How the fuck does this even happen? I thought the only way to get a 0 was if you literally NEVER showed up to class.
How the fuck does this even happen? I thought the only way to get a 0 was if you literally NEVER showed up to class
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All I did in school was think of cocks all day. And I still got good grades.
there's clearly no answers on that sheet, you obviously get 0 if you don't even answer any questions
I do mean literally, though. As in, not once.
Because it looks like they didn't answer a single fucking question. What kind of question is that? Perhaps they could read the Japanese part? Also, lots of people in England can't even read or write because they're scum or JF's. So, like, it's not surprising.
>be any other nation bar Anglosphere
>have to learn English to be relevant
I once had a 0 in a history test. I usually averaged 75/100 but for some reason I just started panicking and didn't even pick up the pen the entire time. I just sat there looking at the pages, completely still for 90 minutes.
I still have no clue what the fuck happened and what contributed to that. Kinda surreal.
That's just something america added to try to get niggers to stop failing everything, most public school teachers in """urban""" schools aren't allowed to give kids below a 50 even if they don't answer any questions
It's redundant. Think hard about why you are really using that word.
0 is only impressive when someone actually tries to answer some. Even more impressive when it's multiple choice.
>get all answers wrong
>0 score
Can confirm.
But you shouldnt really get a 0 unless you mispell your name
you'd get at least 1 point
You should better learn spanish or towelheadish.
nigga really
>american education
Sounds like your English classes didn't go well Pedro.
Be honest Yea Forums how good were your grades back in school?
It's for emphasis, user. You are allowed to do that.
Mostly excellent with me rarely dropping the ball. The first C I got was on my last report card, and it was mostly cause I didn’t do all my required service hours
Judging by whats being posted these days I belive 80% of Yea Forums still goes to school or left it 1 year ago at max.
above average then as each year went by that continued to dip and dip and dip.
poor little sister going to be just as stupid as her neighbor
>Required service hours
Did you go to jail for a month or something?
74 avg in high school and 81 avg in college
In what fucking country do they actually give you marks for writing your name?
I was thinking the same thing when watching We Never Learn. How the fuck do people that are actually supposed to be working hard and take the same exam multiple times fail that badly? How did they ever make it that far in High School without repeating a grade?
Some countries such as canada require some volunteer hours for highschool. In my school it was 40 so I took part in a cops & youth program to learn about the police system.
Yeah but Akun will actually help his sister... Unlike the blight of the banana obsessed crazed idiot he is trying to escape.
they were decent enough, about average without trying too hard. i didn't like school and skipped a lot of classes though
95 average through highschool. Then I decided not to try anymore and my college average fell down to 73.
Barely passed, In highschool I ended up doing almost no homework at all. I stayed within that passing D grade by scoring well on tests and other stuff done during class, not at home on my own time.
If you are trying to emphasize, that you are following a certain kind of trend, then you are certainly successful. Otherwise, it's redundant.
Sounds like what I'd expect of the French education system
this, unfortunately
i only got one b in high school. college my grades slipped into b-c range in the last couple semesters, straight a's for the first two years though
The only time I ever got a zero on anything in high school was for a theatre arts class where the teacher wanted me to write a five page single spaced biography on Ving Rhames, and the one reason I got a zero on it was because I didn't bother doing it since I was busy with my senior project.
How does one even manage to get a 0 in english? It's the easiest language there is.
Well,in my country you only ever did community service hours if you commited a crime that wasn't severe enough to go to jail for,I didn't know other countries make you do this for no reason.
>require some volunteer hours
Commie as fuck
nigger what in the actual fuck?
Incredibly mediocre
Bareky passed high school.
Got into a community college and then transferred to UPenn and got a 3.96 gpa.
Just got accepted to Johns Hopkins medical school. My IQ is 81 btw.
You really are retarded user, should have just stayed at home and got retard bucks instead.
went to shit the last 2 years because I literally couldn't give a fuck less
It's almost as if this is a poorly-written novel, just like his bunny shit.
The high school I went to required a certain amount of community service each year. The idea was that it'd help us get into college more easily or help with finding a job because it looks good on a college application or a resume. Honestly though, I don't even bother putting it on my resume though because I've yet to find an employer that gives a shit that I volunteered for a food bank back in high school.
Yeah but i need huge medbux energy to fuel my figure collection and addiction
Average was about 80 throughout Highschool. Could have been way higher if I tried harder
Average all throughout high school, mediocre while I was taking core classes in college, and then extremely good once I got into the IT classes which were the ones I actually cared about.
I once got a 0 at math during my last year of high school because all I did in classe was to play Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon on my phone. Didn't even bother to try and copy anything. I was pretty great at Biology and English but fuck Math and Physics.
Be Japanese.
>81 IQ
Let me guess you're a HxH fan
went from 3.6/5 in first grade and almost failing math to 4.5/5 and now passing math with an A in uni
Keep seething, my friend.
Great except for 10th grade English
I ended up taking it every year until I graduated because there was a project I just didn't do the first 2 times that accounted for way too much of your overall
But I do enjoy laughing at hunterchads
I was in the special ed so they didn't use grades on me, instead they just used a pass/fail system; as long as it looked like I was trying they'd pass me. Though I think they may have underestimated my intelligence since I did pretty okay in college, a place they thought I'd never be able to go. US education system is fucked.
4.2 I fucked up in one of my classes early on (with not enough chances later to make up the grade) and couldn't recover, kind of knew I wouldn't get into a super prestigious school or something then. I didn't study at all and I had some vindictive teachers who were mad that I didn't study or show my work (I like doing it in my head) and also because I was playing online games in class so they rounded my grades down.
You're reinforcing my views that med students are all retards
Bs and Cs with the rare occasional A.
it happens to all the cute girls apperantly
Absolutely horrendous
But then I dropped out of highschool, got a ritalin prescription, and went to university and I was top of my class a lot of the time
How did she know it was hers if she didn't write her name on it?
If she knew it was hers why didn't she take pity?
I could have studied on a university only if my highschool English isn't trash (have 78%; major subject needs a passing of 85% or higher).
Ended up in a community college because of that.
Solid B+/A- with no studying and just playing videogames and watching anime all day
Then I tried to get into STEM in uni and got my ass kicked
>Solid B+/A- with no studying and just playing videogames and watching anime all day
>Then I tried to get into STEM in uni and got my ass kicked
This happens so much
Actually smart kids learn bad habits in highschool like never studying because it's so shit easy, then when they go to uni where you have to actually try, they fucked in the ass
Score is fine. You are more likely to depress those numbers as retaliation against your parents for shoving down your throats with endless hours of extra classes and bullshit feel-good clubs. Unless you have an underground network of reference shufflers spamming you with the daily "goods", you're more likely to freeload the living shit out of your taxpayer-funded snackbar/wifi/gaming hub for the rest of god knows how long.
Who said you can't treat your local public school like a personal onahole?
A-at least i'll be a retard that will be making bank after i pay off my 200k debt
Barely passing cause i was absent half of the time.
Nigga what.
Choked down every single benefits the schools have to offer: snack, fountains, ballgames, wifi hotspots... you name it, all funded by the humble taxpayers who invested so much into bright-minded prestiged scholars such as myself.
It's only a matter of time before some elit3 h@xx0r colleague of mine livestream the shit I post everyday and get myself 404'd for the act of hate speech/having connections with extremists or routine nude shitpost.
I don't believe you.
I got A's and B's and I never studied. The worst grade I ever got was a C and that was because I slept through that class the entire semester.
It's easy to get 0 in math though. It's also easy to get a perfect score
> going to school
Fucking waste of time. It's not like I ever planned to get a job or go to college in the first place.
>tfw Yuasa animates one episode of your life
Spanish is only vital in the health or some service/retail industries because your customers or patients can only understand Spanish. Also, it is only an American issue.
Mandarin is more vital if you want to interact internationally with businesses. Hell, even Korean or Japanese or Russian is more useful than Spanish everywhere else except America.
A little above average.
I always did enough to be just a little above average, nothing more nothing less.
>Though I think they may have underestimated my intelligence
I'll say they still use grades in special ed. The only ones that get the pass/fail system are the kids with cererbal pasly or stuff like that. That aren't smart enough to learn how to use a toilet.
I mostly picked her answers because it's cute.
Are American schools not emphasizing volunteers anymore? Back in high school before I graduated in 2008, working for the NHS or Key Club and acquiring hours got me literal money in the Form of university scholarships. This was normal.
Also, many extra curriculares had one or two volunteer events you had to attend to stay in the organization and help fundraise for it.
In university I also worked with birds of prey on a volunteer basis to pad my resume and help them out. Also it was awesome getting to let an eagle perch on my arm.
Why do anime characters always get such ridiculously low scores? It’s never just a bad grade like a 65, they’re always sub-20.
watch the show, non non biyori and your questions will be answered.
no seriously, there are 6 students in her class
>a bad grade like a 65
user, stop making me feel like shit
A bad grade is anything under 60
I worked retail for a bit and never even bothered dealing with the Mexicans who only spoke Spanish. I just laughed at them for being fucking retarded enough to assume that a white dude would understand what they were asking and then grab a Mexican employee to deal with them. I can't stand fucking idiots who move to or visit another country with a foreign language and don't even bother learning the native language or customs.
There this thing called the "Improvement Award" where if your grades improved during a year in primary/secondary school, the ministry of education will give you like $100.
As and a couple of Bs in high school, I was actually a great student. Unfortunately, now I'm a barely passing CS student at a mid-tier university.
under 60 is pretty average, if your school doesn't make the tests so that the average of a classroom is at least under 50 then you were in a shitty one (but then it can be different for a given country but I doubt it changes much).
>I can't stand fucking idiots who move to or visit another country with a foreign language and don't even bother learning the native language or customs.
Oh, the irony.
> under 60 is pretty average
Where did our education system go so wrong? Back when I was in high school that was a straight up failing grade.
Be honest Yea Forums: How many of you resisted the temptation of freeloading your school's facilities without reservation and actually wanted high scores without shortcuts or ulterior motives?
And how many of you are willing go through all that shit again due to self-consciousness of personal childhood shortcomings rather than leaving it all behind, the good, the bad, the ugly?
Probably not American grading.
A class where you’re only expected to remember half of what you’re taught sounds like a huge waste of time
In highschool I had an average of 9 out of 10 ruined by the history/philosophy teacher that hated my guts. She didn't follow our textbook and kept spouting wrong informations like France winning the Franco-Prussian War, Rasputin being the Patriarch of Russian Orthodoxy during the reign of Peter the Great and that the US are not part of the UN so I called her out. I wasn't terrorized of her unlike the rest of the class, especially the other good students that were always licking her boots, and she made my life a living hell during her classes.
You know people forget like 90% of the stuff they learned in highschool after a few years, right?
Its not like they give you marks but they cant give you a 0 unless you didn't even show up
A 1 is basically "at least you tried"
How the fuck were your tests in high school?
It's not just knowing concept questions we except you to know them and be able to work with them.
In mine in mathematic there were a set of questions on maybe 15-25 points to see if you knew the main points of the class and then problem to see how good you were at working with those.
>Rasputin being the Patriarch of Russian Orthodoxy during the reign of Peter the Great
I am not exactly an expert on Russian history but what the fuck.
Being a good student is also about knowing how to please teacher, you didn't know how to please her then you didn't deserve better grades.
3.9 GPA with barely any studying.
10 years after Uni I can't really remember any of that either. Everything is bound to disappear unless you actually need it.
It's why I'm surprised how many times I've seen it used as a joke when an older character struggles to help a younger one with homework as not many people should remember it.
Absolute shit grades when I got to science major in highschool because I literally never paid any attention in classes and didn't bother to study.
Worse since I was in a top school and eastern hemisphere education has this stupid mentality of drilling students with olympic level problems to toughen them up.
The same goes with university, too lazy, shit grades.
It was not until I met my mentor who taught me that finance can be fun, that I started to pickup modeling and became decent at it
You can't please someone if she doesn't want to be pleased. She was absolutely obsessive and mad at everything. She was expelled by two schools in the past and since she showed up the entire class was in disarray and seemed like her subjects were the only thing they cared about ignoring all the others. And despite that they all took 2/10 in both of them.
I was never absent for 3 months straight and when I finally had to took a day off it was casually during her hours. She started yelling at the class how I was a bad student for always being absent and the next oral test she made me pay.
>I thought the only way to get a 0 was if you literally NEVER showed up to class.
Where was it that gave you marks for simply writing your name on the test paper?
In his defense I beliiev that the SAT does that
Math especially is something you need to practice or you lose it
I studied calculus super hard for my CS degree in the first year, even took the harder classes and summer classes, but I can't remember any of it because I've just never had to use it.
On the other hand I can remember bits and pieces of linear algebra because that's something programmers actually use sometimes.
>I can't stand fucking idiots who move to or visit another country with a foreign language and don't even bother learning the native language or customs.
So, any American who steps out of America?
>you get points even if you answer wrong to everything
based american education
I got a 3.96/4.41 unweighted/weighted in high school and I currently have a 4.0 in uni
My favorite anime is LoGH btw
garbage after year 6. dropped out of high school.
isn't this just a test that wasn't filled out so it was marked at 0?
That's just sad to read.
Easy Top 10 in rank
>It's not like I ever planned to get a job
who pays for your living expenses then?
>or go to college in the first place
that's a vary fair point, especially in current american college system
Everywhere an American stands becomes America for that moment
Some As mostly Bs but you actually had to learn shit, none of that A B C D bullshit, now I'm ~3.3 in a top university, only starting though.
I'm fairly intelligent, then again there are some guys that get better grades without trying (it's engineering so as long as you are smart and have OK memory it's actually possible to pass with flying colors without learning at home, only frequenting the classes), I have to learn a bit to pass, probably could have close to 4.0 if I put effort, but certainly not perfect 4.0.
It hurts, I'm just barely intelligent enough to appreciate how smart some of the guys are.
>Though I think they may have underestimated my intelligence since I did pretty okay in college, a place they thought I'd never be able to go
well I'm proud of you user!
>US education system is fucked
this is true
I'm canadian and I think you're bullshitting me.
Above average, not a genius. Was awarded a 14/20 (high honours) at the end of it all.
I was indoctrinated that if I ever got anything below a C I'd have my power shut off to my room for a week.
Ended up a college drop out.
Never force your kids to study when they make it clear how much they hate it.
Are you a neet or do you have a job?
The classes should be so hard that ~half of the students have to retake the exams, with at least half of them gone before they graduate.
That is of course if it's a good uni that gets intelligent students, community colleges should put the bar on similar level, so only a few percent should graduate.
Bandit Keith please.
All right to me at least. Some people were trying so hard to get more than that but i was fine with average score.
Back in middle school I had good grades without trying and I felt really bad for these people.
Afraid not. I was bad then and I'm still bad even now in my early 30s trying to get a BA degree in a field that I hate and most likely won't use.
Most colleges in the US require a secondary language as part of earning your degree. If you want to finish, you have to take another language.
Not mine lmao
But that's irrelevant. You can speak 99 languages but if you don't speak Italian you're still prohibited from visiting it by that logic.
i took french immersion elementary school kek
>all these nonfancy plebs
I literally never did my homework after fifth grade, only studied for tests an hour or two on the night before, and still got average grades. I just listened to the teacher, and what little I remembered from class, together with lucky guesses, got me through everything.
I don't understand how it's possible to study seriously and still fail. You'd have to be absolutely braindead, somehow.
Somehow I can't imagine a non spic americlap speaking any other language than English.
Up to 17: great
17-18: pretty good
University: fucking shit
I'm not going to learn the language of any country I happen to visit for a week.
Everybody understands your language and you don't know any of theirs
No, the work part is fine by itself, but how do you even require someone to volunteer? That's an oxymoron right there. If it's required it's mandatory. If it's voluntary then you're free to skip it. If it's both at once it's a typical commie wordplay bullshit.
That's what happens in the netherlands, I don't get the point though, if everybody gets at least a 1 then it becomes the new 0.
I was at the top on high school
I mean it's all up to the instructor. In principle he/she could make a test so hard that lets only the top 10% pass.
I'm an American and you can bet your ass that when I go to visit another country I'm going to at least learn the basics of their language as well as their customs and etiquette before I go to avoid being disrespectful.
Also I'm pretty sure you're thinking of the Chinese who are fucking notorious for being complete jackasses when it comes to being tourists.
>why does a paper with no answers written on it get 0 marks
OP is a special kind of dumb.
Or american.
I got a 0.75/20 in college once. Well it didn't hurt too much because I wasn't the only one and averaging at 5/20 made you a good student back then but still.
randomly would get a 50-60% on things I just didn't pay attention to but if I actually showed up to class or participated in anyway I'd get 75-90%
dude canada is a really fucked up country that runs on pure shame and denial/rejection to break people for conformity of course there are zeroes here
So a special kind of dumb.
Like really really bad. I had to repeat two years and still got kicked out of school in the end.
because the story is a work of fiction and things happen in fiction that can't happen in real life.
Elementary - High
Middle - High
High School - Middle
Undergrad - High
Masters - High
Masters #2 - High
PhD - High
I learned German after a few years of pain, most other Americans are just lazy, I try all the time to get other people to pick up a new language, on 4chins and irl
I was retarded throughout, even when I tried.
I don't know whether to be happy or horrified we have some people post on Yea Forums with multiple masters degrees and even doctorate degrees.
What kind of life do you have?
Good without trying, then mediocre when it got harder and I didn't try. Then I went to uni and actually started studying for the first time in my life I ended up with very high grades again.
When you start getting to real classes in uni, the idea of getting 80+ on an exam is ridiculous. An 80+ percent signifies a masterful grasp on the material, and a 90+ % rivals professors who are at the head of their fields.
In my country in europe, a 60 is actually considered as the 95th percentile for upper division courses. I'm not sure why americans adopted the idea that < 70% is bad, but then again I see american posters on /sci/ talking about how they crammed for midterms and finals the night before which leads me to believe that their exams are pitifully easy
The only way is to put nothing pretty much. In college I would take tests I knew nothing about and get Ds or higher just by guessing.
There's only one extra language that should be encouraged here.
If this was true, why are the majority of top universities in the US and not in Europe?
they do more research
I don't really think this is true. I used to get above 90s in most of my classes senior and junior year. It's just called showing up to class and taking semi-decent notes.
sage for blog
Literally got the top grade in every subject in high school, now a NEET, where did it all go wrong?
follow your hearts, anons
>Learn Japanese in just 5 minutes a day
5 is better than 0 neet-kun
>Tfw my retarded ass being managed to get a -30 in a Physics test
Shit happens. Got to the point that during internship they wanted me to leave school and hire me on the spot. Finished school six months later and nothing came of it. Spent 6 years as a NEET, was offered a job that has precisely fuck all to do with what I studied for.
Cheer up, something will come your way eventually.
Like, subscribe and all that.
Unless you have photographic memory it just means that the tests were dead easy.
How do you get a negative score? Defying the laws of physics?
I'm sure knowing Japanese by the time you retire will be worth it.
I'm glad I can just do Anki at work.
>get a 1 on french test
>fuck I should really prepare for it next time
>Get a 1 again
fuck french
Out of 1, right?
out of 10
It's better for anons to learn at whatever pace they please, than having never tried at all
My friend got a 0/8 on a multiple choice test with two choices.
>pay attention to the class
>do the test
>believe you were going well
it is a different kind of feeling, not feeling bad about the 0, but the fact that it happen when it was not supposed to be
I was valedictorian in my elementary/middle school, had honors in high school with some kind of cum laude bullshit. Im in uni right now and barley have 2.7 gpa.
I assume you might recognise some words after a while but doubt it'd translate to being able to watch raw anime. It'd be nice to find out I'm wrong and someone got to that level using it but learning thousands of words should take a long time regardless of the method you use.
I also assume it'd never get you anywhere near reading, which is where most of the untranslated stuff is.
Got out of electrical engineering with a 2.7. Didn't try too hard.
I feel your pain
Great in elementary
Passable in junior high
Above average in high
Who gives a shit in uni, but mostly above average when I muster enough willpower to care
School was always easy. I'm just usually lazy.
In Uni, the only time the GPA matters is if you want to go to grad school. If you want to get a Masters or Doctorate, as high as possible. If you want the degree, C's get degrees.
1st year was 2.5, didn't study
2nd year was 1.7 with fails, didn't study
3,4,repeats were 3.0 cause I realized I actually have to study.
I flushed $7k down the drain because of that fail. Don't fail any courses kids.
>Barely skim through the material
>Sit the test expecting it to go like shit because I studied fuck all
>Still get top marks
>Repeats time after time
Either I'm smarter than I think or everyone else is dumber than I think. Regardless, I'm clearly studying the wrong fields.
very safe margin, can count the times I messed up in one hand, and by messed up I mean had to do a new test a few days later
then barely passable at college
In English public schools kouhais have to take senpai cock up the ass every day to prove their school loyalty
Doesn't work quite like that in my country. When we get accepted to study we go straight to masters never mind how poorly you scrape by. Grades, even those of your thesis, have very rarely any effect on job application process. No one checks them. If you have the degree it means you are qualified. They do factor in when applying for higher degrees, or when transferring from one program to another, and maybe a couple of other niche cases, but the point is that they're largely irrelevant to vast majority both during student time and after.
1.- I was late to school that day (Because I had been studying for 3 other tests)
2.- I answered the test believing everything was right (And got a 0)
3.- Got suspected of helping a classmate to cheat (Guilty unless proven innocent policy)
Teacher said that I should have got -40 (-10 for running late and -30 for cheat sus) but was kind enough to forgive the running late minus points because he knew what kind of bullshit we were dealing that week (He knew the other teacher in one of my subjects made extremely hard tests).
Luckily the system didn't allow for negatives and I managed to save my grades by getting extra points on every single piece of homework that dude left us (Even managed to get my Physics project into the Science Fair which made him very happy I guess)
TL;DR: Got -30 on a test, managed to get 80 as final result.
This was 9 years ago and I still remember it because it was the only time I audibly screamed "What the fuck" infront of a teacher when I saw my test.
I was the quintessential "guy who never studied and did homework in the class it was due but still got all B+ and A-".
That's some afternoon tv teenager comedy shit
nope, but hopefully an inkling would increase anons hunger for more, leading them to learn at an accelerated rate and style
What is this fetish called?
>Got out of electrical engineering with a 2.7
Did you actually gain employment in that field afterward?
Pretty good until middleschool, when I stopped doing homework. I still aced most tests(only failed one test, because they took off half my score for not showing my work).
Then in High School the Insomnia I've dealt with ever since started setting in, so I was utterly exhausted in classes and sometimes nodded off.
Got pretty much straight Fs all of my life, contemplated suicide every single day of my teen years and dropped out of high school. Eventually went to therapy and got my GED. I started to study alone and after a few years of that, I went to college and am maintaining a 3.5 GPA while majoring in Electrical Engineering. Basically, I was never a stupid or even a bad student. I was just a sperg. The methods and atmosphere of public schools were simply ineffectual for me and did nothing but make me want to kill myself. I'm doing much better now that I know how to teach myself.
My worst experiences were T/F tests in middle school biology that were based on semantics and not a statement being factual. Those tests need to die in a fire.