My name's Hirohiko Araki and I fucked over my fans by destroying the main time-line that they all cared about because, "Muh Burnout".
You'll never see Josuke, Giorno, or any of the old gang again! Fuck your investment!
>*rafs in Nip*
My name's Hirohiko Araki and I fucked over my fans by destroying the main time-line that they all cared about because, "Muh Burnout".
You'll never see Josuke, Giorno, or any of the old gang again! Fuck your investment!
>*rafs in Nip*
>Heroic Death
>Doesn't even matter because the whole story basically never happened on an almost meta-level
If there's not some last minute re-incorporation in Part 8 or 9, I'ma fucking riot
Daily reminder that nobody died in part 6.
Please explain, my heart must be mended.
Daily reminder his art style turned to trash around part 4/5 when he started this weird obsession he has with skinny models who wear shitty outfits and constantly look like they smelled a fart
I still don't understand how people are mad about this. What's wrong with a fresh, new direction of the series?
If he wanted to take it in a fresh new direction he could have done it without deleting the entire timeline
inb4 some retard with the usual "only the events of stone ocean got erased!" bullshit as if that's ever made clear
I hate the designs for 5&6, but I gotta say Part 7's art is fantastic. In color it basically looks like the most gorgeous comic I've ever seen.
I loved SBR, and Jojolion seems neat. I'm salty that all the old continuity we invested in was tossed away. Araki could've easily "gone in new directions" with newer generations or characters growing up and having different types/genres of adventures. Instead he acts like the other stuff never -really- happened. Gave me a massive case of Blue Balls.
It wasn't even a burnout. And it's still better than trying than to milk the same characters over and over without nothing significant happening like DB did.
The character who pucci killed where reincarnated and got to live normal lives, did you not finish part 6?
>Newer Generations of Jojo
>Time-Travelling Jojo
>Ending the series Jojo
There was literally so much he could've done instead of pretending it never happened. I'm not asking for a DBZ-Super, "They all get together and have a picnic! Kawaiiiii!!! XDDDD"
So you're telling me Irene literally IS Jolyne? And that everyone from Parts 1-6 just lived happily ever after as normies? Guess that's something to hold onto then...
the main time line is fine SBR timeline has nothing to do with made in heaven
everybody is fine, they're all as alive as they ever were, we're all living and dying and ceasing to exist and being recreated in an infinitely varied reality
By killing Pucci before he could complete the full loop back to Cape Canaverale, he was utterly erased from existence. Effectively, all the events of Part 6 were retconned by the ending. Irene is Jolyne, Jotaro simply gave her a different name because she's no longer destined to be a JoJo and have to fight for her life.
yes Araki even draws them with the same face
1-5 happened
part 6 didn't
Pucci and his actions got fucked out of existence
How hard is that to understand? Are you a spic or a nigger by any chance?
>Are you a spic
N-No desu...
Daily reminder that everyone died in part 6.
>most popular part in home country features DIO's son as a protagonist
>completely forgets he exist by the next part and all he gets is a foot note despite the story specifically calling for him to appear
Araki pls
No sane human would ever complain being fucked by Araki
Except F.F. that only lives in Emporio's memory
I laugh at most of Araki's shenanigans, but that foot note really made me mad
>What about Giorno? He might already be in florida *wink wink*
I mean, deep down I knew that he wasn't going to appear but damn it, why tease like that?
It happened in a different timeline. Really, the only thing that got erased from existence was Pucci's shenanigans, so Part 6 was the only thing retconned.
Araki is a hack and Jolyne is worst Jojo
>You'll never see Giorno
And that's a good thing.
>You'll never see Josuke
And now I'm sad.
>completely missing the point of What a Wonderful World
It's time to read, user. They won and they were recreated after the 2nd reset erased Pucci from existence, but that doesn't mean it didn't matter because Emporio probably told Jotaro what happened.
I don't understand all the retards that think Pucci created the SBRuniverse. Where did they come from?
what if I told you there are people who don't even watch the show or read the manga and have only vicariously read things posted by others or looked up trivia on wikis and tvtropes who come to this board specifically to post things that are intentionally designed to anger people who are fans of a thing that they had decided to hate long before they learned anything about it
I didn't know it's possible to be more of a faggot than Giorno but you somehow manage
Don't worry user, at least you are not one of those raging assholes that say that everyone died and don't want listen to what others say thinking they are smarter than anyone for being an ignorant reader
Wikifags who never read the series (only summaries and seeing spoilers) but still consume the memes and fanart
He then went on to write the best shit he's ever written
based araki
>unironically having any kind of attachment to fictional characters
>unironically complaining about Araki doing what Araki does best
Secondaries like you belong in the trash
Cringe and Shitpilled
you know, for someone that creates a lot of weird clothing for his characters, his own clothes are really fucking lame
Because reincarnation is totally something that happens to alive people.
>You'll never see Josuke, Giorno, or any of the old gang again!
Nobody ever fucking wanted that. One of the biggest draws of the series is how it is split into parts and is basically a bunch of chronologically subsequent, yet largely standalone stories which introduce their own casts of characters and issues to solve. It's nice having old character show up in minor roles like Jotaro (part 4 not part 6), Joseph, and Polnareff, but I don't want a part 6 climax that just shoehorns in Giorno's Passione to steal the climax, for example.
Am honestly extremely salty because he could have said:
>Pucci fucked up the earth with his stand and now part 7 is happening in a post-apocalypse america where they are back to 19th century tech.
It's as easy as that.
Part 8 is the best part so I don't give a shit. Ending the original timeline was as good a decision as going with stands instead of staying with hamon. I'm glad Araki cares more about doing what he wants to do rather than what fans think.
People trying hard to justify the first idea that comes to their mind regardless of whatever evidence is lying in front of them. It's natural for people to want everything in a fictional story to be neat, tidy, and interconnected with no loose ends, so when Pucci resets the universe and creates a new one with slight differences, and then Part 7 is in a different universe/continuity but with many, many slight similarities and references to the original universe, people draw a connection between the two. These of course, are people who are ignorant of the fact that SBR wasn't even branded as JoJo's for its first several volumes. They are also people who never understood in the first place what Made in Heaven was actually doing, and why it couldn't have possibly, under any circumstance, have caused the ripple effects necessary to create the setting of Steel Ball Run over 100 years in the past from Stone Ocean.
why do all 「Jojolion」 「characters」 「talk」 like 「thii~~~~~~~is」 ?
Apparently that's how every Jojo part is written but most translators didn't convey it as literally as the current scanlators do.
now that sounds just insipid
if you don't understand why it's a good thing that the two universes aren't connected you're kind of an idiot
I was pretty satisfied. Why should character be brought back in subsequent stories when they've had a good run in their own? Why drag it out when you've done enough?
this. except when he brought back avdol, I genuinely believe the fans were right there
o shit didn't know that. I thought he killed avdol there but the fans wanted him back
ty user
>always thought avdol was in his thirties because of the anime's artstyle and his deep voice
>he is in his fucking early 20s
what the fuck is wrong with the part 3 anime?
>araki had a chance to give avdol an actual story in part 7
>avdol just loses like a bitch and never appears again
why was esidisi so weak?
>Avdol had little to no fights because araki was literally too lazy to draw Magician's Red
what a fucking hack
>You'll never see Josuke, G̶i̶o̶r̶n̶o̶,̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶a̶n̶y̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶o̶l̶d̶ ̶g̶a̶n̶g̶ ̶again! Fuck your investment!
absolutely based, fuck milking the same characters for all eternity like every shounen. close the fucking story and move on.
Resetting the franchise story in order to cut any ties and let him do whatever he wants while also potential to retell old stories and character concepts now that he's a more experienced storyteller is the best thing he could have done.
What would you have wanted? That he keeps the part in the same universe for no reason? Just to have a couple characters loosely referenced or show up as supporting character. Just consume fan content since that's more than we would have gotten from araki had he kept in the timeline and we also wouldn't have gotten anything in part 7 or 8.
Only Pucci was erased in the new universe so everything up until part 6 should have happened basically the same
Nice, I love this kind of shit