Who the hell has the head of their bed in the middle of the room?

Who the hell has the head of their bed in the middle of the room?

Please post other anime bed positions I hope this isn't common place.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_01.31_[2019.04. (1920x1080, 124K)

Attached: JackAtlasroom.png (1600x881, 418K)

But its clearly not in the middle of the room

So just like my room.
You are not living your life correctly.

I seriously, seriously shygddt
You don't want to wake up and find that there's someone leaning over your face from behind like that.
Also, remember to never leave a chair for example without stuff on it; an empty chair is an invitation for sitting. You don't want to awaken and in the half light see some uninvited faggot sitting on your empty chair (been there done that no thanks again).
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly: cover any mirrors in your bedroom whilst you sleep, especially if they face the bed.

Trust me on this, I used to post on /x/ back when it was good.

I am spooked now.

>see some uninvited faggot sitting on your empty chair
fucking supernatural homosexuals

Was it a cute faggot?

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>some uninvited faggot sitting on your empty chair (been there done that no thanks again).

Reminds me of someone at my uni that woke up to their flatmate masturbating above their face.

is this instructions on how to get superatural sexy times?
what if i put a dildo on the chair, will it get sat on as well.

Your mistake was not locking your door and having no steel bars blocking your windows.

I sleep that way sometimes.

>Bed under window
lol nope

Always face the head of your bed East and feet West. Rise with the Sun. Never point your head South, the dead will visit your dreams. North is pretty neutral, so it's fine.

Mirrors are fine as long as they never reflect your sleeping face. Just to be safe, point them away from the bed or at a perpendicular angle.

Chairs are fine Idk what the fuck you're talking about. Then again I have seen mysterious drool and a book called "How Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit" appear on my desk when it was clear so who knows. Just don't point it at the door.

Only faggots sleep with the bedhead free. Consider suicide, because demons and shit will make fun of you for being so retarded.

Not /x/ user, but reflective surfaces and cardinal directions are serious shit when it comes to your bed.

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honestly most of what matters is airflow and the passage of light
t.I literally built the bridge of dreams fuck your nonsense

What the fuck is happening in this thread

My flatmate always itched the ditch, she thought she was so good hiding it. You can't hide the smell girl.

when in doubt, heed the wisdom of /x/

Attached: do what x told me to do.jpg (827x534, 58K)

>Ghostbusters was doing it wrong
>Should've vigorously masturbated to stop the ghosts
>They didn't

Attached: Endro - 07.jpg (1280x720, 109K)


I was younger, and we were on holiday.
Hotel was old, small.
Early morning.
It was a man in a suit. An old suit, with the wider pinstripes that went out of fashion lik 60 years ago.
Didn't see his face, he wasn't looking at me, but it was shadowed.
legs crossed, just sitting very still.
Ever since then I've placed things onto empty chairs in rooms I sleep in to discourage sitters in the dark.
Can't sit if there's shit all over the chair.

Attached: more horrifying that id care to admit.jpg (1099x506, 114K)

Covering your mirrors is necessary. You don't want to suddenly have a lucid dream and look into one.

You win Yea Forums for today, good sir.

There is literally nothing that someone can post that can be better than this one.

Time to stay awake for another couple of hours, I guess

I didn't expect this to be an /x/ thread
Also how to summon succubus

You're exactly right user. One more thing: if you sleep on your stomach, keep pillows to both of your sides, and if you sleep on your side, keep a pillow to your back. Unobserved space has a habit of getting filled.

Also, I wish we could turn back the clock on /x/. On 4channel as a whole really.

>On 4channel as a whole really
There's not much clock to go back on there, buddy.

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all these newfaggot normalfaggots posting to 4channel. this place has gone downhill in the past couple months.

Stop trying to pretend you aren't a newfag yourself.

No, you have to summon a succubus for that. This is more a complete fuck up that results in completely non-pleasurable anguish. Not recommended.

No joke, I get sleep paralysis pretty often. On average, probably twice a month. Not always accompanied by presences, but I remember when it first happened. Extremely gay/sexual/rapey, but I forced myself awake in time to protect my anal virginity. Close call.
Here's a hot tip: Focus everything you can on moving your head. If you can move your head, you will snap out of it. You'll need to concentrate a bunch, because you're pretty woozy. Eventually you'll improve though. I'm a pro now.
I also regularly get dreams where I see demons masquerading as dead family members. They try to trick me into trusting them, as though they're a family member visiting me in a dream. The first time this happened it almost got me, but something felt off; my grandfather was responding to things strangely, so I started asking questions to trick the demon into revealing itself. Eventually I tricked it and called it out for being an imposter. It attacked me, and I had to wrestle it into submission. Then, on pure instinct, I tore the body into pieces and placed them in a box. After reflecting for a few days, I realized that I had reenacted the myth of Osiris.
Since then, it's happened quite a bit. It's gotten to the point that every time I see a dead family member in a dream, I immediately recognize that I'm dreaming and take control. I attack the shit out of the demon, and always wake up once it's dead, or banished, or sealed, or whatever.

>the joke
>your head

Is bulma the bed, or is the bed the bed?

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