Look at her go

Wow, this girl is so fast

Attached: Emi_run.png (350x260, 124K)

Other urls found in this thread:


im gunna break her legs, nice and slow.

>used goods

Attached: shizune.jpg (900x1480, 217K)

Not anime , not manga , not made by a japanese , not made in japan.

wow you work fast

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There's literally a GoT thread in here.

Attached: hnnng.jpg (797x548, 33K)

I can't remember why the fuck Emi was associated with lemons no matter how hard I try

Now THIS looks like a girl who only likes pure sex in the missionary position.


>Personal Lubricant, Lemon-flavored.

Attached: emi anal.png (166x298, 69K)


Attached: katawa shoujo.png (600x600, 316K)

get out KS devs

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I will never finish this game/book
I've been playing it on and off for the past 4 years and all I have done so far is Rin and almost Shizune.

I played it 6 years ago and I never did RIn or Shizune

Hanako is CUTE
Hanako's smile is CUTE

rin best girl so i recommend going back and doing it

Attached: 1554083801723.png (151x165, 45K)

Burn victim not-Tomoko and blind blonde English noble are the best girls. I wish the pink-haired lesbian was a proper route though.

Literally me.

Do Rin for sure. Don't do Shizune.


Attached: shizune;3.png (261x289, 112K)

Attached: birth on minefield.jpg (500x375, 22K)

Literally the only girl who isn't mentally ill

And they started recounting after a few million posts.

Best girl

Attached: Ibarazaki.Emi.full.1428331.jpg (796x610, 274K)

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>Plays Australia in Risk
>Not mentally ill

I came for the Shizzle, stayed for the Shizzle. Waifu ever since I played.

Attached: emi.png (806x628, 497K)

what's wrong with Australia

Attached: christchurch waifu.png (1456x1040, 694K)

Emi and Lily are pretty normal too though.

Emi is a headstrong slut. Maybe not mentally ill, but definitely has issues. Lily is a sociopath tier manipulative cunt who fully intended to leave MC-kun after going on and on about how much she loves him and how he should be more careful because she'd be sad if he died and so on.

Only Rin and Hanako are a bit nuts. Well more than a bit nuts in Rin's case
Emi and Lily are normalfags to the max. Shizune isn't mentally ill but she's still a bit of a weirdo

>has sex with her bf

Has it been long enough now to not be bullied by admitting that KS was my first VN?

and all the ones before you too

doki doki literature club took that title away from ks

Her pirate yakuza dad and annoying shota brother annoys me.

Whether or not you do Shizune definitely don't do her last. Will leave a sour taste. Rin best girl.

Tried and true pussy is best pussy.

>Don't do Shizune.
alpha version Shizune is leagues better than finished game Shizune

to each their own I guess
don't listen to them user. Rin is literally retarded and the entire route is a waste of time. Do literally any other one.

Attached: best end.jpg (800x600, 75K)

She wanted it in the ass seconds after talking about gays fucking and they fucked immediately after visiting her dad's grave. I'm pretty sure there was also a part where she tried to use sex to avoid talking about her dad.


>used goods
Yuck. If it wasn't for that Mary Sue Lily, then she would be worst girl.

Doing her last is actually sensible since it's the only one where graduation actually happens.

Why not? I thought her route was very comforting.

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The blackout I went through with this game was one of the most jarring experiences ever.
The game comes out, I stay off the internet for like a week to play through the game unspoiled.
Go through every route except Rin because I got impatient and wanted to talk about the game online.

And it's just this MASSIVE shitstorm and everyone fucking hates the game and are calling for it to be banned from the website. It was insane what a complete 180 the site did on the project. I sometimes wonder what went on in that week and what you all had to go through.

Attached: 1498144665128.jpg (696x304, 60K)

Attached: 1489242114121.png (1633x3440, 2.8M)

due to this one game, a whole separate board had to be made. There were hundreds of generals of this on Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums etc.

It was a mix of it being spammed everywhere and Yea Forums's contrarianism kicking in.

>I sometimes wonder what went on in that
it got a little too popular for Yea Forums and therefor it couldn't possibly be good anymore.

I love my wife Hanako

Attached: Hanako9.png (436x628, 285K)

Shizoon still best girl after all these years.

>my city comes up in edgy Yea Forums memes now because of the event that took place

What a time to be alive

Probably because it's unsatisfying. All the other routes end with you dating the girl while with hers you separate at graduation. Not to mention too much of the route was spent on that pointless vacation and the Misha bullshit.

because it gets an anime adaptation. so what is your point

Childhood is thinking Rin's route didn't make any sense.
Adulthood is realising Lily's route is the most retarded one.

they dragged poor Raita into this...

I completely forgot her route. What was her story again?

They stole some gay guy's anal lube which smelled like lemon

Attached: vuvFruB_d.jpg (640x480, 30K)

I only played Emi's, Hanako's, and the start of Lily's.

two things I can't believe currently
how there's still an ongoing katawa shoujo general on /vg/
and how we managed to make a better one without even trying

I almost 100%ed it, was missing some dumb piece of dialogue...

It's been 5 years and I'm still not over this game.
It broke me.

Attached: dr whomstve.gif (500x264, 376K)

laughs in KNS

>Hating on Jehct proxy.

Your wife is very beautiful, user. It's odd though, she looks just like my wife.

thanks I'll never finish this game now

What's wrong with making lots of threads about a currently relevant series? General culture has gotten way too out of hand, having hundreds of threads is unironically the way it should be.

Because obviously it was just shitposting after a while.



I played through it when it dropped at the start of 2012. Yea Forums didn't hate the game after it came out, they hated the incessant general threads for dragged on for months afterwards. The level of cancer is evident in the /vg/ theads that are still going on 7 years later with no sign of slowing down.

Also, Emi is best girl but Rin is best route. When KS was released I was dating a brilliant girl who had sort of a less friendly, scientist version of Rin's personality. A little autism plus a collection of emotional detachment issues. The game hit uncomfortably close to home and it made me realize how fucked our relationship was. I will say I've discovered since then that Asperger girls who haven't lost their emotions are a lot of fun to date, though.

Attached: redwings.jpg (806x632, 165K)

Whots this then eh?


Attached: misha.jpg (372x395, 25K)

Reminder that Rin isn't crazy or stupid, she just tends to put her foot her mouth but for every "nonsense" thing she says she can just as easily be completely blunt about her feelings, and Hisao is at fault for most of the conflict between them in her route because he treats her like some magical art fairy to be observed and exhibited instead of a human being to be listened to and supported.

Attached: Rin.jpg (3507x2480, 3.6M)

Attached: HIBG rtil NBG.png (657x1643, 514K)

your wife is all burnt and gross
you should try to find a better one

>reminder that Emi is a slut

Attached: 1458343857311.png (1000x600, 440K)

>Not to mention too much of the route was spent on that pointless vacation and the Misha bullshit.
That's why alpha version of shizune's route is superior, misha bullshit actually leads to something.

cant wait to rub her feet after she ends the run

this is powerful.

But is she faster than Bocchi?

Attached: 1555649177367.jpg (1280x720, 394K)

Based user-

Attached: noarms-1.jpg (490x373, 35K)

>Shizune isn't mentally ill but she's still a woman
ftfy bro

Stay mad fag

>completely blunt about her feelings
completely blunt about how Hisao is utterly disposable and how little she cares about him for sure

Go fall off a roof Hisao

Attached: rin.png (800x600, 586K)

She kinda just reminds me of this thing.

Attached: Mogeko.png (500x500, 34K)

legs >= blind > burns > arms = deaf

I just realized that whenever I see images of amputees their legs always have the same length amputated. Do they intentionally cut them down to the same length to help with balance? If one of your legs is way more mangled than the other do they chop off a bit extra on the other leg anyway just to keep things even?

I decided to skip to the end of Shizune's route about 2/3 into it. No shame, no regrets, shit route.

Attached: 2612.jpg (1209x661, 88K)

Please delete this image,thank you

I'll kill the blue one

Attached: yes.jpg (1000x600, 598K)

Never forget.

Attached: rape.jpg (960x720, 81K)

You just gave me PTSd flashbacks,thanks.

Attached: raped.png (813x796, 118K)

yep, she is definitely best girl

Rape apologetics are for Yea Forums, /r9k/, and /pol/, user, this is an anime board.

Always good to remember who's the real rapist.

Attached: rape.png (429x1598, 734K)

It's not rape unless she puts something in your butt.


Attached: 9d90c583-1999-4659-9602-0f3e34be386b..jpg (788x604, 67K)

haha okay that's pretty based

try saying that with my dick in your mouth faggot

This is too much, please censor the face.

So discussing this would be fine then?

Attached: 21393.png (960x1280, 610K)

>not wanting your gf to rape you
WOW! What are you? Faggots??!?!

Attached: Jags_guy gif.gif (236x224, 993K)


Don't worry,i will never forget how retarded you are

it's almost harvesting season

No, want myself to rape my girlfriend.

Cute, innit?

Hey Rin, I'll bet you 2000 yen I can do more push ups than you.

Attached: 20181206_103752.png (1229x871, 456K)

muh dick

Attached: 1552376133331.png (502x753, 380K)

>friendzoned by Hanako on my first playthrough
dropped harder than a bag of bricks

>there are people who didn't get Emi first playthrough
what a wild world we live in

flesh fang is the worst disability

I'm not attracted to midgets and >running with a heart condition

>living 1000 years as a sheep


beats dying a lemon

The doctor even tells you to do it. Life is for living.

Star Wars had a manga run.

>implying doctor isn't trying to off Hisao to have all that burnt poon to himself
I've seen through him right from the start, fuck you and fuck Doc

I feel you man

Like everyone else I did Emi's route first because she's the token DFC, but in the end I think Rin's was the best one.

Mine was kenji's

This wasn't really that good. Can't say I enjoyed any of the routes or liked any of the heroines. It's only popular because muh feels and it being one of the only notable OELVNs that has it's roots from Yea Forums.

Good one Ren, let me give you a high five. Oh wait.

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>Good one Ren

Attached: 1546199450154.png (342x395, 183K)

Same. I like Emi more but Rin had the best story


see? it's so severe that people plagued by flesh fangs forget the names of those they are talking to.


Why do anons call her used goods? It's been a long time since I read this. I don't remember her being used goods.

They certainly don't chop the other leg off when only one needs amputating so I don't think that they really aim for the same length on purpose. Maybe it has something to do with an optimal cutting points?

She takes dick to cope with the pain. You are not the first.

i did everyones route except lily, thinking of downloading it and reading it finnally
also emi a best;shizune a shit



She's canonically had a boyfriend before.

rin is unironically the most boring route

These posts always make me feel uncomfortable. I had developed a fetish for disabled women back when I was playing this, and am currently dating one. Not that this plays a huge role in our relationship, I genuinely love her. But these posts sort of remind me of the beginning of our relationship./blog

But did she have sex with him?

Keeping a blind and deaf girl you kidnapped isn't a relationship.

So which route is she most related to? And which was your favorite route before you met her?

Don't think it got explicitly mentioned, only that she kept too much distance emotionally for his liking so they broke it off.