What are your unpopular opinions about anime?

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Nichijou and Cromartie High School aremediocre series.

2006 DEEN Fate/Stay Night was not bad and one of the better adaptations.

I like anime

and manga

haram animes are shit, and only serve as softcore stiffie material

it's currently the golden age of anime


>haram animes
All anime is haram

school days is not as bad as people say

>love is like a cocktail


Anime is not better than cartoons.
Anime is not more mature than cartoons.

Yes, the girl is a kaffir whore.

Manga is better than anime most of the time.

Ecchi anime are the best

Animation isn't the end all be all. If the story has great characters and story, I like it

i think anime with bad art is not worth watching even if the story is 10/10

Girls can love girls

Fanservice is stupid unless it's a romance/ecchi anime
Moe and tsunderes are annoying
Liking lolis is sickening
Mob Psycho is way too overrated

There is literally nothing wrong with streaming anime.

>hates lolis

Engrish is almost never funny and is simply awful to hear, especially is OP's/ED's. If there is a character that's supposed to speak fluent english they should get a fucking english speaker to say the lines. So goes for any non-nip language though.

Purely escapism anime like shounen and CGDCT are extremely boring.

T7S should not get an anime.

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fuck you

Isn't this the unpopular opinions thread?

trips confirm streaming anime is now legal and based

fanservice, moe including moeblobs, harem, ecchi, and mecha are all not just acceptable but essential for enjoyment.

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EoE is the best animated thing ever made

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Anime is trash... And so you are