Declaring war on anime


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>shooting fateshit
looks like they're saving anime to me

I laughed

Very original post OP
Not like i have seen this 20 times today.


Based ISIS

Go back, /pol/ack scum.

my sides

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based and allahpilled

go back, reddit

Not bothering following the link what is OP shitposting about?

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rip seth

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Gossiping about retarded e-drama from twitter is the single most reddit thing you can do. Not that I'd expect cancer to recognize that.

>terrorist shooting fate shit
>I hate fun
go back, reddit


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It's a parody you dickhead. These guys are not even arab they are retarded turks who think they are funny.

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let's hope we follow they're example soon. death to all fetishfags

>H-hey guys do I fit in yet


Nice going outing yourself as losers that have a life and don't know this shit has been spammed all day on the board.

Fucking tourist.

Oh no, they captured Megumin

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Imagine being that much of a faggot