ITT: Plot twists you absolutely did not see coming

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You really didn't see that coming?

they really pulled a sneaky on him

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Is this the touhou manga thread?

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Long hair and armpits too lewd

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>dangerous technique has actual consequences

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>tfw no oni GF


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wait what is this? looks like helck art

Fucking kys for posting garbage like that.

Plz no yussy dude.

Kasen chan so beautiful!!

*afro nerd introducing his normie gf to kurosawa*

>not recognizing touhou in year whatever were living right now

Kasen will kill you during sex user

Worth it.

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It's a reddit meme.

Yeah... sorry

Is it true that Japan collectively saw that one coming a mile away?

Her true identity.

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Sieghart being the skeleton.
My 5th grader self cried.

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damn, I didnt expected it.

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Hasn't this manga been around since a long ass time ago? That's some dedication on the artist to keep drawing even as Touhou reclines.

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It’s not reclining that hard anymore. It’s also popular with little girls apparently.

In hindsight, this shit was foreshadowed to hell and back, but it legitimately shocked me at the time.

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There is a difference between twists and asspulls

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Fuck, i still haven't got over it

Ore dake no jikan daze!

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Mizukami does an interesting variant of this pretty well, where he'll completely deflate someone's big, pompous, dramatic plans and climaxes when nothing actually goes their way at the pivotal moment like they expect. Spirit Circle has a particularly good one.

The closest thing to the main villain is possessing the MC and has been talking down to him all day, especially about how he knows his mother will die during childbirth and her baby will be still born because he can see the kid's future. It's been one of the main things he's been using to beat down the MC with, the immutability of the future. Being a real self important dick about it. Doesn't work out to well for him after this.

Another aspect is most of the MC's previous incarnations he's been living through the entire series have an antagonistic younger brother which the MC doesn't have. Yet. So you've been expecting a shitty younger brother to be born eventually. Then he ends up with twin younger siblings, totally bucking the trend of his past lives.

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Marley and the entire world

Rave was kino as fuck. FT not as much

It was heavily foreshadowed user

Fuck you Kagumoko OTP.

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While everyone that read it knew Kengan was full of surprises, I don't think many people expected this to happen due to how used we were to the usual tropes. I sure as hell didn't.

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The big reveal that Oz wasn't human in Pandora Hearts actually got me. In hindsight it was pretty obvious but of the many twists in that series I liked that one the most.

The only bullshit aspect of this was how LITTLE damage it did to pickle

>The Dragon Round

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