Jojo stopped being Jojo when the Jojo's stopped looking like Kenshiro

Jojo stopped being Jojo when the Jojo's stopped looking like Kenshiro
1,2, and 3 = REAL JOJO
4,5,6,7, and 8 = NON CANON SHIT

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4-8 > 1-3

Imagine being this much of a homosexual

4, 5, and 6 JoJos are obviously influenced by Kenshiro/Jonathan's designs as much as Jotaro was

but 1-3 were the worst (by jojo standards, so still amazing) of all parts so far?

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All jojos are gay so doesnt matter

Araki doesn't like buff men, he only did it for popularity

>when the Jojo's
When the Jojo's what? Surely you aren't so fucking retarded that you think it's acceptable to use an apostrophe for a plural, right?

The people who are currently on jojo are mostly "lol so random i love anime xd' crowd. You are right, but you are wasting your breath with them.

Go fuck yourself. no one wants to read buff man kicking everyone's asses and crying like absolute faggots:the manga 100th time. what makes jojo unique is it's quirkiness. if you don;t like it it's fine, but don't act like first three jojo were anything special. they weren't good even for GAR standards so kys.

kenshiro is gay shit and I bet you incel canĀ“t even lift your own weight


Fucking based


Of course buff guys were gonna get phased out when the show turned into spirit pokemon battles.

Imagine being this much of a grammar nazi

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If Hitler had stuck to just killing retards, no one would say anything negative about him.

Switch 2 with 4 and you have the perfect list.

i just came to say Joseph is based


Based ranking

shit taste.

Based non-canon shitposter

Imagine being too dumb for plural nouns.