"Neon Genesis Evangelion. What does he do?"

>"Neon Genesis Evangelion. What does he do?"
>"Well, he's a good guy..."

Was it deliberate?

The kid said that the Mass Produced Eva unit is the "good guy". While this can be pushed aside as factual error, this actually mirrors Robin Williams' character in the movie. He believes that his intrusive and destructive action in the movie are righteous and just. Just like SEELE.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>look it up
>MFW it's fucking real

Attached: ScreamsExternally.jpg (600x600, 55K)

How is your first month on Yea Forums

That doesn't work when it's a western movie reference newfag.

He's one of the few celebrities I consider Yea Forums approved. ;_;7

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It does when this reference has been brought up frequently in the past

Whatever you tell yourself to try to fit in.

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The Mass Produced Evas are the ones that defeat Asuka so yeah they're the good guys

welcome, newfag

See, if it were any other actor, I'd assume it's a glaring factual error and be done with it. But this is Robin fucking Williams we're talking about. He was the highest profile Western Eva fan in history. He took that figure out from his own personal collection and vouched for its inclusion in the movie.

He even ripped it out of the box for this fucking movie. It was in mint condition.

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>robin williams was one of us

It hurts every time I think about it.

user stop please you're only hurting yourself. Just lurk more or at the very least don't try to backtalk

Never heard of this reference until now.

I was never a fan of the movies robin williams was in, they were mostly hot garbage. He seems like a cool person tho.

>escaped into gamin, animus, and anonymous internet browsing to escape his depression and personal life issues
Truly he was


Fuck all you contrarian faggots trying to fit in by pretending that me not knowing where this obscure western weebshit reference came from makes me new. I've been using this site since 09. I'm not a newfag, well I'm not an oldfag either. I watched NGE plus EoE but I was never a huge fan of the series compared to Gunbuster or Nadia so excuse me for not knowing all the references made to it in western media.

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Using Yea Forums since 09 maybe

After coming to Yea Forums for Yea Forums on recommendation of my learning disabled friend that liked Naruto, I did dipped into Yea Forums like any edgy teen would but fucking hell some of that shit warped me. I've just stuck to Yea Forums since then. I mostly come here for manga now.

I don’t know, he seemed proud of what he liked. What took his life and fucked him wasn’t depression but an actual illness. Is fucking sad.

>I've been using this site since 09
Very convincing. I'm sure you just happened to miss the day he died too.

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And in the end it came tumbling down for him.

I didn't. Robin Williams was mourned across Yea Forums. Still doesn't change the fact he had gaia-tier anime tastes, being better than most normalfags but still pretty causal. It's a total weeb move to have a kid reference NGE in a movie because it goes over most normalfags' heads.

Just keep digging that hole user.

me in 20 years

>all of them are literally the main character of their respective anime/manga

>He wasnt alive to finally get his chance to play Gendo in the Netflix re-dub

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Nice retort user. Very insightful.

>ywn hear Robin saycongratulations!

Attached: it's 0400 somewhere.png (676x505, 271K)

>not newfag

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I miss him.

We all do

Considering Yui is the actual main antagonist of NGE, calling MP Evas and SEELE as the good guys is only slightly a stretch

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Eat shit you miserable cunt

hahahahahaaaaaahahahahaaaa bruh just eat the damn snickers already

All I can think of is Gendo doing Genie tier antics while presenting the Eva to Shinji

How adorable.

>Hulk Hogan
fucking amazing

He deserved better. He deserved truckkun.

Anyone that likes Gunbuster is ok in my books. Rest of these anons are just typical newfags crying newfag to hide the fact that they're newfags. Also I thought pic related was an edit until a few years back so some of these faggots are pretending like they were here on Yea Forums when Yea Forums still anime/random over what is essentially some minor American movie reference.

Thank you for making me realize what it feels like to be 30 and having to deal with 16 years old. I understand life differently now.

How much did ganiax pay him

Twilight dude has good taste

According to the DVD commentary, the figure used in that scene was actually from Robin Williams personal collection.

That's what hurts the most. You know he would've jumped at the chance. Motherfucker would've done it for free.

I think Andrew W.K still comes on Yea Forums to post

What did you want him to say?
He can't simply start explaining NGE in the middle of the movie.

>love hina


that has got to be a joke right?

He was a Reifag. Yes it was very intentional.

Kanye supposedly set up a projector and showed a bunch of people an episode of Bible Black.

Yeah, I mean he doesn't seriously like it? I mean Love Hina? C'mon now.

Hey, i actually watched this movie and liked it.

>one of the beloved actors of all time
>commits suicide

Attached: like, duels in the rain, yugi.gif (460x345, 492K)

>learning disabled friend that liked Naruto

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>not my hentai loving nigga Samuel L. Jackson

I gotta say, I respect anybody that was a Jojofag before the anime.

He was a massive Reifag, and that explains everything.

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And some context.

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And a little more.

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Just thinking about it makes me want to beat up his murderer.

And he named his daughter Zelda and she used to be a Yea Forums regular until she was bullied off the internet by people spamming her with photos of her dad's corpse

That's real fucked up.

At least he is with his waifu now.

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>Died in 2014

Gundam Reconguista was so fucking bad it killed Robin Williams.

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G-Reco was a masterpiece and almost brainlets would claim it was anything other than flawless.

>Hulk Hogan: One Piece, Pokemon, Kinnikuman

Attached: One Piece suave.gif (360x270, 871K)

>Not a single Narutofag
Wtf I love Hollywood now.

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Fuck, it hurts even more now. She was the only thing I liked about NGE. A true patrician among patricians.

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Most people I know having issues with G-Reco was due to the fact Tomino didn't spoonfed the viewers information dumps of exposition on the different factions and characters constantly rotating into the story. It was a bit rushed but I thought it was pretty fine.

>so fucking bad

Shows that preceded G-Reco that would've actually pushed Williams into suicide like A/Z, VVV, etc...

>Yea Forums niggers doing something terrible
Nothing new, I hate that fucking board so much.

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I'm mostly shitposting, I actually liked it (not as much as Turn A but still). I just looked up the day he died and kinda chuckled thinking back at all the shitposting during Greco's airing.

>all those boomer/normie titles
They probably don't want to admit that they watch the CGDCT stuff

>5 years this August
Fuck man and I just lost 2 brothers within that time

He's in a better place now.At least he didn't live long enough to see Anno ruin the series further.

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I wonder if they have ever interviewed a celeb and they responded with nothing but harem ecchi series.


Still his best movie.

How the fuck did nobody notice he was depressed?

Its always the ones that smile the most on the outside that are crying on the inside the most too.

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just the fact that you felt the need to justify yourself in an anonymous board is sad


Porter Robinson is un-ashamed of his love of CGDCT and forced drama moeshit. But that's pretty obvious considering his involvements.

lmfao newfriend

teenagers are so horrible I gave up an assistant professor job (which is the easiest thing in the world labor wise)


I hate you so goddamn much you fucking cunt

is this deku or spike

It's Stu Pickles.

based Yea Forums

kill all zoomers

>don't recognize one of the most well known references that even somebody such as me who hasn't bothered to watch eva knows because it's been posted since ancient times
>claim you're here since 09
>choke up some word salad that looks as embarassing as your first fuckup
>public execution

autism like this is what keeps me coming back to this site

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Careful with that edge there

Robin at his core feels like the person who understood the meaning of EVA more than anyone.

Robin Williams was the one who wanted Evangelion in the movie.
He probably didn't get to pick the script.
Considering he killed himself I'd say he was a true fan of the show.

I'm pretty sure he was only on the normalfag level of anime watching
Or did he like ecchi/lolicon shit?

how do I stop mixing up robin and robbie williams?

He's literally made a career out of laughing and joking and "appearing" happy. Not really top indicators someone is depressed to the point of suicide, though it happens evidently

True, I'm like this irl. I don't want my love ones to worry so I laugh and smile all the time like an idiot. I'm fucking dead on the inside though.


I don't think that Efron still watching any of it since he has become the ultimate chad

well, one is alive and irrelevant, the other is dead and beloved

First of all it isn't one of the most well-known references so don't make bullshit observations as if they are fact. Second, believe that I've been here for 9 years or don't. Either way you can go fuck yourself. In the back of my mind I recall seeing pic related posted a handful of times but I never knew it was an Evangelion reference because I actually watched the scene which this thread got me to. It was a humour first post until some retard made a "durr you're a newfag" post and shit it all up.


Chocolate pudding.

>DMC anime thread gets 404'd
>3D in anime thread gets 404'd
I pray for your thread to survive, user.

hahaha look at this dude

True,but not necessarily

>leonardo dicaprio likes code geass
lol wut

They killed Asuka, so they are good guys.

>It was in mint condition.
The absolute madman

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Dude just stop, you're literally throwing a shit fit about how people see you on an anonymous message board. Call me skeptical but most oldfags wouldn't get so insecure they'd derail a thread over being called a newfag.

>First of all it isn't
It is though, I only watched Eva a year ago and I saw that reference a month or so after

oldfriends barely have the motivation to post

Actors, especially ones like Robin, have a fair amount of leeway with the improv. Honestly it's pretty much what you cast a guy like Robin Williams for, he aint there for his dashing looks.

>implying Robin Williams isn't a woman's wet dream with having a back hairier then a Gorilla's entire body and chiseled abs

Dunno dude, I've enjoyed his discography way more than I've enjoyed robin's filmography. I like both don't get mer wrong but overall robbie's music's touched me more on a spiritual level. And oddly I don't even like western music let alone music with lyrics, yet this ex-boy band lead singer whose main audience are middle aged housewives does it for me.

Oh user ...

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More like seethe lmao

cope harder

Did he need a hug? Did he need everyone to come to him and tell him that everything is okay? That people love him and that he'd hurt a lot of people if he went away? That everyone cared about him?

Why'd he do it? Why didn't he give anyone a chance to change his mind?

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>"Neon Genesis Evangelion"

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Was there anything going on in his life back in 2014 to cause him to commit suicide?

>Fuck all you contrarian faggots trying to fit in by pretending that me not knowing where this obscure western weebshit reference came from makes me new. I've been using this site since 09. I'm not a newfag, well I'm not an oldfag either. I watched NGE plus EoE but I was never a huge fan of the series compared to Gunbuster or Nadia so excuse me for not knowing all the references made to it in western media.

Attached: 1459643728950.jpg (500x375, 65K)

I never said I was an old fag. In fact, I specifically qualified an earlier post by saying that I do not consider myself an old fag because when I first started posting there was a ton of older Yea Forums content that was a mystery to me. It wasn't the newfag post that got me, it was the fact that the original intent of my post got so quickly derailed by such a vapid, uninspired "newfag coping by calling everyone out as newfag" reply.

source on that?

quality Yea Forums post


aw man

What the fuck does this image have to do to what that user wrote??
Are you a retard?

His show got canned by CBS after one season.
There were some other things going on with his career, I forget though. Think he lost some awards nominations or something, not sure. This was all so long ago now wow

No. Robin Williams was a fan, but its inclusion in the film had nothing to with Williams.


It was Robin Williams's toy and he obviously knew what the show was, but the director just threw in a random description because he thought the toy looked more like a good guy and wanted to move the scene along

no that's Hulk Hogan who only watches Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh! and even showed up at a locals with DINOWRESTLERS.

Robin also liked non mainstream stuff like Robot Carnival.

It's like Uncle Ted from Bobby's world. According to the creator he was based off his real uncle who commited suicide.

Wait, Robin Williams is dead? What the fuck?

And people say hanging doesn't hurt.

He fell for the rope meme

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Maybe he was talking about Anno

I bet you think Woopie Goldberg and John Goodman are still alive too.

you're a newfag in life you fucking idiot, you were probably 9 years old in 2009

>you will never watch hentai with Kanye

his wife gave up on him and he thusly gave up on himself

at the end he was still in love

14, you cum guzzling waste of space

watching anime with muslims isn't really a good time

I was here asking moot whether he self inserts as cardcaptor sakura or the faceless train molester in like 2005 man. fuck you. you're a god damn child to me.

It doesn't if you do it right. Strangling yourself with your belt hanging off a closet door isn't doing it right, but he would still have lost consciousness fast.

He was a massive nerd. Into anime and 40k and video games.


He had an aggressive form of dementia. It was as much a suicide as it was euthanasia.

>Kanye West

>He had an aggressive form of dementia
Source:your ass

I was there when he gave out public bans for shitting on Planetes. Also that guy who soiled a Yotsuba& volume, but that would still happen on current Yea Forums thank fuck. It's all the same grandpa.

I think he's talking about how his past was filled with Muslim slave traders (I think). He isn't like Obama, who was a Muslim but suppressed every single mention of it (bar the images of him in Muslim clothes as a young adult and the university papers which mentioned him as a Muslim).

>Twilight guy
>JoJo's Bizzare Adventure
That's actually pretty fitting.

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Gotta say that was kino. It was a nice reference for once, didn't feel out of place. RIP


I was 19 back then. I don't get why people get so touchy about age and shit.

Were you a cute 14yo?

Do you have a source on hulk hogan playing dino wrestlers? That's pretty based.

Fuck you scared me

I was a short, skinny, gloomy loner. If I was a girl, people would say I was an irl Tomoko but it's 10 years later and only one of us is getting girls.

How did we ever elect such filth?

What the actual fuck.

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>Have been dead for 5 years or more
This hits way harder than it should.

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What's sad is probably more than half of Yea Forums wasn't even alive for some of his best movies in the 90s.

Half of Yea Forums wasn't even alive when Yea Forums started.

I was 16 and now I am depressed.

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based reifag

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I don't know about the other replies you got, but he has been suffering depression for years and was diagnosed with Parkinson some time before his death. If I remember well. Someone can correct me on this, though.

Go away oldfags.

Moot may have forgotten, but I remember that we're stuck here forever.

>Asukafag slanders a dead man.
As expected of Asukafags.

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As if your shitpost had any insight

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Based and redpilled.

We had a sticky for him here and on multiple other boards as well. I cried.

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Asuka a shit.

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This picture is old as shit and mostly fake, but I feel like Pattinson's list would be accurate considering his recent work.

The scene is like the number one 'krazy fact you didn't know about eva' everyone always talks about

Only simps like the violent bitch better

Netflix could have been faggots though. Reminder that he auditioned for Gendo in the Rebuilds and didn't get it.

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he said something dumb and edgy therefore I gave an appropriate reaction image.

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hes still here just with the same name as everybody else

A moot that is not publicly a faggot is moot.

Reminder that Robin Williams used to post on Yea Forums occasionally as a tripfag by the name "Boof" surriunded by smiling pointy emoticons.

(゚ヮ゚) Boof(゚ヮ゚)

when I tell tripfag's to kill themselves I don't really mean it.... I'm sorry Rob

wheres elon

Attached: musk.png (666x822, 779K)

Elon Musk is just a faggot poser (aka ironic weeb like normalfags call it)

Come to think of it what are EVA figures doing on an American shop shelf

Elon's a tool with shit taste in anime AND women.

Imagine having the likes of Grimes introducing you to anime.

Jojofags were always meme-spouting cancer, even before and after the anime.

Don't kid yourself.

>Kanie Best likes GoldenBoy
absolutely based

I've been holidaying on /tg/ since 2013, what the hell happened to 3.0+1.0? Has Anno just dropped off the face of the earth, or is this the final chapter in his "ironically mock something I made years ago and have never managed to surpass" saga?

source on this?

I bet you're the kind of "modern" Yea Forums poster that doesn't know anything about old-ass cartoon references like Simpsons or something and hides behind being anti-Yea Forums as an excuse for newfaggotry

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He got sidetracked making Godzilla, and also just being Anno. There was a new teaser for it a few months back.

How does an 8 year old get 24 episodes into evangelion anyway? There is no harem, no powerlevels, no bullshit asspull ability, no training arc, no romance arc, no beach episode, no hotsprings episode, no school/fireworks festival, no mecha combine ability.

Instead we get a whiny 15 year old, unpopular, bullied, possibly bi-sexual, who has to work with a 99% boring emotionless doll and a 99% PMSing elitist cocktease who Shinji jerks to on occasion.

No 8 year old is going to watch that past the first 4 episodes.

>She was the only thing I liked about NGE.
Yeah because you're a brainless tool.

there is literally no proof of 90% of this fuck off stupid impressionable kids.

Attached: your a faggot.jpg (960x319, 72K)

Why would she go on the internet and tell lies?

What in the flying fuck. I just watched this movie last weekend and had that exact reaction. This is never on TV. Who do you work for glownigger??

no one can even argue because it would be like slapping robin williams in the face, and no one would do that.


now I'm sad..

I'm you.

Yes it is. I’ve seen it a thousand times on multiple boards here. Fucking Newfag.

robert pattinson continues to be based, goddamn

kek ass mad Asukafag.

Attached: ayanami laugh.gif (435x316, 2.91M)

kill yourself poser faggot

are you having a stroke?

Why'd you say that?

>admitting to being this new and CANCEROUS

>doesn’t know robin williams was an anime fan that used his own toy for that scene
>calling others newfag
Pls go and stay go

hes a nigger. so probably

Where's the LoGH fans? Fucking casuals

Clearly, you know nothing about Robin WIlliams

do you have pics?

This hurts so much.

Williams didn't even pronounce it right even though he supposedly has seen the entire series.

He was trolling fanboys.

we killed him.

Truely. He went to Gensokyo.

Fuck you for making this post.
Williams deserved that role.
He'd already earned it. Fuck.

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>heard joke once
>man goes to doctor
>says he's depressed
>says life seems harsh and cruel
>says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain
>doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up."
>man bursts into tears
>says, "But doctor...I am Pagliacci.”

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Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains.

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I don't say it right and I've seen the whole series

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Just finished watching the whole series & End of Eva for the first time ever. I'm glad I waited until the ripe age of 28 to do this, I don't think I could've enjoyed it before.

That being said, Asuka is such a little shit and every scene of her dying is a good scene. Bitch got the last word though, and I imagine that'll haunt me forever.

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Williams was a child eater who worshipped moloch and was killed when he was going to expose it. He tried for years to get away, because of his daughter, and mostly did. It’s also why the picture became available so fast of the murder, the cabal was sending a warning to other snitches. “No matter how popular or how much money, never forget we own you”.

The twilight guy is actually pretty cool if you read about him fucking with the weird fans and book author.

pedo scared trump is exposing jewhood

Never thought I would but I enjoyed his interviews. He's relentlessly shitting all over the movies and books.

I hope someone comes up with a retarded meme like this about your mother when she offs herself for giving birth to you so you can experience the joy of spit hitting her grave, over and over, forever

I wish it was a meme. Hollywood actors are either Scientologists or part of the cabal. Both deal in sex slaves and drugs. It’s a very open “secret”.

Love when he told the rabid fan girl to get naked and she did and all he did was laugh while security tried to stop her.

Seriously though he was drowning in alimony and his paychecks were drying up. Of course the man was depressed.

Got a link? Google fails me at the moment.

Don’t atm saw it on Yea Forums years ago had a good laugh.

wow Zelda calm down ok sweety?

No, you don't. You love your "secret super special knowledge" because you're a gullible fucking moron who needs tinfoil hat conspiracy theories to feel important. You don't possess any hidden revelations, you're a roleplayer. You are exactly as stupid and worthless as every other user on this board, you just have a superiority complex and believe retarded things you read online. The rest of us accept that we're trash, and enjoy our anime knowing we'll never be the protagonists. You have special snowflake disorder. You're convinced you're smarter than everyone else, and you genuinely think the /x/ tier bullshit that comes out of your mouth is deep and meaningful and if we all just listened to you, the world would change for the better - unaware, like every homeless lunatic preacher is unaware, that the reason you're shunned is not because other people can't handle the truth. It's because you're fucking delusional.

Shut your faggot mouth and learn to respect the dead.

Thanks anyway.

Attached: twilight cats.jpg (527x416, 58K)

He stopped taking work when he was diagnosed with early-stage Parkinson's, didn't want it public, and was trying to go sober through the paranoid delusions and memory loss of the worse disease that was discovered in his autopsy. Fuck him anyway for Bicentennial Man but god damn.

>Fuck him anyway for Bicentennial Man but god damn
Fuck you, I like that movie

You you seem upset, take your meds and don’t join any acting groups you’ll be ok.

>hating on Bicentennial Man
very rude

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Did the remaining Eva Remake movies are ever EVER gonna came out?

Is there anything sadder than celebrity worship? They are literally just normal people that happens to be famous.

Yes, being this jealous of some normal guy is even sadder.

I am not jealous of celebrities. I just think that obsessing that your favorite film actor also like the anime you like is a bit pathetic.

I already gave you attention, you can stop now.

>I've been using this site since 09
but 4channel's only been around for a few months

It is also quite pathetic how you think (You)s matter.