It got the axe bros. Alongside Higuma, Ne0, and David. How do you feel?
Shokugeki no Soma
like I just got a diseased leg amputated. Very relieved that I don't have to torture myself reading this again.
how many chapters left?
[citation needed]
Go to the thread where an user is dumping the new series of WSJ. Kishimoto’s new work being one of them, but I don’t think he dumped it.
poor tosh
citation still needed
25ふたりの太星 福田健太郎
27トーキョー忍スクワッド 田中勇輝/松浦健人
Dumb Tsukudafag.
That's not a citation.
how many chapters left?
Not sure. I think enough for another full volume. We’ll get more info when the ToC leaks.
Are you an EOP? Why do you think some nip text is a source? Post the source where that came from, dumbass.
Don’t have the source. Got the info from another thread. If you don’t wanna believe it despite the magazine getting four new series then don’t. The ToC will be out in no time.
stage 1 denial
You shouldn't try to claim things as fact when you don't have a source. It says more bad things about you than it does to people who won't believe you despite it making sense.
Chainsaw Man safe.
Yea Forums is wrong again. Like always!
wasn't that just a hoax or is it real this time?
Shit, I thought it was real for a second. But it's anime logic that best girl never wins.
I feel like the only reason that it's continuing is because he couldn't manage to cram a romantic resolution into the end of the Central takeover arc anyway. Manga should have ended then. It's starting to feel like Cooking with Goku.
you faggots said this last time, turns out it was some user fucking with everyone. i won't believe it until i see it
Now that the axe is confirmed, how many chapters left?
What is this? Can someone explain me?
Last time I believed some random user that this shit got axed, nothing happened. So fuck you cocksucking gay OP for trying this shit again.
Also, Megumi is cute! CUTE!
They just filled up volume 35 with chapter 308, so presumably 9 more chapters to fill out volume 36.
>user brings nips rune but can't read it by himself
That's not a confirmation. That's just a guess by nip user.
The last two lines are "They'll axe 4 series for new series, and I guess it will be Souma, David, NeO and Higuma, because they are shit on TOC recently."
>Souma, David, NeO and Higuma, because they are shit on TOC recently
It's not set in stone but it's a solid prediction. I don't keep up with David, but Ne0 and Higuma have already dumped their tragic MC backstories in preparation for the inevitable axe and Soma is already at its finale.
No confirmation yet.
Wait, it got axed ?
Pretty much
>Also, Megumi is cute! CUTE!
>Also, Megumi is cute! CUTE!
straight based
Stage 1: Denial
That garbage suffered from terrible arcs.
it was always:
>You must win every cooking match otherwise this manga will immediately be ended
>They win every time
Boring trash. On repeat.
You just now the romantic resolution will be left open for the reader's discretion
I haven't followed it in forever. I just want to know who wins.
Asashi will defeat Souma and marry Erina in the end
Souma will be comforted by Meat and they'll finally see they're perfect for each other
It already got the axe months ago. Probably they got the Axe notice at the start of Blue.
Nobody is really competing besides Erina. Megumi has never been romantically involved with Soma and Meat is barely even a background character at this point.
Should I read this to see how hard it wrecks or just not bother?
There will be four new series in the next magazine, so WSJ has to cancel four running series in order to give them its space. Gokutei, ne0;lation, Shokugeki and David are the worst ranked series right now so their cancellation is undeniable.
Too many.
this shit should have been much gayer.
They should just transfer long running titles that are tanking to a monthly mag since it's obvious the authors are getting burned out. This way they'll get a proper chance to regain their stride or at least properly conclude the story.
I thought this was real for a second. I have seen just two season and clearly Hisako is better than that bitch Erina.
>here will be four new series in the next magazine
In the next month, you mean. These series are coming throughout May and one is coming in June.
You seem to misunderstand, most of us want this to be axed so tosh is free to work on something good again. But last time is was “confirmed” to be axed it turned out to be bullshit.
So I’m skeptical until is see something official from jump.
I want this to be true so the series I liked stop getting shittier and shittier
I don’t know why anyone believed that user. The previous issue didn’t state BIG ANNOUNCEMENT or HEADING TOWARDS THE ANTICIPATED CLIMAX. We have four series coming through so it makes that currently running ones will/have gotten cancelled. Soma probably has a volume left at most.
How the fuck did it nosedive into shit so quickly? I've never seen a drop of quality this bad in a very long time.
Maybe Gantz, and that was caused by urging the author to finish the series.
Too little, too late. Should have gotten the axe in the middle of Azami's arc to spare us from everything that came after
>So quickly
It has been getting worse and worse since the Autumn thing, which was like 3 or 4 years ago. Central arc was hot garbage, and this was just the expected drop in quality with how stale the series was getting and how he was going to be forced to put more retarded shit after winning against the elite 10.
This. Central was shit.
It wasn't that quick. Asami was salvageable, but still shit. And the reasons why it was shit (push aside likeable characters to put the spolight in Erina, matching Soma against opponents he had no business beating in fights where it was obvious that he would win) were already present in the manga. The characterization took a nosedive in Asami arc, but that is probably because of the mandatory Erina push to make her Soma's OTP.
And Blue is probably so awful because the manga was axed and instead of focusing on giving a good emotional pay off to the series they went for increasing the stakes again.
How can a branch of the family be so perfect and the other so fucked up?
>this is suppose to be soumas story
>last volume cover will probably be the other side to this with the dumb nakiri side
my sides.
>Megu never won a fight properly
best girl deserves better
She was supposed to be recognized by Shinomiya and then make 20 babies with him like a good country side girl, is not fair bros.
Why is that ice cream censored?
I haven't read this shit for months, did they ever bring up his mom again?
yes (sadly)
It just went to full shit, don't even bother.
About fucking time.
redpill me breh.
Much better.
>open up archive of choice
>search keywords "shokugeki" and "shit"
> mfw we all read it but we are happy it will be gone
> mfw not one person who will miss it
What's his next work? I'm more interested in that.
Really breh....I might as well read the manga...
Couldn't you just redpill me quick?
I just hope he gets back drawing hentais
The worst part is that this isn't even true, but the author was under the same delusion. You totally could have had an arc where Souma lost and had to join Central for a while, or he got expelled and had to work his way back into the school. There were tons of options since nobody actually died
How would you fix it?
I'd just get rid of the Azami arc and subsequent arcs and turn this into a SoL style where Souma and the others just go to class, clubs and dorms and have a good time learning about techniques and recipes. The school would receive exchange students from all over the world who would compete with the main protagonists.
The manga would extremely benefit from more school festivals and more episodes where the entire group just hang out together
Thinking about it, I'm sure the author heard the manga was getting axed by the beach chapter and had to rush for his final arc
Rather than get rid of the Azami arc I would make it not actually shit.
I would have Mad Dog and Hayama play a bigger role and would shift Megushit and Takushit to the background where they belong.
I would have more SomaXErina moments and develop their relationship seriously and I would actually make Azami a worthwhile character as well as shed more light into why he did what he did instead of how underwhelming he was in the end.
I would have Azami duel Erina and Soma and wipe the floor with them only for Jou to come in and beat him in the end.
Next arc would focus on Soma's mom and Erina's mom etc.
Hermano would never fucking exist.
Dogfags and Curryfags still exist?
They obviously told the author to wrap it up with how poorly the received the last ark ended and the current one started. I mean he's already gonna beat el harmano so of course its ending soon.
Fuck off.
The best moment in the series was that 3-way final between Soma, Dog and Hayama.
Nothing has ever been as hype since.
That was the peak of the series.
Most people agree.
It deserves to get the axe.
People agree that the entirety of the Autumn arc was the peak. Not just that one battle.
I love me the staggiaire arc
On a similar note I would've liked a few more challenges that didn't have expulsion on the line. Give Soma and friends more opportunities to fail and learn from their mistakes instead of have them winning every time because the plot demands it.
I can't remember when was the last tiime they simply developed their skills thru classes and not just on the last minute by the power of friendship
Yes but that battle was the peak of that arc.
It was meh.
About time, I was expecting it.
>soma has its days counted
Damn, finally.
>david got the cut
I will never not be mad at this
Kind of sad if Ne0lation really does get knocked aside. It was starting to grow on me. I'll miss Higuma too but I'm in the minority.
>expected more character interaction and development stuff after that long shitty central arc
>got more tournament and fight shit,oh there's evil dark chef now so have fun
It feels like going to my grandmother's funeral after she spent five years spiraling into dementia so bad she could barely tell what was going on around her.
I'm going to marry Megumi!
Hisako is best girl, no contest.
Felt like it got axed when the whole elite 10 takeover started, everything so far has been rushed faster than Toriko.
Someone should fork Shokugeki after the festival arc and continue the story from there. Add more SoL, delay Azami and actually plan what will happen, etc.
This. Except with Naruto becoming that uncle who used to be kind of cool until you saw all his flaws as they amplified worse and worse until you realized he was the biggest loser around. And he's still around at family get together and you really wish he'd leave but he brought his new girlfriend over Samurai 8 and his hellspawn that breaks all your toys Boruto.
the series should end with souma and pregnant erina wearing isshiki's apron in the kitchen cooking for each other
> Megumi has never been romantically involved with Soma
go read again the manga Megumi is the only one who has a relationship "romantic friendly"with Soma
>Nobody is really competing besides Erina.
Erina and Soma have never had development except in one fucking chapter
if Erina win is only because muh popularity and not because of good writing
Good lord what a bunch of whining virgins in this thread. Yet there is a huge thread discussing Naruto still very active lmao you fags got shit taste
As with all things in this world, skin pigmentation leads to degeneracy. Albino waifu master race.
Well duh. Erina and Soma have like 30mins of conversation in the entire manga.
Shitkugeki no More
Higuma was pretty good for a generic battle shounen, but the author made a bad choice in it being a demon hunting series. There are too many manga with the same concept right now so it had 0 chance of standing out despite its way above average writing. I hope the author is eventually able to get a proper serialization.
Fucking finally. Maybe Tosh can go back to doujinshi.