Why are you mad that Jeanne found her soulmate?

Why are you mad that Jeanne found her soulmate?

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I am fine with Sieg fucking Jannu.

Literally 4 people fucking if this every happens.

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I want to see this in a doujin so badly.

Because she's supposed to be for (Me).

wtf bros you told me she was pure!
Damn frog godless frog propaganda!

>trusting the french "people" ever
There's a reason Bong's hate them.

Anglo and Lindypilled

Relax and hit the bong once again. Feel the herb, m8.

I'm not
Terrible characters deserve each other

Why be a frog or an a*glo when you can be a connoisseur of German engineering?

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Harsh and edgy, but untrue in the "terrible" departament.


It's mostly fgofags who were mad

Booru quality bait.

I can see why.

Is Illya canonical german?

Both terrible characters from an even worse franchise.

The real Jeanne would crusade her way into Japan and smack Nasu&co. with an iron-clad Bible.

The Einzbern have their castle in Germany iirc.

Sieg ruined Apocrypha.

Sieg is Apocrypha

Neuß, finally something good from my shit-country.

Shirou ruined Fate

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>user can't count
It's 5.

t. Shinji

That's exactly right. If you want to bitch about the protagonist ruining a series in a franchize because "too much attention" on them, then all the franchize should get shit for it because it dared to have mcs in its stories.

user didn't count Laeticia because in the end of the story she's not fused with Jeanne.

No, I'm sad I haven't found mine.

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Well fuck you Apocrypha had a KINO ending

I agree.

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Sieg is pure and for (Me)

user, you petvert!

>Sieg is pure
Sieg's alignment is lawful evil due to the fact that Fafnir has taken over his body while Siegfried fused with his soul

>french whore jealous of british failure finds someone worse than japanese sword autist
It's kind of amazing actually.

It's actually Neutral Good, according to FGO.

Because that's not that the real Sieg it's an astral clone, Sieg/Fafnir cannot exist on the human side cause he is an anomaly therefore the world rejects him to TRSoW

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How do you know his alignment?

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i am sorry but jeanne cant fuck a dicklet

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Jeanne doesn't know what doujins are too

He literally fused with Fafnir the most viscous and greedy evil dragon known to lore. Vortigern is a hatchling compared this one, neither Odin had the balls to wage wars against Fafnir and his brothers even before his dragonification.
Furthermore Sieg robbed mankind's salvation from it's saviour, as both of the world and himself viewed it as evil. But to Fafnir it's just an act of taking back what's his mine on the first place, Rheingold.

Why is he described as a kind and gentle dragon by Manaka then? Why did he realise that the confession of love from Jeanne was what he had always wanted?

Sieg getting cucked by Astolfo does wonders to my dick

How about this picture, user?

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More importantly, why is he good to the MC of FGO in the Apo "Inheritance of Glory"?
I think it's because his body turned into a dragon. His soul stayed his own.

the problem with this is astolfo wouldnt really care he gets threesomes now

Which Episode was this?

Season 1 episode 1

Wut i don't remember the animation being this good

Shirou is literally the only good human character in FSN other than Kirei.

He's such a good boy.

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Muh Taiga
Muh Kuzuki

Muh obnoxious gluttonous freeloader
Muh murder robot

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notice how sieg is leaning away, he finds the situation disgusting

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Being surprised is not being disgusted,user.

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jeanne is so cute