Jojo thread

Reminder that Pucci is tanned, not black. Only brainlets think otherwise

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Other urls found in this thread:

Pucci is a nigger and I want him to plow my waifu while I masturbate in the corner!

Will Jobin surpass Pucci as best main villain?

Nah, he's black.
KKK wouldn't make mistakes like that

Based and cuckpilled. After reading Jojolion Araki convinced me to be a cuckold.

Pucci is a hot ebony stub that will get HOT AND HEAVY with a white muscular vampire god

Attached: Pucci Dabs at Hypersonic speeds.jpg (691x331, 45K)

>Araki makes a black villain
>His power is to run fast

Is Araki redpilled?

Same tards who think Muhammad Avdol is black

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Post ghiaccio looking in the air, I refuse to say the word ahego

This isn't the hair of a white men user, avdol is a nigger

>Only Whites and Blacks exist

I don't remember, did they ever mention Jotaro's father? Was he just some nip that pumped and dumped Holly like Diavolo did with Trish's mother and Jotaro did with Jolyne's mother?

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Avdol is a BLACK BULL

Jotaros father is polnareff

This man carried part 6 in my opinion

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Imagine Avdol taking care of little Jolyne.


He's his daddy in bed.

So, are shitskins niggers as well?

According to Araki only Japanese and Europeans are humans. The rest are subhumans or "nigger cattle" as he likes to call them.

He is literally African. Egypt is in Africa. There are black Egyptians.

Are you saying he was kings?



>best king crimson time erasure
>cop scene
>abbachio sky
>polnareff on the computer
Next episode will be great

Italians are NOT white

I got impatient waiting for Part 5 anime, so I read part 6 yesterday. I gotta say it's probably the second weakest part for me, I disliked part 2 the most, probably because I saw 3 before 2.

Part 6 has the worst stands. But the jail parts were kind of fun, once they escape it kind of all goes downhill.

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I gotta say the main cast is probably the lamest, and alot of the minor villain stands are rehashes or just boring(Yo Yo mama, what the fuck?)

Goo Goo Dolls is just a worse little feet, and theres literally 2 Gravity stands in the same part, one from a minor villain and then AGAIN with Pucci.

Out of all the Jojo's, I gotta say Jolyne has the LAMEST stand out of all of them.

>Time Stop
>Time Reversal/Fixing
>Creating Life
>I can make strings

What?The coolest thing she did was the mobius strip and it was just an asspull to safe her life.

2 and 6 are the best parts

Why didn't he just make a bunch of razors in Doppio's heart or brain to kill him instead?

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Beetles are cool.

Egyptians are not fucking black

he wanted to find out who doppio was first.

Considering how pharaohs were black.
You're stupid.

>t. only history knowledge comes from playing civilization

you fuckers kept spoiling me so i picked up stone ocean. already read first 2 volumes. it's breddy good.

Fucking retard. Part 6 is by far the best part.
My only grief with it is that he pulled the move every story with time and dimension manipulation does.
>lol everything after this is in another dimension xd

The whole gimmick of JBA is that every jojo is related, somehow, and nearly every villain is dio related. Plus when I saw the setting and some panels from part 7, I thought that it was in a post-apocalyptic world caused by Pucci going full Deus on the earth with his stand and causing a cataclysm. That would have been more interesting than
>xd part 1 to part 6 dont really matter, we're resetting the universe

Why didn't Bossu just pay La Squadra more. It's not like he didn't have the money and it's wise to keep your assassins happy, no?

>But the jail parts were kind of fun, once they escape it kind of all goes downhill.
For me, it's the other way round. Jail part mostly felt like a chore

He thinks assassins are scumbags

They literally said Tuttankhamon had african-american DNA...

Kek. Also, learn some Egyptian history, ya dumb pleb.

>Tuttankhamon had african-american DNA
Can you please read back what the fuck you just wrote.


How about you learn some BLACK culture wh*te boi. The entire planet was black before you racist ass crackers killed my brothers.

Even the chinese were black. First emperor of China, Din Doo

>First emperor of China, Din Doo

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He's a world famous jazz player who was always out on the big stage so we don't see him often


Is that Shuckmeister guy considered a troll or do people actually take him seriously? He a made a video about whether Giorno is a 'Gary stu' and the arguments were just atrocious

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Reminder the Joestars are all black. But racist japs forced Araki(Native African-american) to white wash them. Now you understand why they never have a father figure.

he is berber/egyptian they are not 100% black

>Epitaph sees the future
>the future can change
Goddamn it Araki.

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The thing in his pants says otherwise.

The vision in Epitaph can only be superceded by erased time, in which case only Diavolo's fate changes.

Yeah, so how did Doppio see his foot get cut off only for it to end up being Risotto's foot instead?

Because he has precognition. His visions are not absolute. Like Tohth

meti and shuckmeister are the only based jojotubers

Literally xForts is the bull of jojo threads. Anyone else is pure trash.

Predicting one's fate is only half-useful because (depending on the extent) the moment you learn it, you change it.

He saw 'a' foot get cut off, and, given the nature of the situation, assumed it would be his own. But The Boss reminded him that the events leading to the vision can be anything.

It doesn't change unless King Crimson erases it (which is the main point and strength of its ability)

Doppio was just misinterpreting what he saw

No, you have backwards.
Thoth is
>If A, B
Epitaph is

King Crimson vs Metarika is literally just Oingo and Boingo but not comedic.

So is it an anime thing then, because we can see it is his foot that gets cut off in the vision?

I guess that's true, most times I've seen such abilities in other shows it ends up being them trying to avoid that fate that gets them there.

>borned tanned

The mother released all the contained melanin in her pussy into Pucci.

Their job isn't hard with stands and doesn't deserve a high payment.


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>Araki draws a black man
>His stand is KFC

What did he mean by this?

Animeonly here, if Jobin's the part 8 final boss, what's his time power?

They didn't just want money. They wanted land, which is basically the same as asking to become capos. Obviously they don't deserve it.

Speed King makes time really hot, instantly killing Josuke so that Jobin can raise a beetle empire.

Literally all they do is kill non-stand users. It's the easiest job in the world.
Fuck them.

In SBR it's dimensional powers not time.

Valentine didn't have time power, unless you view different universes and timelines which is just semantics.

It's cool to have a villain who isn't super trooper powerful for a change, no?

>Tuttankhamon had african-american DNA

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Nope. Wrong. Kill yourself retard.

Sample size: one (1).
D4C could count towards both dimensions, through the use of alternate dimensions, or time, through alternate timelines.
But sure, then what's Jobin's dimension power?

I don't get what that means at all.
I'll start reading the manga when Part 5 anime ends.
Should I start reading from part 6 or part 1?

Now tell me how D4C was related to time, faggot?

Start reading from Part 1. The very large Jonathans are too good to miss out on.

See Also, if you believe it's dimension powers from SBR onward, go ahead and answer the question as well.

Heat death of the universe.

You mean that thing that happens at the end of

There has never been a JoJo villain with time related powers.

Jojolion is small story, not epic stone ocean shit
It's like in duwang where some nigs were trying to find a sexual predator hand fetishist but as soon as they beat him up he just got crushed by a car.

So Jojolion will just end with two dudes fighting for some froot and Josuke wins and marries Yasuho

What does this even mean
>D4C: alternate timelines
>MiH: speed up time
>KC: erase time
>KQ: rewind time
>The World: stop time
>Kars: wastes your time
>Dio: best of all time
Which of these is not time related?

Last panel is cum dripping from Yasuho's pussy as she hold hands with Josuke.
Hint: It's not Josuke's cum.

Shut up, he's black.

why else would Kaato be introduced and not have her stand with dimensional powers not yet be explained despite already her already being implied as the true string-puller behind Jobin and the rest of the clan?

Pucci is Mista's uncle.

Pucci is Mexican

>Brown Italian pays KKK to rough up his white brother but they lynch the white guy instead

Who writes this shit

D4C uses dimensions
Made In Heaven only speeds up some things, thus not speeding up time.
King Crimson doesn't actually erase time, it just turns everyone but Diavolo into a non-sentient retard for 10 seconds.
Killer Queen is just save states in the GBA emulator.
Seconds pass during The World, so obviously the laws of physics are frozen rather than time
Kars was fun, fuck you
Dio isn't the best of all time. Shigechi is.

Kars was fun but I didn't want to write wasting time up to Dio.

D4C creates alternative universes and allows Valentine to access them. They don't have D4C in them, and Jesus's corpse doesn't exist too apparently.
Made In Heaven speeds up time. Everything is sped up, except non-Pucci living things aren't sped up, which doesn't explain how Jotaro and Jolyne's corpses rot away instantly so fuck me idk.
Also Abbacchio and Ringo have time powers but they're not main villains

Why would they lynch a priest? Are you retarded? Is the only thing you know about KKK is "uh black people bad"?

How come all Johnnys have Tusk then


I just finished Part 6 and have literally 0 interest in 7 and 8. All the characters I'v grown with through 1-6 are essentially gone for forever and don't matter anymore.

I should have seen this coming with how they treated Jotaro like shit in part 6, it's almost criminal.

Part of me hopes Part 8 will fail, causing Araki to just go back to the main timeline. I don't give one fuck about Johnny or Josuke(8) if they are not related to the OG Jojos.

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Abbachio is just a tape recorder, and Ringo is legitimately the only one that I can't make a half-assed argument about.

This has to be bait, right? Please tell me this is bait.
A person who isn't a brainlet like (You).

Because Tusk isn't D4C

Why would he be wounded fighting a standless Valentine?

It's bait.

You're the most retarded user in this entire thread.

Was Pucci a direct descendant of Yakub?

Learn to read, user

Why are all universes essentially same or very similar, except the one where Diego develops his own stand instead of stealing Scary Monsters?

Read what? Black twitter?

Read about Nubians and their history with Egypt.

Nubians? You mean the guys who aren't Egyptians? Yeah I've read of them now what

Read this and learn something

>killer queen save-states

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What were some misconceptions you had about Jojo before getting into it?
I heard about the silly poses and somehow thought that striking poses was something they use in battle to active abilities or something
I thought Jonathan was the main character for the series,"Jojo", meaning the end of PB caught me very off guard
When I started part 2 and saw Joseph I thought the entire series was going to be the Joestar descendants vs the Brando descendants
I got spoiled that DIO was in part 6, and I also heard something about "heaven". I thought some characters died in part 6 and met DIO in heaven
I also heard Jesus was in Jojo, but thought he was in part 6, where they meet him in heaven
I heard the steel ball run was a race, but interpreted that as a race where everyone was in large steel balls

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I can't be the only person who remembers when Araki delineated the different races of Egypt for no reason.

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I thought that stands were actual ghosts.
I thought that the entire series was going to be about each generation of JoJo trying to kill Dio.
I thought that Jotaro was Joseph Joestar
I thought that stands were there since the beginning, so hamon being a thing kind of caught me off guard.
I thought that Star Platinum was Jonathan's ghost.
I thought that Vento Aureo would make me hate JoJo.

>Made In Heaven speeds up time.
It speeds up the universe, not time itself. I know the explanation but time is a fixed dimension so this is the only way you can reconcile it with the questionable effects of it.


Fuck me bros, why does part 2 have such god tier music?

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>I thought that Star Platinum was Jonathan's ghost.
Is this wrong, though?

Could King Crimson counter Made in Heaven?

Egyptians are not niggers. the whole "WE WUZ KANGZ" garbage came from the fact nigs know their culture is shit so they tried to steal Egyptian culture and pretend its theirs

Part 2 anime was better than the manga because of the OST

Part 2's OST doesn't even fit it

I thought it fit perfectly, at least for the anime. The whole thing was ridiculously over the top, so it makes sense for the music to be the same

I think it would just mean he wouldn't be able to see as far into the future/erase it as much, in the same way SP:TW can only stop time for a short period. So it wouldn't counter the effect of MiH, but he could potentially use it to defeat Pucci

Giorno is a fag, but I'll admit he's got a killer soundtrack

He's half-Italian, half-black. That was canon at least.

>African American DNA in King Tut
actual fucking brainlet lmao. found the nigger.

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Stroheim and Propoganda are peak JoJo. You cannot refute this claim

Can't speed up time if it's erased


Imagine caring either way.

Doesn't matter, he would die no matter what

>american education

Could Paper Moon King beat Ultimate Kars?

>dio is the greatest villan of all time
>kars lives for all of time
>The World can stop time
>Killer Queen reverses time
>King Crimson erases time
>MEIDO IN HEBUN speeds up time


shut up stupid faggot

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Avdol clearly looks like the Nubian, I mean come on

Could Cheap Trick beat Ultimate Kars?

no, kars is immortal. dude survives the vacuum of space. some little taking fag cant beat that.

Would Speedwagon have a similar Stand to Spice Girl?

>half black

Try and prove any of those using the Pythagorean theorem, faggot.

Jazz for the soul

How will pucci do that if he's gay?

He would rip his back off but in the process Kars would pull some bullshit of becoming an invertebrate and it wouldn't matter


That's really shitty math, user.

My God! He's correct!

The KKK shit was because Mrs Bluemarine married a black guy

Don't wanna be an Italian idiot
Don't want a nation under the new mafia

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>Animeonlies faces in a few episodes when Avdol returns with prosthetic arms and explains how he escaped from Cream's void and has been researching Diavolo while Joseph and Jotaro were in Morioh.

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I wonder how they'll react to DIO showing up and saving Giorno, carrying him in his arms.

What the fuck? Bullshit! DIO died at the end of part 3! He can't be back.

except you know, all that egyptian lore that explains that they were only a shade lighter than sub saharan if not full negro. Cry more fags.

>be non-stand user
>see this image
>crazy naked chick being treated like a pet

me gusta

This post reeks of "I'm from Venezuela (I'm white)"

Requiem opening version > KC skipping shit long after its power has been revealed

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No no, Dio, not DIO.

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Dio's twin brother Odie

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This is fake. It has to be a shopped pic from another part. How would that guy even know who Dio is?

When I was watching Stardust Crusaders for the first time I knew that DIO's stand is The World and that ZA WARUDO is some sort of a meme, but I didn't realize that Za Warudo is just engrish for The World until the final fight.

>Six feet 5 inches
Jotaro is fucking UNIT

i thought that jonathan and jotaro were the same person before watching the series, and dio would be some sort of sasuke before and after timeskip

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Then why is there so much fan art of him getting bleached by Hol Horse?

Man, Part 6 getting animated is gonna be such a fucking shitshow. Not the animation itself, mind you, but all the stuff that dumbasses on Twitter/Tumblr/etc. are gonna come out and defend as "PROGRESSIVE AND SO STRONG" despite this part having been written almost two decades ago. Not that this shit hasn't already been happening with "muh precious gay bois" trash, just that it will become exponentially worse.

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because a certain old lady talked to him

Okay, but how is Dio alive?

>OP is actually ten seconds longer than what we've been seeing and GER shows up at the end to restore the missing seconds


I have never seen such fanart

Part six is the best in terms of fashion and stand design. It was the first time it really clicked with me that a lot of what the character wear is super reflective of what was going on in high fashion at the time and a lot of the stands actually looked like they belonged in the same part instead of just a bunch of random ass designs being tossed together.

>all JoJo threads will devolve into /pol/ vs tumblr retard shitflinging
I don't want part 6 anime

>the boss of Italy's most feared gang is a twink manlet

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half of him

Josuke used crazy diamond on his bone to bring back his body and giorno gave it life

Some egyptians are black. Most of them are arabs/northafrican, but it's not uncommon to find black ones too.

the other part of him is his right hand man, if we count him as a one person he's still the most important person in the gang

It's like you forgot part 3

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So Fugo is Scrappy

>nearly every villain is dio related.
Only Pucci and maybe Kars (if you consider that being the creator of the stone mask is enough to make them related) are related to Dio. Only half of the other villains of the first timeline are related to dio, that's not "nearly" at all.

I thought Dio was going to be revealed as a mole or a traitor with the whole "Kono Dio Da" meme. Turns out he was a bully the entire time.

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Sounds accurate.

Please post Doppio webms, I missed this week's thread.

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Why would Josuke do that? Wouldn't Jotaro tell him that it's a bad idea? Did Araki just forget that Dio's evil?

I dunno, The Head Doctors Ability seems to fuck with time or reality.
I dunno if he's slowing the group down somehow, but he's continuously moving things in front of them.

Vote for Joseph pls.

He was tricked by giorno into doing it, he didnt know whose bone it was

I saw an out of context clip of part 3 Dio, and also kono Dio da clip
So I started watching part 1, but thought it's the same part as ZA WARUDO, because same main villain
So for about 3 episodes I was like "wtf where are stands" and "wtf who's this blue haired guy he doesn't look like that hat-hair guy"

I also thought Caesar was Dio's grandson when seeing him for the first time.

Also after reading about "Kira Yoshikage who is Jotaro merges with Josefumi Kujo who is Josuke and Jotaro and becomes Josuke Higashikata" I thought Araki has gone insane and wrote some actual fever dream incoherent mess
Turns out it all makes perfect sense chronologically and is the best part

How long until all this happens? I'm hyped.

This is a redraw of Jotaro holding Jolyne from part 6.

I'm kind of disappointed now. All those anons strung me around like a puppet.
I feel like a fool.

But Jolyne is not the shit pseudostrong feminist artificial hero who always acts masculine for muh equality (like captain Marvel)
She starts off like a normal feminine meek girl who was mistreated and just wants to go back to mom
But due to harsh environment and JOSUTA BLOODLINE she hardens up and kicks ass
It's not gratuitous and stupid because it's a real character

Also she isn't flat and ugly and has tiddies so instead of "progressive and strong" it'll be "objectification and slavery" or something retarded like that

I want to die just typing those sentences out.

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Part 5 sucks and Dio sucks, so if he came back from the dead I don't know if it would be bad or so bad it's good
But seriously after Koichi and Jotaro fucked off, part 5 has become the most detached from the storyline
It shouldn't exist
1-4+6 are connected strongly, 7-8 are connected very strongly, 5 is like the ugly adopted kid that parents still love, but not reeeeeally though.

Black Sabbath should've killed Koichi

It would if Araki had stuck with the idea of,Giorno arriving to Florida like what the children of Dio arc had implied.

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josuke is coming at about episode 30 based on the pacing.

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Fuck you woman

Do you think it's possible that they'll adapt Abbacchio's dream before the donut reveal? I'm wondering how they can preserve that same sense of confusion that the manga had for the death. The only other way would be to cut to commercial break I suppose. I really just hope it lives up to the same experience as the manga.

So it's an >empire even if it is being >holy >roman?

Why do fags keep saying the anime is good? They censor the Stand names left and right

they fucked it up when they didn't kill him at the end of previous episode. They'll most likely kill him before the eyecatch and have the dream afterwards, but it won't be nearly as effective

You can alter the subs yourself if you download them.

learn japanese and watch the stream with us, baka

But i already read the manga

>tfw no Mr Bungle stand

My favorite Pucci pic!

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Attached: fafourites.png (1586x1213, 3.55M)

>favorite fashion is a naked child

Pucci, reset this shit

Despite the contrarianism, daily reminder that Stardust Crusaders is the best arc.

only the subtitles and the actual dub are altered the jap voices say the correct names. just put up with it or download them and alter them yourself.

>t. Mista

>not liking kira
opinion safely thrown in the trash

bad bait

Of course the Mistafaggot hates Emperor

Meant for


>Makers of Dio's mask
>Not related
>The JoJo himself is Dio related, but let's not count him
>Dio's buttsecks buddy

4/6 villains are Dio related.

If Kars was a stand user, what would his stand be?

>that fashion

Attached: my jojo shit taste ver. 2.5.png (1200x918, 2.67M)

>First emperor of China, Din Doo

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I thought it was going to be a comedy played completely straight. I was right.

>I count Dio as being related to Dio
>I count Dio twice
Nigga you can't be related to yourself and you can't count a villain twice just because he changed costumes.

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Exactly the same as Giorno’s, more or less.

That makes sense. What'd it be called?

>Nigga you can't be related to yourself

That’s where you’re wrong, kiddo.

Iron Butterfly.

>First emperor of China, Din Doo
Alright fuck you that's good

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>Google "can someone be related to himself?"
>Every results are about self-harm and how to help people with suicidal thoughts
Are you okay user?

More or less.

Mista is not a brojo, Bruno was the brojo of P5. Mista was the supporting.

It sees the MOST LIKELY immediate future, and what Doppio/Diavolo sees is subject to interpretation (like when he thought he was going to get a chunk of his head blown off, but that area was later splattered by the shit Risotto was using to cloak himself and just SEEMED like it was missing.

Explain this to a retard: what is the functional difference between The World and King Crimson’s ability?

Bruno is the non joestar protagonist of the part like Polnareff or Koichi

The World stops time.
King Crimson skips time.

I dunno user. What's the difference between pause and skip?

>mfw just saw the grateful dead fight animated

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The KKK hates Catholics.

>gonna hear the voice of my frenchi boi next week

i cant wait and at the same time im sad cause i know he is now

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Talking about KKK, wasn't Araki arrested a few years ago for murdering a few blacks in cold blood? I think he was the founder of the japanese branch of the klan too.

What, so soon? Really?

At least he gets to live a comfy life inside of a turtle soon

>trying to move the goalposts

He wil live long enough to see Jotaro and Joseph die, think about that. He will be the last crusader. Joseph probably died from MiH ability. A building collapsed on him or his diapers rot and gave him an anal infection.

I'm pretty sure Head Doctor has a teleportation stand. What do you guys think?

Yeah, the rockhumans in part 8 are actually stand-ins (geddit?) for the blacks Araki killed.

There was a lot of controversy since he bribed his way to freedom.

I wonder if Giorno let Polnareff contact the Speedwagon foundation after the events of part 5 so he could at least keep in contact with everybody

Probably. Next week is probably going to be the wrap-up of the Doppio vs Risotto fight, Abbaccio getting fisted, and possibly Polnareff's intro.

unironically this

Iwasaki Taku bro. He's the champion of OST.

/pol/tards should be publicly executed

>next week
You mean like three days

Confusion is my Eulogy
As I cross a cracked and broken path

I'd be more for keeping them separate from the rest of society, but somewhere we can still point them as an example of how to be a complete shitstain of a human being.

What does this have to do with /pol/ you actual turdbrain? If anything you should've called me a Yea Forumstard


Yeah, I realized just after I'd hit the submit button. My bad.

He'll never be as good as based Yugo Kanno

It’s one of the least offensive attempts, to be honest. Not sure why it gets the hate it does.

is your wife a dude?

>Not /pol/

Since when is Jotaro that fucking tall

Everyone who counts DIO as a separate villain from Dio Brando is fucked in the head
He's literally the same exact character just with bigger muscles, yellow costume, cool stand and in all caps.
You have more reasons to consider Diego and Other Diego different characters than Dio and DIO

He a memetuber

Even StandScience isn' t completely legit and more for fun

I figured Pucci was the one that took the dick rather than give the dick

I don't hate it, I'm just being a goof. You have a good day now

It's going to be some generic computer generated voice I guess.They can't spoil his identity at this point

All JoJo's are 190 cm tall genius

I wasn't reeing about SJWs ruining things, I was reeing about them making their own bad characters. It's still a conversation about bad writing. It's still Yea Forums or Yea Forums or even Yea Forums, but absolutely not /pol/.

You're reading what you want to read my man.

maybe theyll just outright show him on friday? No reason not to.

Square's beat triangles

Tusk wins.



your libtard is showing

I concede defeat. Tusk is my son and I would never fight him.

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Point is, Dio fuckery is going on in every pary
>Stone Mask Fitness Gods
>Dio's Arrow
>Dio's son
>Dio's Bone

>Din Doo

Give this guy a medal

I didn’t say you did, it’s just that I have seen people shitting on it like it’s some sort of atrocity, even more so than others and it fucking baffles me.

OTHER Diego in part 7 too

can we keep lefty/pol/ and /pol/ shit out of fucking Yea Forums you retarded dumbfucks???


>inb4 Diego gene

abudoru is literally kara boga

I finished SBR and i cant help but feel a little annoyed johnny didn't win the race after that emotional reconciliation with his father at the end and what happened to gyro
felt like it was leading up to him winning and then araki is just like nah fuck it dio is back lolol
anyone disagree? i want to like the ending

It's not Dio's arrow, tard.
They belong to Enya and she bought them from Diavolo.

>retards unironically fall for this
jojo threads are full of reddit.

That's why Jojolion is best part. No Dio, many Jojos. They finally won.

how gud is jojolion
i just started
is it near the end

Im not sure ill ever read part 6.

Can someone greentext the ending for me? I always hear about the "universe being reset"

Attached: 1414615549425.jpg (415x423, 27K)

its worth the read, has good moments
whyd you skip it

>how gud is jojolion
>i just started
Keep going
>is it near the end
Tensions are high, but nobody knows

People saying the universe is reset are speedreaders that didn't get the ending. The closest thing that's actually undone is Part 6's events only, which you'd totally be fine with considering how everyone gets fucked over in the climax.

That would be strange, it defeats the point of the "mistery man in the colosseum" buildup leading to his reveal

>Dio's bone grows into a weird little green alien child
>Pucci absorbs it and his stand gets an upgrade: becomes green and alien, but not little and not child
>Pucci uses his new cool gravity powers to achieve heaven
>his stand gets an upgrade again, it's now white horsey who can accelerate time a lot
>everything else that is alive and is not Pucci is not accelerated and lags behind
>as time acceleration increases more and more, it's looking more like an infinite time stop
>Pucci zooms around at the speed of sound with knives and shit
>Jotaro's timestop is accelerated, thus making it even shorter of a window to do anything
>Jotaro manages to stop time just in the right moment to attack Pucci, but Pucci throws knives at Jolyne
>Jotaro has to choose between attacking Pucci and saving Jolyne
>He saves Jolyne
>Pucci literally murders everyone in one slash except Jolyne and kid
>Jolyne saves kid and dies also
>kid escapes into the Ocean, tied to a dolphin
>Pucci cannot follow because his fatigue from swimming is also accelerated and he can't catch up to the dolphin
>time acceleration reaches insane rates
>entire Earth ages to dust and is destroyed, kid and entire sum of animals of Earth fall into a black hole
>kid appears into a new universe, where everyone knows their fate and does not fight it, making it a really fucking depressing place
>Pucci chases kid while also giving him exposition on how universe reset works
>kid tricks Pucci into pushing a CD with powerful stand into him (which he has because Pucci could steal people's stands and upload them onto CDs two stands ago)
>kid kills Pucci with the stand
>everything goes back to normal, everyone is alive again, but they have different names and are better people
>kid has PTSD and two stands but otherwise it's a happy ending

I really only did it to get to sbr. Maybe youre right, though. I could just read it... Jolyne looks like a fun mc.

Okay then, I guess that makes sense.
So the ending of 6 doesnt, as far as we know, have an effect on sbr and jojolion?

desu i read it across like 2 days just so i could get to SBR
in fact i watched/read parts 1-6 just so i could get to SBR
#2 on myanimelist is pretty enticing

sbr and jojolion are just an alternate universe ya

It's a common misconception (had by speedreaders, skippers and other types of retards) that the Nu-universe from ending of Stone Ocean is the same as Steel Ball Run universe, but it's completely unrelated and SBR/JJL universe is a whole new continuity.
Original parts took place in real world, these new ones are in alternative history.

Okay Ill read it. Thanks.
It sounds neat. I almost feel bad for doubting it.

This poster has very very low testosterone levels.

The fights are super bullshit though, only the last third of the part is good really

That’ll sure show him.

Care to explain yourself?

He reverses entropy, making him a more powerful version of Crazy Diamond

Anyone have the webm of Doppio's little freakout after getting needle'd?

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Go eat some Brainforce™, Alex.

Pucci is a literal Nigger Faggot who somehow got a Klansman to lynch a white man.

Johnny already saved the world, became a better person, made friends, and regained the use of his legs, and still managed to do pretty good in the race until the final stage.

Attached: jojo template.png (1200x918, 2.22M)

Meti literally gets pegged by a 6 foot tall women. Why do you think he has a giantess fetish?
He's no bull

At that point, the Race itself wasn't even important. Plot or character-wise. Saving the world and growing a pair of Steel Balls between his crippled legs was the important part.

Would Mista dislike Metallica because they're part of the Big Four?

>Not wanting your prostate massaged by your girlfriend's thick plastic cock

>literally gets pegged by a 6 foot tall woman
What a life...

What makes the original universe closer to reality than the new universe?

I thought we were unknown...but we've been found out!!!
>Tfw Jotaro's death meant nothing to me because I was so used to characters getting gibbed and either; (It didn't -really- happen, or they get insta-healed.)
>Tfw Emporio beats Pussy, and it didn't even hit me that EVERYONE else died like a punk
I thought GhostBoy just had his own little universe, not that Araki fucked us all.


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The fact that there was an enormous public event that occurred in the 1890s with major publicity where hundreds of horse jockeys raced across America and one of them killed the president of the United States with magic is a start
And the fact that Benjamin Harrison is replaced in the history books by Funny Valentine.
And the fact that in 2011, a huge earthquake caused magic rocks to suddenly unearth all over a Japanese village
None of which happen in the original universe

Did Antfish die or something?

The original universe also features fictional historical figures and multinational organizations.

Jesus goes to America history
America history
Neapolis Kingdom history

Jesus went to America in real life.

So is Mormonism the one true religion in the SBR/JJL universe?

The detective hired by Pucci was from the KKK and didn't have a problem working for him

He probably thought Pucci was being an Uncle Tom


>Favorite JoJo
>Favorite Villain
>Favorite Part
>Favorite Bro-Jo
>Favorite Supporting
>Favorite Crew
>Favorite Part 3-8 Stand
>>Favorite Stand Desgn
>Favorite Stand Ability
>Favorite Animal
Nice try
>Favorite Girl
Should have been animal instead then
>Favorite Minor Villain
>Favorite Fight
>Favorite Pose
>Favorite Fashion
>Favorite Death
>Favorite Opening
>Favorite Battle Cry
>Favorite Voice
>Least Favorite Fight
>Least Favorite Stand
>Least Favorite Crew
>Least Favorite Part
>Least Favorite Villain
Meh (cop out)
>Least Favorite Jojo

Total score: 15/30; normalized to: 7.5/10

So far, but the original universe has multiple true religions.

Attached: 45399439_2284424261631110_9106015001839140864_o.jpg (1007x769, 245K)

Jesus didn't leave any gold tablets, he only left his body parts and a map of a place that no one knew

But is your waifu a guy?
I'm not ready....

Seems clearly superior to at first glance
so you get 8.5 or 9/10

he's super dumb, sees an enemy stand and decides to forget about it

i could see also that music play in the car when they escaping ciocolatta...

"giorno...i accepted my fate , that life ended"

Because the enemy stand had no reason to attack him.

Anyone else think that Risotto's VA has done a fantastic job

close, I'm 90% sure his power is manipulating reality/objects within view of a camera

100% sure it has something to do with cameras since this is just alternate universe Old Joseph (think Hermit Purple)

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his curiosity got the best of him and once he found out that doppio and diavolo were but one person he became so confident in killing him that he forgot that Aerosmith was in the area

As dark as Pucci is, is there really a difference at that point?

>the you want Araki to reference a band you like but you don't want to see what happens when their autistic fanbase collides with jojo's autist fanbase

your opinion will totally change when you realize how superior the new universe is
I was so glad all the old characters were kaput and we got a fresh start, learn to let go user

The point wasn't about the race dingus

And cry.

Father pussy.

tfw no radiohead reference
>za bends


>hurr durr he forgot about it
1) He had no reason to assume it would attack him, the only reason it attacked him is because Diavolo threw the knives at Bruno's crew.
2) Aerosmith was literally flying away from them, about 80 feet above them, when he was about to kill Diavolo. Narancia just suddenly developed a new Stand ability that allowed Aerosmith to teleport behind targets - it would be fucking impossible no to hear the buzzing as it was slowly moving up from behind.

For real tho, 89? Seriously?

>Abachio is Jojo's daddy confirmed xDDDD

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We posting charts now?

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the real prize was the friends we made along the way
and Gyro dies

Yeah he's pretty good considering that he hasn't had any big anime roles before this. He is the Japanese VA for Daniel Craig.

>it would be fucking impossible no to hear the buzzing as it was slowly moving up from behind.
He did hear it but wasn’t paying attention.


Risotto and Bossu have boner inducing voices.

>He did hear it but wasn’t paying attention.
It was literally not heard in the anime or manga at all until it was behind him.

Did you expect them to play Aerosmith sound effects for the entire episode?

They played it whenever the camera was up close.

I’m pretty sure that it only played when the characters focused on Aerosmith.

Not to the extent that SBRverse does. What with the Speedwagon Foundation being a more or less underground research organization with ties to the government and which is never really a public influence, and most of the story not taking place in any sort of public limelight, rather having stand users and hamon users and vampires doing their own thing more or less in private, the OGverse could easily take place in our own world.

The SPW was known to the public, and Part 1 features two “legendary historical knights” who never existed in real life.


I'm not denying that the OGverse takes place in an alternate universe, but all I'm saying is that the SBRverse is much further from our own. Bruford and Tarkus don't exactly change the course of human history, nor does the Speedwagon Foundation to any extent made known to the public. But the Steel Ball Run and the events that follow it are like Watchmen levels of historical divergence. It changed practically everything by the time of Jojolion.

>I'm not denying that the OGverse takes place in an alternate universe
So don’t refer to it as the real world.
>It changed practically everything by the time of Jojolion.
Are we reading the same manga?

I have rewatched the last episode 3 times on Friday, 1 time on Saturday and two times today. It's great.

This post gave me a deja vu


I want to push Polnareff out of his wheelchair and bully him

Nigga, he's just saying that the original universe is more in touch with our reality. Stop being autistic please

List of characters who should've also died in Part 4:
>Okuyasu (bubbled during btd)
>Koichi (donuted during sha)
>Rohan (btd)
>Hayato (blew up touching oku)
>Joseph (too old and senile, let him die araki)
>Mikitaka (dumb alien)
>Yukako (useless thot)
>Yuya (should've died by teru)
>Tamami (background character)
>Hazamada (background character #2)
>Tonio (only cooks once throughout the story so might as well kill him off)
>Shizuka (so faggots stop asking her to be the next jojo)
>Shinobu (useless thot #2)

He specifically said “real world” and “alternate universe”

Can we all agree that Part 5 has the most godlike soundtrack of all JoJo parts (not counting the OP/EDs of course)?

kira wrote this

So what race is he then dipshit?

isn't he half black

/pol/trash don't even know basic geography.

>egyptians live in africa therefore they were black

Based retard!


>characters came close to death so they must've died

Shizuka is the next jojo and there's literally nothing you can do about it

Attached: shizuka.png (1355x2048, 989K)

Look at where Sudan is, also Nubians. Avdol is Black.

This manga makes me feel funny.

Attached: why.jpg (382x540, 109K)

Avdol is but Egyptians weren't

Jojolion Shizuka is that naked lady in the bathtub and she's still digging through garbage looking for food.

I felt the same way when Yukako made Koichi piss himself

Shizukafags are sad.

when will araki finally add a trans character? it's long overdue


Tsurugi doesn't count?

There's no reason Giorno couldn't have just healed Polnareff's body and let him jump back in, unironically one of the biggest plot holes in the series

>tfw no yukako mommy

Attached: mommy.webm (960x400, 858K)

I thought Bruno was gonna as a rival to Giorno thoughout part 5 sorta like Bakugo

polnareff would just be a zombie then

Since last Thursday

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I thought they cut that arc out.
Considering that there's no Akira and Kira kills Keicho with a Heart Attack for no reason.

>Even the chinese were black. First emperor of China, Din Doo
Made me kek, you did good.

Attached: 1550170371028.gif (322x324, 90K)

>It's established that Giorno can make himself new arms up to the elbow
>Giorno doesn't give Polnareff new legs

What a cunt.

I guess Giorno is also a zombie because he healed his own body after Narancia died in it and hopped back in

I remember seeing the JJBA arcade game in the Tips and Tricks magazine in the late 90s/early 00s. I honestly thought Capcom just made a fighting game based off weird paintings judging from the screenshots and the character illustrations they had in the magazine.

that was during silver chariots soul fuckery though

Well Jojo characters ARE in Louvre so you're not that far off

Attached: jojo.jpg (630x890, 221K)

He would’ve just become another zombie like Bruno.

They game her original scenes.

...It was because Pucci was black THAT the KKK went after his brother despite Weather Report appearing white.

They added her in early as the designated help-the-transfer-student-settle-in person to give her a reason why she's obsessed with Koichi

>Dio's Bone
I mean, you could be less crude and say boyfriend but i guess that works.

It did made me sad part 6 ended that way (I dont' think it was bad, just sad), but I must admit part 7 is pretty much the best one.

speedreader, the woman that stole weather report was a married to a black so they thought he was mixed race.

Pretty sure she distributed them at Dio's command for him to have more loyal stand users. Okuyasu's dad was said to serve Dio so he absolutely has a connection to Part 4 and the arrow

Because Pucci isn't black. He's Sicilian.

KKK wouldn't hurt a priest you retardestest of all tards.

No, it was because Wes's "mother" married a black man so they assumed he was half black
They had no idea Pucci and Wes were brothers

>Araki hates homosexuals and racemixers

Sisters, is Araki /ourguy/?

>Pucci could've had Whitesnake Requiem

Attached: Requiem.jpg (751x711, 174K)

How black will they make Pucci sound in the Stone Ocean english dub?


>author believes everything his characters do

Based tard sister.

>VAs swap their roles
>VAs do impressions of their new roles
What do you guys think will happen during the Requiem arc?

Araki applies his supremacist ideology into jojo.

guys, i have no idea what to watch after the ending of the VA anime ends, except the monthly JJL. i'm even considering watching HxH

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How's that?

I wish for the second one, but fuck me there's no way it happens.

Especially since Polnareff talks as a turtle.

HxH is good

Watch a bunch of 80's horror films to get an appreciation for the first three parts of jojo

why is this a meme?
Whitesnake was just ordered to use a firearm. thats it.

I wonder if they'll have Polnareff use a voice filter next episode. After all in the manga it's not revealed it's him right up until the end of the Oasis fight.

Because it looks goofy.
A stand with a gun.
Teehee ha haah.

He's a sand nigger you fucking brainlet

It will be in text, like Babyface.

Only the beetle arrow Polnareff had gives you requiem.

Soma Saito is Polnareff

Is Anda Warudo OP?
He can just recreate anything. But when he does it to people, they don't care and he can just inspect them for information. But here he recreates salt and it's real salt and it hurts Snailyne.
So what can and can't he do?

Attached: andawarudo.jpg (253x712, 54K)

Based user telling the truth

Seems like he can just conjure anything that existed in that spot.
He could probably make dinosaurs if he wanted to.

The picture I posted has beetle on it you fucking blind retard.


Sadao Kujo. He never shows up, but he's still around. Presumably, him being distant led to Jotaro doing the same to Jolyne.

Jotaro is distant to Jolyne because she doesn't want her involved with stand fightin' and shit, speedreader
But it happened anyway and they both died because of it



ahh, finally, a true rank

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How do you explain Jotaro being weak from doing jack shit

This is not a rank, they're not ranked good or bad or best or worst, you just described what the villains are in pretentious terms, faggot

Why are JoJolion threads so much better than VA threads?

because Jojolion is a better part than VA

Better part, better taste, interesting story, no one knows how it ends

>you will never be pre-jojo araki levels of cool

Attached: IMG_20190423_211749.jpg (1144x1512, 485K)

>when all the Disney characters start coming to life and fucking niggas up
God damn I wish the first half of Part 6 was as batshit crazy good as the second half.

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Jolyne's Copyright Free Adventure

Bruce Campbell would probably be the best choice for Joseph if they ever made a western adaptation of part 3

>crunch roll censors most characters that aren't from a fairy tale
>there is no spiderman
>there is no mickey
>this shit ain't disney

The "consequence" just has to be the same
>Doppio saw his foot get cut off
>the future is now written and someone's foot must be cut off
>Doppio changes things so that Metallica got his foot cut off instead
>Doppio sees his head blown off by Aerosmith
>the future is now written and someone must get shot by Aerosmith
>Doppio changes things so that Metallica gets shot by Aerosmith instead

a bit too old

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>he doesn't know

Attached: 1546385296280.jpg (1280x720, 240K)

No you retard, he saw Risotto's foot and thought it was his
How do you speedwatch a 20 minute episode? Do you hit "skip" randomly or just play it in the background while jerking off to something else?

Doppio does not change anything
There is no way to change one's fat
Only King Crimson can do that and Doppio can't use it

Why are there so many scenes in Jojo that can only work if the characters are retards?

Risotto already knew Aerosmith was around scouting, why would he not be more aware of it? He literally had Doppio dead to rights with all the iron removed from his body, there's literally no reason for him to be so distracted that Aerosmith can sneak up unnoticed when he's already fucking won the fight.

>its established that Toth only predicts things a few minutes forward
>Jotaro-looking face is shown to split in half from a bomb
>it already happened
>30 years later Jotaro's face is cut 1/3 with a kitchen knife

Yeah that totally is the same thing breh

Joseph was pushing 70 in part SC

thats not how it works, what he sees in epitaph is up for interpretation but constant. Doppio saw a foot flying in front of him and assumed it was his when it really was risottos.

the same thing would happen if you were in risotto's position. the guy had his fucking foot cut off

There's a lot of scenes like that in anything. It's a common trope called "Idiot ball"
Your example isn't even the dumbest.
See Death 13 "wtf Kakyoin went insane let's punch him instead of this devilish child we have"
See Clash "wtf Narancia is pointing to a bottle"

>his stand is literally a fried chicken
Nah, he’s a nigger senpai

aerosmith had no reason to attack him and risotto was more preoccupied with having figured the boss out.

>aerosmith had no reason to attack him
>he was the only one on that cliff who breathed
>sharp knives went flying at Bucciarati at insane nonhuman standlike speed
>they're paranoid after Notorious big almost killed 4 people

Imagine having read AND watched Part 5 and not knowing how Epitaph works. Lmao @ ur lyf retard.

Yeah apparently you don't know how it works despite very clear explanation in the anime
Two explanations if you count Toth since they're the same ability but one is played for comedy

i mean that risotto thought aerosmith had no reason to attack

This isn't an excuse of anything, it's still dumb and bad writing.

Risotto didn't know that Doppio alerted Bruno and co.


Why is Narancia so damn cute?

Attached: Narancia listening to music on his new radio.gif (148x198, 94K)

Because you save art that isn't true to his actual design or personality

He's always the best.

Attached: 1466453407839.jpg (653x1022, 122K)

Disgusting Fujo, end yourself.

Fuck of fucker I'm not a fujo

Attached: Narancia after I'm done with him.png (275x213, 75K)

The correct term is Yumejo

>be Jolyne
>introduces a new counter attack using her already established string powers. (Mobius strip)
>was never used before because it was only usefull in one situation (C-Moon)
>people call it an asspull

It's not like she invented a brand new ability that is only very loosely thematically connected to her others. She just used what she had to hear advantage in a different manner, just like Josuke.

Now that being said, if there's anyone who really fucking invents new abilities in a gold and experienced fashion here would be Weather Report.

Keep telling yourself that faggot.

Neutral Milk Hotel deserves a stand

Attached: 1484033505876.png (500x573, 382K)

Do you know what a fujo is?

A ship of Fugo and Jolyne?

No, he doesn't. Either that or he intentionally uses it incorrectly as bait.


Attached: 1486354716346.png (800x800, 276K)

Jolyne's stand being lame is what makes it the best.
Her limits are extremely clear and everything she does makes perfect sense given her abilities.
There's no bullshit like star finger, suddenly being able to stop time, inconsistency on what "fixing" means, and cloning Coco Jumbo.

>So what race is he then dipshit?

Josuke's only bullshit moment (that I can remember) was that he fixed an ink digit and it became another digit though.
Other than that, fixing is pretty consistent no?

soft and wet reminded me of the line "soft and sweet"

You are projecting homosexuality onto a character that has not once expressed the desire to fuck someone of the same sex, you are by definition a fujo, kill yourself.

If only
Different user but iirc he's Indian.

Isn't Pucci Catholic though? There have been like three KKK's, but I think they generally hated Catholics.

It is

I didn't do that

>soft and wet
>doggy style
Why did araki choose such LEWD stand names?
I fucking love both of these stands, the names just make it
I play soft and wet in my head everytime gappy says it

Were you not the one posting this and this ?

>soft and wet
>doggy style
Why did araki choose such LEWD stand names?
I fucking love both of these stands, the names just make it
I play soft and wet in my head everytime gappy says it

So you don’t know what a fujo is.

I'm rereading it now and it would seem that the main reason to fuck with Weather for the guy was that he kissed Perla and that's not okay. So I guess Pucci didn't do nuffin to aggravate them?

I doubt it or it would've happened a long time ago. You're forgetting Bara-obsessed tumblrites have been reading Part 7 before the anime even came out.

I could say some ironic "It's her turn" memes from Yea Forumsfags that simply want to piss off Jojofags. It's going to suck when this happens because Part 6 is one of my favorite parts.

He named Doggystyle after Snoop Dogg's album because it's the stand of the Weed Appraiser. Why, you ask? Because Araki is BASED AF.

Araki seems to go back and forth on whether Josuke fixes or rewinds things.
He sometimes fixes things incorrectly like the bully's face and the shard of glass with blood in it that he hit Kira with, which means he can repair anything to a state he chooses.
But other times, he uncooks spaghetti, which is rewinding as opposed to repairing, and he fixes stamps and lottery tickets, even though he didn't know what they originally looked like.
The inconsistency is whether he blindly restores things to a previous state, or if he just alters them to his perception of "fixed".

>posting art from the manga means fujo
I'll give you the other poster

>be black skinned
>from africa

Neither of those are my posts.

Pretty sure he fixes things "incorrectly" when he's pissed. Bully, Angelo stone, I guess Kira homing glass also counts... He's not fixing glass back into window too, he's fixing his blood, which causes bloody glass to gravitate towards his blood on Kira's shirt.

he just reverses entropy lmao

I didn't say Avdol is not black, I said that Egyptians aren't.

You're fucking retarded, a fujo is a person, 99% of the time a landwhale washed ashore from tumblr, who projects homosexuality onto heterosexual/non-sexual characters, stop acting autistic.

Context user, he posted gay porn, then proceeded to proclaim he was "Always the best" in response to another comment, its not the panel that mattered its the context.
Then I'm sorry you got caught up in the argument.

>a fujo is a person
A female person. Men can't be fujos.

And still, those are minor inconsistencies with essentially 1 ability of changing things back into how they were before.
Giorno's abilities range from creating animals to the world for 1 person to beach boyishly reflecting damage to straight up healing to sensing enemy presence to tracking people down to having animals track people down to grateful dead-ing a tree to death to...
When I just started VA I thought he would come up with insanely creative strategies using the absurd variety of animal and plant kingdom. Like idfk, poisonous mushrooms, poison ivy, fire-shooting beetles, pistol shrimp, trapping enemy in tree roots, etc etc idfk... It's like the type of thing that madman Araki would research on and use. Needless to say at this point I'm very disappointed with how GE turned out to be. Only Sticky Fingers, Yarosumisu and Doppio warm my heart.

Tumblrinas aren't fujos

Why didn't Giorno make Polnareff new legs

Originally yes but as the slang evolved it encompasses any fatfuck shipping two straight characters, its not as literal as it once was.

But he also breaks the ground in the Highway Star arc and fixes it incorrectly into a wall.

Why didn't Giorno make Polnareff a new body.

A wall is just ground lifted up

I can tell you what is way worse than gayly shipping straight characters
Making Jo2uke a cuck and force him to watch Tooru fuck Yasuho

That's hot

But the slang didn't evolve. You are just using it wrong.

No, it was just the road being horizontal.
The question is, why didn't it go back down into the road where it was before? While you are at movement inconsistencies, we can mention Okuyasu floating back into his cut off hand, but Kira's cut off hand floating towards Kira...

road being vertical*

Kill yourself.

>When restoring a divided object, the user is able to control which part acts as the starting points for the rest to gather towards

Still, he should've brought Kira back and punch his dick off instead of following him and letting him kill Aya and run into a crowd of office foofighters plankton

That may be true, but that's just a problem with how Araki wrote the scene, not an inconsistency with the stand power.

Pol's legs completely healed up I imagine and were nubs. Giorno's have to cut off the very tips of his leg stumps and do stuff from then. And I don't know how cut off legs adjust after however many years. Not that there was even really time to do anything in the first place.

Josuke used Okuyasu's severed arm to bring him back through the wires after Chili Pepper took him. Why didn't he use Kira's severed hand to bring Kira back to where him and Jotaro and Koichi were standing?

>Why didn't he use Kira's severed hand to bring Kira back to where him and Jotaro and Koichi were standing?
If I had to come up with an explanation, it's because he had to fix Kira's hand to send Sheer Heart Attack back. Otherwise it would be attacking them freely while Kira was dragged back and he didn't know that Koichi had Act 3.

user you can't be this much of a newfag, slang on this chinese basket weaving forum does not have the same meaning as it would in proper life, so if someone posts gay ships on the board you call them a fujo, its not complicated so stop acting autistic.
That shit was fucked.

I hate to break it to you user but you are the only one who uses the term that way. The rest of the website does not have the same misconceptions that you do.

>If you don't use it the way I do you must be crazy
You retarded newfag, neck yourself.

If you don't use it the way I do you must be a newfag

>Can't greentext properly
You're digging your own grave at this point newfag.

Made my day
Ever heard of Hiwasa Guboi? The greatest samurai to have ever lived? He is said to have been dark as night.