Lain without make up

Lain without make up

Attached: 1528238513697.jpg (801x601, 137K)

expect a visit later today

Attached: LainToting.png (225x405, 102K)

The fuck even is that

oh yeah, bring it on!

Attached: 98b.png (236x236, 92K)

A mechanicus project.

That's some kaiju stuff you got there user.

beep beep beep, doki doki

Attached: flesh-computer-4.jpg (1291x535, 63K)

Golly, sure looks like heresy to me user

It's just a machine spirit with a bit of flesh still attached. No heresy here.

You know, I'm not a bolthead but I'm pretty sure machine isn't supposed to have flesh attached to them in any way, are you sure this is not heresy?

Unless you count your grill as a heresy, no user.


not loving lain is heresy!

Its too late Ive already called exterminatus, they should be here in about... 400 years

lain is beatyu

Cooling foam? Insulating foam? Meth-fuelled art project?


>You know, I'm not a bolthead but I'm pretty sure machine isn't supposed to have flesh attached to them in any way
The archmagi would like to have a word with you.


It's the Dawson's Creek Trapper Keeper.

This site is getting more and more reddit every day.