of Fuutarou and Nino are in the forest or in the water

Attached: waterandforest.png (260x592, 132K)

>There is still a slight chance she will get some alone time with Fuutarou

Nino is confirmed to be the bride if this happens

was she a "backstabbing" bitch before telling fuuts that "Ichika" likes him as miku?

He also turned Ichika into a jealous nutter and forced Itsuki to fall for Fuutarou.

>Nino disguised as Miku = Niku
Sorry, this one has already been registered for something way better.

I doubt that he will "catapult her" as the wife out of nowhere. Fuutarou didn't react to her shenanigans at all. Not as Rena, and not in last chapter when she fucking grabbed his arm.

>Fuu danced with both Nino and Ichika but not with Miku during the school trip

He didn't dance with either of them.

Attached: quintuplet_answer.jpg (1764x1053, 107K)

Did she?
It seems like fatty is more interested in getting him to remember about the past, guilt from 7goodbyes?

He could've heard it from someone, from F himself, it's just speculation but it would make sense with the "Uesugi was also" part.

No, but we did get multiple hints that she was going out of her mind, starting from pic related.

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He was going to dance with Nino. He turned Ichika down.

Remove Nino

's virginity


Attached: fuutarou.gif (500x281, 955K)

So, since leddit claimed Miku as the winner because three roses in the head and a gesture, could we claim Nino as the winner after this thread?

>from F himself
he said/thought he didn't remember very well what happened
Maeda probably heard a rumor about him being with the quints

The reason why Fuutarou, a family man would fall for Nino is obvious.
When she first met Nino, she acted aggresive as fuck, but he got to know that was the result of her trying to protect her sisters from all dangers.
Fuutarou values people who care for their family. Of course this would win some points in his heart, even if unconsciously.
With the many interactions they had after that, with the kiss as the finishing touch, it will lead to him acknowledging that he felt something for her all that time, falling in love with her.

It's obvious and easy to explain fags.

Nope. He didn't respond to Nino's confession yet. Nino holds it.

Based on what exactly??

>More fanfiction from Nincels
Like clockwork.

from the nakano family register

Read the thread faggot

He kind of did with Ichika and Nino.
Fuu and Nino were psudo dancing at the cliff together spinning with each other it was a good trickand Ichika and Fuu had that one page where it looked like a dance when he grabbed her from getting the log to fall on her.

Granted its a stretch but its true that Fuu was planning to dance with Nino and asked Ichika to call it off, had they not gotten stuck in the shed he would of danced with Nino.

I miss my old Miku

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So Negi gives to Nino the group A with the visit of the most romantic places with "the legend of the lovers in kyoto" and not far away is the group E(coincidence?)
i see you negi i see you

That's just a theory by the way, but it's easy to explain

you can just say she was there when he was at the lowest point of his life (drowned by Rena)

too bad drug happened, though maybe Fuutarou is a masochist

April Fool's was 22 days ago lads.

Yes, certified by Yea Forums

Yeah, we don't have proof.

fatty is insisting with the rena stuff because she fell guilty that fuuts was able to tell her his secret and that she couldn't tells him hers, then when she was ready to tell him her secret (chapter 79) she found out that he wasn't interested in Rena anymore,(because of 7goodbys) that get fatty felt unnecessary and rejected(womans logic?) so she now want him to be able to recognize her again and end the whole stuff for sure (sorry for my bad English)

If the scanlations continue and there won't be a significant change to the quality of the scans, why make a public announcement?
Just keep going and anond would be none the wiser.

Implying that Nino is the only one that cared about her family is ridiculous. Hell, Itsuki is another one that was their "mother" (even if we personally never see her acting as such), Yotsuba is ridiculous when it comes to sacrificing herself for them, and Miku is possibly one of the ones that care the most which is a part of why she's so destroyed by one of the sister she trusted the most doing this to her.

All of them cared a ton, or still do, when it comes to their family to the point of them almost being an hive mind in the past, the only difference being that Nino used to be more possessive about it.

's pantys? I wish

Ah! So it's the usual Nincels rambling

Ninobros BTFO Artur, Michlan, and their fags: The Thread

>>Fuu danced with both Nino and Ichika but not with Miku during the school trip
Fuutarou only look at Ichika and Nino lips but not Miku's lips

I was talking about Maeda

When it comes to Fuutarou turning down Ichika and planning to dance with with Nino, I don’t think he was showing favoritism at all. He knew Ichika better at that point and probably just assumed she wouldn’t take it hard since the situation was just kinda forced on them, plus he was oblivious of her feelings. I think he assumed dancing with Nino as Kintarou was the best course of action, a selfless act to not disappoint her

No one said Maeda was going to dance with them, though.

>Btfo of anyone

Attached: Nino realizes she is shit.png (378x342, 86K)

I think that too. He was really taken aback by Ichika's reaction. It actually felt odd to the reader since we didn't know if Ichika actually liked him.

Now suck it

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Who knows. It seems stupid unless there are actually going to be competing Yea Forums translations.

Of course they care for one another, but Nino cares about the others the most. We have been shown strong hints of that like in the pic of . Your behaviour reflects your thoughts and desires, and even though Nino was the most aggresive, that only meant how much her sisters meant for her. Remember that they are quintuplets. They have lived basically the same life. The only thing that differentiates their behaviours is their thoughts and desires.

Of course. What I tried to imply, if Nino's the bride, is that they would've danced together, they couldn't because F was ill, but despite that they ended up together.

Maeda dances with Fuu and he's the bride alternate parody ending please

Nah, she's just the most "delicate" and thus lashes out easier.

>pic of Maeda
>This is speculation, but it could be a plausible explanation. When Maeda is remembering the dance with her wife in front of the bonfire, he says "Did you know? At that time, Uesugi was also..."
>Given that all the quints were holding his fingers, Maeda's line could be this one "At that time, Uesugi was also... going to dance in the bonfire with his wife, but he couldn't to".

>all directly referencing Maeda

Remember that Nino was the last of the sisters to change.


Where was it stated that Nino was the last?
We only know that Yotsuba is the first

When Nino cut her hair. She talked about trying to remain the same and finally letting go.

Its implied that she didn't want to change like her sisters were then she cut her hair, her unwillingness to want to admit that her sisters were changing and that they were becoming more distant because she was afraid of losing them and she was too stubborn yearning for how they used to be the same shows she didn't want to change.

Attached: x16.png (1070x1600, 816K)


Nino is really unsightly

Nincels are speedreaders.
ayy. lmao

Obessing about your family and the past isn't the same as "loving your family". She actually went against their own wishes many times, which isn't, in fact, "loving your family" at all and is quite selfish. Learning to let it go is important too. Again, the only difference if that she was possessive about it. Possession != love.

Ultimately, all of them care and that's the point of the story. Saying that she'd be a better housewife would be one thing, but saying that she cares more (except when it comes to snake after she lost it but that was the exception) is just false. Being more aggressive doesn't necessarily implies something positive like caring more; think about spoiled children as an example.

Aka acting like a bitch

you sure you aren't just looking at the mirror?

Yep "delicate" they all care for each other very much, hence why Ichika acting like this was a shock, but Nino actually bawling her eyes out isn't surprising either.

Attached: 1555881878139.png (1426x2048, 846K)

Her entire personality from the very beginning was "I care about my sisters alone, and I will protect them, even if they hate me". Which personality of the quints do you think that resonates the most with Fuutarou?

Attached: x18.png (2140x1600, 1.4M)

Damn Ichika was dead on, what a baby.

kek, never stop user, you made my day great

So you admit Nino is unsightly?

Yeah she's pretty ugly.

Pretty much.

Nino a hypocritical cunt

Shitposter going all out

Nincels are as "delicate" as their waifu.

Pretty much. No one can respond without damage controlling by calling Ninofags delusional, name calling or they have zero reading comprehension,etc because they don't want to acknowledge the clear evidence straight from the manga they provide which points towards Nino being the bride. Nino winning is causing too much insecurities within these threads unfortunately.

Which can also be translated as "I know better than they do and therefore I don't care about what they think or how they want to live their lives".

To be fair, it was more about her not being able to let go of the past and having an hard time accepting that even if your relationships evolve over time, your bonds stay the same, and ninofags should know about this the most given how annoying they are with her. It's still not what "loving more" is, and certainly not something that would give her an edge when it comes to Fuutaro.

Do you think he'd like it and see it as a good way of loving someone if because of her attempts at stopping others from studying it fucked up their life in the end? Loving your family isn't about obsessing over your own way of seeing them. It means accepting them as they are, changes included.

>Bantz on le sneke
>Bantz on meeku
>Bantz on piggy
>Bantz on sucicidy
>Bantz on Nincel
Heh, how fitting of her fags.

Negi needs to hurry up and wrap up the manga so that I can be free

>This manga is groundbreaking. Negi subverts expectations and cliches
>Negi makes the generic tsundere win
Pretty revolutionary, huh?

>Yet cries shitposting when someone disagrees

They really are, I love this.

He's going all out

Agree so much with this.
People make jokes on all the quints
Ichika - snake
Miku - doormat
Yotsuba - despair/stupid
Itsuki - fat
But the moment anyone even makes a slight joke against Nino, the Nincels defense force come out of the woodwork.
Nincels cannot handle the bants.

This has already been proved false without any "damage control" many times.

And if this is what "evidences straight from the manga" are it explains quite a lot of things, and not in a positive way.

Its amazing how deluded they are.

I think we're getting raided by discord.

>Obessing about your family and the past isn't the same as "loving your family".
Strong emotions towards something is what leads to "obsessions" user. It's retarded of you to argue that she her "obsession" towards her family is somehow different than love. And she learned to let go, that was the point of when she cut her hair. Still, she was the only one that wanted to go against Fuutarou, even if she was hated by the others. That only proves how important they were to her.

You wish. Negi couldn't be anymore obvious that Nino is the bride so i'm not offended by other quintfags. I just feel pity for anons like you feeling insecure posting and shitposting towards Ninofags just to boost your self esteem because you're seething at whatever Ninofags post.

Yes yes cry baby, everyone is out to get you, including discord. I'm so sorry you can't repeatedly spam images of your cock eyed theories every thread without someone daring to disagree.

Can't wait to include your posts in the hall of anal devastation after Nigno loses.

Strong emotions aren't necessarily love, and once again, aren't necessarily positive. Love isn't about control. She was insecure, and this is an huge part of why she acted like she did. Not because she "loved them more".

The only thing that it proved was that she refused to accept everyone else's wishes. Which is quite a twisted way of "loving someone" and usually isn't defined as such. This isn't going to give her an edge in any way compared to the others that also loved everyone just as much, but accepted them for what they are despite this.

Yes she learned to let go and is a better/more mature character for it. The point here was that she somehow "loved her family more than the others" and Fuutaro would realize that it was because of love. It's that part that is nonsense. Not anything about Nino later in the story.

This series doesn't need to be considered "revolutionary" based on whoever wins. Regardless who wins the story is incredibly engaging and fantastic for what it is which we all came to love.

Its a real shame.

Yes, yes. Seethe more.

>This has already been proved false without any "damage control" many times
This thread says otherwise.
>and not in a positive way
What are you here if you get this assblasted, Artur? Go back to discord.

The only one seething is you though.

What chapter did Nino give the bracelet?