(Ice) Kaguya really is a good girl and she does not deserve this suffering

(Ice) Kaguya really is a good girl and she does not deserve this suffering

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Other urls found in this thread:


she fully deserves it because she is a dumb unstable bitch

Is it bad that I want to see Kaguya emotionally destroyed

where is otter ?

>keeps cucking prez

She deserves the worst

If prez can't accept or handle Ice kaguya then he doesn't deserve her.

Hunted to extinction

I know what you are implying here but she is not into incest, user

How can you people read such garbage? Force drama

let Faguya die alone like dumb bitch she is

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I think that Prez loves and accept everything about her

now he just needs to learn how to handle her and not end up on a hospital bed

>chapter that ends with a major hurdle being resolved
>otters nowhere to be found

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lino is for ryona

>torturing whom literally cums from it

You know, ryona is no fun if the subject kinda enjoy it.

God I hate this women's logic the most.

Ice is Nice!

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He fell for her when she was still Iceguya so I don't think that's an issue.

Is it translated yet?

if it were just some random slut then you should definitely pumpndump, but Kaguya is worth it for dealing with her issues


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>implying it's limited to women
Most people want their flawed self to be loved instead of just the facade they put every day, men included.

this great

god I wish I can find someone to pump and dump

yeah, prez deserved better.

Please don't even think of posting THAT Miko picture.

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>Christmas party arc soon

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>bohoooooo nobody likes me because i'm a cunt who does tge the same cuntish shit that the mean instructor did
>pity me bohooooooooooo
fuck kaguya and fuck her spoiled ass shit

I think you mean prezs funeral after dying on christmas day


Oh shit it's Aka's Stand!

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Akko when can you stop being a bitch

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It's impressive to see how much someone can miss the point and have no reading comprehension. You're almost as retarded as that DID shitposter.

I mean, I don’t hate you despite being a cunt and you posting the same dumb shit every day, bro.

Surely you can learn to compromise

this pic hurts

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>then he doesn't deserve her.
Kaguya is the one who doesn't deserve prez in the first place, she lucked out really hard.

We joke, but if she won the Ishibowl or some nonsense, I can't imagine what the threads would look like

I will make some predictions. I don’t care if Aka will look at this and laugh at me like I am an idiot.

Ch150: Christmas kiss
Ch160: Ishigami arc turning point
Ch170: Yakuza/police/prince arc officially introduced
Ch180: 4 page sex

Assblasted Iinofags being annoying, so the usual.


Fucking really?

The next chapter is Prez in the hospital, Ice Kaguya goes to visit him, only to find another girl there instead.

So begins the LA HERMANA arc where she BTFOs their dad to take over the Shinomiya group, dunks on Fujiwara like no one ever before, and plans to NTR Kaguya to steal away Miyuki's tongue.

>Oh woe is me, my rich family is oppressing me, if only there was someone to save my from my terrible, affluent life

But user they are currently inside a hospital

Yeah, we get that you're a retard, you can stop samefagging.

>doctor says prez is fine and probably just overworked
>prez and kaguya talk and end up kissing
>prez dies right after on christmas day because the quack doctor ignored the signs of a heart attack

They're teaching her to be a fucking sociopath. Money has nothing to do with this.

>You're rich! You're not allowed to be sad!
Retarded commies.

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>LA HERMANA can reverse time just by reading a schedule.

All to have Prez's cooking for herself.

>dead as fuck thread
Killed by Kaguya de Hielo.

In that case I welcome Aka's madness

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This is the normal state of Kaguya threads, activity for spoilers, raws and chapter release.

No, it's because we already had two threads about last chapter, and because there is never a lot of activity at this hour. But please keep shitposting to keep this worthless thread alive if that bothers you.

Thank god. Ebin 24/7 shitposting general is the worst.

No, OP but you deserve all the suffering that goes on in your pathetic piece of shit life.

Glad anime only fags moved to something else, we can patiently wait for chapters now.

god I wish we were back to jag’s day when spoiler doesn’t ruin the fun

Only because no one bothered to post them, because they always existed.

Yeah, Kaguya wasn't a bitch back then.

Based and doctorpilled. Also nurse a cute

I want to fuck that nurse!
no homo

Maybe because Kaguya wasn’t that popular those days, so nobody ever thought about those spoilers.


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Nurse is actually Hayasaka in disguise, infiltrated.


Miko eats a lot. Miko farts at lot.

Ew no that looks way too sweet

That fact doesn’t bother me at all. Does that mean me and Miko can happily marry and have kids now?

>Not drinking the sweet love juices of a Middle Schooler
What are you gay?

I want to eat healthy fried vegetables with beef and become stronk like Kaguya sama

>Both Prez and Kaguya don't even rely on her for romantic advice
>Neither did they tell her they feel that way about each other at any point despite her love for such topics

They do exactly what Fujiwara hates by totally excluding her, even if it's initally played as a joke. But as Prez said, there should be some truth in her statement.

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El Observador de Estrellas vs Kaguya de Hielo vs El Mentiroso de Ai vs user the Faggot

This to be quite honest

>anime made her a meme
>absolutely nobody in the Stuco trust her
>her "best friend" curses her for every trivial shit
>is practically irrelevant for the entire length of the series
Holy shit
why Aka hate Fujiwara so much

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>her "best friend" curses her for every trivial shit
geee I wonder why

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I haven't read for a little bit. why did she become ice in the first place? Seemed like she was happy that they kissed.

People who say Normal Kaguya can’t be as much of a cunt as Ice read through rose tinted glasses

Quiet down guys bakaguya wants to sleep

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She's kind of a cunt, but she has the baka side to compensate, that's whys she's better.



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Kaguya is the one who doesn't deserve him
Her shitty fetish will end up killing Prez

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Is this the actual line in JP?

is this filler arc still ongoing

The jp line is a meme, a twitter one at that.

She has a disease.

Remind me, did Tsubasa change himself (e.g. dying his hair) for Kashiwagi or did he do it on her whim?

> absolutely nobody in the Stuco trust her

That's a sound judgment, given how she blurts out secrets with no fucks given.

She protects secrets if asked to, because canonically she's the kind of person to keep promises.

> she blurts out secrets
She keeps secrets she was asked to keep, though

>absolutely nobody in the Stuco trust her
Miko does, even if it's because she's gullible and easily manipulated

Ice is nice but she'll punch you twice
So be concise or she'll criticize

Prez does, but I don't think he could deal with Fujiwara "learning" that he loves Kaguya and the shit they've done, because she'd be laughing for a year straight.

She's trying to change

Because she's terrified about her future and how she has to confront her father to follow Prez. She realized if she doesn't act more logical she will screw up thus she decided to shut down her emotions.

I don't really categorize a blind idolatry as a trust between peers so maybe?

I think it's more about the "if you can't handle me at my worst..." shit. If I love someone I don't even want them to be forced to deal with my worst side.

you can't sleep in the nether

Probably a bit of both
They were already in love by the time he dyed his hair but we don't know much
Maybe in the spin off we'll know more about those 2 and what they did on summer

>being fed by ishigami

She took it too far, anything bad that comes her way is on her now

ask me how I know you are a crazy bitch yourself

>If I love someone I don't even want them to be forced to deal with my worst side.
well said user

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Were there anymore spoilers yet aside from the first 4 pages?

Begone thot.

>I can't show someone my vulnerable side because I have trust issues

>I don't want people I care about to deal with unnecessary shit

If you actually fall in love, I doubt you’d feel the same

the discord kiddies must've woken up

>unnecessary shit
sounds like you have a lot of unpacking to do, user

> Maybe in the spin off we'll know more about those 2 and what they did on summer

Maybe Maki sent Karen and Erika on a spying mission. That could have happened.

I want to protect them
Especially Hayasaka


What do you me-

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>some autist said earlier you can't die in minecraft with full armor
>it actually bothered me enough to make an edit

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there is a difference between also letting your partner see your weak sides and willfully inflicting your bad sides on them

you lose your armor so it would look like this

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Prez has always been too good for her anyway

I want Hayasaka's blue piss.


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That nurse's head is huge.

It's not like iceguya is chimping out on him, she's just being hard to read

Thank you lads I made the edit in a hurry and forgot about that. Also isn't the xp bar on top?

Reminder that Kaguya has had Prez grope her and is a pervert.

He/she(?) also has the same eyes as Kaguya and sort of looks like her. Maybe the nurse is a Shinomiya

Why does the nurse look exactly like Kaguya? Did she travel from the future to protect her father's baseballs?

Actually nvm but to Stoke the autism I'm pretty sure your xp bar also resets when dying so it should be grey too

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>inb4 Aka pulled his SUBVERTS YOUR EXPECTATION under our noses again

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But my bad sides ARE willfully inflicting my bad sides on them.

wait... why is this manga in korean? I thought that Aka is japanese

The Korean release gets filtered earlier, also happens in other manga like Shingeki No Kyojin.

What does that mean? The nurse is El Hermano del Hielo?

Seriously where did this
meme with Aka come from? One of the most beloved arcs in the series is fireworks, and that one being good didn't have much to do with Aka pulling extraordinary surprises.
I think he's just really good at building hype and creating great memorable highlights.

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Sometime Koreans get their hands on the raws before it is uploaded anywhere and release their translation.

>asking why it is in korean
Also, lurk more, newfag

Korean scans + translation

It's probably because he likes to use tropes in an unexpected way. But to be honest he only really does that in comedy chapters, while he's straightforward in his serious arcs, so that meme is stupid.

The cheer teams turned out to be a bunch of nice guys was quite a surprise I'd say. I was sure that they were trying to bully the shit out of ishigami.

Oh yeah, this page did look very ominous back then

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Not really, those kind of people are usually the nicest IRL. But because some manga turn them into assholes as the author wants to make his self-insert look good compared to them, readers expect them to be all like that.

The suspicion that they're assholes stemmed more from the fact that we didn't see their eyes, which is usually a sign that the character is distrustful.

>Tsubame using swear words

(Forgot to add) Our distrust in them stemmed from Ishigami's distrust.
Also: *untrustworthy not distrustful.

50 cc of nut inside Hayasaka

Seems like a misread on Jag's part

kaguya is a slut.

Jag had already dropped Kaguya at this point.

Ice Kaguya
I sleep
Ice Iino
Real shit

Only for Prez.

Huh! For some reason I thought he dropped it after the sports festival.

Who was this again?

Kaguya doesn't deserve prez.

Also, interesting how much reproductive capital seems to like this premise that absolves them of responsibility for being temperamental and acting insufferably.

>not Ice Maki

>forgetting the shitposting hell that occured during the sports festival arc because of the scanlation war
In a way, I envy you.


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Not so much that I forgot, just that I remember it being much shorter than it actually was.
On a side note, do you know the chapter is from?

The doctor from the love sickness chapter

How am I supposed to interpret the three kaguyas?

>reproductive capital

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The good, the bad and the ugly

Mental illness

Her past self, her current self and the I want to rape kaicho self.


I agree with you but tf reproductive capital supposed to mean?

It's the Yea Forums release of this chapter. For some reason that translation was much ruder than the other one.

Must mean the city with the highest birth rates.

>reproductive capital
That post was garbage enough, you didn't need to also use words you don't understand.

He obviously meant women.

I was asking for the number. I already figured it was Yea Forums since I don't recall much swearing in the fans versions, but I wanted to compare it to the fans one.

"states of personality" that somehow needs to be separated/categorized for some reason

I don't think I've ever found a more apt occasion for the use of the phrase "putting the pussy on a pedestal."

Chapter 82.

Here is the other translation

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Thanks! The difference between the two is night and day.

Agree, become Kaguya's husband, inherit her father's wealth and get to fuck Hayasaka everyday is truly worth it

>inherit her father's wealth
implying they would ever chose a woman as a heir.

>Dehumanize wamen
>Putting then on pedestal
How do you figure?

Just the pussy.

I wish I met someone like Tsubame back in highschool, maybe I wouldn't become a trash

As far as I remember, Kaguya doesn't have siblings

>reproductive capital
god fucking damn it i know its ridiculous but gj making me laugh uncontrollably for a few seconds user

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Just imagine if Prez have a "is Kaguya even worth it" monologue/epiphany sometime in the future

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How hard did you speedreaded?
She has 3 older brothers

Based daddy poster.

The moment he gets his dick wet and starts thinking with his brain you mean?

How do you speedread this hard?

That one was really obvious to me actually
Considering that Aka's already made Ishi's past indredibly edgy and miserable the catharsis have to come from somewhere

That will never happen. At best he'll eventually see her as his equal, but he will never feel superior to her even for a split second.

To be fair they only ever talked about it like 3 times in the whole manga
And the 3 brothers thing was only stated in the fanbook

Don't be so insecure
Imagining things is fun
especially when it leads to Kaguya's suffering

She's suffered enough. Let her be happy user.

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Internal conflict? She's talking to herself, it's like when you think to yourself about stuff. At least I usually have a fifferent "personality" when it comes to work, internet, friends and family.
The author explained it using Maki as example

There are indeed particular patterns that this series follows. One of the more-obvious ones is this: notice how Kaguya never ever starts spitting vitriol in her head without something happening to make her pivot immediately to "YOU'RE MY BESTEST FRIEND!"?

Similarly, it takes care to steer clear of a number of things that could poison the romantic fantasy: the obstacles to Kaguya and Prez's love (Gan'an situation/"Romeo and Juliet effect" aside) have only ever been in their own respective heads. Not once has any other person caught either of their eyes, and not once has either of them even begun to consider "maybe I don't like them as much as I used to." There won't be anything that'll make people think "well, if I wanted people falling OUT of love, I've had quite enough of that in my own life!"

So they'll always think the world of each other, even/especially if they don't objectively deserve it.

I think people are just really fucking retarded, and can't help but see visual metaphors literally, or they ignore every single explanation the manga already gives to shitpost.

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My thoughts exactly. But we know how this will pan out in the end. He will eventually be able to win Ice Kaguya over, as will he normal Kaguya.

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But Maki never treats her friends differently though

Holy Trinity reminder.

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If a husband is good most of the time but organizes gang rapes and beats his wife a couple times every now and then, is that fine?

I'm not in the "she doesn't deserve him or vice versa" camp since I think that's a stupid way to look at romance but this really isn't a one sided issue, at this point honesty is how they settle things and they both have to let the other know that they still love the negative parts of who they are (Kaguya's Ice side and Shirogane's weakness).

Current state of Live Action Movies

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Imagine if Fujiwara just blurts out Prez weakness to everyone
It would resolve a lot of things imo

God, she is terrifying.

As we see in the short time she has in the manga. She acts different between the guys at the council and her love interest.
Kaguya simply has internal conflicts on how she should act


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Wait a minute... Why there is a boiled egg in Hayasaka's drink?

Shirogane already kind of told Kaguya he's not great at a lot of things, what she doesn't know is how hateful he is of that side of himself and how much he does to change it (to the point of putting himself in the hospital), which is probably going to be the focus of the next chapter desu

That looks official. Is it?

Attached: Fujiwara and Kaguya_5.jpg (643x800, 454K)

Yeah, it's the hidden cover for the second volume of the BD/DVD. They did something similar for the first volume.

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Pretty sure those are the BD2 covers. The first volume was like that as well

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what do they say

Fujiwara is going to die isn't she?

>reproductive capital

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Who is that guy supposed to be?
Mid school Ishigami?

>Fujiwara is going to die isn't she?
God I wish
the dead doesn't suffer

The doctor will prescribe a kiss I'm sure

>we're getting a sleeping beauty skit
>Kaguya has to kiss President to wake him up again

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Yeah, that's how he looked back then.

Within the next hundred years, almost certainly. Why?

Unless any elixirs of immortality get brought back from the Moon or something.

Am I the only person who wants the girl Ishigami protected in middle school to find out what he did for her?

he already wakes up though
personally i want a teasing chapter to see blushing ice

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no, me too

Miko will find out sooner or later

You are not.

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No but Ishi wouldn't want that

Oh god... What would she do....

Kaichou just needs to make his special move
that would fix kaguya

True. Why must the best Boy suffer so?.. He needs somebody nice.

You may want that, but the entire point is that it would put all the effort he put into that event to waste by doing so.

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So, the new chapter is called "Our Masks (Kaguya Part 1)". This seems to imply that at least one other character will get their own "Our Masks" arc.

This could be pretty interesting. Maybe it will be used for Fujiwara's first arc.

Eat more food because she's a fatty

>The only way to wake up this man from his coma
>Is with a kiss and a confession

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Hayasaka is an option too, since she literally talks about having to fake her personality to win someone's love.
If we get a "Our masks END" in a few chapters, it will never be used again.

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He really does

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Yeah that's the only reason why I think it shouldn't come out.

It could also be that it will switch to a different character each chapter.

Next chapter might be "Our Masks (Shirogane Part 2)".

Miko? Or the cheer girl?

I'd think it would be next chapter with Shirogane to address his perfectionist mask he puts up to hide how little he thinks of his normal self.

Who knows...

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That will be Shirogane without a doubt. He's the one with the biggest mask.

I mean they're all rich. By that metric you could take ishihami's arc as
>boohoo I'm rich and can get all the toys I want but girls hate me!

Yeah, it probably will be. But I think it would be cool if they used the chapter title for other characters, too. They all have their own "masks" to some extent.

So now we've got
>ordinary multiparters
Arcs with multiple parts that follow up each other immediately ("I Can't Hear the Fireworks", "Dual Confessions")
>chaotic multiparters
Arcs with multiple parts that don't follow each other up ("Regarding Shinomiya Kaguya", "Thus Ishigami Yu Closes His Eyes", "Iino Miko Can't Love", "Shirogane Miyuki Wants To Be Confessed To", "Kaguya Wants To Confess")
Largest difference between two parts up till now has been with "Regarding Shinomiya Kaguya Part 1" at Chapter 35 and Part 2 at Chapter 120.
>big multiparters
Series which will have multiparter subarcs ("Kaguya Shinomiya's Impossible Challenge", "Our Masks")
Impossible Challenge currently only has the "Swallow's Cowry" Chapter and Our Masks the "Kaguya" Chapter, which each only have a Part 1 out at the moment
"Freshman Year" arc, which is essentially a chaotic multiparter but the chapters are given a season instead of a number

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What a clusterfuck

Next chapter will still be Kaguya probably, because this one is Kaguya's side 1, so naturally 2 should follow.

I do too, but not for revenge or justice or anything. Like she actually needs to learn that people take advantage of others and that she's not exempt, and no amount of putting her into a bubble will prevent that from happening eventually. It may have saved her from thinking about it in the short term, but when something arguably worse comes for her she won't have the mental strength to go against it because she had no preparation.

Not necessarily, Aka always jump around with those kinda stuff
I feel like next ch will lean more towards comedy

See The Impossible Challenge chapter is the closest to this chapter's title we've gotten up till now and that one still hasn't gotten it's Part 2 after more than 40 chapters.

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The strongest parasite.

Eh maybe, I read it more as Our masks part 1 would deal with Kaguya's side, then part 2 would be Shirogane's.

This is also possible for next chapter, we get some jokes with the doctor then lead into Shirogane addressing his masks.

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Back to your containment general toubunigger.

Ew. That's the most OOC Prez I've ever seen.

Cursed image

Ishigami might go to bat for Somebody else and it comes out. He's the type of guy to do stuff like that.

Is it a kink couple?

There's fanfiction and then there's this...

smol baka a cute

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He's both drunk and hypnotized.

Unless Bakaguya-chan is able to float, her arm must hurt.

Everyone: Aka, you can't just add "part 1" to every storyline and flashback
Aka: *subverts expectations*

Speaking of which, this moment has always stood out to me as Shirogane's mask slipping and Kaguya liking what she sees underneath.

That's more than either of them dare hope for for themselves, but it's almost certainly true.

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Kaguya want to confess is peak kaguya

Did you forget, user? Kaguya has strong arms from archery.

Truly a genius writer.

>being a cunt to others
poor or rich. no one likes an asshole

Of course she can float; they're all figments of her imagination. They can do absolutely anything.

I wonder if they ever have one-person threesomes when Kaguya's feeling horny.

but she killed prez

Aka seriously needs to tone down his SUBVERTS YOUR EXPECTATION boner for God's sake

Now that there's a childhood flashback of Kaguya
It's gotten more weird that there's still no mention of the relationship between her mother anywhere

I've seen "subverts expectations" used as an ironic euphemism for "disappoints" in more places than these threads relatively-recently. If I had to guess, I'd say this usage goes back to The Last Jedi, maybe.

Because Aka's subversion is mostly just him doing his own thing, which ranges from good to just kind of weird. He doesn't go full retard with it and subverts expectations for the sake of subversion while pissing off the fans, like Rian Johnson.

Base Kags: Conscious self
Baka Kags: Id
Ice Kags: Ego
Loli Judge Kags: Super-ego

I-it's not like I WANTED you to psychoanalyze me or anything

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No one said it was acceptable, she was wrong for treating others like that and she knows it. Her being raised to be a sociopath is the reason why she's like that, doesn't excuse it but it's understandable.

does Kaguya even have period? can she get pregnant? she seems frail to be honest

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Cultural Festival is a great example that you don't need to pull bullshit or anything too unpredictable for things to be exciting. Prez being Arsene and releasing the balloons for a grand confession was something everyone and their mother could have predicted, but when they actually saw it happen people got hyped as fuck anyway, just cause of little quirks in the execution like Prez wearing that costume.
Though there were still plenty of moments that caught people off-guard, especially Prez revealing he literally manipulated everyone during the festival and the kiss

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The fuck is an Ice Kayuga ?

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God I hope so.

>Arcs with multiple parts that don't follow each other up ("Regarding Shinomiya Kaguya", "Thus Ishigami Yu Closes His Eyes", "Iino Miko Can't Love", "Shirogane Miyuki Wants To Be Confessed To", "Kaguya Wants To Confess")
"Chika Fujiwara wants to kill herself part 1" coming soon after nobody attends her Christmas party.

Kaguya's mother is like F's internal thought; we only know that they are there (as a plot argument) but nothing else

I like the fact that Prez literally have to distract Fuji specifically
Fujiwara motherfucking Chika
holy shit the distrust and paranoia
it's like she'll destroy everything he holds dear
when she'll probably helps with the balloons if Prez's being honest with Fuji
>inb4 Fuji is a natural-born traitor

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It's ok, she'll just die at childbirth.

>that you spin me right round music

Attached: 1507728213212.jpg (567x567, 129K)

Why didn't you faggots tell me I was watching a horror anime?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai - 11 [720p].mkv_000356.547.jpg (1280x720, 248K)

>watching a horror anime

Me too
I want her to feel bad

IB probably

I do. I know it's supposed to be all cute and shit, like uwu her smile has been protected, but she's going to be worse off long term if she doesn't know.
But I want her to learn by pure chance

Kaguya goes back to normal but prez wakes up as (Ice) Shirogane


Sorry but, Prez feels nauseous just from an extremely poor attempt at being cold to another person, he wouldn't be able to do that.

Attached: Prez is cute too.jpg (468x518, 68K)

Master simp

>another 2 weeks
I can't fucking take it bros

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this but with Kaguya instead of Ebina

Attached: 1556013142284.jpg (508x252, 75K)

He couldn't admit his love to other people, not only to Kaguya, so that's why he had to distract F, she would have interrupted somehow if he didn't, not with any bad intention but F is curious and would have meddle somehow if he didn't distract her or admit his love, since he couldn't admit his love he had to distract her.

She's an agent of chaos, user
She isn't a bad person but she likes to meddle with people so totally she would be there trying to see everything that both Prez and Kaguya would do

Same could be applied to the small pervert comitee member. She's way too small for 16/17 years old

Is either Fujiwara or Hayasaka and so far we all think that it will be about Fujiwara

While he didn't go as far for them, he also did stuff to put Ishigami and Iino out of the way (making them join the festival committee, having Tsubame's performance in the evening, keeping Iino busy with the food stalls). He was paranoid with everybody and really didn't want to let anything get in his way.

Talking about paranoia
I wonder if 4d chess player Prez had a backup plan for Ishigami if he for some reason confessed and got rejected intead on being in stand by status

Why is she so cold? Why she came back being a bitch?

You forgot the otter pic, you dummy.

There's not way to counter that one.

>not Lino

You should probably read the past few chapters before coming here user.

can actually someone shop Miko into this?

She was terrified that she went too far with that kiss, which may make him think she likes him too much to be attractive, so she'd better tsun it up so as not to give him the wrong impression.

Brilliant move, as usual. But blame Hayasaka this time.

Attached: pure_fear.png (1028x499, 315K)

Author is a hack

He outright says he didn't expect him to confess in Ch. 127. It was the one thing that could ruin his plan, though he may have figured something on the spot.

I always thought Ice was superego and base was ego.

You should probably re-read the last few chapters that explain everything in detail.
That was the cause of her inner turmoil and lack of sleep sure, but while she was sleeping, she started to panic because she realized the promise is very faulty, and her father will surely not take kindly to something like that, and she's scared, so she forces herself to shut off her positivity to act "rational", unfortunately, it's not like she can just erase all her emotions since she's doesn't have magic powers, so she can't approach Prez without feeling conscious as shit. She was also doing it partially because she wanted Prez to try and approach her when she was acting like that, most likely because she assumed nobody would ever love a nasty person like her, and isn't aware Prez actually fell in love with her when she was like that, and trying to get a casual kiss from him, probably so they can act like a normal couple afterwards, since if she makes the kisses a "no biggie" type deal, then they can skip the whole "oh fuck I went too far with that mouth rape".

Attached: Kaguya takes damage.jpg (285x354, 36K)

Well, I'm reading, but still pretty early in the series. Don't worry, soon I will catch up.
Thanks user, at least one.
Who isn't a one.

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S2 confirmed right?

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Ice "panic" face in that pic is brilliant

Depends on how well the live action does

Milko Lino

what the fuck

I do not know why this page looks worse the more I see it. it go from cute to unpleasant and now kinda stupid

Attached: 1496347180674.jpg (572x303, 144K)

give me a proper miko pic

September 9
remember that date

Not interested, but I guess it's gonna be cringy as fuck.

Who could forget?

Attached: p11.png (861x1250, 378K)

But that's literally Iino, user

Attached: Miko-Hit.gif (800x701, 626K)

Fuji teaching the prez how to have sex when? I just want to see her die inside slowly like every other teaching chapter. And then she gets knocked up and pres is forced to marry her. Making both girls slightly dead inside.

Guaranteed a good number of people wil go solely because of Kanna and Sho
Her tweet about wrapping up the filming got 70k likes

Yes, wait the announcement in September.


Actually, it's September 6

*September 6th

>weight at birth
kaguya is a very dedicated wife

What are the chances both dorks lose their virginity in a hospital bed?


But the busty sempai who told them their fortune also knew that too

the hotest

Attached: 1548537926456.jpg (1785x1530, 660K)

Hayasaka was the hottest, Kaguya is the cutest.

Attached: 1555610140270.jpg (728x1049, 188K)

I hate Kashiwagi and her stupid fucking boyfriend

kaguya is a bitch in heat

yeah, but Yume is a real psychopath

>fucking boyfriend
Yes, that sure is what he's for to her!

Don't say bad things about Tsubasa he's just a good boy who's been corrupted by that evil crush-stealing slut Nagisa

Kashiwagi is a vile cunt, but she's also a very good person but also a vengeful bitch but also not that bad.

Maki please

Attached: 1555861493037.jpg (744x744, 65K)

Tsundere-senpai, please stop.

Ice is just a punished Kaguya, a girl negated of happiness.

Kashiwagi did literally nothing wrong

How would Kaguya react if Prez actually started dating someone else? How close to suicide would she get?

Are we calling Tsubasa "literally nothing wrong?"

The girl who dates Prez will suicide herself with 10 stabbings in the back

Just imagine Maki 2.0

Attached: x13.png (896x1300, 1.84M)

I don’t even read this and I can tell that Kaguya has some kind of mental illness; should I even start reading or will I just end up blueballed and filled with hatred towards Kaguya?

Depends on who it is. When she thought Fujiwara was in love with him, she panicked and tried to get her to back down by talking shit about him slightly, but she wasn't planning anything extreme, and when she thought Hayasaka had cucked her, she wasn't even angry.

Attached: x9.png (851x1250, 393K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai - 08 [720p]-0007.jpg (1280x720, 179K)

How is Kei so erocute?

Attached: 10.jpg (667x640, 209K)

>Kaguya has some kind of mental illness
Don't read it, we don't need more retards like you who are stupid enough to believe that

You would only come to this conclusion if you intentionally misinterpret everything that's going on. But you probably already know that.

have sex

What are her prices?

Attached: 1550341238630.jpg (1913x3200, 569K)

...in Cambodia

no there's nothing wrong

Why does she have bigger boobs in the anime?

I actually really love this part that shows how Kaguya is immediately concerned for Hayasaka even after she thought she's taking Prez away from her
If it'd been any other girl she'll be killed on the spot

is that an edited photo?

If you look closely it's not a photo, it's a drawing

No, it's the kaguya bully old man face.

thanks god i thought some shit got leaked or something
after what happened to priz i'm on my toes

I don't think she has the guts to kill someone
If it was just a literal who she would just send her to some 3rd world country
Despite her cursing i don't think she would touch either Fujiwara or Hayasaka if they actually had a thing with Prez

reminder that she is the cutest

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is the 4koma spin off any good?

Attached: 875.jpg (480x480, 17K)

pure evil

Here eyes there kinda reminds me of Komi a bit

Attached: t16.png (163x237, 30K)

i miss karen

>nametag scrawl

She died seeing her ship come to life
There is no greater joy

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-13 【辉夜大小姐想让我告白|原作向】【会长×辉夜】勾指起� (844x475, 268K)

Better wages, better breast implants

now i want to see erika and karen reenacting la pieta

Attached: Michelangelo's_Pieta_5450_cropncleaned_edit.jpg (1584x1660, 634K)

I can't believe F just stayed there instead of calling an ambulance
Maybe if she did something she would still be with us...

Attached: 1553211389064.jpg (630x700, 124K)

She's truly the only real winner of this manga.

Lies grow in the telling.

Truly kino

Reminder that despite being an awful person, and being taught to be like that, Kaguya makes an effort to try and change herself for the better, why don't you user?

Attached: Change.png (1800x1297, 583K)

>Kino Karen dies experiencing the kino moment of her kino couple

You can polish shit but it's still shit

Because i don't have someone as nice as Prez in my life to make the effort

Because she has someone she loves and loves her back, duh.

Any sort of human affection makes me feel scared, weird, uncomfortable and sad, and I've given up on the idea of ever feeling joy. I'm convinced I'm not a human being. I'll probaby play games and read manga until 25 when I decide to paint the ceiling with my brain juice.

>until 25



You mean

I'm trying, for him

You got it all wrong. You don't improve yourself for someone else You improve yourself for your own sake. If others happen to admire you for it then that's even better. Do it for yourselves my fellow anons

Rejoicing and celebrations from fellow Omoderafags

Because I'm Too far gone for anyone to save, besides as soon as it's a day before my birthday I'm going to use the helium method to have a nice dream before I go. My only regret is ill never read the end of some of my favorite manga

>You don't improve yourself for someone else You improve yourself for your own sake
Meanwhile Kaguya gives off the opposite message, they both changed to be loved by someone else.

Yes, it's kinda cute

How cute?

I still have the PSD for that one, but I can't find a decent Miko pic, they're all too small.

Give me one to edit. Not necessarily clean, but at least without bubbles covering Kaguya.

Very cute
And it's canon too

Attached: x4.jpg (850x1200, 360K)

I think it's more like they both use each other as motivation to do what they both wanted to, never could do on their own.

Maki needs to move on and get on this dick

They legitimately did nothing wrong, I'm a Maki fag btw.

Truly the most Kino girl.

but I don't want to do it for a faggot I hate

>they start making out
>things get heated real fast
>neck kissing and shit
>Kaguya unbuttons Pres' shirt

Can you believe F went gushing over rare kaguya-chan on the same moment Karen was being prepared for cremation?

Thinking quickly, she composes a brilliant excuse!

Attached: komi_100_10_1.png (701x318, 168K)

Chika's full song got released:




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why is Iceguya so thirsty

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>you will never invite Miko to an orgy
why live?

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Attached: 1550514805378.gif (800x701, 1.28M)

This brings me joy

Attached: kanbaruu.jpg (370x370, 65K)

At least do it without regrets man, wait for the end of those manga. Maybe you will find something in there to keep you hanging on in this shitty world for longer. Hell, there is a possibility that [insert favorite 1 season anime here] will get some continuation, so many franchises are getting revived nowadays.


>second part
GODDAMNIT I can't believe they did this

Attached: LiF6dsv.jpg (346x538, 150K)

Attached: 1529006703280.gif (600x338, 270K)

How was the Viz version of this panel?



No Credit Version of the ED also seems to have been released along with the Full Completed Chika Song.

Probably have to wait until they get uploaded to youtube.

Be warned though. The youtube link had the youtube uploader add a different soundtrack starting at 3 minutes into the video to probably bypass youtube filters.

If you want to hear Chika's full song without someone putting different music at the end, just bookmark these links instead.



Attached: H1321.jpg (180x363, 37K)

How can a girl be this kino?

If only she was part of the main history.

Her death was the most unexpected moment in the series. I'll probably cry like a bitch once the spin-off reaches that point

She is down there for helping in making Maki a cuck, prez you are next.

Attached: Admitted it.png (1002x642, 509K)

Attached: 1548041371070.jpg (698x292, 82K)

Not as bad as I expected, though the scan version remains funnier.

This is the more accurate translation actually.

Attached: 1553988365157.webm (1280x720, 2.34M)

It's my understanding that this is the more accurate version, but I think the other's "DOOON'T finish that sentence!" factor on what otherwise does amount to the same admission (what else would "desire his body" mean?) adds extra punch to the humor.

>When you cum but she keeps sucking.webm

theres like 4 of you


Six. don't leave me out, bro

That would be nicely unexpected

Your shitty analogies are the first thing you should change user.

Official is generally way more accurate, but somewhat less funny, which is a hard call for comedy.

Is Aka not as funny as people make him out to be then?

>all this drama over a high school "romance"
They'll break up after graduation.

Humor is hard to translate.

>implying Kaguya would let Prez be stolen or let anyone else make his baseball team

Attached: 197821471210.png (815x458, 138K)

A general issue with translation is that a phrase in a language will require different wording in another. Viz try to be accurate, but, in doing so, miss out on the essence of the joke.
e.g. "to make a mountain out of a molehill" is "to make a stallion from a mosquito" in Romanian. They have the same meaning(making a big deal out of nothing), but the latter, while more accurate, makes no sense in English.

Because Kaguya is thirsty in general

the Fujiwara ramen short was the best part of the anime

Do you mean after or before they are in America here?

Did anyone upload the clean version of the OP from Volume 1? Don't think I have seen that in the previous threads.

fuck off Aka

what's the translation of the rest of the song

>no ishigami giving mint
it was bad

In the Sarazanmai thread.

They missed Ishigami giving Fujiwara a pack of mints

there's a chance between Impossible to Zero absolute for that

Here we go again...

I started watching this show specifically because of this image. No regrets. Good shit.

>dat quality

Attached: 345.jpg (485x347, 86K)

>literally release a billion balloons
>french kiss
>next chapter
>oh no we didn't confess our love

nigga you what?

Attached: 1504311896608.gif (400x225, 1.52M)

Attached: 1555625174243.gif (600x338, 3.49M)

Prez could fuck Kaguya until her eyes roll to the back of her head and they still can say, "Nope, not in love, lol."

I know some people are desperate but fucking hell

This hurt to watch
Why red of all colors?

Attached: 1555616213018.jpg (331x252, 45K)

What's the rank and Spanish name of this Miyuki?

What if Fujiwara called them out on that?


>People in the comments are genuinely grateful for these shitscans

Guess it's the only place where they get their spoilers from.

>Knows she's a bitch
>Doesn't do shit to change it
I wouldn't call her a good girl

It's none of her business, though.

Whoever did this should do the next one in red comic sans.

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Attached: 1555900988730.jpg (800x450, 71K)

It's not easy to break years of conditioning user, she said it herself, falling back into this state is a bad habit that she realized isn't just going to go away that easily.

Wingdings or bust!

Based and redpilled.

Does anyone have a webm of Chika's wiener dance?

Attached: wiener.jpg (1021x1029, 195K)

You went too far

Attached: 1542687848309.webm (1280x720, 1.38M)

aw hell ye

I'm not against people who try to "snipe" JB, but holy shit atleast make the effort and do a decent job

Attached: stupid idiot.jpg (276x287, 39K)

Thank you kindly.

but why?

Attached: gonna_get_gulaged.png (624x624, 511K)

to be as fast as possible. you need text colors that don't conflict with the background. In most cases, it'd be no problem to use black because it'd stand out against the white background. The problem with Ice is that her text boxes are black so using black text would make her speech invisible. Now, you could just switch to white text for those specific parts but that'd take time. A method of saving time is to make all the text red so that it stands out no matter what the background is

It literally take like 5 seconds to change the color
What the actual fuck?

>stands out no matter what the background is
Red on white is cancerous when it comes to text, though.

also red on yellow, or orange.

would you prefer this?

Attached: 77910430-gay-font-rainbow-letters-lgbt-abc-for-symbol-of-gays-and-lesbians-alphabet-of-bisexual-and- (1300x1300, 166K)

someone is trying to destroy kaguya fandom with this ?
if not, why?

The power of Chinchin moves Kaguya's hips all on their own!

Sniping Jaimini's box, that's the reason.

Prez should develop his own split persona from extreme stress.

Probably not actually
Cause using red would unnecessarily deter even most normalfags from reading it wouldn't it?

I think is more about "I hate this manga, so will do this shitty scan" and less "Sniping JB"

I'm surprised that hasn't happened already.
Normally, yes, but the typesetter really did want to release the chapter for us to read, so he made it like that, according to a comment on mangadex

KaguyIce a cute

Then he should've just done white with a black outline.

>there are TWO chapter 146 on mangadex
why is it gotta be this way

>$5 for ice cream in a small glass of soda
Kadokawa truly kike out with these cafes.

Atleast the 2nd one looks decent

Attached: two.jpg (1024x575, 34K)

>Now there is 2 of them
Oh well

The second one is way better
>We'd be so happy, we could die.
Better that be a bad translation

This is getting out of hand!

Attached: nemoidian.gif (640x400, 792K)

Oh, how did I not see that?

Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker! Fujiwara is a dog fucker!

Attached: 1b8.gif (500x281, 3.03M)

ok which one of you did it

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Considering how fragile Kaguya is, I don't see their relationship last and they'll probably break up in record time

Attached: Lino_christ.jpg (601x690, 101K)

Like I said, they'll probably break up after graduation, assuming their relationship even lasts to then.

those aren't hips those are grab handles

last for the cutest girl
