Danchigai ch97

Silent chapter this month but still full of sibling love.

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We got 4 pages less this month, hopefully author is working on more of that april fool's story. Though he may also be working on another one-off story again.

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so much doujin material, he probably has his personal stash of Haruki giving plenty of love to his sisters

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I usually prefer the nee-san, but lil sis looks gorgeous here.

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Oh god, this is too much.

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Just like in my h manga!

Is it worth typesetting the sfx?

Is it ever?

being the only boy at home is suffering

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Last page. Just another chapter showing us how good Haruki has it. Chapter 100 is approaching, hopefully we get a full color 100-page episode.

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what a cute family

Now if it will only continue like your h manga.

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i flip between "aww i hope this cute and comfy family bonding never ends!" and "haruki fuck the shit out of onee and imouto you stupid fag." too often.

Will try to translate a few sfx while waiting for the couple of lines to be translated I guess.

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Comfy chapter.

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God, I love a silent chapter.

"This one's a silent one!"

"usually" in the top right, and something like "A relaxing bath and quality time with the whole family" at the bottom.

In other news, the author's excited that the name for the new era (令和 - Reiwa) shares a kanji with his own name (和佐 - Kazusa), which makes me believe chapter 100 is going to be someting really special. The age of nee-san is finally upon us.

And good news if you wanted to read Akuyaku Ouji, the other manga by this author, which got axed not too long ago, I've been working on it with a bunch of people, so we should have a chapter coming out soon-ish.

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not read further yet, but if aneki doesn't take advantage of this situation and insist on sharing a bath with haruki she's a fagget.

Cheers user.

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Silent chapters are always the comfiest.

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Mutsuki when?

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Are Yayoi's teddies getting bigger?

>that 3rd panel
Damn, Yayoi still got a lot of catching up to do if she wants to match Aneki.

They've always been a decent size, they just seem small compared to the big fat Aneki tats.

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They're a lot bigger in this current chapter compared to the image you posted so I think they've grown a lot.

she is just in middle school

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Are they? They look about the same to me, I think we need to take another look.

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who the fuck

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Shouldn't that be more like "jolt"? He's not actually running, just turning away.

"cover"? "hide"? She's not holding anything.

It's the same "shiver" as before. No reason to change it to something less fitting.

I also love silent chapters. Every series should have them.

>She's not holding anything.
She's holding Mutsuki. "Gyuu" is usually the sound of squeezing, especially when hugging.

And I was wondering, are there even other manga that do this? I know there are some that don't have any dialogue at all, as a gimmick, but I've never seen anything with regular silent chapters like in Danchigai.

I have a lil sister that walks around the house without a bra wnd with a very think T-shirt that let you see everything.

Yet i never react like this oniichan.

Is something wrong with me ?

there are some silent series like joshikausei

I just meant she wasn't gripping anything with her hands. "squeeze" would be a better choice.

How do you react? I always feel like I stare at mine way too much, but I can't help it.

That's fair enough, but don't you go disrespecting Mutsuki like that, treating her like she's nothing.

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Is Uzuki actually the cutest Danchigai? Have I been wrong all this time?

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How much older is Aneki again?

Wow cute chapter, thank op.

They are around 17, 16, and 15 I think. Then years later the twins popped up. I wonder if they were an accident.

I know Yayoi is 14, that I'm certain of.

Same here. I can't decide if I want doujin of this series or not.

As long as it's vanilla, I'd be fine with any of the girls getting with Haruki.

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This series is so wholesome but I can't help but want the MC to just fuck the ever living shit out of his neesan. Not even an incestfag.

shimaidon never

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Even the twins?

Especially the twins.

Isn't it mentioned somewhere that the author asks his imouto for reference when drawing girl clothes?

>Just a prank bro
The doujin writes itself

First volume afterword. Maybe she has something to do with the times author puts extra effort in drawing Yayoi.

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magical Yayois are cute

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Am I allowed to masturbate to this?

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>being the only boy at home is suffering
Being someone who grow up with sisters believe me being the only boy at home will make you suffer but not the kind of suffering you imagine. Suffering as in the kind when can I get lost?

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I don't deserve Danchigai

Real sisters are not attractive they're just demons sent to torment you.

she's from the artists newer series

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Damn, they are very fine sisters.

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I think it would be wrong not to.

Mom when?


>newer series

Newer dead series.



Wakana will cuck Yayoi and Mutsuki.

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I want to see Yayoi bullied into sex.

Well it's not all that bad ,

yes she is


I always lean towards the former. Never liked the incest trope that's present in most manga/LNs.

By the villain prince.

That's disgusting.

>Never liked the incest trope that's present in most manga/LNs


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The incel speaks!

Friendly reminder Haruki only reacts this way to Yayoi. Which fucking chapter was it when he said he gets to see Mutsuki half-naked all the time? I can't find it.

Haruki will be a virgin forever unless he leaves the house.

Littlest sister best sister!

lol pieces of shit just because he let you use the bathroom doesn't mean you should take all the time in the world and start doing retarded shit

he should had fucked up the thermostate and freeze them to death

This is why you will never have a sister harem.

Only the moutos were messing around, Mutsuki was the one who found that that Haruki was dying there.

>still living with your sisters instead of getting a girlfriend

>living with some whore instead of your pure and caring sisters